weiwuxian's ducklings

By domieon

94.4K 2.8K 483

The character belongs to original work ,the story is the only thing that belongs to me It's the first time th... More

chapter -1
chapter -2
chapter -3
chapter -4
chapter -5
chapter -6
chapter -7
chapter -8
chapter -9
chapter -10
chapter -11
chapter -12
chapter -13
chapter -14
the twin prides
chapter -18
punishment and juniors
the major sects
Nie zizhen
author note
jin elder and family
distress and assurance
please suggest
New story

lost a brother and bestfriend

2.8K 92 15
By domieon

Nie mingjue bowed and said: i am thankful lady wen I hope you can take care of me.

Everyone especially nie huaisang was surprised, his dage accepted this fast.

Nie mingjue have his own reasons,he don't want his brother to suffer again,he even have a nephew to take care of now,so he should try to live and the dafen wens are good people and his brother's soon to be in laws,they can be trusted,so he accepted wen qing's offer right away, but after seeing the faces of his brother, nephew and best friend he felt how right his decision is,their faces are literally glowing.

Then the screen started again.its cloud recess  back hills.

It's almost evening, weiying is following his daily schedule, which is waking up eating, teaching classes , feeding rabbits and littleapple, going to sect leader lan , making the lan juniors sleep and later everyday means everyday.

After classes he went to back hills for feeding rabbits and littleapple followed by juniors.

Jingyi: papa see here there is a new baby rabbit, it's so cute

Everyone looked at jingyi who took the baby in his hands showing his papa, it's a cute white baby rabbit looking at weiying with big eyes which weiying found adorable.

They spend some time there and juniors are telling about their day while two of them leaning their head on weiying's shoulders while other two lay their head on his lap

Jinling:dajiu other juniors asked me to ask you when will be our next night hunt

Zizhen: yes shushu, the last one is awesome

Jingyi:yes papa, it's so good,I want to go again

Weiying:we will go in a week or two again then, you all need practical knowledge anyway i can't lock you up in class everyday for learning. I will talk with uncle qiren today so that we can go to night hunt every month okay?

Juniors:yes master wei

Weiying:you all are teasing me again, leave it. it's tea time for xichen ge,i will go and have a talk with him i hope he comes out of seclusion early.

Juniors:all the very best papa

Weiying leave from there and goes to kitchen after bringing everything in tray he goes to hanshi where xichen secluded himself. He knock on the door

Xichen: a'xian come in

Weiying: how do you know it every time xichen ge

Xichen: because only our a'xian comes at this time,so how was your day?

Xichen got used to weiying's company, it's very enjoyable,he never force him to speak,tell his own things and makes him comfortable to talk with, and xichen opened up to him very quickly, for example right now his soon to be brother in law is talking non stop about his day, complaining about lan wangji who seems to drag weiying when ever he try to talk with others while he accepts his brother is overly possessive and jealous sometimes he said

Xichen: it's ok a'xian,i will reprimand him next time he visit okay.

Weiying pouted and said:but xichen ge you come out and punish him na you always say reprimand him but you forget about it the moment you see him.
lan xichen just smile, his brother in law is still a baby sometimes,he also has a heart of baby ,pure and forgiving one,he never blamed him for anything, and he doesn't know how to apologise, but xichen want to speak today.

Xichen: how old is our a'xian to pout like that

Weiying smiled eagerly showing three fingers: xianxian is three

When xichen asked this for the first time accidentally weiying told that as it is his habit for him with the people he is close to ,much to the surprise of xichen,he found it very adorable it felt like he is having a real child.

Xichen:so can my three years a'xian forgive me,gege did many mistakes failed to protect you and wangji, you know a'xian i am so sorry for blaming you that night a'xian.

Weiying: xichen ge it's okay, if you didn't me and lanzhan would have taken a long time to be together. It's not your fault.

Xichen:No a'xian today i will speak, you know a'xian I liked you very much,the moment you came with wangji that night on our first meet ,i know you can be good friend for my Wangji, that is why i encouraged you and him,later when you opted for demonic cultivation and pushed wangji away i felt you changed ,that day in Lotus pier inn i easily came to the conclusion that you became arrogant, i blindly trusted a'yao and ignored my own brother and leaded to your death, wangji got punished,if only i trusted you a'xian, if only i trusted my brother,if only i enquired, nothing of this sort would have happened.

it's my mistake a'xian, jins are power hungry , i know it from before, yet i believed him ,if i didn't today my best friend would have been alive , a'yao didn't kill him a'xian i am the one who killed him, the relation with my brother would have been good,you shizui,jingyi all of us would have been a very good family, everything was my fault yet i blamed you ,i don't know what I was thinking a'xian, it's not your fault you didn't realise,my brother has never been direct to you, you didn't have time to think, i am really really sorry a'xian it's totally gege's fault, you are not at fault, our baby a'xian was  never wrong.

