(DISC) Harry Potter and the P...

By SimilarAmbassad0r

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Insubordinate Power
First Day and Forest
The Headmaster And the Truth
Detention and Quidditch
Halloween and Harrison's Mind
Un-Happy Holidays

J 12:5-7

856 34 6
By SimilarAmbassad0r

The winter had thawed out into a blissful spring with the coming of March. The sun shone down onto the grounds of the castle, reflecting like jewels on the surface of the lake. A calm breeze gently pushed through the tops of the trees in the Forbidden Forest, causing them to sway rhythmically. The second Quidditch game of the season saw Gryffindor beating Ravenclaw 240-30 in an utter blowout with Harrison catching the snitch once more. The serenity of the last two months lulled the entire castle into a sense of security and safety. Well, maybe not the entire castle.

Harrison felt Quirrel's eyes boring into his skull at every meal and during every DADA class. He was sat in the second year charms lesson doing his homework quietly in the corner whilst contemplating what to do about Quirrel. He debated telling Flitwick but thought against it. Yes, he may trust him but he didn't think he'd outright believe him based on observations and heresay. He sighed quietly and rubbed his temple with his left hand, nursing his receding headach he had received the night before.

He finished his homework and quietly turned his chair to face the front of the class to watch Flitwick teaching the second years. Sitting in on Flitwick's classes and listening to both theory and practical applications charms thoroughly intrigued him and would always keep his mind off of Quirrel for a while. He watched as Flitwick demonstrated the defensive uses of the engorgement charm by using it on his desk which grew almost three times its normal size and blocked a disarming charm.

He then demonstrated how the engorgement charm can be used as an offensive spell and enlarged a brick in the floor that his demonstration partner was standing on, effectively unbalancing them and causing them to fall backwards. Harrison watched all of this whilst furiously scribbling notes into the purpl diary that Alicia gave him at Christmas. Flitwick then set everyone in the class of second years off with attempting to enlarge an acorn before striding over to where Harrison was sat.

"Harrison, have you been working on what we've been covering in these detentions?" Flitwick asked in a hushed tone as not to disturb the second years working around him. Harrison nodded before replying, "Yes, Professor, I have. I saw something when I was meditating and I'm not quite sure what it was." Flitwick looked slightly surprised but nodded for Harrison to continue with the latter taking a breath, trying to discern how to explain this.

"I saw a... ball, sphere, thing. It was dark at first but when I got closer it swirled into loads od different colours and shapes. They looked like animals but none of the ones I've ever seen on the muggle television. Do you know what that could be?" Harrison asked. Flitwick stroked his chin for several seconds, deep in thought whilst recalling whatever he could remember from his many years of study to create a hypothesis on what Harrison could've seen.

"My first thought when you said animal was that it was perhaps your animagus form but the fact you used plural instead of singular dashed that theory almost instantly. I will research it and get back to you about it, Harrison," Flitwick replied after several minutes. "Now, how about you try to use the engorgement charm. Remember, picture the acorn growing to three times size in your mind before casting the spell." Flitwick placed the acorn on Harrison's desk and took a step back.

Harrison withdrew his wand and pointed it at the acorn. "Engorgio," he said softly, but nothing happened to the acorn. He took a deep breath and pictured his magic enveloping and penetrating the acorn to make it grow. He pointed his wand again. "Engorgio," he said and his acorn suddenly grew to the size of his forearm causing him to jump backwards out of his chair in shock. Flitwick smiled knowingly at him before walking to the front of the class to assist any of his actual students with the work that was meant to be happening that lesson.

Once his "detention" had finished, Harrison walked to lunch alongside Katie. As they walked they talked about how he had managed to complete a second year spell and that his control of his magic seemed to be steadily improving. "Maybe by the end of the year I'll be able to do my exams without exploding a desk," Harrison joked as they walked along the first floor corridor. Katie stifled a laugh by placing her hand over her mouth whilst Harrison kept making remarks about his previous lack of control on his nagic.

"On the plus side, it's made my control over my elemental magic way stronger," he said as they approached the staircase down into the entrance hall. "Watch this," he said withe a smile causing Katie to raise an eyebrow. He jumped and spun all in one motion and she watched as he seemed to just float there. He leant forward and began circling around her in the air as she walked towards the great hall. As they reached the doors, he landed himself before walking with Katie to the Gryffindor table.

