Something Wicked This Way Com...

By HoneyxMonkey

396 14 10

It's been two years since the battle with the god of war, Vameus. Two years since Douxie proposed to Carter... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 5

23 2 4
By HoneyxMonkey

"Wait, before you go." Oldos said, descending the steps of the dais. "Carter, there's someone who wants to talk to you."

Carter looked confused, and mildly suspicious. Douxie's grip on him tightened microscopically. "Who?"

Oldos gestured to one of the large doors that was tucked away in the corner of the room. It opened and a fuzzy silhouette floated into the room. It walked... well, floated, closer to the Trollhunters. Slowly the ghost's features became more solid and real, until a middle aged woman with curly blonde hair and emerald green eyes was standing before them.

Carter inhaled sharply. "Mom?"

Lily Howard smiled at her son, tears misting in her eyes. "Hello, Carter."

There was a beat before Carter tore away from Douxie, meeting his mother in a tight embrace. Lily held her son close to her, cradling the back of his head, tucking her face into his shoulder. Carter was shaking as he hugged Lily, tears finally slipping past his closed eyes.

"My son," Lily whispered, laughing through her tears. She gently cupped Carter's face, wiping the tears away from his eyes. "My beautiful baby boy. Oh, my love I've waited so long to see you."

Carter covered her hand with his own, staring at her with disbelief. "I...-- Mom, I can't... believe this. How are you here? I thought-- I thought that I'd never see you again." His voice broke on the last sentence.

"I know," Lily said, stroking his cheek with her thumb. "I'm so sorry, Carter."

His brows furrowed. "What for?"

She sighed. "For not being able to protect you better. I should have known what he was up to. But I was... I was so stupid and naive. I thought he loved you. I thought he wanted the best for you, just like I did."

Carter blinked. "You knew what Dad was the entire time?"

"In a way," she admitted sadly. "I knew he was different. And before he left he promised he'd come back for you." Her brows furrowed and her nose crinkled in the same way Carter's did when he was mad. "I spent years trying to find out what he was. Who he was. I got so close and then..."

Carter's eyes widened as he remembered what his father had told him.

"I find it ironic that I kill both you and your mother."

"He's the reason you got sick," Carter felt like he couldn't breathe. "He told me--" he swallowed thickly, grasping his mother's hand. "He told me you were getting too close to the truth. He's the reason you died."

"Sweetheart," Lily reined him back in, keeping his eyes on her. "I would have died anyway. I wasn't like you," she smiled softly, brushing his hair behind his ear. "I wasn't special like you. You were always going to outlive me. Besides, you fought back. You did for yourself what I couldn't do for you."

Carter huffed a laugh and gently kissed her hand. "You did plenty for me, Mom. You did protect me."

Lily's smile fell, her eyes getting a far away, sad look. "Never when it counted..." she pursed her lips. "I wish I could've done more, my love. That I knew what you were earlier so I could have prepared you for the life you'd end up living."

"You knew?"

"That you were a demigod?" Lily smiled sheepishly. "Yes. I finally figured it out a month before you were drafted into the war. And by then it was too late. I couldn't have told you."

Carter's brows furrowed. "Mom, I asked you when I came home on leave. Why didn't you tell me then?"

"I don't know," she admitted, voice a whisper. "I was going to, but something stopped me. There were so many times when you were home that I wanted to tell you I knew."

"Vameus' intervention," Douxie called softly, hovering a few feet away. He locked eyes with mother and son, expression that of heartbreak. "He wouldn't let you."

Lily smiled at him, holding her hand out. "Douxie," she beckoned him forward. "Come here."

Douxie paused awkwardly before he walked forward, taking her hand. "Lily, I'm sorry--"

"You," she said decisively. "Have nothing to apologize for. You did exactly what you promised you'd do."

Douxie gave a slightly strained smile. "I was more than happy to." He looked at Carter and his smile softened. "I'd do anything for him."

"Hm," Lily chuckled, gently grabbing Carter's left hand. He held his breath as she studied the metal prosthetic. Her thumb rubbed over the engagement ring and she smiled. She looked up, meeting his eyes. "Is this what I think it is?"

Carter's smile came back. "Yeah."