Weiying:ge what nonsense are you speaking, it's not your fault,you did a very good job ge, you cared for lan zhan like a father after your mother left, you helped him at every point,so, it's natural that you will get angry when you see him hurt, you were young too ge, all the responsibility of a sect leader should not have been given to you but you managed every responsibility perfectly, you saved a'yuan hiding his identity as for what happened to me and sect leader nie it's fate, that's it don't blame yourself , everything will be alright,i am here now , I will deal with it along with you and lan zhan you just come out of the seclusion okay.

Weiying is fully prepared for hearing a no,but he heard a hmm,what does it mean does it mean yes, lan xichen is coming out of seclusion,he felt happy

Xichen: Don't tell wangji yet,we will surprise him tomorrow okay

Weiying nodded happily and left while hopping like a rabbit making xichen chuckle.

Xichen thought "i can't be like my father, i should protect my family, i should protect wangji , a'xian,my nephews and huaisang, mingjue i will take care of your brother for the rest of my life, don't worry and rest in peace. He sighed and slept prepared for the next day.

Everyone were sad for the elder jade, weiying can feel him getting uncomfortable so he joked.

Weiying: xichen ge, it's good that you are leaving out of your seclusion,you know i am not a very patient person,i would have dragged you out , I don't know how you people could  lock yourself in one place,i can't stand in one place for an hour,i would rather die.

Lan zhan felt a pang in his heart: weiying don't speak about death, thanks for making by brother to come out of seclusion.

Weiying: lan zhan there is no need for thank you or sorry between us , and I didn't do anything.

Xichen: you did a'xian,thank you for making me realise what to do,i will do my best to protect you.

Weiying: it's not like I don't want you to protect me, but xichen ge along with us live for yourself too,i hope you live happily that's it, about other things we could do it together.

Mingjue:yes we all will deal with them  together ,so weigongzi and xichen live for yourself first. Lan xichen and weiying just smiled and nodded.

The screen started showing caiyi town where weiying and juniors are enjoying their break. It's been 2 weeks xichen came out of seclusion.the lan family except lan qiren were in caiyi town to celebrate. But xichen and wangji got a urgent work in caiyi town they will join after finishing their work.a lady of jin clan whose husband was killed after  guanyin temple  while trying to assassin weiying recognised weiying,she just came out of mourning so she doesn't know about the relation between wangxian or juniors,

Jin : wow ,i think you all are brothers what a nice family. You look like cultivators,who are your parents.why are you with him (she pointed at weiying)

Lan shizui:thank you lady, but this is my papa, we both are his children and this two are my cousins.

Weiying could sense some hostility but brushed it off . Jin want to humiliate him infront of everyone ,but she don't know what is going to happen to her

Jin : Are you his illegitimate children, as expected of yilling patriarch, impure nature for impure person, it's known that you kidnap women and rape them before you died,the world was peaceful without you why didn't you just die, you killed my husband the moment you came back and now you want to be happy with your bastards,i don't know how the other parents are allowing their children to be around you.

How dare she is? A set of voices spoken loud , even the calm yanli and xichen are fuming, calling the children illegitimate and even accusing weiying for rape.

Zizhen "no offense jin ling but i think rapes and illegitimate children are present jin sect leader speciality  shushu don't even know if someone is flirting with him or not"

Jinling: none taken , it's not like you are lying,but that witch should be taught a lesson,I was happy she got punished by uncle xichen and uncle wangji.

Xichen: you call me uncle xichen?

Jinling: ofcourse you are my dajiu's brother in law and my jiujiu's soon to be husband.

Jiang cheng and weiying blushed at the comment.

She shouted a bit high to get attention, everyone is looking at them and whispering among themselves. suddenly a voice came,

Voice: it's nothing to do with you about our children and we are happy that our children are around weixiong miss, atleast he is better than you who spread negativity knowing nothing, weixiong name was cleared many months back,there was even a book on him published by major sects, and as for the illegitimate children you are talking about are the children of lan wangji the chief cultivator and i would be glad to report this,i wonder how he will react once he got to know his children and fiancee were insulted by a witch who don't know her place .

"I will punish her accordingly,I wish i know her ,madam Jiang please investigate her identity and tell me i really want to have a talk about my illegitimate nephews and rapist brother in law" xichen said yanli nodded

Nie huaisang came across the scene when he followed his best friends family after knowing about their trip when he came to visit his son. His blood boiled at the scene so he spoke while fanning himself.he will report this to lan wangji, xichen ge and grandmaster lan, how dare they try to insult the treasure of four major sects.

