You are such a drag (A Shikam...

By tweNtyonEpiLots6

129K 3.6K 2.4K

Kruno Inuzuka was kidnapped when she was six years old from her home in the hidden leaf village. Now, six yea... More

An Inuzuka Returns!
Girls are a troublesome type!
Team 10, Unite!
We try to be strong for those we love.
Chunin Exam Begin!
Chunin Exams, The Forest Of Death!
Maybe, Just Maybe.
The Ass-Kicking Type
Crutches Are A Pain
Kruno Goes For A Swim
Fall In Love With Me
Oh shit
The Final Part Of The Exams

A Goodbye

5.3K 169 148
By tweNtyonEpiLots6

(so I'm going to rush Sasuke's and Gaara's fight because it is not that important to this chapter!
also, I do not have my laptop so I am not able to watch the episode over to get all the info for the chapter that I need. A lot of things WILL be off, and I am sorry for that. don't hate me too much.

Shikamaru stood further away from me than he normally did, but I tried to wave off the feeling that it caused in my stomach. The feeling of unease was not wavering, and I began to worry.

I crossed my legs as I sat down on the ground, and looked through the bars to watch the next round. Finally Sasuke had arrived so his match with Gaara was finally underhand. I was gripping the bars in my hands as I watched every move, small chuckles passing my lips as Sasuke attempted to attack Gaara, never getting near him because of his sand.

It wasn't until Sasuke began to use his full speed, that he was able to hit Gaara. I gasped slightly as Gaara started to bleed, and that's when I knew all hell was about to break loose.

"Blood.. My blood!" Gaara began to scream, and I gulped, he was screaming, grabbing at his head. I watched as the wall behind them exploded, and crashed down around everyone.

It was like time stopped around us, and everything was in slow motion. The wall was falling down, being completely shattered by some force, and I heard the two sand Shinobis I trusted a lot more than most people scream.

"The invasion has begun!"

I fell back against the ground, falling into a sleep like trace. It was a genjutsu, which sucked because I had no ability to break a genjutsu by myself. I sighed softly as I felt like my body was floating in mid air.


My body was thrown forward onto the hard grown, and I looked around. Fuck, it was another one of these flashback things. Goddammit.. I looked over and saw a man with bright orange hair walking beside a woman with a cool shade of blue hair who was holding seven year old me. Little Kruno was giggling loudly as she held onto the woman's hand, looking around at all of the things that the small celebration they were walking in had.

They walked past a small shop that held a bunch of swords, and little Kruno ran over to the window, looking
up at a rather large samurai sword that hung in the window. She looked back at the orange haired man and pointed at the sword.

"Can I get that, leader-sama?!" She exclaimed, and he looked up at the sword and chuckled.

"It's a little big for you, don't you think, pipsqueak?" He asked, and Kruno shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't care! I'll use it when I'm bigger!" She said before she turned to him, and started to pout, placing her hands together. "Please." She said sweetly, and the man rolled his purple eyes before he walked in the shop. When he came back, he had the sword in a purple holder that had 'pipsqueak.' burned into it. He looked down at Kruno, and told her he would carry it. She nodded happily, and started to trot along with the woman's hand in hers again.

I smiled, I remembered those days so clearly, that it was almost as if it had happened just yesterday. I watched the blue hair woman ruffled my hair slightly, before my body was thrown again. But this time, I was sitting in an all too familiar room, staring at eight year old me who was sitting with a blonde gentlemen with long blonde hair. He had clay in his hand, and so did I.

"Now, you have to be careful, yeah." He said, nodding his head and she nodded back at him. "This stuff will explode, but you can make it into something beautiful before you make it blow up."

"Oh! Okay!" I said as I began to make a flower, making sure that it was perfectly sculpted before I handed it back to the man, who smiled at little me.

"This is beautiful, Kruno, yeah." He said, and a smile grew over my cheeks.

