"Tangled Fates" ~Park Jimin...

By RitikaJk07

3K 284 18

~Park Jimin~ "A 22-year-old boy residing in a modest village nestled in Busan, shares his home with his devot... More



214 28 1
By RitikaJk07

After a long journey, Jimin finally arrived in Seoul. His heart raced with anticipation as he stood before his university dorm, conveniently located right beside the campus. The day had finally come for him to start this exciting new chapter of his life.

As he entered his dorm room, a feeling of both nervousness and exhilaration washed over him. The room was small but cozy, with a comfortable bed, a desk, and a window that let in the soft glow of the evening sun. Jimin couldn't help but smile at the thought of having this space all to himself.

He unpacked his suitcase, carefully placing his belongings in their new spots. His textbooks were neatly arranged on the desk, ready for the challenging academic journey ahead.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, Jimin decided to take a stroll around the campus. The university was bustling with students from all walks of life, each pursuing their own dreams and ambitions.

It was a vibrant, inspiring place, and Jimin couldn't wait to dive into his studies and explore all that Seoul had to offer.

As the sun set over the bustling city, Jimin returned to his dorm room, tired but content. He had completed his first day at Seoul National University, and though he was far from home, he felt a sense of belonging.

With a smile on his face, he settled into his bed, ready to face the challenges and adventures that awaited him in this new phase of his life.


Jimin's first day at Seoul National University was filled with excitement and a bit of nervousness. With his class schedule in hand, he made his way to the principal's office to confirm his classes and ensure everything was in order.

Upon reaching the office, he knocked lightly on the door and heard a warm voice from inside, "Come in."

Jimin entered the room to find the university's principal, a distinguished-looking man with a welcoming smile, sitting behind a large wooden desk. He quickly offered a polite bow and a friendly,

"Good morning, sir." Jimin greeted with a smile.

"Good morning, young man. You must be Jimin, our new student." The principal returned the greeting with a nod and said.

"Yes, sir. I'm Jimin, and it's an honour to be here at Seoul National University." Jimin nodded, feeling a mixture of awe and respect for the accomplished educator before him.

"The honor is ours, Jimin. Now, let's see your class schedule." The principal chuckled, putting Jimin at ease.

Jimin handed over the schedule, and the principal examined it carefully. After a brief moment, he looked up with an encouraging smile.

"It seems you've got quite a challenging semester ahead of you. Your professors speak highly of your dedication and academic achievements."

Jimin couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the compliment.

"Thank you, sir. I've worked hard to get here."

The principal leaned forward, his eyes filled with wisdom.

"Remember, Jimin, university life is not just about academics. It's also about personal growth and forming lifelong bonds. Make the most of your time here, and you'll leave with more than just a degree."

Jimin nodded in understanding, grateful for the advice.

"I will, sir. I'm eager to learn and grow in every way possible."

With a warm smile, the principal handed back the schedule.

"That's the spirit, Jimin. If you ever have any questions or need guidance, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support you."

Jimin left the principal's office with a sense of reassurance and determination. He was ready to embark on this new academic journey, knowing that he had the university's support and guidance along the way.


As Jimin continued his journey through the bustling university hallway, his thoughts swirled with a mixture of excitement and awe.

The campus was an impressive sight, and he couldn't help but be filled with wonder as he navigated the sea of students and faculty.

To him, it felt like stepping into a world of boundless opportunities, a place where his dreams could truly take flight.

But, lost in this wondrous daydream, Jimin didn't notice the student walking in the opposite direction. With a sudden and unfortunate collision, they bumped into each other, and Jimin caught off guard and unable to maintain his balance, ended up on the floor with a dramatic thud. It was an introduction to university life that he hadn't quite anticipated.

The other student, who had the aura of wealth and privilege, was around Jimin's age. He glared down at Jimin with a fierce expression, his eyes carrying a mixture of annoyance and anger.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with irritation.

Jimin quickly scrambled to his feet, his face burning with embarrassment.

"I-I'm so sorry," he stammered, his voice laced with sincerity. "I wasn't paying attention. My fault entirely."

The wealthier student continued to glare, seemingly unimpressed by Jimin's apologies.

"You better be more careful next time," he warned, his tone still dripping with annoyance.

Jimin nodded fervently, determined to make amends for his unintentional mistake. "I promise I will. Again, I'm really sorry."

With an exasperated huff, the boy finally decided to move on, leaving Jimin standing there, feeling a bit rattled by the encounter.

It was an unexpected start to his day at the university, and he couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between himself and the other students.

While his clothes were new, they were of modest brands and considerably cheaper than the wealthier student's attire.

As Jimin scrambled to his feet, he could feel the intense glare from the wealthier student weighing on him. The tension in the air was palpable as the boy's eyes bore into Jimin with an unforgiving intensity.

"You better be more careful next time," the boy repeated, his tone still heavy with irritation. He took a step closer, emphasizing his point.

Jimin, feeling a bit cornered but determined to make amends, summoned his courage.

"I truly apologize for the collision," he said, his voice steady but respectful. "I'll pay more attention from now on."

The wealthier student seemed momentarily taken aback by Jimin's composed response. Their eyes locked for a few seconds, a silent battle of wills. Then, with a dismissive huff, the boy finally decided to move on, breaking the gaze.

"You better," he retorted curtly before walking away, leaving Jimin standing there, his heart still racing from the encounter.

As the wealthier student disappeared into the bustling crowd, Jimin couldn't help but reflect on the exchange. It was a stark reminder of the different worlds that converged within the university, and he vowed to rise to the challenge, determined to prove himself despite his humble background.

After a morning filled with classes, Jimin's stomach began to grumble, signalling that it was time for lunch. He eagerly made his way to the university canteen, excited to grab a meal and take a well-deserved break.

However, as he stood in line to order his food, he realized with a sinking feeling that he didn't have enough money to buy anything from the canteen. It was an unfortunate oversight, and he felt a bit embarrassed by his financial limitations.

With a sigh, he decided to backtrack and headed toward the serene garden area of the university. He noticed a boy already there, seated amidst the greenery, engrossed in his books, seemingly lost in the world of academia.

Jimin observed the boy, a sense of familiarity tugging at him. He soon realized that this was the same student he had bumped into that morning, the one who had been quite upset about the collision.

Jimin hesitated for a moment, wondering whether he should approach the boy and try to make amends for their earlier encounter. However, he also didn't want to disturb the boy's peaceful reading.

With a thoughtful expression, Jimin decided to keep a respectful distance, hoping to find an opportunity to strike up a conversation. He watched the boy with a sense of curiosity, pondering whether this unexpected meeting might lead to a chance to mend their earlier interaction.


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