By vigilant_comics

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Alexander Rogue and his wife Carmen are mercenaries. Everything seems to be fine when suddenly, Alexander get... More

Chapter 1: Runners
Chapter 2: Alesia
Chapter 3: Casper
Chapter 4: sitting ducks
Chapter 6: understanding
Chapter 7: regroup
Chapter 8: this means war

Chapter 5: is it true?

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By vigilant_comics


Alexander, Carmen and Casper make it to Axel's garage safely.

Casper: are you guys sure about this?

Alexander: what other choice do we have?

Casper: is that seriously the only reason we have?

Alexander: look, these guys are trustworthy. I know you haven't dealt with them in a while, but they've never let me down.

Casper: okay... I guess we'll try it.

They walk In and find Axel and AK working inside.

Axel: well shit! It looks like the grim reaper is still kicking!

AK: and thank God for that!

Alexander: it's good to see you guys too, we've also brought an old friend.

Axel: Casper?! Goddam! I haven't seen you in ages! How the hell are ya?

Casper: right now, not so good.

AK: figured as much, looks like the feds are still after you guys.

Alexander: I see you've been watching the news.

Axel: most interesting thing on tv right now.

Carmen: yeah, you're telling us.

AK: you guys must be exhausted. You can all stay here as long as you need, if you'd like.

Alexander: that's exactly what we need, thanks guys.

Axel: what are friends for? Besides, I can't count the times you've helped me out of scrapes. It's the least we can do.

Alexander: alright, we've still got lots to do tomorrow so let's rest while we still can.

They all rest up until morning.

The next morning, 7:00am.

Vox and her men head to Casper's garage and search the place.

Vox: alright, look everywhere! See what you can find.

Henchman: how come you didn't call your cop buddies?

Vox: do you ask Pedro this many questions?

Henchman: no, because his plans always make sense to me.

Vox: yeah, and that's why he's locked up in his own basement right now. But to answer your question, I don't want every cop swarming this place yet because I'm not sure which ones I can trust yet.

Henchman: so the department is corrupt?

Vox: I have no idea, but a young lady was murdered and my coworkers have been searching for culprits for days and the only suspect they have might be innocent. The cops I know should be doing a better job than this. The only reason they aren't might be because they're not actually looking, but hiding it instead. If that's the case, I need to check this place out first. Now stop asking questions and start looking for clues!

Henchman: we're not detectives, ma'am. We don't know what we're looking for.

Vox: fine then, just stand guard until I'm done.

Vox looks around the garage and sees some left over weapons and ammo magazines on the tables.

Vox: they clearly left in a hurry. They forgot some of their gear and even left some vehicles. Unless they're planning on coming back? But they knew we'd find this place and take everything for evidence. Are the professionals finally getting sloppy?

Henchman: ma'am, are you talking to yourself?

Vox: could you shut the hell up?! I'm trying to think!

Vox takes a look at the bullets on the floor.

Vox: these are the same bullets found at the crime scene. Custom made diamond tipped rounds. So his bullets were used to kill that girl, but somehow it wasn't him? Who else could it have been?

Vox then checks inside the challenger and finds the vehicle registration.

Vox: "Simon McKenzie"? Why does that name sound familiar?

Suddenly, Vox hears a beeping sound inside the car.

Vox: oh, God!

She runs away from the vehicle as fast as she can.


The cars blow up and destroy the garage just as Vox makes it outside.

Henchman: what the hell happened?!

Vox: they knew we'd be here, the cars were rigged to blow.

Henchman: did you get what you needed?

Vox: maybe, I'll find out after I interrogate them.

Henchman: won't they kill you?

Vox: not if you guys are there, so come on.

Meanwhile, Alexander, Carmen and the rest of the gang at Axel's garage are just waking up and planning their next move.

Axel: AK and I need to step out to get some parts and supplies, will you guys be okay while we're gone?

Alexander: yeah, go ahead, but watch yourselves out there.

AK: alright, we'll be back soon.

Axel and AK leave while Carmen, Alexander and Casper start strategizing.

