Crushed Chimere

By Mxxnchild07

857K 55.7K 11K

The world lays at his feet but his world is her. The king bows to no one except his queen. ☆°•°☆☆°•°☆ " How c... More

00. love the connection we can't explain
01. Things go wonderfully right (or horribly wrong )
02. 50 shades of pain.
03. Grumpy beginnings
04. How to escape from the mess you didn't made.
05. T is for Trauma.
06. spoiler alert: you will see me in pain.
07.Emotions? how about no.
08.Bee stung heart
09. Cactus flowers
10. The God of Mischief
11. Mr bright side pleasing the storm.
12. Cupid screwed up
13. Thanks, I hate it.
14. Shadows and Secrets
☆Author Note☆
15. Bittersweet
16. Sour endings
17. The art of miscommunication
18.Mis(understanding) each other
20. Ferris wheel of emotions (2)
21. Veil of darkness
22. The twilight of Innocence
23.lessons learned, bonds forged
24.In the grip of envy
25.Hard feelings
26. elle est un rêve
27.Glimmers of past
29. Paint the town red
30. Is that a coping mechanism?
32. Colour me red
33. Drunk words=sober thoughts
34. Pretty boy
35. Reverse icks
36. Make me blush
37. Me, him and the moon.
38. Show me.
39. Glazed breaths
40. The way I loved you.
41. Draped in your love.
42. Let me show my love.
43. Body language cheat sheet
44.I bet u think about me
45.Mouths smashed,

19. Ferris wheel of emotions (1)

17.2K 1K 176
By Mxxnchild07

♡Inayah's pov ♡

Brightly coloured tents and booths line the paths, displaying an array of games and food courts as soon as we enter in the carnival Dhruv and Aadish practically begged me to convince Arhaan to visit on our way back home.

Flashing lights, flickering neon signs surrounds us, laughter rings out from every direction as friends and families enjoy the games. Children dash from one attraction to another, their faces lighting up with awe and wonder seeing the street performers performing fire shows.

One fire- breather commands my attention with every flame- filled breath, many acrobats bend in a gravity-bending spectacle. Which makes my back hurt by just watching them.

Aadish grabs my hand pulling me towards the carnival excitedly. This kid have been by my side the moment I met him. He was very shy at first but now I know what a trouble maker he is.

"what should we do first?" I ask him. As I see him gazing all the games excitedly with a broad smile on his face.

"That one" he points at the 'ring toss' booth.
We walk towards it. Dhruv and Arhaan following us. Where Dhruv looks like he is about to pass out of excitement, Arhaan ,well he has a very cantankerous look on his face.

His jaw is clenched, his pupils flaring with annoyance. Least to say he looks dreadful to be here.

I also saw few kids running towards their mothers when he glared at them for probably being to annoying.

The worker of the ring toss gives us a smile as he sees us coming towards his stall.

"welcome, step right up to try your hand at 'Ring toss' test your aim and skills as you try to toss the rings onto the glass bottles. You will have five tries , two players will compete this game. The winner gets the prize."

Dhruv was already busy playing another game and Aadish is to small to compete so it means me and Arhaan will be competing the game.

Well that's not bad, I love to win from him.

A smirk makes its way on his face as he looks at me.

"Ready to loose love?" he whispers in my ears.

I punch him in the stomach with my elbow, but I just end up hurting myself with the freaking bricks he has on his stomach.

"we'll see who is the one loosing" we both come forward to take the rings from the worker.

As the game starts Arhaan throws the first ring towards the bottle.

Which lands.


Whatever, I scoff. He just got lucky with that.

His eyes snaps to mine, aloofness dripping from them.

Glaring at him, I turn back to throw my own ring.

I am pretty confident, I mean how hard can this be?

As I Throw the ring towards the ring, I see it-

Not so perfectly landing onto the bottle.

My jaws clench as I see Arhaan giving a high five to Aadish as they celebrate his point.

Umm, my foot slipped a little at the end I was not prepared.

"Don't get so ahead of yourself, there are still four tries left." Rolling my eyes I turn back towards the counter as I see Arhaan throwing another ring which lands perfectly onto the bottle.


Excited cheers erupts from Aadish as Arhaan lifts him up.

