.:No love:.

By xXKendraXx

4.5K 136 70

What would you do if no one loved you? That's what it's like for Lucy Black. When she tried to kill herself a... More

.:No love:.
.:No love:. 2
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.:No Love:. 6
No love ch.7
Authors note:.
.: No Love:. 8

.:No love:. 3

416 12 1
By xXKendraXx

Lucy’s point of view:

 I’m standing at the very same cliff I stood at when I was a little girl, my black hair blowing in the wind. Like I had tried when I was young, I was going to jump and drown, killing myself. Except, this time, I was not going to be rescued.

 If everyone wanted me dead, I would give them what they wanted. After all, I was a freak accident. Why the hell was I even born, anyway? I have no purpose in life, and no one loves me, not even my parents. In fact, they probably wouldn’t even care if I went out and got pregnant with a 57 year old man.

 Taking deep breaths, I peered down at the water. It was gorgeous in the fading sunlight. I turned and looked up at the sky, which was now a pinkish-purplish color. “Here I come, God” I said, and on the count of three, I jumped.

 Jeremy’s point of view:

 I felt terrible about what I said to Lucy. After all, deep down I still thought of her as my best friend. I didn’t want her dead; it had just slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it. I had made her cry, which made me the most upset.

 It also scared me about how she said she wasn’t going to be ‘here’ tomorrow, whatever ‘here’ meant. Did she mean school, or did she mean Earth? I wasn’t sure, but all I knew is that I wanted her to be safe, even if I hated her.

 I lay on my bed for hours thinking about this, until I got fed up. I ran downstairs and slipped on my sneakers and my jacket. “Where on Earth do you think you’re going?” my dad asked me, coming out of the kitchen. I hesitated. “To talk to Lucy” I said, looking at the ground.

 “Lucy?” my dad asked, shocked. When I looked up, though, I was surprised to see he looked happy. “I hadn’t seen Lucy in years. She was such a pretty little girl” he said to me, smiling. “You two were the best buddies. What happened?” he asked me. I thought for a moment, before answering, “Life happened”

 With that, I opened the door and stepped outside, closing it before I began to jog to Lucy Black’s house.

 Lucy’s point of view:

 It didn’t feel so bad. Me, falling from a 100 foot cliff, I mean. The air was cool and thick, blowing my hair everywhere. I stayed quiet, instead of screaming like I had done the last time. Instead, I folded my arms into the shape of an X over my chest.

 Before I knew it, my frail body was plunging into the water. For a moment I couldn’t move, but then I managed to put my head above the water. I looked around me. The water was beautiful, and it was a beautiful night to die. I chuckled to myself. “What the hell?” I asked myself, before lying on my back in the water.

 The water was freezing cold, but I lay there, freezing, waiting for my body to eventually sink under the water. I was beginning to consider what would kill me first; hypothermia or drowning. I didn’t care, as long as I died was all that mattered.

 Jeremy’s point of view:

 I jogged up the familiar road to Lucy’s house. To be honest, I kind of forgot where the road was, but I managed to find it. I glanced at her small little house, before continuing up the road and knocking on the door.

 I waited for a couple of seconds, before Lucy’s father opened the door. “What do you want?” he asked gruffly. I cleared my throat. “I-Is Lucy home?” I asked nervously. He glared at me. “Did you knock her up or something?” he asked me. My eyes widened and I shook my head violently.

 “Oh, God no. I was coming to see if she was here” I answered him. He chuckled. “Lucy left about a half hour ago, didn’t say where to, though” he told me. He then looked me up and down.

 “Say, aren’t you Jeremiah?” he asked me. I shook my head yes. He laughed, and I could smell alcohol off of his breath. “Well, haven’t you grown up” he said to me. I began to feel uncomfortable.

 “I’m going to find Lucy now, bye...sir” I said, and walked away-no, ran away from the house as fast as I could. I was about to head home, when I thought I heard a tiny splash of water in the distance. I began to walk away, but then I heard the noise of someone in the water, like someone was swimming.

 Realisation suddenly struck me. “Idiot!” I shouted, and I began to run to the pond, the one I once saved Lucy from. I had a feeling I was going to have to save her again. “Lucy!” I shouted into the night. “Lucy! Lucy!” I shouted some more. I kept running, hoping it wasn’t too late.

 Lucy’s point of view:

 I could finally feel my legs being dragged under water, and my arms following them. I closed my eyes. This was it. My last minute alive. Just as the water was about to fully consume my body, I heard a voice in the distance. “Lucy! Lucy!” I heard a familiar voice shout.

 I ignored it, and kept sinking into the water. That was, until, I heard a splash in the distance. I pulled myself up, to see Jeremy swimming toward me, breathing hard. Confusion took over my mind. “What the hell are you doing?” he asked me, and he began to tread water. I laughed darkly. “Doing you all a favour” I said to him, looking him in the eyes.

 “Lucy, you don’t get it!” he shouted. “If you kill yourself, you will just be proving to everyone that you’re weak, and they will know they got to you” he said, and began to swim closer. I turned my head so I didn’t have to look at him. “That doesn’t explain why you’re here” I said to him. He sighed.

 “I came because I felt guilty for what I said, and I wanted to tell you... that I was sorry” he said. I looked at his face. It didn’t seem like he was lying, but I couldn’t be sure. I trusted him anyway. I looked up at the sky, which was now an indigo color. “Isn’t it beautiful?” I asked him. “Huh?’ he asked confused. I shook my head. “Isn’t the sky beautiful?” I asked him, looking at his face.

 He tried to shrug, but almost fell under water. “It’s okay” he said. I sighed and shook my head. “What?” he asked. I shook my head again. “It’s just that...” I said, trailing off. “It’s just that what?” he asked me. I blushed. “When we were kids, we would always sneak out and come look at the stars in the night sky” I said, and began to swim away, back to shore. “Lucy, hold on a second” he called, swimming after me. I couldn’t help but let some tears escape my eyes.

 When I finally made it to shore, I almost ran up the cliff and back to my house. I didn’t realize Jeremy was right behind me. I turned to him. “You can leave now, I’m not going to kill myself in the middle of the night, you know” I said, and opened the door. But before I shut it, I turned to say, “Goodnight”, but when I turned, I saw Jeremy jogging away, getting smaller until he faded into nothing.

 I sighed to myself. “Goodnight, old friend” I whispered, letting the fresh tears run down my face until I finally fell asleep that night. One thing was for sure; I knew that deep, deep down, Jeremy still cared about me. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have made the effort to save a stupid emo fag like me. Even though I found it strange, I was kind of happy that someone actually cared about me, only if it was 0.01%. As long as someone didn’t want me dead was all I cared about.

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