Heaven's Unholy āœæ Heaven Offi...

By Hazelnutsu

40.8K 1.4K 722

š‘¬š’—š’†š’ š’ˆš’š’…š’” š’‰š’‚š’—š’† š’‚š’ š’–š’š’‰š’š’š’š š’‘š’‚š’”š’• There is one rule in this world, a human rises as a god... More

Prologue + Exposition
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
(Arc 2) Chapter 7
(Arc 2) Chapter 8
Extra 1: OC Images #1
Extra 2: Locations #1
(Arc 2) Chapter 9
Info about the Author!!
(Arc 2) Chapter 11
(Arc 2) Chapter 12
(Arc 2) Chapter 13
(Arc 2) Chapter 14
(Arc 2) Chapter 15
Incorrect Quotes #1
(Arc 2) Chapter 16
(Arc 2) Chapter 17
(Arc 2) Chapter 18
(Arc 2) Chapter 19
(Arc 2) Chapter 20
(Arc 2) Chapter 21
(Arc 2) Chapter 22
(Finale for Arc 2) Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chinese New Year Special #1
Valentine's Day Special (SMUT) #1
Valentines Day Special (SMUT) #2
Chapter ???: The "Feminine" Talks
Chapter 32
The Archaic Gods (Teaser for Arc 3)
Chapter 33 (Arc 3)
Chapter ??? (Book 6 Special - Part 1)
What actually happened during Black Water Arc
Chapter ??? (Book 6 Special - Part 2)
Chapter ??? (Book 6 Special - Part 3)

(Arc 2) Chapter 10

829 33 31
By Hazelnutsu

Chapter 10: Xie Lian's Troubles

TW: Some suggestive scenes, u already know what i mean.

It's been a week now, your first routine in the morning is being greeted by a bunch of female servants assigned by Xie Lian's parents. You still need to get used to it.

Back in the heavens, your so called servants and attendants were all males. Yes, your concubines get to see you naked while they help you dress.

But that was only it. They could only see you naked while dressing but never naked on a bed with them.

At first you felt icky near them, but you also got used to it. Your concubines of course have lecherous desires (horny) and when they're alone, they ejaculate on their memory or seeing you bare. You know this, but you would laugh and say "Let them fantasize of what they can't have" and walk away

Having female servants is a nice temporary change, but while you were cold and barely had a friendlier interaction with your concubines. You had a heart to flirt with these women who were tending to you.

You would intentionally make yourself bare when one of the maids would enter your bedroom, they would blush furiously and you would casually invite them in "Why are you so shy for? We're both women, come in"

The maid wanted to desperately say "Yes but you're so beautiful and you're a goddess and i am a human!" but the words would get stuck in her throat.

You had a hobby of flirting with women, one maid would help you bathe. It's obvious by her face that she wants to desperately touch you when you undress infront of her. You would encourage this and by what exactly?

One time she was checking the temperature of the water with her hands, then she felt something warm, big and soft, she would relish the feeling and tighten her grip but only when she looked up and saw it was you with a smirk on her face. She was touching your plushy big breasts.

She would stand back with a very red face "Y-your grace i'm sorry!" You laughed "Aw don't be shy~ come and touch it, you have my permission~" You were under the water all this time and revealed yourself when her hands touched the water

Another maid actually played with your cunt. This time, it was unintentionally done and was encouraged by you. It was when while helping you dress, a maid was trying to find the loose string of fabric on your hanfu, your took advantage of her busy state and guided her hands under your robes

She wanted to back out but your hands forced her to continue, but at the end, the only one who cum was her, not you. You stared at her with a wide grin "What a dirty girl, you want me so badly huh?"

"Y-your grace i-i'm sorry-" You cupped her cheeks "Do you want me? Be honest" She shyly nodded "This is your only chance, come and play with me~" Her fingers sunk in deep as her response, she saw how wet your hole was and wanted to eat it out. But snap back to reality she can't.

So she stood up, bowed down and left your room, when she was out she would suck your fluids from her fingers feeling wet between her legs.

