Sana x Neutral Reader (One-Sh...

By vanbestvn

5.1K 187 9

oneshots story of you and sana More

Arranged Marriage
Love At First Sight
Clumsy And Flirty Neighbour
Fading Echoes of Love
Shimmers of Love
Heartstrings of Fate
The Games We Play
Unexpected Love
Unrequited Truth
Unanticipated Reunion
Whispers of the Heart
Melting Her Heart
A Lifetime of Love
From Enemies To Lovers
Love Beyond Borders
The Unexpected Charms of Kindness
Fluttering Hearts
Tied by Love
From Pretend to Forever
Love's Triumph
Late to Love
Shout-Out to Love
From Ice Queen to Queen of My Heart
Flower of Love
Journey of the Lost
Love, Laughter, and the Forgotten Birthday
Twice the Love
Enchanted Halloween
The Text That Changed Everything
Melodies of Redemption
From Wedding Waltz to Forever
Blooms of Affection
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Her Birthday
New Year's Eve
New Year's Day
From Misunderstanding to Love
Unmasking Hidden Desires
Valentine's Day
Second Chance
A Library Date to Remember
First Time
The Hitchhiker

From Struggle to Redemption

56 2 0
By vanbestvn

In the heart of a bustling city, 

where dreams and destinies entwined,

 there existed a tale of love that was more complex than it seemed. 

It was a story of two souls named You and Sana, 

who were together in a relationship that appeared whole from the outside but was fractured within.

You had never truly been in love with Sana. 

You cared for her,

 enjoyed her company, 

but that deep, 

soul-stirring love was missing. 

On the other hand, 

Sana was madly in love with you, 

and she was determined to make your relationship last, 

no matter the cost.

One day, 

Sana had a problem that weighed heavily on her heart, 

and she longed to share it with you. 

She knocked gently on the door of your apartment, 

hoping for your comforting presence. 


when she opened the door, 

you were busy with your own thoughts, 

indifferent to her concerns. 

You coldly ignored her and closed the door shut, 

leaving her feeling hurt and alone.

Despite this heartache, 

Sana continued to try her best to salvage what you both had. 

Days turned into weeks, 

and weeks into months, 

but the distance between you two seemed to grow with each passing moment. 

She held onto hope,

 believing that you would change and start investing emotionally in the relationship.

But there came a day when Sana had finally reached her breaking point. 

She didn't want to end the relationship,

 but she knew it was the right thing to do for her own well-being.

 With a heavy heart, 

she entered your apartment, 

and you could see the turmoil in her eyes.

You were surprised when she uttered the words you had secretly been waiting to hear, 

"Let's break up."

Instead of feeling regret or sadness, 

you felt a strange sense of relief,

 as if a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. 

You agreed without hesitation,

 happy to finally be free from a relationship that had never truly captured your heart.

As you both tried to transition from lovers to friends,

 you found yourselves on the rooftop of your apartment building one evening. 

In an attempt to act as if you had never been in a relationship,

 you engaged in a conversation that quickly escalated into an intense argument.


 fueled by all the pain she had endured,

 slapped you.

 It stung not just physically but emotionally. 

In the heat of the moment,

 she said something she had long wanted to express,

 "You're somebody that I used to know."

Your eyes widened in disbelief as her words sank in.

 You tried to brush it off, 

thinking she was joking, 

but Sana was dead serious. 

She had carried the weight of your indifference for far too long, 

and now she needed to break free from it.

With a heavy heart, 

Sana left you standing alone on the rooftop, 

tears streaming down her face. 

She walked away, 

determined to heal and find the happiness and love she deserved,

 leaving you to ponder the consequences of your actions and the pain you had caused. 

In that moment, 

you realized the depth of your own shortcomings and the true cost of taking someone's love for granted.

Several years passed since that fateful rooftop encounter with Sana.

 Time had worked its magic,

 transforming you into a more mature and introspective individual. 

You had learned from your past mistakes and grown in ways you never thought possible. 


a chance encounter was about to set the stage for a long-overdue apology.

