a love story

By horikell

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Maybe being delusional have its perks but at the end of the day, delusions will always be delusions. Aiden G... More

one - The Beginning Theme
two - Maybe It Was
four - crul's perspective

three - Second Hand For...?

6 0 0
By horikell

Aidan plopped himself down his bed with a hard sigh. A wave of relief washed over him when he felt his body finally in a comfortable place and position.

The few clothes in his bed reminding him to do laundry soon, the tired man just layed at the comforts of his bed, eyes closed almost drifting into slumber.

He woke back to conciousness when a notification on his pocket's pants rang. Realizing he hasn't got out of his clothes from the interview, he groaned.

Despite the tired side of him wanting plop right back to bed the uncomfortable side of laying down with his outside clothes held him back. Groaning once again before finally deciding to get up.

Sitting up on his bed with his head down. Trying to gain some energy to get himself up.

With exhausted living in his mind, he wasn't completely aware of his senses around as it didn't seem came in notice when soft scratching was in his bedroom window. Grabbing a pair of pants and shirt before going off to the bathroom.

The bright light of the bathroom made him want to turn it back off.

The cold water against his hands and splashed into his face brought the boy a little more conscious. Changing into the more comfortable clothes before leaving the bathroom.

With a little more energy but yet very sleepy, he walked back to his room with a hand on his scalp.

Twisting the doorknob to open, the view of his window came first to his view with a black cat sitting on the-


He blinked in suprised and looked at the window again with widen eyes.

Delusions not eating him as he once again sees the black cat at his window staring back at him. Aidan stood there with the shock fading as he slowly walk towards the animal.

The slow approach resulted a clear view for Aidan to realize it was the same cat that jumped on his father's driving view a few days ago.

"Meorw" The cat said. Aidan blinked a few times before his mouth turn into a smile - letting out a small chuckle.

"What are you doing here?" The cat's head twitched to turn their head, only staring at the boy before looking at their sides.

Aidan noticed the animal perked up as if seeing someone. Suddenly the cat shot back raising its two paws to go into human standing mode before scratching hard on the door window.

Despite the few scratch but due to the force upon it - the scratch left a small almost noticable marks on the clear glass window. Turning its paw before jumping and landing on their four cat feet and running away from the teen.

Aidan watched all of this with quite a laugh. Looking out of the window to try to catch the cat running away.

The black cat ran quite fastly as if trying to chase someone. Being the animals they are - he thought.

Dawn came the next day and no sense of unsual provoked the beginning as the usuals came in order. It was a calm Saturday morning.

Aidan was asked by his mother to take out the trash to which the male swiftly followed - bringing the bag of trash out the bigger bin, ready to be picked up.

When tossing the bag into the bin, a loud groan was heard somewhere that caught the boy's attention. Being it was like seven in the morning in a weekend not to add in a pretty quiet neighborhood.

Aidan looked around the area. Trying the caught the owner of the voice.

That's when he finally saw a person that could possibly be the owner of the voice. Leaning his body to get a more clear reason as to why this person head was lower than it should be.

Finally getting a full view of the scene, there he saw a girl leaning against the sidewalk tree with one knee on their grasp, despite her back facing towards the vision of the male - he could tell from her posture that she was either in pain or tired that she fell. Not to mention the saddened groans.

Curious, Aidan threw in the trash into the bin patting his hands down. Slowly walking towards where he saw the girl.

With hesitation to approach, his pace was slow and awkward as he tried to see who was the face of there's.

"Shh.. shit" The person cursed, just then their head raised and turned around and caught the male's approach.

"Crul?" Aidan called as he immediately recognize the young girl.

The said girl eyes widen with a mixed of emotions that Aidan couldn't tell so quickly as she blinked them away, immediately when 'caught' she stood up from the ground, Aidan noticed the girl dragged her leg as if it was numb.

With no even answering the call of their name, he started again. "Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

His eyes went down to their exposed knee, catching a glimpse of their bloody knee before attempting to hide it back by hiding it behind their leg.


Was the girl said, before finally standing straight as if her left knee wasn't bruised. "Funny to see you so early" Crul spoke, walking towards the boy with ease.

Aidan only looked at her with an expression of concern, brows twisted in confusion. A tilt of his head was his respond.

"The hell happened here" He finally asked, Aidan knew both parties were still some what strangers towards eachother and showing a lot of concern is kinda creepy so he tried to follow his serious question with a laugh.

"Oh, well I uh.." Crul began but ended quickly. "Uh I was walking and uh kinda fell" Crul said.

"Ignore the knee, how are you?" She asked with a smile that seems so sweet. Her tone of her voice made it clear that she was interested to talk but it was kinda hard to just talk when you know their probably in pain while talking so.

"I'm doing great Crul, tho can't say the same for you" He stated, "Come-on you were groaning in pain a while ago" He took a step closer. Perhaps he could have double thought that step cause the sudden movement to come close resulted a congruent respond for Crul to also stepped back not noticing the small rock that she was about to step.

Normally a rock would have been easy to avoid from getting slipped or tripped, that is when you're actually paying attention to it - but right now it seemed like an emotion occupied the girl's head that made her tripped resulting her slipping.

