Ghosts Broken Mask

By TropicalVii

225K 4.5K 7.7K

'You heard it. The soft crying of a male and you knew who it was. Ghost, your Lieutenant. It was coming from... More

1 - 'Rage'
2 - 'More'
3 - 'Why?'
4 - 'C'mon'
5 - 'Shut up'
6 - 'Don't sleep'
7 - 'Your head?'
8 - 'Piggy back'
9 - 'Cut it out'
10 - 'Me too'
11 - 'Impressive kid'
12 - 'Death wish'
13 - 'Rookie please!'
14 - 'At ease solider'
15 - 'Oh, to be free'
16 - 'Innocently unaware'
17 - 'The arms of lonely'
18 - 'Clouded Sadness'
19 - 'Panicked Haze'
20 - 'Sad Nostalgia'
21 - 'Ravenous Hunger'
22 - 'His Control'
23 - 'Tag? ... tag.'
24 - 'Just us is fine.'
25 - 'Oh'
27 - 'Again.'
28 - 'Waking up is winning'
29 - 'Thats it'
30 - 'Folks'
31 - 'Things'
32 - 'Lively'
33 - 'Ill be here'
34 - 'Busted'
35 - 'Early Bird'
36 - 'Speed'
37 - 'trouble'
38 - 'Coded'
39 - 'Banter'
40 - 'Meal time'
41 - 'Detention'
42 - 'Rory Love'
43 - 'Sharing is caring'
44 - 'Kendrick'
45 - Callsign Caltex
46 - Breach
47 - Reflections
48 - Obstacles
49 - Losing game
50 - Enlighten me
51 - enlightened?
52 - Just one
53 - Intoxicating
54 - 'You'll live Princess'
55 - 2 is better than 1
56 - My girl
57 - Soaps Company
58 - Safe & Sound
59 - Gold star
60 - birthday girl
61 - Perfect sense
62 - Not so chatty?
63 - Contentment
64 - the enemies
65 - 'Tired love?'
67 - Engraved
68 - Don't Lie
69 - 'Discussable'
70 - The rearrangement
71 - Uneasy
72 - Walk of Shame
73 - Amen
74 - corruption
75 - Please
77 - Boss
78 - Behave
79 - Stage 2
80 - Ghost?
81 - Yes?
82 - Torturous
83 - Odd

26 - 'I'll say'

3.3K 58 144
By TropicalVii

"Sir hey ..." You said slowly stepping infront of Jasper. You didn't care about him, you'd just rather not get blood on the floors or in general have a fight break out.

"Sir?" Jasper repeated with a slight hint of confusion.

"Where are the others?" Maybe you could distract him.

He stopped in front of you while you stood between. "I stopped by to get something" he said slowly his eyes piercing into Jasper as his jaw clenched.

"What'd you forget?" You asked him, trying to gently nudge him back.

"Others?" Jasper repeated once more.

"Could you shut up" You muttered.

"Okay geez" he said back.

"Can this guy quit staring" Jasper said from behind you.

"Sir?" You repeated as his eyes looked Jasper up and down, sizing him up.

Still no answer. Jasper reached over your shoulder and waved his hand in front of Ghosts face as if trying to wake someone from their zoning out.

Ghost grabbed his wrist within a flash and quiet angered huff coming from under his balaclava.

Jasper attempted to pull his hand away with a grunt. You reached over grabbing Ghosts wrist yourself "Sir.." you mumbled sternly. His eyes flicked to you before he dropped Jaspers wrist.

"Sarge who is this?" He growled, crossing his arms as he stared you down.

"Family friend" you said.

"Why's he here?"

"He wanted to talk."

"So why were you telling him to leave?"

"I ... wasn't."

"Don't you dare lie to me Sarge" he growled. "I heard"

"I didn't like what I heard that's all."

"What was it?" He asked.

"It's personal Sir."

"I don't care you will tell me."

"It's personal Sir" you repeated respectfully.

"Soldier, I order you to tell me "He said raising his voice a notch.

"You can't do that-" You protested.

"I can and I will. I am your superior and I will not be refused." He glared at you.

"They said it was personal" You heard Jasper speak up.

"I wasn't fucking asking you" Ghost spat at Jasper straightening his stance.