He just got lucky again. Yeah.

"you got lucky again with that move, but don't get to comfortable."

"Is that so?" he asks me, raising his brows.

I pick another ring to throw onto the bottle.

This time more careful.

As I throw the ring lands onto the bottle but soon after slides off and lands on the ground.

WHAT? That's clearly cheating. It landed on the bottle, it's not my fault that the bottle was to slippery.

My shoulders slumps as I hear Arhaan and Aadish’s cheers.

As I turn to look at them, Arhaan’s mouth is curved up in a smile his dimple prominently visible now.

But it soon fades as his eyes observes my face. His eyes softens before he turns to throw his ring.

Well, now he is pitying me.

But this time when he throws the ring it doesn’t even land in the right direction, it was like he purposely threw it the different way.

“What happened, did you purposely threw it in the wrong direction?”

“Now why would I do that trésor?” he joked.

“I don’t know, maybe because you are pitying me?” squinting my brows I question him.

“My foot just slipped a bit, it’s not that I would purposely lose this game for you.”



Soon after the game ended, nobody won because apparently Arhaan ‘missed’ both of his last shots. 

Aadish went with Dhruv play another game which leaves me and Arhaan alone.

We are in front of some shooting the balloon game where we have to shoot all the bottles hanging on the wall in front of us.

I honestly have no interest left after losing that previous game. I mean nobody won but still.

Arhaan takes  the gun from the shopkeeper and aims at the target. His grip exudes an air of confidence, his every movement calculated like he has done this many times before.

His fingers caresses the trigger. Fucking caresses it like it’s some kind of child’s play.
And then suddenly sounds of five gunshots reverberates through the air. As I looked at the wall my mouth flies open.


He shot 5 bullets in five bottles at the same time.

As I turn to look at him a little surprised , I see his eyes reflecting a mix of satisfaction and tranquillity, probably because he knows that he has once again conquered an arduous task.

It’s probably not that tough, like how did he do that so easily?

I walk towards him to take the gun, the shopkeeper had awe written on his face but also something else. Fear maybe?

When I take the gun from him, it slips from my palm but Arhaan catches it before it drops on the ground.

So hot.

The gun. The gun was too hot and heavy.

In an instant he is behind me, my back touching his chest as he gently raises my hand.

He guides my hand to hold the gun, his palm covering my own. Veins and tattoos were peeking out the corner of his leather jacket as I look at them.

“Focus on the gun, love” he whispers in my ear.

“First, grip the gun tightly, but not so tight that you’re trembling.” He murmured again.

I tighten my hold on the gun as I feel him tightening his palm around mine.

“Now, align your dominant eye with the sight,” he continues, adjusting my stance slightly.

“Just like that, you’re doing good.”

Our bodies our pressed in a sync, I could practically feel his body heat.

“Now, whenever you’re ready,” he whispers, his voice barely audible.

As I steady myself, I close my eyes for a moment before pulling the trigger.

A resounding shot echoes around us, as I look forward one of the glass bottles was now shattered.

A triumphant smile lights up my face. As I turn to look at Arhaan his face beams with pride but as soon he sees me looking at him, his face morphs blank again.

“It was a good shot, I guess.” He pointed out.
Soon Dhruv and Aadish joins us, they both were hungry so we finally planned to go to the food court.

After eating our lunch we were eating chocolate cupcake when I see Aadish’s whole face smeared with chocolate.

I chuckled looking at him, taking a tissue I raise his chin and start to clean his face and his chubby little fingers.

♡Arhaan's pov ♡

Currently I am doing the most absurd thing ever.

When I saw Inayah touching Aadish’s face to remove the chocolate he smeared all of his face, the next thing that came in my mind was to do the same thing so she finally touches my face.

I know, I am too desperate and stupid.

As I eat the cupcake, I purposely smear it a little on the corner of my mouth. Hoping that Inayah sees this and does the same what she did to Aadish.

Its been fucking five minutes since I have done the most horrendous act but everyone is to fucking busy eating their food.

I close my eyes frustrated but then my breath hitches when I feel her removing the chocolate from my face.

Fucking finaLLY WHAT THE FUCK?

Dhruv is holding the tissue, cleaning my face.