"I think Harry has been holding certain secrets from us," Katie said slyly as she took a seat across from the twins and Angelina. The team looked at her puzzled and waited for her to continue as she piled food onto hers and Harrison's plate. "He can fly," she said nonchalantly before cutting a piece of her porkchop and eating it. "Yeah we know, if he couldn't fly he wouldn't be on the team," Alicia said incredulously from Harrison's left causing Katie to shake her head.

"No, like, he can actually fly. As in levitate and fly, without a broom," Katie explained and all the team's heads snapped to Harrison who was shrinking further and further into his seat from embarrassment. Everyone in the team looked at him with questioning gazes almost making him slide under the table to hide. Alicia was the first to recover from the shock and cleared her throat lightly.

"I think we should probably keep this revelation between us, don't you think?" She said in a hushed tone, giving each team member apart from Harrison a stern look. She held her gaze on Katie for a moment before speaking again. "And I assume you'll remember next time that he tells or shows you these things in complete confidence," she reprimanded causing Katie to look down at the floor embarrassed. She mumbled out a wuick apology to Harrison before everyone began eating their food again in an uncharacteristically sullen silence.

As the golden trio left the hall, Alexander began loudly complaining to anybody who would listen. "Honestly, how does nobody find it suspicious that he can suddenly do magic after being away from school for two weeks!" Ron shook his head in agreement with Alexander's outburst. "Maybe we should tell Professor McGonagall or Professor Dumbledore about it?" Hermione suggested, "Professor Flitwick and Snape won't be any good as they're clearly on his side despite him trying to burn us all alive in charms."

"You're brilliant Hermione! We should go to her office now and maybe he'll get chucked in Azkaban for being a dark wizard!" Alexander proclaimed and the trio rushed off to the transfiguration corridor. Unbeknownst to them, however, our favourite turban-wearing DADA teacher was stood behind them, listening and now contemplating. If the eldest Potter twin had used a dark magic ritual to gain strength then his plans would have to change to include him in his ranks somewhere. He could absolutely find use for someone who was willing to use rituals to build strength, especially if they hated Dumbledore and the light. Quirrelmort hurried off to his office to begin plotting his assimilation of Harrison Potter into a future death eater.


"Harrison, a word please before you go," McGonagall called out as the class of first years began filing through the door. It was now the Wednesday in the week after he learned the engorgement charm from Flitwick and the glares he received from the 'golden trio' had increased drastically over the last seven days. As they left the room, Ron and Alexander had smug looks on their faces whilst Hermione held her head high in an arrogant sense of pride before the three began walking down the corridor to their potions lesson.

"Mr Potter-" McGonagall began, "please don't call me Potter, Professor. They've sadly never seen me as family and the feeling is mutual," Harrison interrupted. McGonagall stared at him in stunned silence for a few seconds before pursing her lips and nodding. "Well, Harrison. Some concerns have been raised by multiple students of you possibly using dark magic. Do you happen to know why?" McGonagall gave him a questioning look that seemed to go straight through him, filling him with a slight chill despite the warmth of spring surrounding him.

"I know that at the start of term the 'Golden Trio'-" he spat out the two words with as much venom as he could muster, causing his eyes to flicker a deep yellow colour then return to their normal emerald "-planned to attack me because they thought I'd used dark magic to get my magic back over the Yule holidays," he shrugged. McGonagall was once again shocked, but this time didn't show it, at the fact he knew who made the complaints but more so at the fact her three favourite first years were planning on attacking a student.

"That's a very serious accusation, Mr Po- Harrison. Do you happen to have proof of these claims?" She stared at him, expecting him to retract his story, but he didn't and instead placed his wand on his temple and drew out a long silvery substance which gathered at the tip of his wand. He held it out for McGonagall who conjured a small vial to store the memory. She opened her mouth to speak but he repeated the action and held it out for her again. "I suggest watching the second one in as private a place as possible if you can- especially away from nosy parkers," Harrison said.

"Harrison, is all this necessary?" McGonagall questioned almost breathlessly. He sighed and nodded, "maybe it is, maybe it isn't. You'll have to find out the truth yourself." He shrugged and turned, picking up his bag and walking to the door. "Harrison, take this to Professor Snape to explain your absence," McGonagall said, flicking her wand to send a wad of paper to Harrison who caught it and pocketed it. With another nod, he exited the classroom and began sprinting off to potions.

He opened the door quietly and slinked off to his seat, ignoring the glares from his classmates and handing McGonagall's note to Snape. The potions master nodded and whispered some quick instructions to bring Harrison up to speed before returning to teaching the full class.

