Possibility • Beck Oliver

By AngelicStilinski

446K 9.8K 1.4K

When Cynthia Valentine Sikowitz goes to Hollywood Arts with her sister, and her secret gets out, will people... More

cast list <3
1. Back Home
2. Sikowitz's Class
3. New School
4. Bird scene
5. Try Number Two
6. Broken Nose and Lies
7. Beck's Big Movie
8. Movie pt.2
9. Understudy/ Will you....
10. Robbys Blog
11. Dale squires/ Rex Dies
12. Rex Dies
13. Diddly bobs'
14. Cat's Boyfriend
15. Kick-Back
16. Sleepocer
17. Sleepover Pt.2
18. The woods
19. The Woods Pt.2
20. Ping- Pong Scam
21. Don't Be Mad
22. Jade's Play
23. Survival of the hottest
24. She Knows
25. Hospital
26. Wi-fi In The Sky
27. Wifi In The Sky pt.2
28. Freak the freak out
29. Freak The Freak Out Pt. 2
30. Freak The Freak Out Pt. 3
31. Crush
32. Begging On Your Knees
33. Cynthia falls for Tori
Announcemt kinda 🧍‍♀️
34. Cynthia falls for Tori Pt.2
35. Ice Cream For Ke$ha
36. Ice Cream For Ke$ha Pt.2
37. Hospital again
38. Goodbye
39. I love you
40. Robbie's Car Parked In His Butt
41. The Play
42. Prom Wrecker
43. Prome Wrecker
44. Locked up! Part 1
45. Locked up ! Pt. 2
46. Locked up! Pt. 3
47. Locked up! Pt. 4
48. Locked up! Pt. 5
49. Locked up! Pt. 6
50. Helen is here
51. Re-audition
52. Bye Bye
53. Who Did It To Trina
54. Who Did It To Trina Pt. 2
55. Who Did It To Trina Pt. 3
56. Tori makes Sikowitz quit
57. Cynthia beats Tori's Ayas.
58. Andre Get's A Crush Or Two
59. Andre Has A Crush Or Two Pt. 2
60. Cupcake Terror
61. Cupcake Terror Pt.2
62. Cupcake Terror Pt. 3
6.3 Cupcake Terror Pt. 4
64. A Christmas Cynthia
65. Cynthia's song for Andre
66. I promise
67. Detention
68. Detention Pt. 2
69. Detention Pt. 3
70. The Gorilla Club
71. The Gorilla Club pt.2
72. The Worst Couple
73. The Worst Couple Pt. 2
74. Breakup
75. Andre's girlfriend
76. Dog Sitting
77. Kiss and make up doesn't mean we're dating
78. The Plan
Trying something out
79. What?
80. Sing A Sorry
81. Jade and Tori's date
82. Tori and Cynthia's duet
83. April Fools Bitches!
84. Bitches Fool April
85. C Batteries
86. Party Bus
88. So Did She Ever Get In?
89. Platinum
90. Both of us?
91. The Twins
92. How Could You
93. How About You?
94. Crazy Ponnie
95. She's Crazy
96. Her names Linda?
97. Ponnie?/ The Blonde Squad
98. Blonde, blonde, blonde and blonde
99. Lucky She's Holding Me Back!
100. Trina's Secret
101. Wanko's Warehouse
102. So which one of us is the flattest?
103. The Triplet Twins
104. Hambone King
105. The Real Hambone King
106. The Hambone King! Queen!
107. We're just getting the fruity feel of these costumes
108. D-dont eat the clams
109. A slightly better screen
110 Tinkle-Aid & Feeferdoon
111. I wish i had popcorn
112. I really need some popcorn now
Thank you
113. A murder? Where?

87. How Did She Get In?

1.7K 43 1
By AngelicStilinski

3rd person pov

Everyone but Tori and Robbie, cause they were currently stuck in Novu cause they forgot their wallets, were sitting at lunch

"You guys know there's this germ called fecercillium that you can get from a spider crawling into your mouth while you're sleeping. Your uvula swells up really big so you cant breath, and they have to cut a hole right here to drain the pus from your throat" Jade said as Andre slowly took the spoon full of pudding out of his mouth

"Ill just eat this pudding cup later" he said putting it down

"So does anyone want some candy?" Cat asked as everyone looked at her

"Sure" they said as she reached into her bra "Gumdrop for you" she said giving one to Jade

"Gumdrop for you" she said passing one to Andre

"Gumdrop for you and you" She said giving one to Beck and Cynthia

"Skiddily dat. Skiddily do. Skiddily dat. Skiddily do. Skiddily dat. Da pa da pa loo la lee la mip mop boop" Trina sang coming out to the lunch room before walking away as everyone just blinked at her

"Wow, she is just awful" Beck said as Cynthia nodded

"Worst thing ive ever head" She added

"Hey, i have a question" Cat said as they looked at her


"Every kid has to audition to get into Hollywood Arts, right?" She asked as everyone nodded



"And Trina has no talent, right?" Cat asked as they all nodded once more

"None whatsoever"



"Then how did she pass her audition and get to go to school here?" She asked

"You haven't head the story?"

