Drapetomania | Creepypasta

By bubls_

21.2K 675 688

y/n l/n, a high school student who finds herself in a bad position after trying to make her life a little mor... More

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267 12 8
By bubls_

??, ??, 2017

i didn't mean for it to go this far.

i didn't mean for her to even know of me

all i wanted was her.

all i need, is her

As I sit alone in this dimly lit basement, the weight of my actions bears down on me like a crushing burden. I replay the events of the past weeks in my mind, unable to escape the harsh reality of what I've done.

I've hurt the person I care about most, subjected her to torment and suffering. I've imprisoned her, driven by a twisted desire to make her love me. I know now that what I've done is inexcusable, unforgivable.

It was during my scouting for a victim that I stumbled upon her in person. She was there, an innocent bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But something about Y/n caught my attention. Maybe it was her vibrant (e/c) eyes or her infectious laughter. Or perhaps it was just fate playing its twisted game. Whatever it was, I suddenly found myself drawn to her, my focus shifting from my original target, Maya, to this new and unsuspecting person.

I couldn't explain the feeling that washed over me, the strange mix of fascination and obsession. It consumed me, making me want to know everything about her. I started to stalk her, not in a violent or malicious way, but more like an eerie guardian angel lurking in the shadows.

I made it my mission to ensure she got to school safely every day. I watched from afar, hidden in plain sight, making sure she crossed the streets without incident, and that she was never in harm's way. I kept a meticulous record of her day-to-day life, noting her routines, her habits, and her friends. It was as if I was an invisible presence in her life, always watching, always guarding.

Her constant companionship with her phone became a blessing for me. It meant I could keep an even closer eye on her, tracking her movements through social media, text messages, and calls. Every piece of information about her felt like a precious treasure, and I hoarded it all, building an intricate web of her life within my own.

As time passed, my obsession grew, and I couldn't help but imagine a future where she would be mine, where I could protect her from the cruel world outside. But my twisted desires led me down a dark path, and I began to lose sight of what was right and wrong.

My actions became more intrusive, my obsession more suffocating, until I finally crossed a line that should never be crossed.

I remember that day in the forest vividly. Y/n was there with her group of friends, blissfully unaware of the danger that lurked among the trees. It was the perfect opportunity, one I couldn't afford to let slip away.

I knew that my actions were likely to result in the deaths of all of them, and I was okay with that. But to ensure their cooperation, I had to offer something in return. So, I made promises, dark and twisted ones, to the others in the group.

For Eyeless Jack, I promised him the leftovers from my victim when the time came. He relished the thought of consuming human organs, and I knew that offering him that gruesome reward would secure his loyalty.

Jeff was a bit trickier. He loved killing, and I had to appeal to that side of him. I swore that when the moment arrived, I would allow him to be the one to end his victim's life. It was a macabre deal, but it was enough to convince Jeff to join my sinister plan.

These promises were just the beginning. I made similar arrangements with others in the group, each tailored to their twisted desires. In return for their cooperation, I pledged to satisfy their darkest cravings, a pact sealed in blood and malevolence.

It was a gathering of like-minded individuals, each of us motivated by our own dark desires. And as the days passed, I watched as the group became more entangled in our sinister web, their innocence had been gone for years.

Visiting Maya in the virtual realm had become a twisted routine. The first night, I had confronted her through her computer screen, delivering a chilling threat that sent shivers down her spine. I warned her that if she breathed a word about me to anyone, her life and the lives of her friends would be in grave danger. It was a sinister bargain, but I assured her that I didn't want to harm anyone; I just needed to sort things out.

Maya reluctantly agreed to my demands, and we struck an unholy pact. She promised not to reveal my existence to anyone, and in return, I vowed not to harm her or her friends. Our nightly conversations became an opportunity for me to gather information about my future, my beloved Y/n.

As the nights passed, I pressed Maya for details about her group of friends. I learned their routines, their fears, and their vulnerabilities. Maya, fearful for her life and the lives of her friends, divulged their secrets willingly. It was during these conversations that I gathered the puzzle pieces of Y/n's life, piece by tantalizing piece.