Snatching the napkin from his hand, I glare at him.

“Bhai, your such a messy eater, dekho aabh sabh haas rahe hain.” As I glance forward I see Inayah and Aadish fighting back their laughs.

I turn to look at Dhruv again who has a knowing, teasing glint in his eyes.

A muscle in my jaw twitches as I think of ten different ways to murder him.

Koi baat nahi mera bhi kabhi din aaye ga beta.

(Translation: dont wory, my day will come soon someday.)

The sun is almost setting, many fairy lights are starting to flicker ouside each spot.
As I lazily glance around, I see Inayah staring at one of the prize of the carnival game.

I grab her hand and pull her towards the game, it was some sort of dart-throwing thing.

Well this will be easy, I have a very good aim from all the shooting practice I did.

Taking the dart, I steadily point it at the bulls eyes. 

After scoring a direct hit time after time, I glance at Inayah before throwing the the last dart which will secure us the highest price.

She was observing me wide eyed. Finally I throw the last dart which perfectly lands again.

Cheers erupts around us as I see the booth owner could hardly contain his astonishment.

“we’ll take that one.” I point towards the black dragon. She was reading this book recently and I know that one of the character in that book is similar to the this stuffed toy.

I tilt my head towards my trésor, as I see the owner giving the plushie to her.

Her whole face lights up looking at the mere thing in her hands.

And then for the next one hour I try to win every goddam softtoy in this carnival.

Inayah could barely hold all the soft toys in her hand after I won the last game.

“where should we go next?” I ask, mentally begging that she says yes.

Dhruv and Aadish are at some theater Aadish wanted to go to so me and Inayah are finally getting some time alone.

Does this count as a date?

Yeah, I should stop being delusional. It’s fucking high time now.

“lets go to that.” She says looking at something in front of her.

Turning I look at what she was pointing at and a sigh of distress leaves me.

Oh fucking hell.

A ferris wheel.

There are moments when the melancholy settles on you like a sudden change in weather. The kind of pain and sadness that is intangible.
Like the presence of an ache where you can’t pinpoint exactly where it hurts, you just know it does.

I have never been afraid of anything before, guns, violence, blood, death. Anything.

But there is this one thing whose memory always reopens the deep scar that I have been hiding ever since I came in the underworld which my father chose for me.

I have a fear of heights.

Well not exactly the fear of heights but the fear of feelings I get overwhelmed with when I am at a hight point.

Feelings which are not welcomed in the mafia world.

It was not always there, but that one day changed everything. Everything.

Flashback :-

(Arhaan is 10 years old during this time period. His family used to live near Kamla aunty’s family because they were family friends. They lived there for 15 years, before Arhaan’s family shifted to delhi when Arhaan was 15.)

I was reading my book before my papa called me downstairs.

As I was walking downstairs I saw Dhruv, my 5 year old brother eating the leaves of one of the plants.

He needs to buy a brain, but I still love him I guess.

My dad is a powerful man. Maa tells me that he owns some big car company but I am too smart for her lies. I know it’s not the only business he does.

As I finally reach downstairs. I see him, He always has a blank expression on his face.
He turns to look at me when he sees me walking towards him.

“Arhaan, took you long enough.” He reproached.

I avert my eyes, I don’t want to make him angry. It doesn’t end up nice for me when he is.

“Now stop standing like a fool there, come I have to show you something.”

I walk behind him, keeping my distance.
As I finally look up I see that we are going to his office. He never allows anyone to even look towards his office so it’s a little weird.
As I walk in, I softly close the door behind me when he asked me to.

The lighting in the room was faint, but a soft gasp of shock escapes my lips as I see all the things in front of me.

The whole room was surrounded by a bunch of guns. Probably a thousand of them.

My grandfather’s picture was above the desk ; which probably belongs to my father.

“Come forward” he instructed.

I slowly walk towards him, each step out of fear and confusion.

“Look everything around you, Arhaan. Become familiar with it because soon this all will be yours.”

Confusion filled my thoughts. Why would I want guns?

“Your grandfather, started our mafia legacy about 50 years ago. He started to teach me about it when I turned 10, and now you will continue our leagacy.”