Lily laughed softly, tears of joy misting in her eyes now instead. "Oh, my darling. This is all I've wanted for you. I spent so many years terrified what would happen if the wrong person found out about your preferences." She grinned and kissed his forehead. "Has the world really come so far that you can marry who you want to?"

"Yes," Carter said, holding Douxie's hand with his free one. "Nearly a hundred years later, but we can do this now." He smiled at his fiancé, before he looked back at his mother. "I'm going to marry him."

Lily looked so overjoyed she might burst. "Oh, gods above, I knew you two were going to make it." She looked at Douxie grinning still. "You're still taking care of him?"

Douxie nodded, unable to fight back his smile. "Yes, of course."

"Good," she nodded, squeezing their hands. "I know this is probably a little late, but I give you my blessing." She looked between them. "Be good to eachother. I know the road ahead won't be easy, but you're going to make it."

"Thank you," Carter brought her into another hug, kissing the side of her head. "For everything, Mom. I love you."

"I know Carter," she hugged him tightly. "I love you too. And I'm proud of you, sweetheart. So very proud." She pulled back from the hug, gripping his right shoulder. "And Carter? If I ever see you down here again you're grounded, understand?"

Carter laughed. "Yes ma'am."

"Good," she sighed happily, cupping his cheek. "My sweet boy. I love you, Carter."

"I know," Carter said, tugging her into one more hug. "I love you too, Mom."


Watching Lily disappear into shadow and mist, going back into the depths of the Underworld was hard. The way Carter's breath shook as she melted back into the shadows broke Douxie's heart. Nearly eighty years had gone by since he'd last seen his mother. Douxie wasn't sure what was going through his mind.

"Are you okay?" He whispered softly.

Carter looked at him, tears in his eyes. But he was smiling. "Yeah. I got to say goodbye, Douxie. I'm more than okay."

Douxie smiled for him at that. They both knew Lily hadn't been in the most conscious of headspaces when she died. He knew not getting the closure he'd needed that day had hurt Carter more than he was willing to let on. But he'd gotten that now.

He wrapped his arm around Carter's shoulders and kissed his temple. They turned, facing their friends. They all looked like they were in various stages of shock.

"So," Jim said, clearing his throat. He looked like he was about to cry too. "That was your mom?"

"Yeah," Carter's smile softened, and he turned just for a moment to look at where she'd been. "That was my mom."

"You look like her," Claire said softly.

Carter seemed stunned by that. "I do?"

Claire smiled at him. "Yeah. You do."

Douxie didn't miss the way Carter smiled at that, and how his eyes lit up. He glanced at Oldos, who was watching them oddly. "I think we should go."

Jim nodded, taking a breath. He looked at Harley. "You coming?"

Harley's face was set with determination. "Yes. Yes I am." He made his way towards them, taking a deep breath. "I have to." He turned to look at his dads. They gave him encouraging smiles, and Zachary nodded for him to go.

Carter took a step forward, and immediately winced. Douxie saw how he was limping and knew he would need help.

"Here," he gestured for Carter to lean on him. "Love, let me help you."

"Thanks," Carter breathed, clearly in a lot of pain, but he didn't say anything about it.

"So we're just taking the kid with us?" Krel asked as they began making their way back through the castle.

"My name is Harley," Harley reiterated, following them through the short hallway. "Why are you blue?"

Krel blinked, before folding all four arms. He looked unimpressed. "I am an Akiridion."

Harley looked puzzled. "Is that some type of troll or...?"

Jim burst out laughing. Krel shot him a glare. Even Carter looked like he was trying not to smile.

"Oh he's going to be so much fun," Steve decided. He turned to Harley as they made their way across the black barren field of stone. "Hi, I'm Steve."

Harley reached over and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Steve." He was still grinning that very toothy, kiddy grin.

"This is going to be interesting," Carter grunted, shifting his weight ever-so-slightly. His face was pinched with pain, and he was pale. Douxie wasn't sure how he hadn't passed out yet. "Harley?"

The kid looked at him curiously. "Yes?"

Carter took in a deep breath, looking at him. "I'm sorry. For what happened earlier. I--"

"You don't need to apologize." Harley said with a shrug. "I get it."

