Beneath the Surface

By lunaxhale

909 35 29

First Lady of SAMCRO Katherine Teller (OC) x Juice Ortiz Following the death of her father, John Teller, Kath... More

Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five

Chapter Four

106 4 4
By lunaxhale

Katherine had her watercolors and canvas out while Juice was taking a bath. She loved drawing, especially coloring after she drew something – giving the artpiece a colorful life. Juice always said he loved her work but she was too shy to show it to many people. Juice, Jax, Clay, Gemma and Chibs were the only people she told about her artistic side. Tig also knows, but he found out one night when he caught her drawing in the Clubhouse.

She heard the bathroom door open and close. Footsteps follow the sound and Juice emerged from the hallway. Katherine didn't move her eyes from her work, making sure she doesn't cross the lines. Juice stoped at the entrance to the living room and leaned against the doorframe. After the bath, he's only wearing gray sweatpants.

„Are you just gonna stand there and stare at me?" Katherine was very aware of his eyes on her, he had a habit of staring at her from afar – something he got used to doing when he first came to the TM even before they started dating. He just couldn't help himself.

„Got front row seats to see the most beautiful girl in Charming. Why would I pass on the opportunity?"

Katerine turned around and threw one of her clean brushes at him. Juice was quick enough to dodge. She could never get used to the compliments he throws at her there and then. When they were with the Club, they only showed their love for each other when things were chill and they weren't on Club duty for anything. And he only said things like this when they were alone to avoid the teasing - even though nothing could stop Tig from teasing them and then the others joining on the fun.

He approached her, pulling up a chair to sit directly behind her. „Whatcha drawing?" He wrapped his arms around her middle, getting as close to her as possible and resting his head on her left shoulder. Her wet hair was pulled into a ponytail after she had a bath herself so it doesn't get in her way while drawing/coloring.

„Just adding some color to the last night's drawing," She tried to ignore the shiver that ran down her spine because of his arms wrapping around her. To make things worse – Juice began kissing her neck and he knew what effect his kisses have on her. „Are you trying to distract me?"

„Is it working?" He asked between the kisses.

Katherine laughed. „Yes," She felt his hands slide under her shirt and run over her bare skin. He was still warm from the shower and the feeling was comforting. „Let me finish this."

„Later," He said and spun her chair around – it was one of those chairs that could spin but didn't have a backrest. „Give me that." He laughed when she refused to give him the brush she had been using to color. „Babe, you know I love your drawings, but I love you more. And, like I said, I want to spend time with my girl."

„Spending time with your girl usually means sitting on the couch, stuffing your face with snacks and watching a movie. Not what you have in mind, Mr. Ortiz." Despite her teasing words, she didn't fight him back anymore and gave into his intentions. He cupped her face and stared at her eyes lovingly.

„I love you." He said. He spoke those words countless of times, but they still shook her to the core. Sometimes, she thinks she's dreaming and when she wakes up in the morning, Juice would be just another Club member and not someone she cares so much about. But every morning, he wakes up beside her, holding her tightly in his arms, reassuring her that she was not living just a dream.

„I love you too." She leaned forward, letting their lips touch. Soon it became heated and they were shuffling towards the couch, losing pieces of clothing in the process. At the end of the day, Katherine didn't finish coloring her drawing and they did not spend time watching a movie, but she wouldn't change it for the world – even these intimate moments with him. Truthfully, neither Katherine or Juice wouldn't know what to do without the other one.

When Katherine woke up the next morning, she got dressed and wrote a note saying that she'll be at the Clubhouse in an hour or so, leaving it on the table for Juice to see. Next thing she did was pick up a small bouquet of flowers in a flower shop and ride to the hospital. She was going to visit Wendy. As much as she was angry at the woman, Katherine could only imagine what she was going through and if she was in Wendy's place, she knew she would need some support.

Katherine caught a few judging stares coming from men and women of Charming, a few kids looking at her kutte and admiring it only to be scolded by their parents. As much as the folk of Charming let them be, they still didn't want 'criminals' in their home. And they often judged her choice to wear leather and ride a Harley. But Katherine couldn't care less, she had grown used to the judgement. All she cared about was her family and their opinions - and they were suportive, which mattered to her the most.

She stood in front of Wendy's room. At first, she thought of leaving since she didn't know what she would say to the woman. But then she gathered her courage and went inside. Wendy was on the bed, reading a book when Katherine walked in. The blonde woman looked up from her book when the door opened and was plesently surprised to see the Teller girl in her hospital room.

„Kat?" He voice was hoarse and weak from all the crying she had done the night before. She feels like she could never forgive herself for what she had one to Abel.

Katherine offered her a smile and a nod. „Hey. How are you feeling?" The words felt foreign coming out of her mouth since she had never been that close to Wendy. As she approached the bed, she notice Wendy wasn't reading just any book – she was reading the Bible. „Any pain?"

Wendy chuckled sadly. „You mean physical or emotional?" Katherine stood by the bed, feeling sympathy for the blonde haired woman. „Gosh," Wendy closed the Bible shut and burried her face in her hands. „I feel horrible." She sniffled. At this point she didn't have strenght to hide her tears anymore. „I almost killed him... for some short-lived satisfaction."

Katherine sighed and walked to the bedside table, putting the bouquet in a vase. „As much as I want to blame you, I can't let you take all the credit for what happened." Once the flowers were put in water, Katherine turned to Wendy again. „Jax hadn't been there for you. You were lonely and hurting. And you need help, Wendy." The monotone room seemed to have come to life with the burst of colors from the flowers which Katherine provided.