Your teasing made the maids have sexual desires too, they feel so ashamed that you were the object of their unholy thoughts. But what can you say? You would laugh off and say "Women are quite cute aren't they? Myself included"

The maids think you were just teasing and testing them, which is why they don't tell the king and queen and Xie Lian of this behavior of yours.

But at night, when they're alone in a dim light of their bedchambers, their desires will only be a fantasy as they finger their own clit and moan out your name "Y-your grace~! f-faster please!". They imagine it was you touching them, toying with their breasts and clit. The next morning they wash their bedsheets stained with their lust last night but...it was only a fantasy. They know better than to interfere in your marriage.

Now after that whole fiasco, the next thing is have early morning tea with Xie Lian. Mu Qing and Feng Xin would naturally be there with him. You got along with his two close attendants.

Mu Qing around this time was barely seen by Xie Lian's parents, he was a personal attendant but since the king and queen were always busy they barely see him. It's usually Feng Xin and Xie Lian since he is the bodyguard, who's always glued to the prince's side unlike Mu Qing who's busy doing chores somewhere.

It's not a Xianle palace morning without those two bickering for small reasons, it reminded you when you and your brother would fight for small reasons. Except their quarrel was like a married couple's arguments, but you don't say that out loud to anger them more.

Xie Lian would always scold them for misbehaving infront of you, but you laugh it off. Breakfast with the king and queen, they treated you like you were already part of their family. The queen and his motherly aura ask you how you are feeling every day. The King would be a reporter, delivering news to you about Xianle's politics, economics, etc.

Every day's schedule has a small difference with another. There's a day when both of you spend it all teaching and tutoring him. Then a day when you both are free just to roam around the palace and the capital. Another day where the half is spent on studying, the other half is vacant.

"Okay A-Lian, can you recite me the principles of exercise" Another monday, it was time to evaluate him. "Principle of Overload states that the body must work harder than what it is used to in order for it to adapt...'' Xie Lian's voice trailed of ''Do i have to recite the meanings too..?

"No need" He sighed from relief "Principle of Progression, Specifity, Individuality and Reversibility. Then the FITT principle." You clapped your hands "Well done! Now what is the FOIL method?''

"FOIL method means first, outer, inner and last terms. It's used to multiply two binomials together in operation of functions. Then after multiply you simplify if the product is divisible like 4 divided by 2'' Xie Lian was taking these classes seriously, it's way harder than his goushi's lessons.

Mei Nianqing would teach him spells, martial arts and how to cultivate. It was easy for him. Now you taught him the knowledge only scholars could obtain. Mathematics, History, Physical Education, Communication and Social Science.

When he heard communication as a subject, he thought it was easy. Wrong. "Now tell me how many phonemes are there in the word: mouse?'' Xie Lian sweat furiously "2..?'' You clicked your tongue "It has three distinct sounds. We will start converting words to phonems. Memorize the phonetic chart i gave you" He felt like he was about to die

Social Science was a bit easier for him "What is Marxism? I taught you this last friday." Xie Lian collected all his memories "Marxism explains the struggle between the capitalists and working class" You sighed "Do you know why Marxism is important to be in the east and not just in the west?''

You looked out the window "Karl Marx hated seeing the unfairness of the social class where elite nobles get everything while the poor has none. If only the eastern nobles could see..." You groaned. Xie Lian stared at your tired face

''Do you know why i am teaching you this?'' He stayed silent, unable to answer "This knowledge is important for you in the future. You will become King, a high ranking one in the heavens. You need to know about politics and how it functions, all that stuff..'' You stood up and closed your book

"Lessons end here, let's take a stroll. Perhaps it can help you understand our future social science classes" Xie Lian didn't say a word and followed you out of the palace. Xie Lian was able to get an oil paper parasol and gave you shade under the sun.

Many citizens waved their hands and greeted you both, you two waved back. Some carried on their daily affairs, carrying haystacks, sacks of rice. "Over there'' you pointed your fan at the men carrying those. Another taller man dressed in more exquisite robes, it was a Xianle nobleman

The nobleman had narrowed eyes ''My lord! I have brought the rice i harvested!'' The man said his face glistening under the sun covered in sweat "You...didn't i told you to carry a bigger amount!? Look at how small it is! My customers will leave if this is only the rice i can sell!''