Life had taken you on different paths, 

but destiny had a way of weaving its threads. 

One day, 

you found yourself in a crowded café, 

engrossed in a book when your eyes met a familiar face across the room.

 It was Sana, 

looking as radiant as ever, 

but there was a sense of grace and resilience about her that had only deepened with time.

Your heart skipped a beat, 

and you couldn't ignore the opportunity that lay before you.

 With a newfound determination, 

you decided it was time to make amends for the pain you had caused in the past. 

You closed your book and walked over to her table,

 nervously clearing your throat.


you began, 

"I hope you're doing well."

She looked up, 

surprised but not dismissive. 

"Oh, it's you," 

she replied, 

her tone guarded.

You took a deep breath, 

the weight of your words heavy on your chest. 

"I wanted to talk to you, Sana. I've spent a lot of time reflecting on our past, and I realize that I didn't treat you the way you deserved. I was immature and selfish, and I hurt you deeply."

Sana's eyes bore into yours, 

searching for sincerity. 

"Go on," 

she urged.

"I'm not here to make excuses,"

 you continued.

 "I just want to apologize. I should have been a better partner, a better friend. I want you to know that I've changed, and I'm not the same person I was back then."

Sana remained silent for a moment, 

contemplating your words.

 Her guard began to soften as she saw the earnestness in your eyes. 

"I appreciate your honesty,"

 she finally said. 

"Apologies don't erase the past, but they can pave the way for healing and closure."

You nodded, 

understanding the gravity of her response.

 "I'm not expecting forgiveness,


 I just wanted you to know that I'm truly sorry for the pain I caused you."

A faint smile touched Sana's lips.

 "Thank you for saying that. It means more than you know."

As you both continued to talk, 

you shared stories of your personal growth and the lessons life had taught you.

 The conversation was honest and open,

 a far cry from the strained arguments of the past.

In the end, 

you didn't know if your apology would ever truly mend the wounds you had inflicted on Sana's heart, 

but it was a step towards healing for both of you. 

As you parted ways that day, 

there was a sense of closure,

 and perhaps even a glimmer of hope that,

 in time,

 you both could move forward as better, 

more compassionate individuals,

 each on your own separate journey towards happiness and self-discovery.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, 

a remarkable transformation began to take place between You and Sana.

 You were determined to prove to Sana that you had truly changed and that your love for her had deepened.

At first, 

Sana was understandably cautious.

 She couldn't help but wonder if you would revert to your old ways. 

But gradually, 

as she witnessed your consistent efforts and felt the genuine love and care you had for her, 

her doubts began to fade away.

You made it a point to show your love through small, 

thoughtful gestures. 

You listened to her with an open heart, 

supported her dreams and ambitions, 

and cherished every moment you spent together. 

Your actions spoke volumes, 

reinforcing your commitment to being the partner she had always deserved.

Over time, 

Sana's heart began to thaw, 

and the walls she had built around herself started to crumble. 

She could feel the depth of your love and how much you had changed. 

It was no longer a relationship tainted by indifference; 

it had blossomed into a beautiful and genuine love story.

One day,

 as you both strolled hand in hand through a park,

 Sana turned to you,

 her eyes filled with affection and a hint of vulnerability. 

"You know," 

she began, 

"I was so afraid that you hadn't really changed. 

But you've shown me,

 day by day,

 that your love for me is as real and deep as mine for you."

You smiled warmly, 

squeezing her hand gently. 

"Sana, I understand why you were cautious, and I don't blame you. But I promise you, my love for you is real, and it grows stronger with each passing day. I'm so grateful for this second chance, and I'll spend the rest of my life making sure you know just how much you mean to me."

With tears of happiness in her eyes,

 Sana leaned in and kissed you,

 sealing the promise of a new beginning for your love story. 

In that moment, 

you both knew that your love had overcome the trials of the past and emerged even stronger,

 ready to face a future filled with happiness, 


and a love that was truly reciprocated.

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