Carter's brows furrowed. "I almost killed you."

Harley smiled empathetically. "No you didn't."

Everyone stopped just short of the entrance to the tunnel.

"What are you talking about?" Olivia questioned. "Oldos said--"

"My father was over-exaggerating." Harley explained. "He was upset, but if Carter had really wanted to kill me he would have." He gave his older cousin a softer, friendlier smile. "I don't blame you for doing everything you could to get back to your family."

Carter pursed his lips. He looked like he wanted to say something, but ultimately didn't. He just nodded and shifted closer to Douxie.

"Alright," Jim said with a heavy breath. "Let's go topside, guys. I've had enough of this place."

Harley looked mildly offended. "I think we should talk," he said to Jim, following him into the tunnel. "About the prophecy."

Jim looked down at him, brows furrowed. "Right. That. What prophecy?"

"Yeah," Toby chimed in. "There's a prophecy?"

"An old one," Harley explained. "From like, centuries ago." He turned to Douxie. "You should know."

Douxie blinked. "Why should I know?"

Harley raised a brow, giving a sort of, "really?" look. "Myrddin's son," he said, clearly amused. "Also Nimue likes you. You should know what I'm talking about."

Douxie just stared at him. "I... really don't."

"Hm," Harley nodded and turned forward. "Okay then." He glanced at Jim and said, "I'll tell you later."

Jim looked stunned. He looked at Douxie questioningly. Douxie just shrugged helplessly. He vaguely knew what Harley was talking about, but he couldn't remember the specifics of it.

Jim frowned, looking mildly irritated. But he just shook his head and continued walking.

Douxie adjusted his grip on Carter slightly and took a deep breath. "Are you ready?"

Carter gave a grimacing smile and nodded. "Just don't let go of me."

Douxie kissed his forehead. "Never."


The walk back seemed shorter, somehow. Jim didn't understand it, but he had a suspicion it had to do with Harley. Within what seemed like only ten or fifteen minutes, they'd reached the tunnel entrance. It was still closed.

"Um, how are we supposed to get out?" Steve asked nervously.

Harley stared at the now closed door. He walked forward and touched his fingertips to the stone. Purple light pulsed through the rock, lighting up the grooves. The stone slowly faded away, and daylight spilled into the tunnel.

"Alright!" Steve cheered, clapping Harley on the shoulder. "Death kid for the win!"

Harley didn't answer him. He was just staring at the sky with wide eyes, holding his breath.

"Hey," Claire said softly, coming up behind him. "It's okay."

Harley looked like he was in a trance as he stepped out of the tunnel, staring at everything with wide eyes that were full of wonder. It dawned on Jim that Harley had never seen the sky before.

Jim put a hand on his shoulder, getting the kid to look at him. "Are you okay?"

Harley looked around again, gaze landing on the treetops you could see peeking out from the top of the school building. "I had no idea there could be this much color anywhere."

Jim felt something in his chest stir. A great sense of protection he'd only felt a handful of times. "Well," he said, giving Harley a smile. "There's a lot more color to be seen."


Carter knew that look. He called it the "adoption" look. Barbara had that same expression on her face when she'd invited Carter to stay in her home following the battle with Vameus. He wondered if it was a Lake thing. Or just a Jim and Barbara thing, because he knew for a fact both of them had looked at Douxie that way more than once.

"Carter!" His sister's voice broke through the wall of mutterings from the other students who were standing around, watching. Marcy hugged him tightly, obviously not caring that she was getting blood on her clothes. "Oh my gods, what happened?"

Carter blinked, then looked at Douxie. "She doesn't know?"

Douxie pursed his lips. "It all happened so fast, Carter. I didn't have time to tell everyone. Besides, she was in class, what was I supposed to do?"

Marcy looked between them, brows furrowed. "What are you talking about?"

Carter sighed. "I had a bit of a trip to the Underworld. Long story." He gave her a smile. "How's your day going?"

Marcy stared at him. "Are you kidding?"

"No, I'm really asking."

"Carter," she sighed exasperatedly, running a hand down her face. "Okay, I mean-- is it over? Is everything okay now?"

"That is... complicated." Douxie said. "For now we should probably get him to a doctor."