Carmen: okay, we need a plan to get out of the city.

Alexander: I thought the plan was to clear my name?

Carmen: even if we do clear your name they're not just gonna stop coming after you. We're wanted mercenaries! This is just their new excuse to bring us in!

Alexander: either way, there's roadblocks everywhere, we couldn't leave if we wanted to.

Casper: unless we don't take the road?

Alexander: they've also closed off the train tunnels.

Casper: so what? Boats and plains don't exist anymore?

Alexander: do you know how to fly a plane? Because I don't.

Casper: well luckily, I do know how to drive a boat!

Carmen: so we head to the docks and steal a boat?

Casper: sounds like a plan to me!

Alexander: and what about the cops guarding the dock entrances?

Casper: have you forgotten how to kill cops all of a sudden?

Alexander: killing people is kinda what got us into this!

Casper: and killing people is what's gonna get us out!

Alexander: I just think we should find another way.

Casper: seriously? The assassin doesn't wanna kill people? What a fucking joke...

Alexander: I don't kill just anybody, you know!

Casper: yeah, just the people you're paid to kill, just like the rest of us!

Alexander: what the fuck is wrong with you, man?!

Casper: you tell me, Mother Teresa!

Carmen: that's enough! No more fighting each other!

Casper: No! Because this guy decided to go soft while we're in the middle of life or death!

Alexander: I'm not going soft, I just don't think killing random innocents for our own gain is gonna fix the problem.

Casper: this city is filled with crooked cops, we'd be doing them a favor.

Alexander: okay fine, so we go to the docks, kill anyone who gets in our way, steal a boat, and then what? Where do we go from there? If we go to another state, they'll just keep hunting us.

Casper: then we'll flee the country.

Alexander: what if foreign authorities find us and deport us back here?

Casper: I don't know, change our names, get plastic surgery, who cares?!

Alexander: I care!

Casper: why?!

Alexander: because I don't wanna be on the run forever! Maybe I actually want to live a normal life!

Casper: dude, we're killers! How did you think this life would turn out?! You think we can just go back and live normal lives? That's not who we are! Not anymore!

Alexander: I'm sorry, but there's gotta be another way.

Alexander then steps out of the room.

Casper: what a fucking moron! Who the hell does he think he is?!

Carmen: can you blame him? Do you really want to be on the run, killing people for money in your sixties?

Casper: look, we made our choices long ago out of necessity. We didn't have a choice. But now, we either live with it or die with it. But there's no way out of it.

Carmen: I know, but we were all different people back then, Casper. People change. Different things become more important than just money.

Casper: listen, I'd love to change everything and live a better life, but we can't. We don't have that option anymore.

Carmen: then why don't you go make up with him and think of an option we do have?

Casper: fine, whatever.

Casper meets Alexander in the next room.

Alexander: got any more wise words of encouragement?

Casper: yeah, sorry for what I said back there. I don't don't see another option.

Alexander: yeah.. neither do I.

Casper: so you're on board?

Alexander: I don't like it, but you're sorta right, there may not be another option.

Casper: sorta?

Alexander: if we do it right, we might be able to minimize casualties.

Casper: the only way to get proper times is to stalk the place and we don't have time.

Alexander: what if we just got a hold of the patrol schedules?

Casper: how?

Vox: I think I can help...

Alexander and Casper immediately draw their guns toward Vox.

Casper: who the fuck are you?!

Alexander: and how'd you get in here?

Vox: relax, I'm not here to hurt anyone.

"BULLSHIT!", Carmen says from outside the room.

Vox: ok, your girlfriend might be taken hostage by my guys in the next room.

Alexander: why?!

Vox: how else could I get you to listen to me without killing me?

Alexander: ok, you've got 5 seconds, make 'em count!

Vox: ok, I'm a detective and my entire department wants you dead. But, my job is to catch who's responsible for the murder of Alesia Marino and I'm not fully convinced it's you. So, if you have any proof it isn't you, I can save a lot of time and find the real killer.

