Dearly Detested (Completed)

By lemonmintdrink

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This standalone story follows the journey of two morons - Arnav and Khushi as they navigate from childhood be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3.1
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

391 30 20
By lemonmintdrink

Thanks for your love and reading this crazy story!!

This is one of my longest chapters in a while. 4.5k words!!

Just two more chapters to go...!!

Date published- 18 Nov 2023


As he got home, he found Khushi lying on the sofa, totally immersed in one of her novels. Wolfie, who was sleeping on his bed, fumblingly walked upto Arnav and Arnav picked him up.

Khushi too got up from the sofa, upon seeing him and the first thing she said was -

Khushi - "Do you need a hug?"

Arnav wondered what made her think that he needed a hug and he refused the offer.

Khushi hugged him anyways and said," You looked like you needed a hug."

Arnav felt immediate relief being in the arms of Khushi. She was someone who truly knew him, would never judge him and will always be there for him.

Arnav soaked it all up and getting go of Khusuhi after a few brief seconds -"I didn't know I needed a hug, thanks."

Khushi -"I know you better than you know yourself."
Arnav - "And I, you."

During dinner, Khushi was rambling to Arnav about her new project and all he could do and did was stare at her lovingly. And that's when she suddenly turned to look at him and now they both are staring at each other.

Khushi - "sorry i kinda rambled, thanks for listening"
Arnav - "no problem, its cute when you ramble"

Next day was Valentine's day. The first Valentine's for Arnav and Khushi since they were married.

Every valentines day, we get chocolate for one another. A totally platonic. But this year, maybe they don't want to be platonic. Just maybe.

Khushi got back from work and her colleagues had told her that Arnav thought of her as grape lime flavour. It has always been his flavour since their childhood. Khushi never liked that flavour since it tasted like cough syrup. Something which Arnav really liked weirdly.

Her collegaes were literally gushing on how he thought that she thought that grape lime suited her. She wondered as why he couldn't choose something fruiter and maybe sweet.

They also asked her as to what flavour Khushi thought Arnav remind her of. Khushi thought hard about it and replied -


Her collegague - "So what flavour does Dr. Arnav remind you of."

Khushi- "That's a weird question."

Khushi replied -"Lemon mint" and everyone around her laughed.

She explained - "Lemon and mint individually are two strong opposing flavours. The addition of them separately to any dish or drink can break or make it. But, the right touch of both does wonders. Just the drink, Arnav is the perfect guy."

***End of flashback***

Khushi - "I got you a gift. I hope you like it."

Arnav who received the gift, tried not to mention that any gift would mean more than the stars in the sky as long as it was from Khushi.

"It is another hippo plushie?" - he asked

Khushi had gotten Arnav several hippo plushie soft toys over the years saying that he need to be with his brew or else that he would forget his roots. What she doesn't know is that Arnav has got one of the plushie in his hospital locker.

Khushi got Arnav a rose crochet plant.

Apparently, one of her team mate's cousin started this online business and her collegague had showed some sample which Khushi had liked and so Khushi had ordered a few to support their business.

It was rose crochet plant.

"Atleast this plant won't wilt away." - she said.

Arnav - "That was one time!!!!"

A few years. Arnav's aunt had gotten him a rose plant and Arnav despite how hard he tried to maintain the plant, the plant died, wilting away leaving Khushi to laugh at him.

Arnav - "Thank your friend for me!"

Khushi - "Hey, I got the gift!"

Arnav - "Your friend made the crochet. What did you do here?"

Arnav knew that Khushi and arts couldn't be used in the same sentence. Khushi hated doing arts and crafts ever since they were kids. In fact, the only grade that Arnav always outranked Khushi was for home science (arts & crafts) since Khushi was terrible at it.

Khushi rebutted - "I bought it."

Arnav sighed - "That's not effort." although his heart was not agreeing with his words.

Khushi - "I may have sprayed rose perfume over the flowers."

Arnav tried to smell these knitted flowers and the smell was very faint, making him smile.

Arnav got a star and moon pendant for Khushi.

Helping Khushi to wear the chain along with her new pendant, he looked at her like she was the moon. Waning, waxing but always there. It just took the light of others for her to shine brightly herself. She was his moon. She was the light in his darkest time.

Later that week, Khushi was cooking lunch while Arnav and wolfie were lying on the couch.

Arnav calling Khushi from living room - "I can't find the remote."