„I know," Wendy cried out. „I do... but it's not easy." Katherine stared at Wendy, holding a hint of understanding and sympathy towards the woman. She has her demons to fight and in that moment, the demons were stronger, Katherine couldn't blame her for that. Addiction is a serious problem and maybe, just maybe, if Wendy wasn't alone, it wouldn't have come to this.

„It is," Katherine said sternly. „It should be easy, especially now. You have someone to live for." Katherine's voice was almost void of emotions, despite her being filled by an ongoing battle of emotions in her head. She got that trait from her mother – never show any kind of weakness, no matter how weak you really feel.

Wendy scoffed at Katherine's words, her body trembling under the weight of her emotions. „You really think Gemma is gonna let me near that baby?" She held onto the edge of the bed with both hands, as if seeking stability during the storm raging inside of her.

It was Katherine's time to scoff now. „You're a fool if you think my mother has any say about the baby," She didn't mean to sound so harsh, but her words did come out as such. „The only person you should be convincing that you deserve to hold that little boy is Jax." Wendy said nothing, but Katherine could tell there was something else hanging over her head about Jax. „What?"

The blonde woman wipped the tears from her eyes and refused to look at Katherine in the eye. „Jax was here last night," She ran a hand through her uncombed hair. „I told him I have some stuff back at the house and if they found it, they would put me away." She finally looked at Katherine. „I think he hates me, he'll never let me see Abel."

Katherine was silent for a moment. „I don't think he hates you," When she spoke again, her voice was gentle. „He's hurting, Wendy. Just like you are," Katherine placed a comforting hand on Wendy's shoulder. After a moment she decided it would be best for her to leave, she had Club business to take care of after all. So she began moving towards the exit. But before she opened the door, she turned to Wendy once more. „Give him time, get yourself together and talk to him." After that, she didn't give Wendy a chance to reply. Katherine opened the door, letting the light from outside into the room for a short moment before it was engulfed in darkness again upon the door closing. Wendy was left alone with her thoughts. 

Katherine pulled up into the TM parking lot and backed up her motorcycle into her usual spot between Chibs and Juice's bikes. Upon arrival she had notced the vacant spots where Jax, Clay, Bobby and Tig's bikes should be. She remembers Jax mentioning they were going to see Darby this morning so she assumed that that's where they were. The TM was busy that morning, buzzing with energy. Katherine saw Chibs at the garage working on a car. She took off her helmet and placed it carefully on her bike, then made her way to the Scotsman.

„Need a hand, Chibby?" She questioned. Chibs briefly turned around to see Katherine stopping next to him before turning back to the car – both of them now looking inside the hood of the car. „What's this one in for?"

„Aye," Chibs straightened up. „Could use some help." He wipped his oily hands on a red rag he kept in his back pocket whenever he had TM related jobs to do. „This wee shite wouldn't start. Ma best guess is these spark plugs here, look worn out, dinnae they?" Katherine followed Chibs' line of sight and true to his words, the spark plugs on the car did look quite worn out and if they didn't change them now, they could cause serious damage to the engine.

Katherine took off her kutte, placing it safely next to Chibs' and put on a TM worker shirt. „Let's get our hands dirty, shall we?"

Katherine enjoyed working with the Club members, she was of great help to them and they taught her about fixing cars and bikes. It was a win-win situation. She would usually work with Juice more often than with the others lately, but to her it only mattered that she was helping and learning. Although, through all the years she had spent with the Club (especially as the official member), she had learned a lot, thanks to her brothers, mostly Chibs.

She had gathered the tools they would need to change the two spark plugs that weren't functioning anymore and from there they focused on the task at hand. Katherine carefully removed both spark plugs, mindful of the threads in the engine cylinder head so she doesn't damage them. Chibs instructed her on how she'll install the new ones and under his watchful eye she carefully inserted two new spark plugs. Then he checked if she had done a good job – as per her request. Once the spark plugs were installed and attached to wires, Chibs spoke. „Good job, darlin'. Now go an' give this bad boy a try." He gave her a pat on the shoulder and motioned towards the car.

Katherine obeyed and sat behind the wheel. She pressed the clutch and turned the key. The car started, although it took a moment to do so, it still worked amazingly considered it's age and state. Chibs had a smile plastered on his face when she turned off the car and exited. „Amazin' work, Katie,"

„Learned from the best, didn't I?" She threw a wink in his direction. Her father spent some time teaching her the basics while he was still alive, but it was Chibs who taught her everything else while she was still prospecting, and even after she was patched. She would trust him with her life anytime. Rumbling of motorcycles broke the moment when the rest of the boys arrived. „Jax looks pissed." She pointed out.

Chibs took his cigarettes out of the inner pocket of his kutte and offered one to Katherine, which she took. „Aye, that bloody bastard Darby must've pushed the wrong buttons, nae doubt."

„Yeah," She let Chibs light up her cigarette and then, both of them, put their kuttes back on. Their daytime job was pretty much done, whatever else needs fixing, they can leave it to the TM employees. The Club needed them now. It was time to plan a proper retaliation against the Mayans and bring back Laroy's guns.

Tig announced break time for the employees present and Juice closed the shutters after they left. Bobby spread a map over a table and the rest of the Club gathered around. Jax looked around at everyone until his eyes settled on Katherine. She could see the conflicts hidden behind his need to help the Club. Her little brother has gone a long way for that VP patch and she knew he wouldn't let these people down, no matter what he's going through. „Let's do this," Jax said finally, casting his eyes onto the map. 

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