Alexander: and if it was me?

Vox: then I'll call in the rest of my team and you'd all be dead by brunch. So, is it you?

Alexander: no, but I'm guessing you already knew that?

Vox: I'll admit, you being the killer doesn't add up to me. Although, the evidence points in your direction. Help me find out why and you're off the hook.

Alexander: ok, but first, let her go.

Vox looks to her henchmen.

Vox: stand down!

The henchmen let Carmen go and  everyone puts away their weapons.

Vox: ok, so who did it?

Alexander: if we knew that, nobody would be after us.

Vox: how about this... I found some bullets at your other hideout which match the one found at the crime scene.

Alexander: which hideout?

Vox: the one that blew up.

Alexander: you'll have to be more specific.

Vox: the one that blew up about 45 minutes ago.

Casper: damn it!

Vox: so it was you who almost killed us?

Casper: hey man, gotta cover your tracks.

Alexander: you rigged that place to blow?!

Casper: don't worry, i only set up the bombs when we were leaving.

Vox: well thanks for that.

Alexander: well, I know those are my bullets but I don't know how they got there.

Vox: do you know anyone else who uses your bullets?

Alexander then looks at Casper.

Casper: I already told you, it wasn't me!

Vox: so you're the only other person who uses the same ammunition and somehow it wasn't you?!

Casper: my gear was stolen 2 weeks before the murder occurred!

Vox: by who?

Casper: I have no idea.

Vox: well that's convenient, isn't it!

Casper: you wanna try that again, Lady?!

Vox: you heard me!

Casper: I will blow your fucking brains out!

Vox: just like you did to Alesia?!


Casper and Vox then aim pistols at each other.

Vox: go ahead! Pull the trigger! Prove me right!

Casper: you don't know shit about me.

Vox: you sure about that, Simon?

Casper: you really wanna die today?

Vox: sure, I've got time.

Carmen: THAT'S ENOUGH! Put the Goddamn guns down!

They both slowly put away their weapons.

Carmen: let's take a minute before we all kill each other for nothing. Honey, come with me for a minute.

Vox: don't take too long!

Carmen: shut up and don't shoot each other!

Carmen and Alexander talk privately in the next room.

Carmen: why the hell didn't you break that up?!

Alexander: what was I suppose to do?!

Carmen: maybe don't let them kill each other?!

Alexander: sorry, I don't know what I was thinking.

Carmen: you think he did it, don't you?

Alexander: I... I don't know... do you?

Carmen: I'll admit, what she says makes sense, but I still don't see why he'd do that to you. We've all been friends for years, turning on you now just doesn't sound like him.

Alexander: I know, that's what I don't understand.

Carmen: maybe she's right?

Alexander: but what if he's telling the truth? What if someone else is pulling the strings and we're all getting played?

Carmen: that depends on who else is even capable of doing that. Who else has the skills to convince and entire city that the wrong guy killed someone?

Alexander: I.. I don't-

Vox then opens the door and enters the room.

Vox: ok, times up. Have you opened your eyes yet? Because, it's clearly Your little backstabbing friend back there.

Casper: and how the hell do we know it wasn't you?

Vox: why would I confront you like this if It was me? I'd be fleeing the country if I'd intentionally pissed off the mob and several mercenaries and a bunch of cops whom I work with.

Casper: but how do we know it wasn't the cops who did it?

Vox: I'll admit, I originally thought the police may have been in on it too, but now that I see what really happened, I can say with certainty that they had nothing to do with it.

Casper: how's that?

Vox: because none of them give a shit about you. Most of them don't even know who you are! But you know who they do know? ALEXANDER ROGUE!

Casper: why the hell does that matter?

Vox: think about it, he has everything that you want, right?

Casper: this is ridiculous.

Vox: he has more fame, more fortune, more respect and he even has the girl.

Casper: I'm done listening to this. Does anyone wanna deal with this bitch or should I just do it?

Vox: I'll leave right now, but only if you admit you did it.

Casper: I've been friends with Alex for years, I've put my life on the line for him countless times.