"But my lord! This is only the rice i can harvest!'' The nobleman's face was growing red from anger "NO! If you don't produce more rice by the end of this week, say goodbye to your children and wife!'' He threatened the man, and he couldn't stand the abuse anymore

"Do you think it's easy tilling the fields and sowing under the sun!? More importantly having no breakfast to begin with! You, noblemen, can never experience it!" The man dropped the sack of rice and grabbed the nobleman by it's collar. Causing a scene in public.

Xie Lian watched with his eyes wide, you touched his shaking hand, calming him. "See? This is what Karl Marx wants to change, the unfairness of the social class. Do you understand?'' He nodded with a sad look on his face.

You told him to stay where he is and left to settle the problem, but to your shock "You filthy pleb! Don't you think i have forgotten that you stole my daughter's necklace!'' The nobleman's wife came in the scene "I didn't steal it! Your daughter dropped it and when i wanted to return it the guards accused me!''

"How unbelievable, first you go against your master's orders then you stole my daughter's jewelry!? How desperate are you!?'' The pedestrians and passerby watched the whole fiasco and gossiped "Such thievery!'' A nearby vendor said "He should be sent to jail!''

"Enough." your voice was like a bell, once you say something in the middle of chaos, everyone would stop in their tracks. ''Her grace has come! Have you come to arrest this plebeian?'' The wife exclaimed

"We will see each other in court." you opened your fan and covered half of your face. ''But...who will defend this ragged pleb-" You said out loud "Me.'' startling everyone.

"Find yourself a lawyer, today is Monday right? The trial will be on friday"' You looked at the soldiers nearby who came rushing hearing the ruckus "All of you, request the court of Xianle that a trial will be held to prove this man's innocence" They all bowed "Yes your grace!''

You sashayed and walked towards a speechless Xie Lian holding a parasol. You ate and left no crumbs.

''A-Lian, there's a new temple dedicated to me. Let's go visit" You tugged on his sleeves and Xie Lian walked you to the temple. ''Your grace!'' The man's voice made you both halt "Your highness and grace! Please wait!"

"I can't thank you enough, but i don't know how the court works'' You pat the man's shoulder "Let's discuss this afternoon, just tell the guards you have come to see. If they don't believe tell them to fetch me. Don't worry, for i am here" The man smiled and bowed a few times before running away to who knows where

Both of you continued and arrived at the destination. "I must say, this temple is done nicely" you hummed "The people wanted to honor you" Xie Lian saw just how crowded it was, none of them noticed you two. You took this chance to enter the temple unnoticed.

Examining the murals, you complimented yourself "Fascinating, the details of my dress is there" Xie Lian looked at your statue, there he noticed a tiny flower on the free hand of the statue "That flower looks like it was recently put there"

You saw the flower and it really did look fresh ''I wonder who put it there, let's go" You guys continued to explore more. Much to your surprise, a few voices could be heard the more you walked.

"Ack!'' The sound of a little boy crying in pain filled the hallways. To your rush you two ran towards the direction of the cry.

''You think you're worthy of coming here? Showing your face infront of his highness and her grace?" A boy around 17 beat Honghong'er and he was bleeding from his nose. He was struggling from his grip "Let go of me!''

You didn't hesitate to let sharp ends of your fan appear and throwed it to the teen boy harassing Honghong'er. The fan almost scratched him but the boy dodged it quickly and the deadly fan returned to your hands.

"I will give you a chance to live. Leave or..." The purple thunder on your hand grew and a silhouette of your scythe was seen. The teen boy did not hesitate to run away with his face pale. When he was out of your sight you calmed down and walked over to Honghong'er slumped on the ground.

You hugged him, not afraid of his blood staining your robes. Honghong'er was shocked and looked up to see your eyes closed "Hong'er where did he hurt you? Can you still walk?"