Each night, my obsession with Y/n deepened. My mind was consumed by thoughts of her. I yearned to see her, to hold her, to confess my love. But the knowledge that I had made a promise to Maya, the knowledge that my own actions had placed her life in jeopardy, kept me from acting on my desires. I was caught in a web of my own making, a tangled mess of deceit, obsession, and love, all converging on the one person who had captured my heart—Y/n.

In the dimly lit cabin, the weight of my actions pressed upon me like a leaden shroud. I hadn't intended for Maya to meet her end so soon, but circumstances had given me no choice. I laid her fragile form on the ground and stared at the small chip I held in my hand. It was a gruesome necessity, one I had dreaded but couldn't avoid any longer.

My hands trembling, I held out a scalpel, its blade glinting ominously in the dim light. I turned Maya gently onto her side, exposing the part of her head where I had made a slight incision before. It was my feeble attempt at preparation, knowing that this gruesome procedure might eventually become inevitable.

With a surgeon's precision, I cut into the soft flesh, creating an opening just large enough for the chip. This wasn't something I took pleasure in; it was a grim task that had to be done. I had consulted with Jack previously on what to do in this situation, and his guidance had provided me with a semblance of knowledge.

Carefully, I inserted the chip into the opening, like inserting an SD card into a reader. It was a macabre fusion of technology and brutality, a reminder of the darkness that had enveloped my life. After securing the chip in place, I stitched the wound back together. But this couldn't be the end of it; it was far too simple.

My trembling hands betrayed me, and I let go of Maya's head multiple times, causing it to thud against the unforgiving ground of the cellar. Each unintended drop sent shivers down my spine, and my heart weighed heavy with guilt. I didn't mean for it to happen this way, but it was a path I couldn't escape. Maya's fate was sealed, and I had played my part in it.

Maya had become my lifeless puppet, a silent and immobile figure bound to my will. She couldn't sleep, she couldn't speak, and she couldn't move. It was as if I had hit a delicate part of her brain, rendering her a mere vessel for my intentions. It was a cruel fate, one I hadn't wished upon her, but it was a necessity for the plan I had in mind.

I knelt beside her and whispered, "This is to keep an eye on you, Maya. I'll take you home, and you'll do as I say through these signals." I tapped the chip in her head, my voice tinged with a hint of remorse.

With great care, I lifted her lifeless form and carried her back to where she belonged. As I walked away from her home, I checked my phone, and there she was, still in her immobile state. There was more to that chip than I had let on, but for now, I would keep that part of the plan shrouded in secrecy. Maya was my pawn, and I would use her to my advantage, even if it meant sealing her fate in this macabre arrangement.


I remember vividly the day I decided to involve Masky and Hoodie in my twisted scheme. It was a day like any other in that eerie forest, with Slenderman's looming presence serving as a constant reminder of the pressure on me to complete our assignment. Desperation had gripped me tightly, and I knew I needed help to carry out my sinister plan.

I found Masky and Hoodie, two of Slenderman's proxies, and I begged them relentlessly to assist me in my malevolent plot. I promised them anything they desired, desperate for their cooperation, anything to keep Slenderman off my back for a while.

When they finally revealed that they had captured the girl I needed, relief washed over me like a cold wave. It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from my shoulders. I assured them once again that I would find a way to repay their assistance, eager to seize any opportunity to maintain their silence.

Taking Y/n back to the abandoned cabin nestled deep within the forest, a place rarely used except for the expulsion of disobedient followers, I headed for the basement. Every detail of my plan had been carefully prepared. I had placed a chair at the center of the room, and I had coils of rough, unforgiving rope ready for my captive. My intention was to frame Masky and Hoodie for my actions, to present myself as Y/n's unexpected savior.

With a grim sense of determination, I began to secure Y/n to the chair. Her body, now limp and powerless, feebly fought against my grasp. I worked swiftly, binding the rope tightly around her ankles and securing them to the chair's legs. Her two arms, equally helpless, were pinned behind the backrest of the wooden chair. She was now a captive in my malevolent charade, an unwitting pawn in my dark game.

