Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!R...

By Griffin_girl

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Natasha x Daughter!Reader
First Easter
The legacy
I want ice cream
You always come and get me (Part 1)
You always come and get me (Part 2)
They are coming for her
Tea party
Monster (Part 1)
Light of my life
You're safe with me
Mother-daughter day
You came back to me (Part 1)
You came back to me (Part 2)
You came back to me (Part 3)
Now it's her, but then was you (Part 1)
Now it's her, but then was you (Part 3)
Weekly presentation
Sun is up
Coming home (Part 1)
Coming home (Part 2)
Coming home (Part 3)
Save me
Wake up
A mother's love
I need her
Think about your old mama (Part 1)
Think about your old mama (Part 2)
BlackHill x Daughter!Reader
She's mine
I dreamed of you
Don't go
Our little star
Fight for their lives (Part 1)
Fight for their lives (Part 2) (Alternative ending 1)
Fight for their lives (Part 2) (Alternative ending 2)
Sexy back
Worried sick
The birds and the birds
Project Resurrection
WinterWidow x Daughter!Reader
Be a family
Just as I promised
You're not mine (Part 1)
You're not mine (Part 2)
You're not mine (Part 3)
WandaNat x Daughter!Reader
Be good for your aunt
My mom's other girl
Romanogers x Daughter!Reader
Ask me

Now it's her but then was you (Part 2)

612 11 0
By Griffin_girl

Created: 06.03.2023

Finished: 07.03.2023

Edited: 25.09.2023

Age: 15

Word count: 2,986

Warnings: Death mention, Suicide attempts mention, Blood, Miscarriage mention, Guns

Request: Yes (Wattpad user)

Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Nikolai (Comic book character)


Natasha was shocked, to say the least.

"It can't be..." The woman mumbled

"Oh, yes it is!" You shouted in her face "I am that daughter you abandoned 15 years ago when the Red Room created me and I developed inside an artificial womb inside their labs. You ran away and left me behind."

Natasha was too stunned to speak.

"That's not true..." She managed to mumble, her eyes looking lost around the room, unfocused

"You are lying!" You shouted again as you felt tears sting your eyes "You left me as soon as they told you that they had managed to create a baby out of your DNA! I was barely at week 21 of development when you had run away without caring that you were leaving your own baby behind to be raised, tortured, and trained by those demons!"

"I-I never knew they kept you alive in their labs." Natasha breathed out shocked as she put the pieces of her past together "If I knew, I would have never left..."

Natasha understands now why you claim to be her daughter.

Only if she had known...

"So you did abandoned me." You chuckled, shaking your head "How could you?"

"Y/N, baby, listen to me." Natasha pleaded as she stepped closer to you "Please! Hear me first. Hear what I have to say before you jump to conclusions. What you know it's not true."

"Never!" You shouted "You are so much worse than the people who raised me."

And with that, you stormed out of the room without giving Natasha the chance to tell you the truth.


Natasha's legs couldn't support her anymore as she fell onto her bed.

Loud sobs started to come out of her mouth and her body shook uncontrollably.

But not from guilt.

It was from happiness.

This couldn't be true. What she thinks can't be true.

She quickly rushed to her nightstand and pulled out of a drawer a small box from where she pulled out two ultrasound scan pictures and looked at them.

"I need to make sure she is telling the truth first." Natasha whispered to herself as she tightly held the two scans in her hand

She quickly started to run towards Bruce's lab, to get her answers.

She needed to find out if this was true or not, because if it is true, Natasha's life is going to be changed forever for the better.


"Positive." Bruce mumbled shocked "All of them came back positive."

"So she is actually who she claims to be." Natasha stated shocked "But how? Bruce, I thought..."

"It could be possible, Natasha." Bruce interrupted the woman "They had the right tools and medication to do all of that." He clarified "Your theory it's true. That is what happened all those years ago."

Natasha felt the world spin around her.

"I need to find her." She teared up "I need to tell her the truth. She can't keep believing that I have abandoned her."

"F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" Bruce called the A.I. "Please tell us Y/N's location."

"Miss Y/N is currently playing cards on the living room floor with Miss Anastasia." F.R.I.D.A.Y. answered

"Thank you, F.R. I.D.A.Y.!" Bruce said and looked at Natasha "Go."

Natasha needed no more words as she took off running to the living room in hopes that she would get you to listen to her.


"Oh, come on!" You shouted as you threw your hands in the air "That's not fair! I bet you cheated!"

"Nope!" Anna giggled as she shook her head "I won! It's not my fault that you are so bad at playing cards."

You laughed as you started to shuffle the playing cards again, getting ready for the sixth round of getting beat at a simple card game.

What Anna doesn't know, it's that you haven't lost because you suck at playing cards. You lost because you wanted to see your little sister happy, so you let her win every game by either showing her your cards to her or pretending to not know what card you should give next.

Natasha has silently watched you both play, hidden in the shadow of the room's door.

Before the new round began, Natasha decided that this was the best moment to interrupt your game.