At the end of the lesson, the 'Golden Trio' surrounded him as he was packing away. He ignored them dutifully, hoping they would just leave after he didn't acknowledge them but they didn't. In fact, his supposed ignorance seemed to piss them off even more. He looked around the room and saw Snape standing off in a corner looking at several similar looking potions and a huddle of 3 first year Slytherins stood just inside the door which confused him. He placed his bag on his worktop and turned to face the three most annoying Gryffindors to ever grace the halls of Hogwarts.

"We know what you did," Alexander announced, looking down at Harrison in an attempt to intimidate him. "If you mean sit quietly and complete the potions work, then yeah, you're correct," Harrison replied cooly, his occlumency training assisting him in keeping a calm façade.

"We meant with your magic," Ron growled out through gritted teeth. Harrison feigned a shocked expression with a fake gasp, "oh, do tell what I did with my magic." As he spoke he placed the back of his hand on his forehead and acted faint. This is where Hermione jumped in with her 'observations' and it made Harrison inwardly groan.

"Well, before Christmas you were a squib but now you can suddenly perform magic really well- even better than me when I'm the brightest witch in the year," she said all in one breath and huffed. "I disagree," Harrison replied absentmindedly. "What?" Hermione snapped, her face contorting into a broadcast of her fury.

"Well, yeah, you're top of the class in Charms but that's about it. Potions, the top girls are Daphne Greengrass, Padma Patil and Susan Bones. Charms it's you, then Padma Patil again with her sister Parvati in third. Transfiguration it's Padma for a third time, then you followed by Hannah Abbott. Defence it's Susan, Tracey then Padma- need I continue? Padma is in the top 3 girls for every single class yet you're the brightest witch in the year? A bit arrogant isn't it?" Harrison questioned in false politeness, taking great inward joy from the vein in Hermione's forehead about to burst.

"W-Well, when Dumbledore finds out from McGonagall that you're using dark magic you'll be expelled and probably sent to Azkaban for breaking the law," Hermione countered, changing the subject to avoid embarrassment at being called out. Harrison 1-0 Trio. "That isn't strictly true," Harrison countered, "if I get expelled I can switch to one of Beauxbatons, Durmstrang- you know, the schools in other countries? Yes, it wouldn't be preferable as I have friends here but my life isn't over if I get expelled from one of countless magical schools."

"But why would you want to go to the others when Hogwarts is way better than them?" Ron questioned angrily. "Yeah, we've even got Dumbledore- the greatest wizard in history!" Harrison proclaimed as if Dumbledore was the incarnate of all things perfect. Harrison responded with a slight snort, "honestly? THE greatest? Did you forget about Merlin Emrys? Gilgamesh? Circe? Loki? And that's just off the top of my head. If you're looking for dark wizards better than Dumbledore just look at Grindelwald, for Merlin's sake.

Dumbledore only battled him at the very end of the war, allowing years of endless killing and had to receive help in the final fight. I'm just saying if you need help from others to fight one wizard doesn't that make you a worse wizard than the other?"

"Why, you-" Alexander growled before grabbing Harrison's collar and lifting him out of his chair. "Potter, 20 points from Gryffindor for attacking another student," snapped Snape. "And detention for the three of you for continually bothering Harrison with your mindless ramblings." Ron tried to retort but was held back by Alexander and Hermione's equally vicious glares. "Now away with you, I have better things to do than supervise dunderheads in my free time," Snape drawled and the 'golden trio' sulked out of the classroom past the three Slytherins still stood at the door who were now holding back their laughter.

Harrison breathed out a large sigh and flopped down onto his stool again, propping his head on his hands to caress his temples. Snape watched him silently, several thoughts and emotions rushing through his mind. A light knock on the classroom door brought him from his musings and he snapped his head round to find a trio of his first year snakes standing there. "Mr Zabini, Ms Davis, Ms Greengrass, do you need something?" Snape drawled.

The one with blonde hair stepped forwards, "Sir, my father has sent me some ingredients to give to you. He told me that you had ordered some from him towards the end of last month." She stepped forwards and placed a box on the worktop next to Harrison. Snape picked it uo slowly and opened the lid, peering at the different items held within. "Harrison you best be leaving to lunch now so I can speak with my snakes," Snape said, surprisingly without his signature drawl.