As I continued my sinister plan to frame Masky and Hoodie for my actions, one crucial element was ensuring that Y/n's appearance aligned with the false description I had initially given them regarding my intended victim, Maya.

To accomplish this, I deliberately twisted the details and characteristics to make them fit Y/n. I knew that my fellow proxies would have certain expectations based on the description I had provided earlier. Therefore, I meticulously manipulated the facts to make it seem as though Y/n was the intended target all along.

For instance, if I had initially described Maya as having blonde hair, I would change it to match Y/n's hair color. If Maya was supposed to be taller, I would emphasize Y/n's shorter stature in my fabricated account. My aim was to create a seamless narrative in which Y/n appeared to be the original target, despite the discrepancies from my earlier description of Maya.

This deception was crucial to maintain my credibility and ensure that Masky and Hoodie wouldn't question my sudden change in plans. It allowed me to continue my sinister agenda while convincing them that Y/n was always meant to be the victim.

I trapped her, imprisoned her in my desperate attempt to make her love me.

The love I feel for Y/n is genuine, but it was warped by my own insecurities and the darkness that lingered in my heart.

As Y/n gradually regained consciousness in the dimly lit basement, my anticipation grew, and my heartbeat quickened. This was the moment I had been waiting for – the first interaction with the girl I had grown so infatuated with.

The cold, damp air hung heavy around us, casting eerie shadows across the room. The flickering, weak light bulb above provided just enough illumination for me to see her. She looked disoriented, her eyes blinking against the harsh transition from darkness to light.

With feigned concern in my voice, I leaned in closer to her, my eyes never leaving her face. "Hey there," I said softly, my tone gentle and soothing. "You're safe now. I'm here to protect you."

Those words were true to an extent. I had twisted my role to make it seem like I was her savior, but in reality, I was the one who had orchestrated her predicament. I watched her closely, studying the way her chest rose and fell with each breath, the subtle tremors that coursed through her body.

Y/n, disoriented and frightened, looked at me with a mixture of confusion and fear. Her eyes, wide and filled with uncertainty, met mine. In the dim light, they held a hint of vulnerability that only fueled my obsession further.

As we spoke, my obsession with her deepened. Her every word, her every expression, fueled my desire for her. I hung on to her every syllable, cherishing the sound of her voice, even if the circumstances were far from ideal.

When our hands accidentally brushed against each other, an electric sensation surged through my body. It was as if a jolt of electricity had passed between us, igniting something within me. I could feel my mouth salivating slightly, an involuntary reaction to the intense desire I felt.

And then there were the blood tears. As if my emotions were manifesting physically, crimson droplets trickled from my eyes. It was an unsettling and eerie sight, even to me. But I was too consumed by my obsession to care about the bizarre phenomenon.

I was in too deep now. My fixation on Y/n had reached a dangerous level, and I was willing to go to any lengths to keep her with me, even if it meant committing more heinous acts. The boundaries of my sanity had blurred, and I was spiraling further into the abyss of my own obsession.

With Y/n's trust firmly in my grasp, I ascended the creaking stairs, each step resonating with a strange sense of exhilaration. Her presence lingered in my mind, her name echoing in the hollow chambers of my thoughts like a haunting melody.

Every inch of the cabin seemed to pulse with her essence, as if it had been transformed by her mere presence. The walls whispered secrets I could only imagine, and the rooms held the promise of an unpredictable future.

My body quivered with uncontrollable excitement, and I couldn't suppress the grin that etched itself onto my face. It was a smile tainted with madness, a reflection of the depths to which my obsession had taken me.

As I moved through the mansion's dimly lit corridors, my arms felt restless, unsure of how to navigate this new, intoxicating reality. I was overwhelmed by the mere thought of Y/n, and the boundless possibilities that lay ahead seemed to unfurl before me like a dark, enticing tapestry.