"Hey, girls!" Natasha cleared her throat as she stepped inside the room, giving you both a small, shy smile

"Hi, Mama!" Anna greeted her with a bright smile "Me and Y/N are playing a game. Do you want to play with us?"

"I'd love to play with you both, baby." Natasha sat down on the floor in between you and your sister "But I have something very important to talk with Y/N. Do you think you can give us a moment? Maybe go grab some orange juice for you and us. Ask Aunt Wanda to help you."

"Okay, Mama." Anna nodded before she ran out of the room and toward the kitchen

You sighed annoyed and turned your face away from Natasha.

The woman sadly looked at you, noticing your gesture that was clearly indicating that you didn't want to talk with her.

But Natasha was just as stubborn as you are.

She has to talk with you and she will talk with you.

"I was 15." Natasha quietly started to explain, gaining your attention as you turned your head to look at her curiously "His name was Nikolai. I met him while I was on a mission that went South and he helped me escape alive from that situation. He was a soldier in the Russian army." She sniffed away her tears "He was a tall man, with beautiful light brown hair and his eyes were the same shade as his hair. He used to love having a small beard and loved to sing romantic songs under the moonlight. He was kind, sweet, gentle, and protective and I fell in love with him at first sight. I kept on seeing him in secret, using to sneak outside at night or lying that a mission took longer than expected just to go out on small dates with him. On my 16th birthday, he asked me to marry him. He was 17."

"Well, that sounds illegal to me." You mockingly chuckled

"It was." Natasha answered "But I still accepted. We were young and the only thing that I knew before him has been just war, death, and violence. For the first time in my life, I saw what it was like to be loved, to be respected, cherished, and wanted. He made me feel like I wasn't used anymore for other's needs or purposes."

"And what does all of that have to do with me?" You snapped at Natasha "Why would I care about your old lover?"

"Because he was your father!" Natasha breathed out as she dropped this bomb on you "Shortly after that 16th birthday where he asked me to marry him, I became pregnant with a baby that, until now, I thought it never got the chance to see the light of the day."

And with that, Natasha pulled out of her pocket the two pictures of a baby scan.

One of them looked rather new and the woman helt that scan up towards you.

You quickly snatched it from her hand and looked at it.

"That's Anna." Natasha pointed to a tiny thing in the middle of the scan picture that was taking the form of a baby "I was 21 weeks pregnant with her when this scan was made."

"Of course, you would come here, give me all that fake speech about your old lover, and bring a scan picture only to brag about Anna again." You interrupted Natasha as the slightest feeling of jealousy was building up inside you

"You didn't let me finish." Natasha emotionlessly stated "I was 21 weeks pregnant with her when this scan picture was taken..." She took a shaky deep breath in "The same stage of pregnancy I was in when I lost you..."

Natasha lifted the second scan picture that was left in her hand and sadly stared at it.

The scan was looking rather worn off, the shades of black, grey, and white weren't as bright as they were on Anna's baby scan and it looked like someone had looked at it for way too much time, stains of long dried tears present on it.

"This is how small you were when I lost you." Natasha sniffed and turned the scan from her hand to you so you could have a better look at it.

"Oh, please..." You chuckled thinking she was lying "You either never knew of my existence, or you abandoned me and the second option sounds more tempting to believe."

"My Nikolai died two days after I told him I was pregnant with his baby." Natasha continued as she chose to ignore your comment "He was sent on a night patrol that he never returned alive from. They killed him because they had found out he left me pregnant. It was so hard for me after his death but I still had a part of him with me." She brought her free hand up and tightly wrapped it around her stomach "Our baby." She whispered "He was going to live through our baby."

You carefully listened to Natasha's story as you noticed the pain in her voice as well as the tears in her eyes.

"The night that forever changed my life started normally." Natasha kept talking "I was laying in bed after they fed us the usual, tasteless soup and bread. But what I didn't know, is that they poisoned me. I woke up in the middle of the night in a pool of my own blood. I just had a miscarriage." Silent tears made their way down Natasha's cheeks "I had lost my baby, my only reason to keep living and the only piece I had left from Niko."

Something inside you, made you feel sorry for Natasha. You were a trained spy just like her and you knew when someone was lying or telling the truth and Natasha was very much telling the truth.

"I had lost my soul when I lost my baby." Natasha cried "Later on, when Anna was born, after countless failed attempts of killing myself, half of my soul returned to me. But I knew that my other half would forever stay dead just like my first baby girl was." She looked at you as the corner of her lips lifted into a small smile "I now know that the Red Room lied to me. The other half of my soul wasn't dead, it was just lost."

You huffed annoyed as a mocking smile appeared on your face.

"Please..." You laughed "Don't expect me to believe all this bullshit." You looked at Natasha "Even if it was true, Anna is now the center of your universe."

"Yes." Natasha looked deep into your eyes "Now it's her, but then was you." She said, "Once upon a time, in a life that is hard for me to remember, you were the center of my universe, my pride and joy, my hope, my light, my savior, my reason to dream, live and thrive, my little baby girl."