"Yeah..." she eyed his blood covered shoulder. "That looks bad."

"You should see the other guy," he quipped, getting an eye roll from both of them.

"--hang on," Claire's voice drew their attention. She was on the phone, brows furrowed. "Laura, say that again."

Laura's panicked voice came from the other end of the line. "WE NEED A PORTAL! NOW!"

"Okay!" Claire jumped a bit, thrusting her hand out.

A shadow portal appeared a few feet above the ground. Within seconds three half-bloods and a man Carter had only met once came tumbling out of the portal. A trail of smoke tried to follow them through, but Claire quickly dispelled the portal, cutting it off.

Laura scrambled to Jamie and Aanya, wild panic set in her eyes. "Dad!" She screamed to the man, helping Aanya turn Jamie onto his back. They finally noticed the arrow sticking out of his abdomen.

Laura's father came running over. He had a deep cut over his shoulder from whatever they'd been fighting. His hands were smoking, like they'd recently been on fire.

"Oh my god!" Steve shouted, wide-eyed. "What the hell happened!?"

"Story later!" Aanya shouted, looking at them. Her eyes landed on Olivia. Regret washed over her face as she grit her teeth. "Please, help him."

Olivia's face was twisted with a frown, but she stalked over anyway. "This doesn't change anything."

Jamie, who was barely coherent, groaned when he saw her. "I'd rather bleed out."

"That can be arranged," Olivia shot back, but was already pulling the arrow out. Jamie yelped as she ripped it out of his side. She just rolled her eyes. "Don't be such a baby." She placed her hands against the wound, closing her eyes. Golden light pulsed down her arms and spilled into her palms.

The color returned to Jamie's face, and he slowly began to look more aware. The bleeding stopped, and Olivia pulled her hands back, glaring at him.

"Thanks," he said awkwardly, Aanya helping him sit up.

"Whatever," she muttered, getting to her feet in a huff.

Carter gave her a questioning look. Olivia shook her head, wiping her blood stained hands on her jeans.

"Guys," Jim said, stepping forward. "What happened?"

"We got ambushed," Laura said, looking up at him. "I don't know what they were, but they attacked us. In broad daylight, in an extremely public space."

"Where were you?" Toby asked.

"Wal-Mart," the three of them said in unison.

The Trollhunters exchanged glances. Of all the places to be attacked, the middle of a Wal-Mart did not seem like it would be one of them.

"Why were you in..." Jim started, but then shook his head. "Nevermind. What did these people look like?"

"Well," they shared looks. Aanya sighed, closing her eyes. "They weren't people. They were like... ghosts. But not."

"That's weird," Toby decided.

"Super," Jamie said, getting to his feet. Aanya helped steady him. "We seriously almost died."

"Yeah," Laura nodded, looking at her dad. "They were after something. I don't know what it was. But they thought we had it."

"Huh," Jim looked perplexed. "Okay, well..." he chewed his lip as he thought. "Let's get to Camelot and compare notes. We've got a situation." He glanced to the side as Strickler and Antigone walked out of the gym. "And a quest."

All three of them sighed at that.

"Fucking fantastic," Jamie muttered.


Carter flinched as Barbara finished the last of the stitches. "Ow," he muttered.

"Sorry kiddo," Barbara said softly. "Are you okay?"

Carter sighed, rolling his shoulder as she took a step back. "I'll be fine. Had worse..."

His mother-in-law-to-be pursed her lips and gently ruffled his hair. "I know. You're good to shower, if you want to. The stitches probably won't come out."

Carter snorted. "Probably," he looked at her as he stood and smiled. "Thank you."

"Of course," she gave him a side hug. "Get some rest."

He nodded. "I will."


Douxie collapsed onto the bed with a sigh, arm over his eyes to block out the light. His head was throbbing, and he just wanted to be able to relax. Archie sat by his head, ears twitching at the sound of the water running. Fenris was sitting by the bathroom door, waiting for Carter to come out.

"Douxie," Archie said softly. "Are you okay?"

Douxie quietly shook his head, not bothering to lift his arm. "I don't know what to make of everything, Arch."

Archie sighed, laying his head on Douxie's chest. "It'll be okay, Douxie. I know you're scared, but it'll be okay."