"Oh sorry, I assumed maybe you're a little fucking deaf and needed some help to know that they said. It's. Personal."

"Your gonna need some fucking help in a minute" Ghost snarled his accent thickening.

"How do I know he's not from enemy forces and your a spy?" He said turning back to you.

You scoffed in amusement.

"I'm serious Sarge"

"He's just a family friend" You repeated.

"So why is he here?" He asked again.

"I ...invited him over to catch up" You mumbled.


"They're not-"

"Since when would you want to 'catch up' with someone"

".... since now?"

"Fucking bullshit"

"He's not an enemy i reassure you Sir"

"I don't need your reassurance" He snapped

"Well stop trying to get into my business, I've told you twice why he's here" You defended.

"Don't talk back" He growled lowly

You kept quiet with an annoyed glare. You felt a grip on your arm before it started pulling you away.

Before you could protest you felt an even harder grip that made you wince, halting your movements.

"Let them go" You heard Jasper say.

"They are my soldier, under my command. You let them go" He said back, tugging on you.

"You call yourself a leader when you try to pry personal information from them?" Jasper said

Every time you tried to speak you were cut off, being tugged between them both continuously.

"Don't question my position lowlife" Ghost growled.

"I'm questioning your abuse towards your position" Jasper snarled.

"Just because they are under your orders does not mean you can manipulate the power of being their leader to get information from them."

"Trust is a key attribute to the team and I can't trust them without knowing the reasons behind your sudden appearance."

"Family. Friends" Jasper said like speaking to a child.

"Yeah, I fucking got that" He snarled.

"Sir you should get back..." You interrupted, finally being heard.

He turned and glared as if you'd just betrayed the whole task force 141. Maybe in some way you had betrayed him, choosing someone else over him.

Ghost seemed like he was far too emotionally unavailable to even consider him hurt. He didn't look hurt, in fact he just looked mad.

You just wanted to deal with Jasper on your own. You were no kid, not needing to be looked after especially by someone else you'd been so annoyed by all your life.

Ghost was right, you were his soldier. You were here on work duty; you would not go. The fact they were barely listening to you made it worse. You were clearly the only one with logical reasoning in these moments.

Ghost dropped your arm with a throaty grunt and a his glare flickered to Jasper. "Soldier I'm disappointed in your choice" He spoke professionally. His posture straining as you caught a glimpse of his fists clenching.

"Apologies sir ... I request some privacy please" you say while looking down at the floor.

"See to it" He mutters with a nod as he walks away.

You turn to Jasper with a mutual face. "Outside, now" You demand. He does as told, raising his hands as if innocent before turning and walking towards the door. Once outside you fold your arms.

"Let me make this clear so I'm not needing to repeat myself to you, understand?" You say.

He nodded simply looking down at you.

"I don't want any letter that my father gave your mother. I don't want to hear or see you or your mother ever again. I'm an adult, i do not need to be cared for, checked in on, or monitored. I can make my own choices without you two tailing me. Just because my father and your mother had a relationship, doesn't mean im going to keep it alive"

"If I may insert something i-"

"You may not."


"I have my own life. Do you think I've never lost something before? My father and i. It wasn't even a daddy daughter type of thing we had, he was a leader and I was a follower. A captain and trainee. If you think I am hurt, i am not." Your voice raised ever so slightly on your last sentence trying to keep the tremor down.

"You've never lost your only parent figure is what I'm saying"

"He wasn't my parent! He was my teacher. Don't you understand!?" You were starting to get frustrated. You didn't care, right? You acted like you didn't care, that way it wouldn't hurt but it was.

"I don't care!" You added.

"This is exactly why I'm worried, your denial, forgetfulness, short temper. You haven't accepted the fact that he's-"

"I have too!" You shouted.

"You don't act like it. It's hard to help you Y/N. You won't let anyone in!"

"Because I don't need or want you in my life!"

"You need someone."

"I have people Jasper. Your just upset it's not you."

"Who do you have Y/N? Huh? Who?" He raises a brow and folds his arms.

"My team" You mutter.

"Your team?" He scoffs "Y/N in what fucking world makes you think they care? They say they want you alive because you're a solider not a friend. You're just a pawn in a chess game, ordered around, forced to move first, you're not a big deal to lose."

"At least I'm serving a purpose. Why does it matter if I'm a pawn at least I'm on the chess board and where the fuck are you!?" You snap back.