The slip was small and she is able to hold her back from completely triping off but with the lost of strength from her bruised knee, she lost her sense of balance resulting her to fell back but with a hand stopped the force of the fall, saving an accident.

Crul realized Aidan had quickly grabbed her arm resulting her to avoid the fall. The girl looked at the hand on her arm and back at its owner with a look of dismay.

An awkward silent filled the scene, both teens seemingly not planning to make the first word. Crul gulp at this before setting a proper standing position.

"Careful" Aidan spoke, Crul nodded before trying to look away. "I was climbing the tree and I fell" she finally revealed with a sigh, Crul took Aidan's hand off her arm before letting herself fall at the grass softly. She threw her back with a groan, both hands on the grass before looking back up at the male.

"How about you country boy" Crul said with a grin. Aidan raised a brow at her. Country boy?

"Well I answered your question, it will be fair to answer mine"

"I was taking out the trash when you fell."

"Hmm, well no one died, don't worry you can go back to what ever pretty thing you were doing" Crul smiled.

Her statement made Aidan chuckle As he let out a hand for her, Crul eyed the hand with a look.

"Can't really say taking out the trash is a pretty thing, also not very pretty for you to let to not clean your wound up" He returned.

"I was gonna clean it up dude"

"You were trying to fix it with dirt"

"Oh" Was all Crul said, The look on her face referenced a child realizing the most obvious thing in the world.

Aidan rolled his eyes with sarcasm before shaking his hand out for her, Still handing a hand with a smile.

With a bit of hesitation, Crul took the helping hand to stand. The boy helped her up with a small force as they pat down her bottoms to remove some dirt or dust from it.

While doing so, Aidan spoke "You should clean up now before the bacteria aim for the wound"

"Yeah, I'll do it in home"

"Where is your home, if you don't mind me asking"

"Oh uh, it's couple street down" Aidan looked her with suprised. "That far?"

"It's not far, it will take a couple of minutes if I run"

"But the thing is, you can't" He smiled at her. "Come" Aidan said, Crul looked at him confused, "My parents are home, it's a lot nearer and I can't let you go off with a dirty knee. Atleast get it patch up".

He once again gave a hand with a look of genuine intention of helping. Right now Crul looked at his offering hand once again. This was the 2nd time that the male hand her hand, it's just that this one required a bit more consideration from her - it having more of complex offer.

Her eyes then met his when she looked up, Crul could see the genuine of concern in the male's iris. She could tell through the way it appears in her.

Crul hesitated but agreed shortly with a nod but instead of only giving her hand, she gave him a fist bump instead.


"Did you fell really that bad?" He asked, going to the drawers. As Crul agreed on his invitation to help her with her wound - the two immediately went to the Aidan's home with his parents just outside their backyard.

"Huh?" Crul didn't seem to be focused at his question as Aidan looked back at her, seeing that the girl stood there with her head turned towards the window. He leaned his body to see what was she spacing out.

Outside the window was his parents with gloves and a summer hat while working down on the grass and plants. He looked back at the teen, interest sparkle in her dark eyes.

He smiled, "You like plants?" His new question made Crul to snapped back - turning to him. "Oh, yeah" She laughs.

"Who wouldn't tho? Their kinda the reason the world has colors" She said.

Aidan nod before going back to the drawers, "You're right with that" he voiced out.

Crul finally took her eyes off the window and turned to the male. "You should take a seat, I'll be there with you in a second" Said Aidan.

Taking a seat on the couch, Crul tried not to slouch as she was in somebody's home and the new area making the girl quite uneasy.

"Make yourself at home" Aidan said in a tone as if he read her mind. The male finally came out with a clear box like container. Inside Crul could see the usual items in a first aid kit. Aidan first set the box on the coffee table Infront of her before taking a seat at the edge of the couch.

The female teen watched as he carefully took out the things. "Thank you by the way" She started.

"No problem" Aidan smiled at her, it contniued to be in silence as Crul cleaned and patched up her wound.

The silents for Aidan was kinda awkward considering he just sat, not wanting to just stare at the girl the whole time while Crul seemed not to mind the quietness as her mind focused on patching herself up.

Aidan started to fidget on his hands, looking around the space. "So how was the book" Crul started without looking away, Aidan immediately glances at the started conversation.

"Oh! Well I haven't read it yet, though my mom seemed to love it.. you sure its really that bad?" He eyed her with a chuckle.

"Well almost all mature people do" She replied.

"What is the novel's about anyways?"

"It's more of an autobiography of the author's. It's a sad genre- I would say that." Crul turned to him, eyes meeting with hers. "To think about it, maybe I'm just bitter about it heh" She said.

"The autobiography is fine, it's just the message makes me frown, it felt tight and forced. It's like cheese and mayo together, bad." She said, her eyes slowly getting tinted with boredness.

Aidan gave a smile, "Well it is your opinion" He replied as Crul only hummed. A wave of silence followed them but both teens remained their eye contact together.

Sound of the door travelled through the room as they both turned their head towards the object. A blonde woman came inside - taking off their boots. Her head turned to Aidan and Crul was.