"I could lose him," Douxie whispered, hands beginning to shake. "We were supposed to get married today."

Archie was silent for a long moment, then he lifted his head and nudged Douxie's arm. "Douxie, you need to sit up."

Douxie let out a breath, not wanting to. But he did as Archie instructed. "There's something going on, Archie." His familiar climbed into his lap and started purring. "Antigone is part of it."

"I know," Archie murmured. "But don't think about that right now. Just breathe."

Douxie tried. He took a breath once, twice, three times. Slowly his heart rate slowed down. Then the bathroom door opened and Carter stepped out, toweling his hair dry. He was wearing one of Douxie's jackets, a pair of boxers, and basically nothing else.

Douxie gave him a smile as Carter climbed into the bed and laid down next to him. "Tired, love?"

"Mmm," Carter gave an absent hum, eyes closed.

The wizard gently stroked his cheek and jaw. Archie looked between them, cleared his throat, and hopped off the bed.


"Carter's in a mood, so I'm going to take that as my cue," the dragon who was currently a cat answered, motioning for Fenris to follow him. "Lock the door."

Douxie stared at the shut door, blinking as he tried to get his brain to wrap around what Archie meant. Then it clicked when Carter's right hand slowly slid up his thigh. "Darling, are you really sure you're up for this?"

Carter sat up, and he just looked so weary. But also like he desperately needed him, so it was a weird combination of concern for his soulmate's health, and his desire to give him what he needed.

"Yes," he said quietly. "I am. I'm more than up for this."

"I'm not sure we have time--"

"Please," Carter whispered.

And Douxie wanted to worry so much. He wanted to fuss over Carter's wounds and save for this for another day, but he just can't. They didn't have time for it. For any of it.

But Carter had just gotten out of the shower, and his curls had sprung back from being soaked in his own blood and Douxie couldn't help but think how cute he was.

"We have five weeks," Carter said, climbing into Douxie's lap. Douxie held his hips despite himself. "We can take a few hours."

A few hours of just them sounded wonderful. Douxie wanted it. But there was so much to think about and he couldn't do this right now.

"We don't even know where to start," Douxie whispered as Carter settled on his lap and kissed the spot under his ear. His breath hitched. "Annwyl..."

"I'm tired," Carter whispered. "Please, baby. Just..." he sighed heavily, pressing his face against Douxie's neck. "I need you to hold me. Just for a little bit. After that I can face the world again."

Douxie Casperan had never been able to deny Carter anything. Especially not a request like that. So he held him tighter and pressed their lips together. Carter sighed and leaned into him. "Okay," Douxie said against his mouth, brushing his still wet hair behind his ear. "I can do that for you, my love."

Carter smiled through his pain, and kissed him again. Douxie kissed him back, unzipping the jacket, as Carter's tongue pushed past his lips and into his mouth. He pressed Douxie against the pillows, putting more weight into the kiss as he leaned over him.

Douxie, true to his word, held Carter as they made out. Surprisingly, neither of them were trying to get anywhere fast. They seemed content taking it slow. Douxie supposed it was because they both knew what was going to happen as soon as they left their room.

He let out another heavy breath when Carter kissed his neck again. He slowly relaxed, eyes closing, fully intending to let Carter have his way with him. "Guess I finally took you up on your earlier offer," he murmured in reference to their conversation this morning.

Carter huffed a laugh, burying a hand into his hair. "You always do, eventually."

The fleeting kisses got deeper and heavier, and Douxie tipped his head back, letting Carter take the lead because he knew he needed this. "I love you," he whispered.

"I know," Carter whispered back, lips stilling against his neck for a moment. "I love you too, Douxie."


[A/N: Carter finally gets some goddamn closure regarding his mom, and he gets laid. The last one is obviously off-screen, but I digress.

Jim finally learns about the centuries old prophecy that might be about him.

Douxie is having a very bad day... up until the last scene ;]

Harley is adorable and I love him.

Olivia and Jamie have a complicated past and it only gets more dramatic from here.

Marcy you sweet bean, you adorably concerned sweet bean. She deserves the world.

Comments and Votes are appreciated! Thank you for reading!]

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