"That's not the point. You are risking your life for a team that doesn't care."

"I'm risking my life for our country, humanity, the people Jasper. I'd rather go out trying than giving up."

"They. Don't. Care. There are millions of you sure, so losing one doesn't affect the system."

"And what do you suppose I do Jasper? Enlighten me"

"... well, there's just better options, is this what your dad would've wanted?"

"My dad literally taught me what I know?!" You couldn't help but laugh in disbelief.

"He'd be disappointed to know."

"Excuse me...?" You said slowly.

"You heard me, you've always been a bitch to me, and I've been a doormat for you but now you're being a bitch to my mother and seemingly your father. You think I'll tolerate it!?" He shouts.

"Oh no daddy of course you won't tolerate this. That's my fucking bad" You reply with a smart-ass tone. "Yet you have no right to decide my dead father's thoughts on my life decisions. Do you understand!?"

"I'm afraid I don't" He mutters replying to your tone.

"Leave now"

"Actually, I need something from your father's study, my mother requested I stop by and grab it, but you haven't been back in a long time."

"You won't be stepping foot in there."

"You're not exactly in charge of your father's space" He smirks.

"It's my house" You chuckled.

He scoffs amused as he tries to push past you. You grabbed his arms with a hard grasp. He grunted turning back to face you as his amused look slightly drained.

"Let me go" He said

"I told you, your not stepping anywhere near my fathers study"

"Yes I am, my mother needs something"

"Whatever mommy's boy" you grunted pushing him back. You could tell by his eyes he was surprised by your strength, and he positioned himself to keep balance.

"Are you really fucking serious right now Y/N-"

"Leave" Ghost said. You felt Ghosts presence towering behind you. Jaspers eyes looked between you both as his jaw clenched before he let out a soft sigh.

"Alright. Tell me if you change your mind I guess" He said slowly as he backed away, disappointment in his eyes "I'm glad to see you're okay Y/N at least. Just be careful out there, yea?" He said with a small smile and wave.

You gave him a nod and you both turned your backs to each other.

You followed Ghost inside who held up a gadget in his hand "I'll be off now" He muttered.

You stayed silent and watched him leave through the back door and into the forest. You thought about chasing after and asking to come with, but you decided not to.

You looked around, left to yourself once again. Not in the mood to go out anymore, you needed something to distract yourself. You hopped up the stairs, pushing away dwelling feelings that tried to consume you. You pressed down on the sleek bedroom door handles and opened them.

The open windows letting sunlight soak into your floor and bounce off the walls. A warm atmosphere surrounding the room as you walked around. You opened one of the glass doors that led to the balcony and turned on the TV. You had no intention on using it, but you liked it on. Making the room feel more homely as it flicked through chrome cast pictures.

The closet was lit by the warm sun and a golden hue hung in the air as sunlight beams clung to the walls in a range of shapes silhouetted from the gaps within the leafy forest roof. You walked into your bathroom, standing infront of the mirror as a tired soul stared back.

You ran your fingers through your hair with a shakey sigh before exiting. You sat at your desk, twirling a few times in your chair before standing back up. You wondered around, tracing your fingers over the spines of your books.

Your eyes caught sight of your stereo and you smiled, turning it on. You paired your phone and turned on some music, turning it up as you hummed softly, enjoying the distraction so far. You grabbed yourself a book and jumped up onto your bed, lying on your stomach as you opened it. Your index finger tracing down the familiar texture of the pages.


If you haven't seen already, I've updated the disclaimer and put an explanation for why sometimes there will be two copies of the same chapter.

With NSFW content there's a female and male version for both genders to engage in the story. The female copy comes first and the male copy will be below.」

||Male Version Below||


You read the first chapter and sighed, rolling onto your back. Unable to find the same comfort in the book as you had years ago.

You closed it and put it down, staring up at the ceiling. Your hand reached up, brushing across the faded hickey as your gut twisted slightly, allowing yourself to be swept back into the past moments with Ghost.

You felt a mix of emotions, more negative than positive. Confusion being your strongest, your brain denying any lingering feelings towards him.

He was your leader and you both were drunk; nothing had happened since then so it was unlikely it would again. It was just a moment shared between two alcohol vulnerable people.