I knew, with a chilling certainty, that I would stop at nothing to ensure she stayed with me. Her trust, her affection, they were like addictive elixirs, and I craved more with each passing moment.

My descent into madness continued unabated, fueled by the relentless force of my obsession with Y/n. She had become the sun around which my dark world revolved, and I was spiraling deeper into the abyss with each passing day.

As the days passed, my obsession with Y/n grew insurmountable. Every visit to her felt like an eternity in itself, and each moment I spent in her presence heightened the intensity of my desires.

Her appearance, though marred by the horrors she had endured, only served to accentuate her ethereal beauty in my eyes. Her resilience, her tenacity, they were like a beacon calling to me, igniting the darkest corners of my mind.

I would visit her in the basement every day, my heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and longing as I descended those creaking stairs. The sight of her, bound and helpless, stirred emotions within me that I could no longer control.

I brought her small provisions, like instant noodles, which I had stashed away in my room. As I fed her, I couldn't help but let my fingers linger, brushing gently against her lips. The sensation of her skin beneath my touch sent shivers of ecstasy down my spine, and I yearned to taste those lips, to claim them as my own.

But I held back, knowing that I needed to be patient. Y/n had to trust me completely, and I couldn't afford to make any hasty moves that might shatter that trust.

As I wiped the excess noodles from her lips, my heart ached with the desire to kiss her. It was a longing so profound, it felt like a torment, a fire burning within me that threatened to consume everything in its path.

I craved every moment I could spend with her, every opportunity to assure her that I would never hurt her. My obsession was a relentless storm, and I was willingly swept away by its destructive force, bound by the promise that one day, Y/n would be mine, body and soul.

In the following days, I found myself torn between the two worlds I had created. On one side, my obsession with Y/n continued to gnaw at me, growing stronger with each passing moment. On the other, Slenderman's orders weighed heavily on my conscience.

One day, Slenderman summoned me to his presence, demanding to see the report on my recent task. Panic welled up inside me as I realized I had been neglecting my duties. I stammered out a flimsy excuse, claiming that I had been observing Maya but hadn't found the right opportunity to strike. Slenderman's hollow eyes bore into mine, and he issued a chilling threat. Either I took out the girl soon or I would face severe punishment. The choice was clear, and I reluctantly agreed to carry out the grim task.

For the first time in days, I was away from my beloved Y/n. Instead of visiting her, I locked myself in my room, researching my intended victim. My heart ached with every moment spent apart from her, but I knew that Dark Link was watching my every move, ready to report any deviation from my assigned task. He and I despised each other, and his presence only added to the torment.

The turnover came, and Masky was assigned to watch over me. Desperation overcame me, and I dropped to my knees before him, begging for his help. In a torrent of confessions, I revealed everything—the lies about Maya's appearance to keep Y/n, Y/n's captivity in the basement, and her dire condition. I pleaded for his assistance, praying that some semblance of humanity remained in him. Surprisingly, Masky agreed to help me, under the condition that our secrets remained hidden from the others. It was a fragile alliance, but it was my only hope to protect both Y/n and myself.

Maya's life had come to a standstill since the insertion of the chip. She hadn't attended school, she hadn't uttered a word, and her life had been reduced to a silent existence. I held my phone in hand, the power to self-destruct her at any moment, but I refrained. Instead, I saw the opportunity this presented, especially in dealing with Y/n. Maya's inability to communicate was the perfect advantage for my plan.

For several days, I remained with Maya, knowing that Masky was with Y/n. I observed Maya's condition closely. She had become a mere shadow of her former self, a helpless vessel under my control. As time passed, I decided it was finally time to revisit the cabin, and I brought Maya along to keep Y/n company. I believed that by keeping Maya there, it would appear less suspicious. I headed down to the cellar, leaving Maya upstairs, still and unresponsive.