Khushi holding a spatula in her hand, walked upto Arnav - "I'm actually going to kill you if I find it" and the remote was in front of Arnav on the table. He seriously needs glasses.

(After lunch)

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon where Arnav and Khushi were lounging on the couch with Arnav watching a football match on the television and Khushi reading a book, resting her head on his shoulder. It had been a common thing for years so Arnav wondered why this fuzzy feeling has suddenly taken over him.

Khushi found herself waking up and snuggled up with her on the couch, it dawned on her that maybe she does love him.

(A few weeks later)

The hospital were planning a couple of actitvies for charity of treatment & study of cancer. There were couple of events planned.

Arnav's team were doing a short play for cancer kids.

Arnav was cast as the prince against Lavanya, who would be the princess. The story was closer to home for Arnav since it was a story of both prince and princess being childhood besties. The prince was like a sunflower who follows his sunshine viz the princess. She brightens the world around him and he soaks in her warmth and loves the light that shines from her smile. And like the sunflower that always looks up to the sun, the prince always looked up to the princess. The princess in turn helped the prince to grow into a mature man that simply adores and protects his woman.

However, the prince feels that it is not good enough for his princess and doesn't pour his heart out since he doesn't want to ruin their friendship.
Unfortunately, the princess's dad arranged her marriage with a prince from the neighboring kingdom , who ended up only conquering the princess's heart but unfortunately died in a battle, leaving the princess heartbroken. 

And the princess gets kidnapped by the dragon. And that is when the prince realizes that he loves his princess and risks his life to save her. However, still hesitant to confess his feelings towards his princess and the princess was waiting for him until she couldn't. The prince thought that it was one-sided feeling but actually, it's mutual. And they end up confessing their love for each other and the story ends with that.

Talk about irony and coincidence.

Arnav, being a highly tense and nervous person, tried everything in the book to not play the main lead, but luck was not in his favor. And he gruntily agreed to play the lead.

Being cast as the main character in a play - was one thing. But, having to perform a romantic confession scene with Lavanya was another.

However, on the day of the play, Lavanya's grandmother's health declined and she had to cancel it in the last minute, leaving Khushi to take up the princess role.

Khushi was actually there to be an audience, but in the last minute, Arnav's colleagues thought that she would make a good match and explained her the story and her parts. They didn't even have the time to rehearse the lines and for Khushi to go through the lines and she only knew the story and so it was upto her to improvise.

Arnav was okay with it since it was Khushi playing the love interest, and she probably didn't mean the lines anyway, unlike Lavanya who was literally gushing during the rehearsal.

As the play began, the story was narrated to the audience and Aman playing the narrator, introduced the characters of the story.

Aman as the narrator introduced Khushi as the princess - " Her eyes were the color of the night, her skin like the wheat and her hair as beautiful as the ocean waves. Her beauty was unmatched, as was her deadly anger and sarcasm. She was a soldier with a stone-cold heart. A warrior when she fought. A goddess when she smiled. The people had fallen for such a smile. A smile made to destroy worlds and rebuild them. A smile worth dying for."

Arnav watched Khushi ascend up the stairs in a silver gown which made Arnav catch his breath. He couldn't help but stare.

He ...just. Just looked at her for more than ten seconds and couldn't understand why or how this earth can exist and the sun and moon exist and the sky can be an external source of happiness and yet she right here can bring so much warmth and comfort to him with just a single glance. (A/N the above paragraph was from Pinterest. So, full credit to the writer.)

As for Khushi, it was the first time she was seeing Arnav in the costume. The whole cream sherwani and all the regalness that came along with it. And holy fuck does he look so good in that.

Aman over the microphone, "Hello, Mr Princeee. Are you going to just stand there and gawk at your princess?" making the crowd to laugh, leaving Arnav slightly embarrassed.

Aman continued to add fuel to the burning fire, "Can we start your epic love story already?" Earning claps and cheers from the crowd.

And when the two started to act the story out, it almost felt real. The story hit too close to home, making Khushi and Arnav very emotional and in deep thought.

For Arnav, it was like day and night. With Khushi, everything just flowed. It was like walking into a light-filled radiant room and the flowers were blooming on the walls. It was warm, comfortable and calm. With Lavanya, even the practice felt like walking into a battlefield. More like a derelict house, dark, dingy. Not knowing what's around them around. He was always on guard.

With Khushi, she always managed to lower his guards down with just one mere glance.