Unable to control or think in the followed moments. Yet your body heated at the thought, when your mind filled with Ghost none of that nights feelings came to show but when you recalled the moments with him your stomach flipped. You backed up against the pillows, feeling your rising arousal.

You shook your head and turned up the music as you squeezed your thighs together gently. A natural reaction to where your thoughts had gone simmering between your legs. You sighed, picking up a pillow and shoving it over your head in attempt to suffocate yourself. You let out a groan before you threw the pillow back behind you.

You sat up. 'I am alone'. You thought to yourself as you looked around. You got yourself comfortable, a feel of desire pushing away a slight shame that followed as your hand slipped down beneath your shorts. It'd been a while since you'd done such things, but your hand worked with you efficiently.

With your head tilted back you closed your eyes as your hand continued its movements. Slow and teasing as they rubbed in swift movements, speeding up with each moan you let escape through your muffled pants. You let your body embrace the activity as you lifted your hips in sync to your fingers.

Your head lulled, eyes rolling back as you softly gasped at your own touch. Pleasure rushing through your veins as you played, your fingers moving with smooth motions, knowing exactly where to apply pressure to make yourself jerk. You panted softly; mouth slightly agape as your lips trembled.

You grinded yourself against your fingers, putting your whole body to work as you neared your edge. The sensitive spots burning in approval at your touch. Your hips bucked gently as your muscles tensed, closing in on your edge.

"Fuuck.." You groaned, dragging the word as it left your lips. A desperate growl for satisfaction as your fingers worked wonders down between your twitching thighs.

"I'll say..." Ghosts low voice growled. Your eyes snapped open and your hand pulled from your pants as you immediately sat up.

He stood in the open doorway with his arms folded a small smirk on his lips.


Your eyes caught sight of your stereo and you smiled, turning it on. You paired your phone and turned on some music, turning it up as you hummed softly, enjoying the distraction so far. You grabbed yourself a book and jumped up onto your bed, lying on your stomach as you opened it. Your index finger tracing down the familiar texture of the pages.

You read the first chapter and sighed, rolling onto your back. Unable to find the same comfort in the book as you had years ago. You closed it and put it down, staring up at the ceiling. Your hand reached up, brushing across the faded hickey as your gut twisted slightly, allowing yourself to be swept back into the past moments with Ghost.

You felt a mix of emotions, more negative than positive. Confusion being your strongest, your brain denying any lingering feelings towards him. He was your leader and you both were drunk, nothing had happened since then so it was unlikely it would again. It was just a moment shared between two alcohol vulnerable people.

Unable to control or think in the followed moments. Yet your body heated at the thought, when your mind filled with Ghost none of that nights feelings came to show but when you recalled the moments with him your stomach flipped. You backed up against the pillows, feeling your rising arousal.

You shook your head and turned up the music trying to settle your feelings. A natural reaction to where your thoughts had gone resulted in the bulge between your legs. You sighed, picking up a pillow and shoving it over your head in attempt to suffocate yourself. You let out a groan before you threw the pillow back behind you.

You sat up. 'I am alone'. You thought to yourself as you looked around. You got yourself comfortable, a feel of desire pushing away a slight shame that followed as your hand slipped down beneath your shorts. It'd been a while since you'd done such things, but your hand worked with you efficiently.

With your head tilted back you closed your eyes as your hand continued its movements. Slow and teasing as it stroked in swift movements, speeding up with each moan you let escape through your muffled pants. You let your body embrace the activity as you lifted your hips in sync to your stroking.

Your head lulled, eyes rolling back as you softly gasped at your own touch. Pleasure rushing through your veins as you played, your hand moving with smooth strokes, knowing exactly how to make yourself grunt in enjoyment. You panted softly; mouth slightly agape as your lips trembled.

You grinded yourself up into your hand, putting your whole body to work as you neared your edge. The sensitive spots burning in approval at your touch. Your hips bucked gently as your muscles tensed, closing in on your edge.

"Fuuck.." You groaned, dragging the word as it left your lips. A desperate growl for satisfaction as your hand worked wonders down between your tensing thighs.

"I'll say..." Ghosts low voice growled. Your eyes snapped open, and your hand pulled from your shorts as you immediately sat up.

He stood in the open doorway with his arms folded a small smirk on his lips.

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