I saw it there, Masky and my beloved Y/n, sitting together and talking. Rage consumed me, and I sprinted down the rest of the stairs, my heart pounding in my chest. With a swift kick, I sent Masky flying out of his seat, and I unleashed my fury upon him, screaming with unbridled anger. Y/n was no longer in the chair I had carefully placed her in. Instead, she had been bound with a chain, and my blood boiled with resentment. Why was he still here? I kept my hands around his neck, my fingers tightening their grip, and in the midst of my fury, I could hear Y/n's desperate screams piercing the air. I glanced over at her, giving Masky a brief respite from my strangling grip, and it was then that I realized the weight of my mistake in leaving her alone with him.

As our argument continued, with me shouting and accusing him, I knew deep down that I shouldn't have left Y/n with him. Regret gnawed at me, and I wished I could turn back time to rectify my error.

Eventually, Masky left, and I knelt down in front of Y/n, my voice softening as I whispered sweet, reassuring words to comfort her. Her question, though simple, was like a knife through my heart: "Do you want to kill me, Ben?"

I shook my head vigorously, my eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and anger. I reassured her with all the sincerity in my heart that I would never harm her. I even confided in her about my "friend." My emotions were in turmoil, and I couldn't shake the anger and frustration that Masky's presence had stirred within me.

Determined to prove my devotion to Y/n, I rushed upstairs to fetch Maya. She became my twisted "trophy," a symbol of my misguided intentions, which I brought back downstairs to show Y/n in a desperate bid to demonstrate my commitment to her.

I brought her a friend.

I care about her.

"M-Maya?" Y/n stammered, unable to comprehend what she was seeing. It was as if a ghost from her past had returned, but in the most unexpected and unsettling way.

Maya didn't respond. She just stood there, her hood still obscuring most of her face, but her eyes bore into Y/n's with a mixture of emotions that I couldn't decipher.

I sensed the tension, so I spoke up. "Maya's been through a lot, Y/n."

Maya's sudden reappearance had left her speechless.

Y/n took a hesitant step forward, her arms outstretched in an instinctive gesture of comfort towards Maya. But my firm grip on Y/n's shoulder stopped her in her tracks. My warning was a chilling reminder of the fragile state Maya was in.

"Be gentle with her," I cautioned, my voice laced with an unsettling undertone. Y/n reluctantly withdrew her outstretched hand, her eyes locked onto Maya's with a mix of sadness and confusion. she looked so cute. i love her.

My warning hung heavily in the air, a reminder of the fragile balance that existed in this strange, unsettling place. Y/n withdrew her outstretched hand, unable to ignore the tension and uncertainty that surrounded Maya's presence.

Taking in my words, Y/n returned to her makeshift bed, her thoughts in turmoil. I leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, my voice filled with an unsettling cheerfulness. "I'll be back soon, my love~"

My eerie smile remained as I left the room, leaving Y/n alone with Maya and the unanswered questions that seemed to multiply with each passing moment.


The day of Maya's death had been an unsettling one, marked by Jeff's unpredictable presence. He had returned to the cabin, a reminder of the constant danger that lurked in our twisted world. We argued upstairs, and I couldn't divulge the truth about Y/n's captivity. It was a secret I would protect at any cost.

Maya's untimely arrival was both a curse and a blessing. Jeff assumed she was the reason I was there, and I allowed him to believe it. He unleashed his sadistic tendencies on her, subjecting her to torment, carving her with his signature smile, and ultimately ending her life. The gruesome act unfolded before my eyes, and I couldn't help but wonder if Y/n had witnessed it, the poor girl caught in the crossfire of our monstrous existence. But deep down, I knew it was all to protect her, to keep her safe from the horrors that surrounded us.

After securing Maya's lifeless body, I fulfilled my promises. I handed her remains over to Jack, who had his own gruesome plans for her. Then, I compiled my report and made my way to Slenderman's presence, ready to provide an account of my actions. However, Slenderman found me first, accompanied by Dark Link, who wore a sinister smirk on his face.

My lies could only carry me so far in this perilous situation. Slenderman and I communicated through static, our intentions veiled in obscurity. But Dark Link, with his striking resemblance to me, had an uncanny ability to read my emotions. He knew how to push my buttons, how to trigger my darkest fears.