It was the scene of the royal ball where the King (the princess dad) would introduce the future groom to Khushi. As Arnav as the prince was busy socializing, the princess suddenly walked up to him and whispered in his ear:
"You look so fucking hot in that outfit, if it wasn't so crowded in here I'd let you fuck me so hard, right here, right now." making Arnav splutter and choke on his drunk.

The other characters looked alarmed and clueless not knowing what to do next, since it was not part of the script. 

And as for Arnav, it took him a good 15 seconds to regain himself and get back into character and continue as per the script. He could help but glare at his princess for creating that scene.

A/N - If I don't mention Arnav and Khushi as prince/princess, imagine that they are whispering to each other and the audience can't hear them.

Khushi whispered to Arnav - "Aww, you're blushing. I like that look on you" making Arnav to roll his eyes since he left embarrassed.

Khushi leaned in - "you're....extremely red, your grace"with her eyes twinkling with mischief

Arnav almost glared at her - "shut up, Koki"

Khushi -"like actually vermilion, hippo"

Arnav - "go to hell"

Khushi chipped in " I'm already going there, babe" winking at him. 

Arnav - "Stop annoying me, Kokii"

Khushi - "Annoying you is what I'm best at."

Just, then the king walked in and introduced the crown prince from the neighboring kingdom to the princess and as the king walked away to attend to some guests, the crown prince asked the princess for a dance. As the princess and crown prince danced at the ball, Arnav couldn't help but feel jealous.

Aman as the narrator- "During the dance, the crown prince asked the princess for her hand in marriage."

Crown prince said - "Just think, we can bring our kingdom together, and it will improve the lives of our subject."

Khushi as the princess was disappointed and asked, still dancing - "This is literally THE worst marriage proposal I have ever heard."

The crown prince asked - "What do you want me to say?"

Arnav's heart screamed at them -"That I love you? That I have wanted to ask you this for years, but I have been too much of a coward?"

Aman as the narrator reads - "The prince watched his princess dance with the crown prince in envy. The princess danced as if one with the wind. She was more beautiful than every sunset combined. As the night progresses, the princess and crown prince find themselves talking and see that they are very similar people. And as the night ends, the princess agrees to her marriage. She was done waiting for her prince to propose."

Aman as the narrator - "The prince and his friends from neighboring kingdom met up for the princess's engagement party."

The friend of the prince admitted - "We were all hoping that you and the princess would end up together, you know."

Arnav as the prince clarified-"We are just friends." with a fake smile.

Another friend of the prince exclaimed - "Are you joking? She looks at you like you're her entire world."

The friend - "Grow some balls and be honest with me. You like her, don't you?"

Arnav as the prince  sighed and admitted- " She's everything I ever wanted, but I don't want to risk losing her as a friend"  and Arnav meant those words. In fact, those words were holding him back.

The another friend snapped -" You know that's not the case, she adores you."

Arnav at the moment imagining himself as the prince blurted-"But she has a boyfriend" thinking of Khushi and Abhinav.

People on the backstage were scratching their hands. Why was Dr Arnav going off script?

Khushi, on the other hand, was confused and surprised. Did Arnav like her too?

Arnav quickly corrected his mistake and took the role of prince - " But she already has a fiancee. It's too late now."

Just then, the princess walks up to them and introduces her fiancee to them and after some small talk, they move away.

Arnav as the prince couldn't help but feel jealous, chimed out - "His face.. is so ugly"

The prince's friend chastised him - "You're just jealous."

Arnav as the prince quickly backpedaled - "Criticism doesn't always equal jealousy. It's time that you learned that."

Aman as the narrator - " 'Maybe in another world, another life, we were meant to for a happy ending, but not here, not this time.'- that's what the prince told himself. Unfortunately, the princess's fiancee is sent away for war and ends up dying on the battlefield, leaving the princess very heartbroken."

Arnav couldn't help but think back to the time that his mother called him to tell that Khushi had officially introduced Abhinav to her family. He could feel the pain and angst that the prince would be feeling.

Aman as the narrator pipped in - "To love someone is firstly to confess and the prince was prepared to be devasted by his princess. He couldn't dare to confess his feelings.  Unfortunately, a dragon from the neighboring kingdom ends up kidnapping our princess and holds her hostage. The prince bravely fights off the dragon for his princess and ends up wounding himself badly. For the princess, it was simply too irresistible to see her prince fighting for her and risking his life in the process. What if something were to happen? How was she to live without him?"