The lady was not done, she still didn't understand :why would  hanguang-jun care about this trash, they hate each other and the boys already said they are yiling patriarch's children,how come they became hanguang-jun's children, and as far as i remember i never insulted any maiden much less chief cultivator's fiancee,as for him i can say anything about him, he is an orphan and son of a servant anyway ,a bastard who should have been dead the moment his parents died ,i don't know why he is still alive, why don't you go and die just because of your power you think you are above everyone else huh, don't worry hanguang-jun will kill you anyway and serve justice for our righteous husbands death and the previous chief cultivators death , even zewu-jun will punish you,as you killed his sworn brother oh i heard mo xuanyu have weak golden core, how about I kill you myself,she took out the dagger but nie huaisang knocked it with his fan before she can attack.

Yanli said calmly: I am sorry, handing her over will be delayed zewu-jun,i think me and Jiang cheng want a long talk with her  about her opinion on my a'xian,after we are done you can have her , my brother was neither a bastard nor a servant for anyone to step on him like her, pathetic witch even dared to hurt my brother.

Jiang cheng:jie jie my hands are itching to use zidan on her,she called Jiang sect leader's brother an orphan, doesn't that mean she is cursing me as dead. Sorry xichen ,i hope you can still see her on a good shape after I am done with her.

Jin zixuan : first jinling give me the list of the people come under this kind ,i would like to punish them,as for this woman we can leave her to Jiangs and lans as it is their personal request. She is a fool anyway, it's a waste of time for me to punish her if she dare to insult chief cultivator's fiancee even after getting hints then she is asking for death.

Weiwuxian for the first time don't know whether to get angry on the woman or just laugh at her. Nie huaisang on the other hand already saw twin jades who came just when the woman started speaking,he thought "it's over ,er-ge and ji xiong are very protective of weiwuxian, this woman is asking for it anyway"-ji xiong and er-ge this woman wants you to serve justice for her,why don't you do it for her.

Lan jades are already fuming, how dare she insult weiying and the children like that,they don't bear of someone raise voice against him but she raised dagger and even asking justice from them.

Lan xichen: How dare you say things to a'xian ,fiancee of my brother  the chief cultivator. You even insulted his children, i thought we already cleared everything about a'xian ,you still want justice for that husband of yours who didn't even hesitate to drag nie sect leader.he wasn't killed by weiying,he was killed by us for attacking a'xian and a'sang. do you think he can get away after touching my precious brothers.now you tried to attack him you will be punished as well.

Jin:you can't abuse your power like that.

Wangji: you don't know how much i love to abuse my power,every cultivator knows i will hold grudges when it comes to weiying,i will punish you later, take her to gusu lan prison and seal her spiritual power if necessary, we will deal with her after our trip.

Jin lady was shocked and was about to deny it but her mouth was sealed and the disciples who followed lan wangji dragged her to gusu prison.

Juniors are explaining things that happened to jades while weiying and nie huaisang were talking.

Weiying: How is everything in the sect, how are you doing , I know you send zizhen for studying as well as safe cultivation of sabers under me. Don't worry he is doing very well,he is even learning wind cultivation,but he is worried you will be alone.

Nie huaisang:i just don't want some elders to force him, wen ning was already coping up with their shit, you know he won't talk back much, I wish he is still ghost general some times they fear him a lot, they wouldn't dare to talk about him as he is cousin brother of lans and your adopted brother or else who knows what kind of atrocities they would have done, like come on, my father was the one who died, but they have to hate innocent wens for everything, i am ashamed that even some of them were involved in Qiongqi path massacre, good thing you killed that people,that kind of shit shouldn't be alive , if dage was alive and know about all this he might skin them alive.

"Ofcourse i would skin them alive how dare they do that to innocent people, let's find each and everyone a'sang, we shouldn't spare this trash in our sect"nie mingjue said while huaisang nodded.