You wanted to say something but stopped as you swallowed back your words.

Natasha stood up and handed you, your baby scan picture, the only one she ever had of you "There wasn't a moment of my life where I haven't thought about you. About the baby that could have been, but never was. One thing is for sure, I loved that unborn baby more than I loved my own life."

Natasha looked sadly at you one last time before starting to walk away toward the door.

Looking at the scan picture, the words Natasha just finished saying replied in your mind in a loop.

'The baby that could have been, but never was.' Echoed in your mind and you shook your head

"No..." You mumbled quietly under your breath as you shot up on your feet and looked around the room to spot Natasha "Natasha, wait!" You shouted after her as you noticed that she was almost out of the room

Natasha stopped in her tracks and she turned around to face you as you ran to her, stopping only a few inches away from her.

"No." You told her as you shook your head "I'm not the baby that could have been. I am the baby that is. Is alive, here and now." You looked down at the scan picture of unborn you, failing to notice the tears that flooded Natasha's eyes in anticipation "All my life I asked myself why would have my mother chosen to abandon me just because she didn't carry me in her womb. My anger only grew bigger as I saw how you were treating Anna as I continued to ask myself how could you live with yourself knowing that you abandoned one daughter but you are treating the other one with so much love."

"Baby..." Natasha whispered as one tear fell from her eye

"But now I know." You interrupted her as you continued your speech "Now I know that she never abandoned me. The reason why she could live with herself and treat her other child with so much love is because she was never guilty. I wasn't abandoned." You breathed out "I have been brutally ripped away from my mother."

"I swear that I would have stopped at nothing to get you out of there if I knew you were alive." Natasha sniffed "I don't care that you developed in a lab. I only care that you are my baby. A baby that I already love more than my own life."

You took a step closer to Natasha, feeling the sudden urge to get closer to her as your mother's breathing stopped.

Natasha looked at you with love as her eyes swam in tears.

"I forgive you, Natasha." You told her with a small nod "We can start working on building some kind of a mother-daughter bond between us. But don't expect too much from me. I forgive you but I can't forget. Not yet. It's too early."

Natasha quickly nodded "I understand. I am not going to pressure you to do anything you are not comfortable with. We will go at your pace, baby. I am just happy you gave me a chance to prove to you that I can be your mama as well, not just Anna's mama.

"Anna..." You chuckled at the thought of your little sister "She is going to be so excited when she finds out I am her sister for real."

"She always referred to you as her big sister." Natasha smiled "I guess she could feel the sisterly connection between you two."

"I already knew that Y/N was my big sissy for real, silly." Anna's small voice boomed as she ran inside the room with Wanda hot on her heels and stopped in front of you "I could feel it in here." She pointed to her heart "And Auntie Wanda said I was right."

You looked towards Wanda confused and Natasha did the same, raising her eyebrow as she demanded an answer from the witch.

"I may or may have not read your minds yesterday morning." Wanda awkwardly said "The only reason why I haven't told any of you about it, is because I knew you would soon find out on your own anyway."

"How many times do I have to tell you, Wanda?!" Natasha sighed disappointed "We don't read people's minds without their consent. Not in this compound. It's rude."

"I know. I'm so sorry." Wanda rubbed the back of her head "I just couldn't help it."

"Hug?" Anna lifted her arms towards you as she was getting bored of Natasha scolding Wanda

"You can have your hug." You laughed and picked Anna up

Natasha wanted to join in the hug but she was unsure of the reaction you could have at her joining it uninvited.

But the hug didn't last for long as alarms started ringing throughout the compound, making an ear-scratching sound.

"We are under attack!" Wanda shouted to make herself heard over the alarms

"Take Anna to the safe room." Natasha snatched Anna out of your arms and passed her to Wanda "Escort her and Y/N there. Take them and guard them."

"I don't want to hide!" You protested "I want to stay here and fight!" You looked at Wanda "Go and protect Anna while we'll protect her from here."

Wanda looked from you to Natasha then, nodding, she ran out of the room with a confused and scared Anna in her arms.

"Baby, please." Natasha shouted "You need to hide. I can't lose you again."

"I can take care of myself, Natasha!" You shouted back

But before any more words were said, masked intruders blew up the windows and jumped inside the room.

Natasha started fighting as she tried, as much as she could, to keep you safe and away from the fight at the same time.

But you were having none of Natasha's protectiveness as you kept engaging in the fight.

Almost all intruders had been taken down.

Just one more left to go.

You launched yourself toward the enemy as Natasha picked a gun up from the floor and aimed it at the intruder.

But before Natasha pulled the trigger, another gunshot was heard.

From there on, everything happened in slow motion.

Natasha pulled the trigger and started running toward you scared.

The enemy started collapsing to the ground dead, with a bullet in their head.

And you...

You started falling backward as your eyes started to close.

Natasha blinked.

You were finally surrounded by darkness before you got the chance to feel yourself hitting the ground.

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