Vox: and yet, you feel that he's never paid you back? That he doesn't deserve everything he has, but you do?

Casper: can you believe her, Alex?

Alexander: is.. is it true?

Casper: you're shitting me?! You really believe a damn thing she says?!

Alexander: is it true?!


Suddenly, Markov's men drive through the side of the building and confront the gang.

Carmen: you assholes realize there's a front door?!

Russian gangster: we've come for Rogue! Give him to us and the rest of you will be spared!

Carmen: Go to hell!

Alexander: hold on...

Carmen: what the hell are you doing?!

Alexander: you promise to let them go if I surrender?

Russian gangster: those are my orders. Come quietly or you'll all die!

Alexander: let me speak with Markov and I'll do it.

Carmen: you can't be serious?! It's a fucking trap!

Alexander: I know...

Russian gangster: you may speak with him at the safe house. Now make your choice.

Carmen: don't do it!

Alexander: alright... I'll go.

Carmen: NO!

Alexander: don't worry, it's ok.

Carmen: NO! They'll kill you!

Alexander: let them try.

Alexander raises his hands in surrender and walks towards the truck.

Casper: I can't let you do this!


Casper shoots 2 of Markov's men in the head. Carmen and Vox provide covering fire while Casper pulls Alexander behind a wall.

Alexander: what the hell was that?!

Casper: told ya it wasn't me. Now grab a gun and let's get outta here!

Alexander, Casper, Carmen and Vox shoot down the gangsters and begin pushing them back.

Casper: Everyone, get in the truck!

The 4 of them steal the gangster's truck, Casper takes the wheel and they drive off while the gangsters shoot at them.

Russian gangster: AFTER THEM!

The gangsters get in another truck and chase after them.

Alexander: where the hell are we going?

Casper: to the docks.

Alexander: are you crazy?!

Casper: No! We'll all die if we stay here any longer!

Alexander: we'll need to lose these guys if we wanna make it out of here alive!

Casper: you have a gun, use it!

2 more trucks start chasing them. Alexander, Carmen and Vox shoot back until their their engines blow.

Vox: why the hell are we going to the docks?

Casper: you wouldn't understand, lady.

Vox: then help me understand before I arrest your ass!

Casper: Bitch! I will pull over right now!

Alexander: both of you shut up! The docks are basically the only way to escape the city, but it's still super risky.

Vox: that'll never work, the police have the docks surrounded.

Casper: we're mercenaries, I think we'll survive.

Vox: I'm not helping you kill cops!

Casper: then jump out.

Vox: how about I blow your brains out!

Casper: what happened to little miss innocent? You too scared to hurt a cop but you killed those gangsters back there real quick.

Vox: oh, I'll kill a criminal no problem, but unlike you, I don't kill innocent people!

Casper: oh please, the cops are the most corrupt part of this city. Face it, you're no better than the rest of us!

Vox: how the hell do you two tolerate this asshole?

Alexander and Carmen: you get used to it.

They get to the docks where they're met with several policemen.

Officer: Halt! This is a restricted area!

Casper: we don't have time for this!

Casper pulls out his gun.

Vox: STOP! Don't shoot!

The cops all draw their weapons.

Officer: FREEZE!

Casper: Vox, call them off, NOW!

Vox: Simon, just do what they-

Casper: fuck it...

Casper takes Vox hostage.

Vox: what the hell?!

Casper: drop your weapons, or she dies!

Alexander: Casper, What the fuck?!

Casper: shut up and listen to me! You all have 3 seconds to drop your weapons or I kill her! 1...

Alexander: Casper! Let her go!

Casper: 2...

Vox: don't just stand there! Kill this bastard!

Casper: 3!

Suddenly, a flash bang goes off and blinds the gang and the cops.

Casper: what the fuck is happening?!


Markov's men show up and kill all the cops and take the group hostage. The group is left deafened and blinded and can barely fight back.

Russian gangster: split them up. Take Rogue and his wife to Marino, we'll take the other two back to Markov.

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