By vigilant_comics

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Alexander Rogue and his wife Carmen are mercenaries. Everything seems to be fine when suddenly, Alexander get... More

Chapter 1: Runners
Chapter 2: Alesia
Chapter 3: Casper
Chapter 4: sitting ducks
Chapter 5: is it true?
Chapter 7: regroup
Chapter 8: this means war

Chapter 6: understanding

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By vigilant_comics


Vox wakes up in a dark room chained to a wall. She managed to pull a lock pick from her boot and unlock the chains. She carefully sneaks out of the room and hears Casper and Markov in the next room.

Vladimir: was it really necessary for you to kill my men?

Casper: I told you it had to look real, didn't I?

Vladimir: a little too real. I lost good men because of you.

Casper: says the guy who knocked me out, like that was necessary.

Vladimir: I had to make it look real.

Casper: whatever, so where's Rogue?

Vladimir: I sent him and his wife to Vinci.

Casper: you did WHAT?!

Vladimir: I told you, Marino and I had a deal for me to bring him Rogue.

Casper: and WE had a deal to let me kill him!

Vladimir: we both know you weren't going to do it.

Casper: excuse me?!

Vladimir: you've had all this time to kill him and instead you've been trying your best to convince him of your innocence. You're playing both sides.

Casper: you know I'm not!

Vladimir: either you are playing both sides, or you are so jealous of him that instead of killing him quick and easily, you'd rather make a show of it and wait until you've proven yourself to be better than him before killing him. Either way, you will fail.

Casper: I'll let your army know you said that...

Vladimir: what?


Casper shoots Vladimir Markov dead.

Immediately Markov's men show up and surround Casper.

Gangster: put you hands up!

Casper: take it easy, fellas.

Gangster: give us one good reason.

Casper: kill me and you won't get paid. See, Markov had no heirs, his family died years ago. I'm the only one who knows the password to his accounts and his vault. So, listen to me and you'll keep getting paid, disobey me and you'll die here and now.

Gangster: you think you can take us all?

Casper: I'm an assassin, I've taken on far worse than you. Wanna test me?

Gangster: why don't you open that vault for us then?


Casper shoots the gangster in the head.

Casper: that's why. Anyone else wanna make the transition difficult?

The room goes silent.

Casper: okay then, get ready! We head out to Marino's base soon!

Vox whispers to herself from behind the wall "holy shit..."

Casper: first, someone go make sure that annoying cop chick is still in her cage.

Vox quickly and quietly goes back into the room and pretends to be locked up and knocked out.

A gangster walks in and takes a quick look at her.

Gangster: she's still locked up and asleep.

Casper: good, stand by the door. I'll be there in a minute to finish her off before we leave. Can't have her escaping and fucking things up.

As the gangster turns around, Vox sneaks up behind him and chokes him until he's incapacitated. She then carefully sneaks through the hallway and escapes from a nearby window. From there, she climbs down from the second story to the ground level of the warehouse and finally runs away from the area.

Casper then walks through the hallway and finds the guards body and discovers the empty room.

Casper: for fucks sake, I gave you idiots one job!

A few guards then come up to him.

Guard: where'd she go?!

Casper: she must've went to find Rogue. We have to get to Marino's place before she does or we're fucked!

Casper and his army get into armored vehicles and drive off.

Meanwhile, Alexander wakes up in a dark room tied to a chair with Vinci sitting across from him.

Alexander: what... where the hell...

Vinci: I'm glad you're awake. Truly, I am... because, now we can finally talk...

Alexander: Vinci, you need to listen to me-

Vinci punches Alex in the face.


Vinci punches him again.


He punches him again.


Vinci punches him multiple times in the face.

Vinci: WHY DID YOU DO IT?? WHY?!?!

Vinci says this as he continues to punch Alex until he's bleeding from his face.

Alexander: I didn't...

Vinci: LIAR!!!

Alexander: Ramona...

Vinci: The fuck did you just say to me?! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SAY THAT NAME TO ME?!?!

Alexander: I promised her... before she died... that I'd protect your family... but I failed...

Vinci then steps away from Alexander.

Vinci: my wife made you promise that?

Alexander: yes... I'm so sorry I failed you...

Vinci: so.. you didn't kill my daughter?

Alexander: how could you ever believe that I did? You're my friend, Vince.

Vinci: I know... but i don't know anyone else who'd be capable of such a thing. Do you?

Alexander: I've been trying to figure it out ever since I heard about it. I still don't know for sure.

Vinci: I'm... I'm sorry, Alex... I should've trusted you more.

Alexander: I'm sorry, too...


Vinci gets shot in the back by Casper.

Alexander: Casper?!

Casper: I knew he didn't have the balls to kill you... but I do!

Alexander: Casper, what the hell are you-


Casper shoots Alex in the gut.

Alexander: Casper... why?...

Vinci: so it was you?... you killed my daughter?...

Casper: God, is everyone in this town this slow? Yeah, of course it was me.

Vinci: but why? What did she ever do to you?

Casper: oh, this actually had nothing to do with her. But, I knew getting you pissed at him would weaken him down enough for me to kill him.