Harrison nodded slightly and stood up. "Sorry for disturbing you and taking up your time, Professor," Harrison said and with a slight bow exited the potions classroom. "Now I assume you three are still here so you can question me on this?" Snape asked with an eyebrow raised, drawling once more. The three Slytherin first years nodded silently and looked up at Snape expectantly. "You each get two questions, if I do not like the question I may not answer, do you agree to those terms?" He looked at the three who seemed deep in thought before they all nodded again.

"I know why you call Draco by his first name but how come Potter is the only other student you do that with?" the dark-skinned boy asked. "Because he is not a Potter and he asked me not to use the name he took up to keep an image," Snape replied before looking between the two girls, waiting for their question.

"Is it true he used dark magic rituals so he could use magic?" The shorter of the two asked whilst her two companions groaned. "No," Snape said curtly before placing his gaze on the blonde girl.

"Why is it that he doesn't look like either of his parents? He has blonde hair despite his parents being ginger and black-haired," she peered up into Snape's empty eyes, unyielding in her wanting answers. "I can tell you if you promise I can trust you," a small voice came from the door. The four turned to face the source and saw Harrison shifting his weight between his feet uncomfortably.

"Harrison I told you to go to lunch," Snape said, almost softly which made the dark skinned boy and brunette cringe slightly. "I left my book," he said in a murmur, nodding his head slightly to his worktop. The blonde picked up the small purple book before walking up to Harrison and handing it to him. He quickly snatched it from her and thrust it into his bag, muttering his gratitude.

"I'm Daphne Greengrass," she said proudly, outstretching her hand in front of her. Harrison stared at it uncomfortably for a while, glancing up at Snape for a bit of support. The potions master nodded and Harrison slowly raised his own hand. She clasped it quickly and shook it, causing him to flinch back slightly at the sudden contact. She was left quite confused by the interaction. She had just witnessed him confidently stand up to the BWL and his two servants but now he seemed timid- almost weak- as he cowered away from her handshake.

"These are my friends Blaise Zabini and Tracey Davis," she continued turning and pointing to the two other first years in the room. "Daphne, we can finish this in herbology," Tracey complained, "I'm starving and if we don't leave soon, we'll miss lunch!" She began trying to pull her two friends out of the room as Blaise stifled a laugh. "When are you not hungry?" Daphne huffed as she rolled her eyes and began walking with her friend to the Great Hall.

"Did you at least get something to eat before coming back here for your diary?" Snape asked Harrison as he began sorting his mew ingredients into his cupboard. When he didn't hear an answer, he turned to face Harrison who was once again awkwardly shifting his weight from foot to foot. Snape sighed and walked up to Harrison, crouching down in front of him and looking up to his face.

"Harrison, look at me," Snape said softly, his tone making Harrison's eyes immediately snap to his potions teacher. For the first time, Snape was able to actually look at Harrison. He found familiarity in his eyes and was repulsed by the small signs he could make out on his face. "Mr Delacour, is he good with you?" Snape asked and Harrison slowly nodded. "I will make arrangements for you to stay with him this summer- and no, I won't be informing the Headmaster," Snape quickly added at Harrison's wary expression.

"Now, every Thursday I will give you a box at the end of class containing seven potions. I want you to drink one potion a day as soon as you wake up," Snape continued, "no, they won't taste as bad as the ones from the Hospital Wing so as to make sure you actually drink them. And before you go to Herbology, I'm going to make sure you get something to eat. I only have a class of idiotic fifth years so they won't mind you sitting in for a moment."

Harrison wanted to protest but was stopped by an elf appearing with a tray of sandwiches at his heel. Snape directed Harrison to his desk and placed the sandwiches next to him before going out to bring the fifth years in. Harrison sat in silence and ate two of the sandwiches the house elf had provided before slipping out of the potions classroom and running off to DADA. He handed his note to Quirrelmort before going to his seat and extricating his books from his bag. There was only half an hour left and it passed by quickly for Harrison who, as soon as the bell had rung, had almost sprinted out of the room.

Quirrel gazed after him, the wine red eyes fixated on the door as he calculated his next move. His time in this body was running out and he needed to find a way to maintain it before he would perish. The calm before the storm was starting to ebb into a heavy tension that seemed to snake itself around the 'golden trio' and Harrison maliciously.

3636 words

A/N: Well that was L O N G. Anyways I got an idea but idk what to do with it. Idk whether to make it into a HP ff or to make it an original story (it would work either way). There will be more details in the comment under this paragraph.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and please review, I know I'm a novice writer so any suggestions would be appreciated. :)

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