"Oh my God, Crul! It's nice to see you! Why are you here?"

Aidan blinked in confusion at his mother's words. "Oh hi Ms. Gallagher! I'm so sorry for the bother-" her voice changed.

"Wasn't saying you were a bother honey!" Ms. Gallagher laughs as immediately Crul stood up from the couch and walking towards the woman still leaving Aidan confuse

"Did Aidan invite you in?"

"Oh yeah I did" The said boy answered, "You guys know eachother?" He finally asked.

"Yeah, I met her in the library yesterday morning" Crul replied, while, Lauren stood beside the younger girl. "How is your mother by the way dear? I heard she has a hard time with the new place."

"Oh, she's warming up day by day" Crul replied with a stiff smile. Lauren awed before giving her a rub in the back, "I hope she'll feel welcome soon"

As she finished her sentence, the door opened again revealing Rob, the two females including Aidan turned their head to him, "Oh goodmorning!" He greeted at Crul. Rob took a second to look at the said girl, his eyes squinting - trying to as if remember.

"Crul! Nice seeing you again kiddo" The man remembered. The said girl exchanged a greeting.

Aidan watched as Crul continued the conversation smoothly, Listening as the girl answers the questions from his parents. He watched as Crul warmed up pretty fast. Her tone of voice and body movements being more calm unlike just a few minutes earlier where the girl kept her hands behind her.

"Extra classes in sundays"

Aidan snapped back from his thoughts after he heard. "Isn't that tiring then?"

"Beacuse of the moving circumstances, I missed out alot and I have to catch up" She said. "So I only have Saturdays free days" she chuckled.

Rob had left to go upstairs for something while the two girls continue to chat. "Oh shoot!" A phone rang in the other room, recognizing who's phone it was. "I have to go get it, wait a minute" Lauren excused herself while the teen only reassured a smile.

Crul watched as she left the room - hearing her picking up the call and immediately thought it was something important. She sighed and looked down. "Soo.." Aidan's voice came up from behind.

The sudden voice near her made her jump a little - turning her head back at the boy. He smiled, "Forgot to ask you, why were you climbing the tree in the first place" He started.

Crul tilted her head at Aidan's question, "oh" was her only replied.

She looked at the floor below them as she thought.

"Have you seen a parrot around?" She asked. Aidan looked at her confused.

"A black small parrot flying around?"

He thought about it, then the memories of the silly interactions of the kitten from last night flashed.

Digging deep into his thought, he tried to recall a bird - a more specifically, he tried to thought a black parrot. Now that he thought about it, 17 years old Aidan has never saw a black parrot before.

"I have never actually seen a black parrot before, so it would be really mind stuck if I do see one flying around in the neighborhood" He replied. Crul kept the same face as if she waited for an answer. Both stayed silence for awhile before.

"So a no?"

Aidan sighed, "Yes Crul" He clarified.

"Tho I did saw an-"

"How old are you?" Both spoked at the same time. Crul realized "sorry, was trying to make small talk" She let out a small laugh.

"Oh no no! Uh I'm 17 turning 18 in September" He answered. "I'm guessing you're about the same?"

"Just right behind you, Turning 17 in August" She replied.

After that the place followed with silence, Both teens seemingly tried to continue the conversation. Crul felt the wave of awkwardness within the room, adding the uncomfortable silence - Crul felt slight conscious.

Aidan in the other hand, also felt the wave of awkwardness. The male thought how to continue the conversation as he blinked when he thought of one.

"Do you-" He started quietly, "I should probably get going" Crul spoke. Her sentence more clear and heard resulting overweighting Aidan's quiet attempt.

"I really have to look for my parrot" She spoke with slight laughter. Aidan stiffed a big smile. "Oh sure! we don't want them to get more lost"

Aidan mentally slapped himself - realizing how unfunny that was. But for some reason the following laugh by Crul gave him a feeling of relief.

A softer smile came upon him.

"Uh yeah, thanks for the help" she smiled again. Giving him a small thumbs up to which he found odd but in a good way.

The main door being near, the female teen only passed him before finally at the door. "Yeah no problem, Be careful next time" He reassured.

Aidan watched as the girl only waved before turning her heel - waking away. His smile slowly formed into a pout, hiding a pair of dissapointed.

He found the teen odd, her style of speaking would always made him raise a brow or blink twice but she wasn't exactly completely different.

Though Aidan finds her odd, maybe it's the change of person he would sees whenever she speaks to adults.

He washed off the thoughts with a shake of his head, letting out an empty sigh before going back inside.

The quiet walk to home had made Crul recalled her thoughts. With her presence alone and empty surroundings, the girl's thoughts were louder than the steps of leaves on her foot.

She didn't know why she dismissed herself immediately, Crul felt slightly irritated towards her self for missing the opportunity to talk more. The silence back there kept her mind running to say something but just ended up an excuse to leave.

She looked down at her knee, it was patched with the white patch that Aidan offered, She mentally took note to clean it when she gets to the water and soap.

Crul hummed a laugh at her stupid excuse. She doesn't even have a parrot.

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