Alexander: so it was all a lie. After everything we've been through?

Casper: you mean all the times I was there for you and you didn't give a shit about me? Yeah, what a great fucking time we spent together.

Alexander: I trusted you...

Casper: I trusted you too, and look where it got me. Living off of your fucking scraps in this crap hole of a city. Well, not anymore... I've got an army now. What do you have?

Carmen: me!

Carmen shoots some of Casper's guards in the head before shooting the gun out of Casper's hand.

Casper: You're on the wrong side, y'know?

Carmen: the only one on the wrong side is you, you backstabbing son of a bitch!

Casper: if you feel that way, then pull the trigger!

Carmen hesitates for a moment, but then suddenly, more of Casper's men show up, so Carmen grabs Casper and throws him at the guards, knocking them down, then she unties Alexander.

Carmen: are you okay?

Alexander: yeah.

Carmen: can you walk?

Alexander: I think so.

Carmen helps him up and they both leave the room and head outside. As they make it out, an armored SUV arrives and stops in front of them.

Carmen: shit, more of them!

The driver's door opens and Vox reveals herself.

Vox: hop in!

Carmen: where the hell were you?

Vox: I got stuck with Casper and Markov's goons, but I escaped and stole one of their trucks. Need a lift?

Carmen: we'd love one!

Suddenly, Vinci appears and limps towards the vehicle.

Vinci: wait for me!

Alexander: you're alive?!

Vinci: you should know by now, I'm a stubborn old bastard.

Alexander: you've got that right.

They all get in the vehicle and flee the scene.

Vinci: so, you guys killed that little bastard?

Carmen: no...

Vinci: the hell you mean, "no"?!

Alexander: we didn't kill him...

Vinci: why not?!

Alexander: it's not that simple.

Vinci: bullshit it's not that simple! You take the gun and you fucking shoot him!

Carmen: if it's so easy then why didn't you do it?

Vinci: I was a little busy trying not to bleed out on the floor after he shot me in the fucking back.

Vox: they didn't have the guts to do it, Marino.

Vinci: who the fuck are you?!

Vox: right now, I'm a friend.

Vinci: okay, "friend", what are you talking about?

Vox: you're asking 3 lifelong friends why they didn't want to kill each other. They still had a special attachment.

Vinci: last I checked, that shit goes out the window the moment someone gets betrayed.

Alexander: he was our friend. We can't just kill him.

Vinci: like hell you can't.

Carmen: I don't think you understand, Vinci.

Vinci: I understand that my daughter is dead because of him. Where I come from, we believe in "eye for an eye".

Alexander: then what? We all go blind in the process?

Vinci: a merc giving a philosophy lesson... I'll be damned.

Alexander: a lot has changed, Marino.

Vinci: that's what you think... but that look in his eye... that guy has had it in for you for awhile.

Carmen: so where to?

Vox: back to my precinct.

Alexander: why there?

Vox: haven't you noticed? Your "friend" has a fucking army now, and we need more firepower if we're gonna stop it.

Alexander: so your plan is to get the cops involved? The same ones who want us dead?

Vox: we have enough evidence to prove your innocence.

Alexander: and what about the other crimes we've committed? They're just gonna pretend they don't care about those anymore?

Vox: I'm sorry, Alex, but jail is better than death. Besides, how'd you expect this to end?

Carmen: you little bitch! You intended on screwing us from the start!

Vox: I'm not screwing anyone, I'm doing what needs to be done.

Vinci: I've got a better idea, head to my safe house.

Vox: we just left your safe house.

Vinci: I have more than one safe house, ya know?

Vox: how many do you have?

Vinci: I've got em all over the city.

Vox: and how do you know nobody will find us at one of them?

Vinci: let 'em try, my own men don't even know where half of them are.

Vox: well sorry, but you don't own me.

Vinci: but I do own the rest of your precinct, including your boss.

Vox: excuse me?!

Vinci: you heard right, sweetheart. Your boss will do whatever the hell I say as long as I keep the money coming. So here's the deal, take us to my safe house or don't bother going to work tomorrow.

Vox: you're threatening to take my job?!

Vinci: I'm just telling you what I'm capable of. If you want to take it as a threat, that's up to you. Now, either continue driving towards the precinct, or take a left here.

Vox slows down and makes a left turn.

Vinci: smart girl.

Vox: shut up, old man.

They make it to one of Marino's safe houses located on the outskirts of the city. They into a large Victorian-style villa.

Alexander: damn, this is a safe house?

Vinci: I know, it's not I nice as the others, but they won't find us here.

Alexander: so this place has everything we need to get our shit together and gear up?

Vinci: you tell me...

Vinci leads them into a a dark room and flips the light switch. The lights turn on and we see a very typical looking garage with 2 sedans inside.

Carmen: umm... nice garage, Vinci, but I think we're gonna need a little more...

Vinci: you mean, like this?

Vinci claps his hands and the walls open up revealing a huge high tech armory along with multiple Bugattis, Ferraris Porsches & Lamborghinis.

Carmen: yeah, I think that'll do.

Vinci: take what you can carry and gear up. We're going to war...

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