"No, but i love stories" Cat said looking at Jade

"Ill tell it" Andre said slurping his drink and setting it down as he began his story

"ok, it was about four years ago. Back then, Trina did have talent. Oh, yes. She could sing like an angel. There she was on that stage singling like an angel"


Trina was in the black box, singling well with her hands clasped

Lane, Sikowitz, Principal Eichner, two other teachers, and even Sinjin were there

They all stood up clapping for her




"Fantastic. Bravissimo"

"Truly amazing, Miss-?" Lane began looking at Trina

"Vega, Trina Vega"

"Well, Trina Vega, as principal of Hollywood Arts, i can tell you right now you're in." he said as everyone clapped

"Oh my gosh. Thank you. God bless you all" She smiled, as they took a break, Trina spun around grabbing her bag and singing a little

"Hey, you got some hot pipes" Sinjin said looking at her

"Aw, thank you. What's your name?"

"Sinjin, Ive been going to this school for a year"

"Wow, cool" Trina nodded

"I set up all this audio equipment, and i run these cables that go to the lights" he said when all the sudden a light came swinging down hitting Trina right in the throat

She fell onto the floor coughing "Oh, are you ok?" Sinjin asked as she stood up

"yeah, yeah i think so, but that light just hit me right in the throat" she coughed holding her throat

"Oh, no. Can you still sing like an angel?" he asked as she nodded

"Let me see" she said before singing horribly.

"Really?" Cat asked looking at Andre as she nodded

"Yep. The light hit Trina so hard it knocked all the talent right out of her" Andre nodded as Jade rolled her eyes

"Ok, that is not how Trina got into Hollywood Arts."

"Thats the story i always heard"

"Well, its wrong" Beck shrugged

"Then how did she get in?" Cat asked as the bell rang as everyone but her began to pack up

"We gotta get to class, Kitty" Cynthia said looking at her

"No, wait'

"Ill tell you later" Jade said getting up

"But im curious now. Please tell me. Please tell me now!" Cat yelled as they all walked away from her

She dug into her bra grabbing a gummy bear "Ill give you a gummy bear!" she sighed before grabbing a different piece "A jelly bean!?" and another time " A pinto bean!? What are you into!!" She yelled grabbing her bag and chasing after her sister

"Kids, kids!" Sikowitz called going over to his daughter and her friends who were sitting on the stairs.


"FYI, im going to be late for class."

"Why?" Cynthia asked looking at him


"Whats up?"

"I got a call from my housekeeper. Apparently there's an odd smell coming from under my bed"

"Well, what do you think it is?" Cynthia asked looking at him

"Oh, i know what it is" he said before leaving

"And that's why i cant live with him and his weird odors" She said shaking her head

"Ok, looks like we got some time" Andre said as Cat smiled

"Yay. So tell me how Trina really got into Hollywood Arts?"

"All right. Here's the real story. So four years ago Trina did her audition, and it was like torture but not the good kind"


"Its an all night party that we're getting into. If you think its all over, than the joke is on you. Its a dream. Its a scene, and its brand new. If you think you cant stop it, then the joke is on you" Trina finished singing horribly

"Great northern beans that was horrible" Sikowitz said looking at her

"Im sorry, uh, but you dont belong in Hollywood Arts" Eichner said as Trina nodded turning around and going toward her back pack

"All right, fellow faculty members, for Trina Vega lets all carefully check the no boxes on our forms" Sikowitz said as Trina grabbed something from her bag tossing it on the ground

"Definitely no"

"Worst I've heard"

"Interesting" Sikowitz said as they all looked at the beeping device

"She has tossed some sort of device on the floor" he said as she put a breathing mask on

The thing stated beeping faster before it blew and smoke started coming out of it

'"Hey, hey. Whats going on?" Lane asked pointing at it

"I dont know. There seems to be some sort of vapor coming out of -" but he was cut off as they all fell to the ground passed out

She walked over to the desk grabbing a pen "Trina Vega, yes" she said marking the yes box before moving to the next

"Trina Vega, yes" and the next

"Trina Vega, yes" and the next

"Trina Vega, yes" and the next

"Trina Vega, yes" and the next

Present time
3rd person pov

"And when they woke up, they had no memory of what happened, and that is how Trina got into Hollywood Arts" Jade explained

"Well, that is a fantastic story that never happened" Beck said looking at the girl

"That's how I heard it"

"Well, anyone want some licorice?" Cat asked looking around

"Ill take one" Andre said as Cat nodded

She got into her shirt pulling a strand out "Jade" she smiled looking at her, Jade sighed grabbing her scissors from her boot and cutting a part of the licorice, and then three more for the others as Cat just ate it from her shirt

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