I attempted to explain that my disappearance had been necessary to eliminate my assigned victim, but when the timelines didn't align, I found myself ensnared. Slenderman decreed my punishment, and it began with a few days in the basement, a cold, desolate place where I was stripped of everything, left with only my shorts and my tormenting thoughts. Dark Link made frequent visits, relishing in taunting, hurting, and leaving me in my wretched solitude.

Masky's unexpected visit to the basement plunged me into dread. His silence spoke volumes, and I braced myself for the words I had been fearing.

"They know," he finally uttered, and anger and despair surged within me. I couldn't contain my rage, and I lunged toward him, desperate to attack. But he had positioned himself just out of reach of my chain, leaving me powerless.

"You sick FUCK. YOU JUST HAD TO TELL THEM. WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY DO TO HER?" I screamed, my voice echoing in the dim, desolate space. My fury knew no bounds, and it consumed me.

My tirade only ceased when Masky slammed his crowbar against the ground. The resounding clang silenced me briefly, my heavy panting the only sound that filled the air. Masky began to explain, revealing that Sally had made an incriminating slip about bathing Y/n. Dark Link had conducted an investigation and discovered her whereabouts. He was en route to assess her condition. Masky's ominous words hung in the air, and my heart ached for Y/n.

But our conversation was far from over. Masky stood up, leaving me on my knees, looking up at him with a mixture of guilt and desperation. It was the same position I had been in when I begged him to feed her, the memory now haunting me.

"Masky..." I croaked, attempting to convey the depth of my remorse, but he cut me off.

"You've caused enough trouble. I don't want to fucking hear it," he screamed, his patience exhausted. He didn't hold back, striking the side of my head with the blunt side of his crowbar. The pain was excruciating, far more intense than I had anticipated. I knew I didn't deserve to survive, but the lack of food had taken its toll on my weakened body.

"I'm also getting in shit because of you. Don't fuckin' forget that," he continued, his words serving as a bitter reminder of the consequences of my actions. As he left the basement, my thoughts remained fixated on my beloved Y/n, the one person I had been willing to sacrifice everything for.

Alone in the darkness, my thoughts swirled like a tempest. Was this the despair that Y/n had endured? My beloved Y/n, I'm so sorry. I'd give anything to redo all of this. I love you.


The days continued to blend into a relentless cycle of loneliness and pain. I existed in perpetual darkness, tormented by the weight of my actions.

Then, an unexpected glimmer of hope emerged. She came to see me—my Y/n. My eyes lit up as I crawled as close as my chain allowed, calling out her name desperately. "Y/n..."

A smile crept onto my face as I reached out to her, my voice trembling with emotion. "My beloved Y/n, please... please free me. I can explain everything, my love," I begged, tears welling in my eyes. I felt utterly pathetic in this wretched state.

My hope, however, was short-lived. Dark Link, that detestable albino, dared to lay a hand on her. He knew precisely how to torment me.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!" I screamed, lunging forward once more. Blood trailed down my cheeks as I scratched the floor in a futile attempt to reach them. My frantic efforts knew no bounds. "You think you can keep me here? You won't get away with this! I'll tear you both apart!" My threats spilled from my mouth uncontrollably, my panting growing more frenzied, my hair matted against my head from sweat and blood.

But despite my outbursts, Y/n continued to confront me, and the despair in my heart deepened. I couldn't bear to see her like this. I put my hands to my head, my fingers trembling as tears streamed down my face. "Y-Y/n, please, I did this all for us," I stammered, trying desperately to reach her. She persisted in her defiance, pushing me to the brink.

"I need you. You're the only reason I'm still here. You're the reason I did all of this... I love you," I choked out through my tears, my eyes locking onto her, filled with adoration. She looked so beautiful, and my love for her was unwavering.

And then, they left me.

"We BELONG TOGETHER, Y/N! DON'T YOU FORGET THAT!" I screamed after them as they ascended the stairs. I was left trembling violently, covered in a sickening mixture of blood and sweat. This was my existence now, a nightmare of my own making.

If only I had never asked Masky for help, none of this would have happened.

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