"Weiwuxian, I want you to be head discipline again and if possible sect heir,in further run if you don't want to inherit and me or xichen don't want to adopt jingyi or shizui will be heirs, let's check into our sect and find if there are such trash in our sect as well " weiying nodded thoughtfully but meishan yu sects leader refused"why should weiwuxian or his children would be heirs ,you adopt yourself or have children biologically a'cheng,if not yanli's children are here as well they will inherit,why would you need a servant or his children to inherit the sect "

Weiwuxian sighed and said"I am not interested in inheritance anyway a'cheng,as for jingyi or shizui they are still babies even the ones from future are too young, let's not talk about it now, and it would be good if you don't bring my children in the topic sect leader yu, i am called yilling patriarch for a reason,i don't hurt people doesn't mean i can't"

"It's none of your business to interfere grandfather,this is my sect and jiejie's children have their own sect to run as for my brother he is the most capable one to run it after me and his children are from lan sect a sect that made every sect heir into perfect sect leader,you even recommended it to my mom to send me there to study so that i can be a perfect sect leader, the lans and my brothers children will be perfect sect leaders  I think"

"I agree, but as a'xian said it's children's wish , let's talk about it later,back to main topic i think jin sect should be investigated more than others"yanli said and zixuan nodded .

"Then we will follow the suit,wangji after sushi ,i think we should infiltrate our clan as well,we should even look into elders and reorganize the rules as well" lan wangji nodded.

Weiying:Do you miss him

Nie huaisang:I do ,but i am fine now, i have zizhen and wen ning to take care of, as i avenged him i now have to take care of the sect he loved, zizhen can inherit it after a while when he is ready, i know he would do perfectly under your and grandmaster lans guidance,i only wished dage listened to me, when i begged him to visit the burial mounds once, you would have been alive,if you were alive nothing wrong can happen, you might have investigated it properly and found the culprits,dage would be alive.that is why I want you to do it,that is why when mo xuanyu want to die I told him about sacrificing ritual. I suggested your name,i know hanguang-jun can help you that is why i led lan disciples especially lan shizui hanguang-jun's adopted son to mo village after your demise lan shizui was the only one who hanguang-jun spend more time with and he is very protective of him , i know he will follow shizui so  he will realise it was you ,i purposely led you to hand ,then nie clan ,xue yang and every other thing,i am sorry for risking your children's and even my child's life axian, but i calculated everything,i know as long as you are there no one will be hurt and i observed sang ge's every move so he can't spoil it , but after my revenge i want you to live your life axian and now i am happy to see you  happy, doing crime is bad but sitting back knowingly or unknowingly without investigating anything is also bad , even nies are your murderers a'xian, we all killed you , so i did it for you as well,you and dage are the only people i depended and trusted mostly but sangge killed both of you,i can't leave him, i only felt bad about hurting er ge but I was afraid a'xian what if he don't trust me and tell sang ge about it,he didn't trust his own brother,my own brother didn't trust me,they trusted sangge over their biological brothers, so i didn't tell him anything, if erge don't want to forgive me I am fine with it , I won't justify myself, my brother was the only one i have after my parents died , you are the only best friend i am opened up to ,i am not like your brother or er-ge,i prefer hit for hit blood for blood and life for life. sangge , sushe and xue yang took you, dage and wenning away from me, they paid with their life. I was only hurt because it's sang ge ,I loved him too but he did that, I still mourn for him but I don't regret,now i will move on with my own family and friends, let's all be happy a'xian. By the way you call   erge ge but why don't you call me ge, call me da ge now ok .

Weiying:but you are only one year older than me

Huaisang: I am still older even if it is one minute now call me dage.

Weiying: I will call you on one condition.

Huaisang:huh , what condition. We are sworn brothers anyway.

Weiying: first atleast get engaged with wenning then i will call you, and if you dare hurt him or your elders did remember he have three brothers and many juniors backing him.

The screen closed and disappeared.

Xichen: ofcourse make sure you take good care of him a'sang, he is too innocent.

Nie huaisang:of course er-ge and i am sorry for involving you.

Xichen: it's ok a'sang, as i already told i should have trusted wangji and you.

Nie mingjue: I am sorry as well ,i should have trusted you a'sang, brother is wrong,so please forgive me.

Huaisang:i am sorry too dage ,if only I was careful and insisted on going to burial mounds.

Weiying: aya nothing is going to happen now so , let's go to rest. shizui ,jingyi are you coming.

The sons received a glare from their a'die,jingyi internally crying said

jingyi :no papa,we will sleep with great grandma and grandpa today and grandmother wen told me she wants to spent time with little me and a'yi so you should spend time with a'die.

Lan zhan:mn

Lanxichen and Jiang cheng already went to xichen room, nie huaisang and wenning are now in weiying's and wenning room,wen qing went to grandma to help her with children, mingjue is with zizhen, jinling and little jinling with madam jin and yanli went with zixuan to their room, lan wangji took weiwuxian  to his room as it is late, weiying can see what he  is thinking

Weiying: lan zhan you must be tired today and it's almost your sleeping time,how about we sleep okay

Wangji:everyday means everyday.

That's a long chapter

I hope you like all the thoughts from future people

Thank you for reading

Next up will be fluff , suggest whose moments you want to see

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