"Jiejie....i.." he coughed out blood. Xie Lian approached you two and kneeled down "(Name), do you know this child is?'' You pat Hong'ers head "Yes, i met this kid when i first visited Xianle alone. A few hours before we first met. He was being bullied and trampled by a group of noble kids"

"Poor child..." Xie Lian had a look of worry. You stood up and cradled Hong'er in you arms ''Let's go back to the palace, i will bathe this child and tend to his injuries, let the servants take care of their own affairs"

''Let's just teleport, we don't want to catch attention. Hold my hand" Xie Lian's were warm this time. The last thing Xie Lian saw was purple, next you all were inside your bedroom in the palace of Xianle. Hong'er was still coughing out blood.

You laid him on your bed and grabbed your medicine box. Xie Lian held the boy in his lap as he watched you mix herbs that were unknown to him. After it was done, you mixed it with normal drinking water and let Hong'er drink i.

Xie Lian helped by gently holding his jaw and Hong'er drank it all down. He coughed but this time no blood came out, success.

"Hong'er, are you feeling better now?'' You asked "T..thank you...jiejie" He still stammered on his words "How old are you um...''Xie Lian did not know his name ''It's honghong'er, i just call him hong'er"

"I am 8 years old, gege" The boy shyly replied "So young to be beaten like that..." Xie Lian felt pity for him "Come here, hong'er" The boy was still able to stand up but he did not move a step.

You took him in your arms instead ''A-Lian, ask the servants to fetch me a haircomb and help bathe him" Xie Lian stood up and nodded, then left and shut the door, leaving you alone with Hong'er.

"Jiejie, i-it's dangerous to be with me..you shouldn't get close.." Hong'er pleaded you. You chuckled "Don't worry about that, jiejie will protect you. Gege agrees too'' you were referring to Xie Lian.

Hong'er felt that he could cry from any moment, not from sadness but tears of joy. He finally found the people he can love and depend on.

He let himself lean against your soft plush chest, and sleep, finally having sweet dreams and not nightmares. Not in loneliness, you hugged and comb his head with your fingers, humming a lullaby lulling him to sleep.

* * *


The queen of Yingyue's voice flooded the courtroom "Like I said, the crown-prince was able to defeat me even with an opera prop" A man's voice said "That's because you only used a not so damaging sword!'' The queen argued

"Calm down darling" The king sat on his chair slumped "So, you came back from Xianle right?" The man tsked "Some brat in her grace's temple claimed that he will love her grace and that damn prince of Xianle at the same time. How amusing, huh? So i gave him a lesson, only to be almost caught dead by her grace"

The man frowned "Hmph, come back tomorrow. If you wish to cooperate on helping us instruct the fall of Xianle and assassinate the prince that is" The king watched the man stand on the exit ''Ha, that is what i came here for. You will not regret it." and the man left

Every women in the streets he walked past on stared at him in awe, their face blushing and whispering to each other on how handsome he was. He let the compliments run past his ears.

Suddenly, he was in the Heavenly Capital. The gods who saw him did not utter a word, and continued with their errands. As if they already know him.

He entered the palace of divine might, walked a few corridors and some of the concubines greeted him.

Once he was alone in his bedchambers, a ray of light surrounded him and let his robes slide down from his body.

"Ah your grace, if only you were to look at me with a smile and treat me like your husband. This wouldn't happen" He looked infront of his mirror. It was Shuai Chen!

Shuai Chen disguised himself in order to descend as rule to ascended-gods. And formed an alliance with his past homeland, it was Mingyue now its Yingyue.

Mingyue means bright moon. Yingyue means reflection of the moon. Yingyue was named to indicate that even after the kingdom lost a war and pieces of its land, it did not lost its home. As it reflects it's past kingdoms undying hope and brightness.

"Prince Xie Lian...even after you successfully ascend" Shuai Chen's smile widened revealing his teeth, it was a smile of a maniac ready to cause chaos "I will make sure you will never live in peace."

The wind blew against his hair, a cherry blossom petal flew on his palm and he clenched it in his fist, pretending that it was Xie Lian being crushed in his palm "After all, you won't be the first i have killed in the imperial harem"


Skit- What if Shuai Chen were to be back in the present time?

Shuai Chen: Tell me tell me tell me you, want me to want me to, tell me tell me tell me you, love me too, love me too~
You who lost your memories running away: WTF WHO ARE YOU!?

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