For the next hour or two he explained me everything about our ‘mafia’. Every other business he does. Every other business that I would have to do when I reached the age when I will be able to rule everyone my father rules over.

I take a step back. I don’t want this.

I don’t want to become the person my father is.

My steps falter as his hard gaze steps on me.

“You will be coming to my office every day to learn more about this. Ok?”

“I-i don’t want to dad.”

I feel a hard sting on my cheeks. The graze that I got from his rings  soaks the carpet beneath me with my blood.

“How dare you deny me? You will do as I say.”

Be brave Arhaan. Maa’s voice echoes in my ears.

“b-but I want to become a writer dad. I don’t want to kill people and do all the other work.”

Sound of another slap echoes in the room.

Suddenly he grabs my arm. This will bruise I know.

He drags me upstairs, towards my room. But I don’t dare to make a sound. Knowing that it will cause more problems.

Kicking the door open he walks in, and starts to search.
After few minutes a sadistic smirk touches his lips. He found them.

He found out all the write ups i have written.

Terror crosses through my body when I finally understand what is he about to do.
He walks towards my balcony, collecting all my paper.

“dad, stop." I finally broke,

I run behind him as he opens the balcony door.

A desperately clung on his shirt, tears finally streaming down my face. He had an expression of disappointment on his face, seeing the state I am in.

I desperately plea, my voice barely audible. But the voice instantly drowns with my shattered dreams when he finally tears all my work, throwing them down the balcony.

Time seemed to stand still as my heart shatters, my belief in the person I once cared for finally fading almost instantly.

He grabs the back of my neck and pushes me to look down. One slight push and everything ends. I'm to close to the railing. Too close.

As I look down the teared papers flying away, a shiver of terror runs down my spine.

The height at which we were standing played tricks on my mind. Making me weak in the knees.

“look at them Arhaan, look at those waste of a paper flying. One thing you should know is that you are born to be a part of our mafia. Born to continue our legacy, that’s the only reason you were born. Remember that. If you don’t follow everything as I say, I wouldn’t waste my one second on you. You would be the next thing  flying away, nobody would remember you.
You will be as worthless as thoses papers.”

The urge is stronger than anything I have ever felt before. The urge to conquer the edge, to defy gravity’s grip. The urge to leave all this behind. One jump and it all ends. All this pain.

But I am a quick learner, my ‘father’ said that Mafia is no place for softness, gentleness or emotions.

And what could be more stronger emotion then leaving everything behind and be free.
I look down again, and a new feeling awakens inside of me.

A very dangerous desire. A desire to embrace all the unknown future which is about to be written for me. The desire to dance with danger and the desire to confront the limits of my own mortality.

This was the day everything turned black and frozen around me. This was the day my heart froze, shutting everyone off.

Because I knew this was the last day when I had a will over my life.

Flashback over.

That was also the day I last cried, yeah before Inayah came.

Don’t remind me about the day before our wedding, I am still very embarrassed about that.

So long story short, the only thing I am afraid of are heights.

Trust me I tried many times to overcome this but that day comes back like a flashback in my mind. Its too deep imprinted that whenever I try to fight it back, it comes back stronger.

For fucksake, I even made my office floor the 100th so that I can become habitual with height, but it never fucking works.

Inayah looks up at me with hope in her eyes.

Hope in which I don't believe in.

But like I said I believe in whatever she believes, I'll do anything she wants me to do.

Even if it's overcoming my greatest fear.

Only for her.

Only for her.


An: Filler chapter alert!!!!!!

I know I know it was a mid chapter but trust me I have something better planned for upcoming chapters, so please compromise with these till then.<3

And this was the part1 of this chapter part 2 will be posted next Saturday.

Maybe a surprise update???

Thank you so much to everyone who take a little bit time out of their days to read this book

I am forever grateful ♡♡

Don't forget to vote you guys (☆) it gives motivation to continue writing..

Follow my account on instagram the link is in bio, I am regularly posting Crushed Chimere content there♡♡

I'll see you guys soon, and you can comment your views in the comments section, lets make this page a bit more interactive ♥️😚

Byeee humans 🪐🌩🌕
Peace ✌️
Treat people with kindness ( even the mean ones)

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