'How was she to live without him?' - the voice echoed in Khushi's ears and it took her back into the time she lost Abhinav and lost herself in the process. But Arnav stood strong and tall beside her side. Khushi realized his constant presence and the never-ending love and care that he had for her. He was always there. So ingrained in her life and although there was no conscious efforts from either ends to become romantically involved but the thought of him being with someone else was disconcerting to her. Where 'I enjoy being with you" unwittingly turned into 'I want to be with you."

Aman as the narrator continued,"it was simply too endearing to see the prince's devotion to his princess turn into ruthlessness as he slayed the dragon, taking its life. When "I would do anything for you" is taken to its fullest extreme and the prince became utterly and truly amoral in his unbending loyalty towards his princess. Her and only her. "

'Prince' Arnav after having rescued his princess continued to admire his princess. It was more of Arnav admiring Khushi in that gown.

Khushi whispered - "I can't concentrate when you look at me like that."

Arnav leaned in and whispered - "Well, you should be concentrating on me instead, so..."

Khushi whispered back - "You flirt in the most awkward situations."

Arnav whispered into her ears - "You know you love it."

Khushi, playing the role of the princess after getting rescued from the evil dragon, yelled at 'the prince' - "I don't know if I should kick the shit out of you for being so reckless or kiss you for being alive."

Arnav as the prince chuckled since it was not in the script and decided to play along, and said, "I'd take that kiss." and drew his lower lip between his teeth.

Khushi as the princess said- "There is something way more than just friendship between us and I know you feel it,too. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't feel the same way. Look at me.If you don't love me, prove it to me. Prove me that you've never felt something towards me. "

Arnav didn't know whether it was his Khushi speaking or the princess. The words feel so real and so ... genuine. 'It can't true' - he thought to him. If only he knew the truth. Arnav wanted to scream that there is something between them and it was the most beautiful thing that he ever felt.

Arnav 'the prince'  looking straight into 'the princess' confided- "To think I was ever capable of looking at you with anything short of love...."

Aman as the narrator said, " It was the inevitable love confession that came after 'the prince' realized that he just could not bear to keep his feelings inside anymore. The prince was an incoherent mess and finally.. thank God for that...  came to the conclusion that no matter what happens, he at least didn't go the rest of his life wondering what if?"

Arnav as the prince continued - " Did you know that if you love someone enough, your heart can palpitate? I didn't, well, not until you walked into the room. I love so much more than just a friend. I'm not sure when it happened, I just know that I've been in love with you for a long time."

Khushi wished that it was Arnav saying this to her, rather than the prince.

Aman was swooning from backstage as that's A declaration. And the way Arnav said it, the authenticity and that rawness!! 

Arnav as the prince breathed - "Love is scary. This feeling of falling terrifies me. The only way it ends is with me hitting the ground."

Khushi as the princess walked up closer to her brave prince who fought off the dragon for her, chuckled - "Not if I catch you." The two were struggling not to break out of character and just confess their feelings for each other.

Khushi as the princess calculated -"but you can't catch me if you are falling with me."

Khushi also muttered adding, "cause you are so slow, hippo" which made Arnav's eyes twinkle with mischief. Khushi has always won the running races in the school and Arnav, not so much. The audience, especially the hospital staff, wondered as to what Khushi said that made Arnav smile.

Arnav as the prince finally admitted - "Darling, I started falling long before you did." making Khushi giggle at him.

Aman who was backstage, was looking through the script thinking 'I don't remember this being in the script".

Arnav whispered - "Afterall, I'm the one older"

Khushi whispered back to Arnav's ear - "Oh old man, you are just two months older than me. Don't act all mighty." making Arnav lean into her and say "Shut up Koki"

"I love you, Ko(ki)- I mean- my princess." - The prince announced, rubbing at the back of the neck and with ears that have turnt red. Arnav would have just confessed his love for his Koki, but ... something held him back.

"Thanks, I love me too." - Khushi as the princess replied sassily, making the audience laugh at her.

Arnav muttered - "Koki, please."

Arnav as the prince gulped whatever was forming in his throat and said, "If I could, I'd hand you my beating heart on a platter. You're the most rightful thing, I have...ever..... felt, my love" trying to bring back the mood of story and finish the goddamn play. It was all too real and raw and he wanted to get away from it all.

Khushi as the princess replied stuttering and stammering - "I you... too.", trying to maintain her eye contact with Arnav that didn't look last more than 0.001 seconds awkwardly looking away, down, up and everywhere but into Arnav's eyes. The audience watched the two get nervous and flustered trying their best not to embarrass their self even further.

Time just froze between Khushi and Arnav, when she finally dared to look into his eyes.

Aman, who was the narrator of the story, was literally aww-ing at the scene and recording every bit of these two.
Aman's cheeks were hurting from grinning nonstop for the past 15 mins 20 seconds since Arnav-Khushi were simply too adorable.
Honestly, some of the audience were jealous. Some of the ladies sighed and wished that they could find a partner like Dr. Arnav, who just looked at his wife with loving eyes and a gentle graze.

Aman as the narrator said over the microphone, was simply upto mischief, "The prince leaned in closer, brushing a stray of hair out, and they kiss-" , that was when both Arnav & Khushi came out of their trance.

Aman playing the narrator (but more of the shipper here) - "and they kiss."

Khushi joked -"are we about to kiss right now?"

Arnav actually went for a kiss but accidentally bumped Khushi's head and he couldn't stop laughing at the insanity. Khushi was just confused because he genuinely didn't know or think that Arnav was going in for a kiss.

Arnav - "kiss me"

Khushi - "Right now? In front of everyone?"

Arnav - "yes."

Khushi - "Absolutely not."

Arnav whispered, slightly disappointed with his missed attempt of kiss - "Well, I'm about to do something stupid." pulling her closer by the neck.

Khushi rolled her eyes and muttered - "You're always doing something stupid so how is this any different." but then Arnav actually leaned in and kissed her. It was the type of kiss that really shouldn't be happening. It's a mistake. But they just couldn't find themselves being able to pull away from each other. It was the question and the answer, beginning and end.

"There." - his hoarse voice replied finally pulling away, which made Khushi to gape at her prince with her mouth slightly open. Sputtering and blushing and shocked. Her heartbeat finally slowing down and her cheeks reddening by every second She was not expecting it. At all.

Aman was literally screaming from the backstage since his ship was finally sailing. The storm was finally clearing up for the sail. There was a commotion on backstage since that stage was not in the script. At all.

Arnav huskily whispered - "Has your frog turned into a prince now?" leaving Khushi to blush rather furiously.

Aman quickly recovered and got back to his narrator role - "I'm sitting here with popcorn, waiting for you two to get on with it."

Both Arnav and Khushi glared at Aman to "shut up".

And so Aman quickly changed the narrative and concluded the play, 'And then, the prince and the princess finally lived happily ever after. THE END."
And everyone clapped and cheered for their performance, while Arnav and Khushi did a little bow.  Everyone involved in the play walked up to the stage and the crowd cheered for them. After all, this play was one of the best events of the day. 

Once the play had ended, Arnav couldn't help but realize how much he wished it was.

Khushi, on the other hand, had to act out the confession to her best friend turned husband whom she had been crushing on for years and was trying so hard to not faint from embarrassment and guilt, being worried that these new feelings might ruin their friendship and marriage. She tried to deflate the whole emotion by using dry humor and some sassy comments, else she knew that she would cry and give her heart out.

(A few minutes later, now backstage)
Aman, in a teasing tone - "Your royal highnesses, please grant this peasant an opportunity to take a photograph of the two of you?"

Khushi giggled - "That would be great, thanks"

Aman - "As my princess demands!"

Arnav muttered under his breath - "She's my princess!! Not yours" making Khushi giggle.

And the two posed for a photo together... and Arnav was slightly frowning.

Aman - "Princey, you got your princess.  Can you try and smile for the camera?"

Arnav sadly thought to himself - "I didn't get my girl yet."

Khushi leaned towards Arnav and whispered - "Come on, my prince. Please grant your audience with your charming smile."

Arnav smiled for his princess.

Just then, Sheetal (Arnav's ex girlfriend) walked in, draped in a golden saree since her team and her were performing a dance.

Arnav and Sheetal literally ignored each other other than formal 'hello'.
Khushi found it crazy to think on how one can date someone for over 2 years, know each other's favourite things and literally begin their career together just to break up and walk past each other like strangers again.

Little did Khushi know that she was the reason they broke up, in the first place.

As Khushi has gone to change out of gown customer, Sheetal walked up to Arnav.
Sheetal - "Did you tell Khushi how you felt about her?"
Arnav nodded in negative

Sheetal - "What did it cost?"

Arnav - "Everything."

Meanwhile, back home, Wolfie was sitting on the play's script papers and 'reading' them. The story sounded too familiar to him but he just couldn't put a finger on it.


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