"Thank you! I want you to keep that, okay? So you never forget me!" Kruno said as she leaned forward and hugged the blonde tightly. He hesitated for a moment, before he wrapped his arms around her, lightly,


This time when my body was thrown, I was standing outside of the house that I had called home for the past six years. Twelve year old Kruno was standing in front of all of the men and one woman she had lived with, her mask placed tightly on her face, but the mask didn't cover her lip which was quivering slightly.

"Do I have to go..?" She asked, and the Orange haired man nodded slightly, sighing.

"Yes, Kruno. You do." He said softly, which everyone would have found slightly odd if they all didn't have a strong connection with the little girl standing in front of them.

"Come here, pipsqueak." The leader said, opening his arms which she ran into. She hugged him tightly, before she looked up at the blue haired woman, who smiled down at her. Kruno hugged her tightly, and she hugged back, but didn't say anything.

I watched as Kruno moved to the blue man who taught her everything she needed to know about the village she would soon call home again. She whimpered slightly, but the man lifted her up off the ground and hugged her close.

"No crying, brat. We don't allow that here." He said, but I could see the tear form in his eyes. He sat her down and ruffled her hair slightly.

Next, she walked over to the raven haired boy. She hadn't known him for as long as the others, but he was the one who constantly gave her books to read. She moved forward and hugged him lightly, which he returned.

The next one she stood in front of was a man who had bright red hair, and wooden skin. He was looking down at her, his normal emotionless eyes staring down at her. But I knew that Kruno knew he was sad. She walked forward and hugged to man lightly, his wooden arms returned it very slowly.

She walked over to the blonde, who was biting down on his lip to keep the tears in. She hugged him tightly, and buried her face in his chest. He finally let a single tear fall and Kruno smiled sadly at him. The man standing beside him, a normally super energetic man was silence, and that scared even me. He walked forward, and hugged her tightly, so tightly that she had to struggle to breath.

The next one in the line was a man who was covered in stitches, who showed no emotions. But I watched as Kruno extended her hand to him, and they began to do their 'secret handshake.' The large man chuckled lightly down at the small girl who continued to smile sadly.

Second to last was a man who had a face of two different colors. One half was black, one half was white. His yellow orbs of eyes stared down at Kruno, and Kruno stared back up at him.

"Be safe, Brat." He said, and Kruno nodded.

"You know I will." She said, sighing heavily.

Lastly, she came to a white haired man whose hair was slicked back. He was starring down at her, a slight smirk on his lips.

"You better not forget about me, you mother fucking son of a bitch." He said, and Kruno laughed.

"As if I could, you cock sucking piece of shit." She replied, before running into his arms quickly. He hugged her tightly, and I watched Kruno take a step back and she looked at all of the members.

"I love all of you." She said quietly before turning on her heel.

"Kruno! Just remember our home will always be open for you!" A voice called out, and she nodded and continued to walk.


My eyes shot open, and I looked around frantically. I was calmed down for only a moment when I saw Sakura standing in front of me, but the panic came back suddenly as I noticed that we were under an attack. I stood up quickly and I looked over to see Naruto standing up in a panic too, but Shikamaru was still laying on the ground.

"Why isn't Shikamaru awake?!" Naruto exclaimed, and I rolled my eyes but I didn't say anything. Kakashi and Gai were fighting off a bunch of ninja's, but Kakashi got away from us long enough to explain to us that we would be going on an A-Rank mission, and that was to follow Sasuke who was chasing after Gaara. I gulped slightly and Kakashi summoned a small ninja dog, who bit down on my boyfriends hand, who began to scream and toss his arms around.

I knew that fucker wasn't asleep.

I sighed heavily and walked over to the whole in the wall, looking around before I placed Watamote on the ground and told her to stay. She whined slightly but sat in her spot.

"If I don't come back, find Kiba." I said before I leaped out of the hole in wall, ignoring the screams of Shikamaru, Kakashi, Sakura, and Naruto. I had to find Sasuke before he got to Gaara, because this would not end okay.

I was leaping from tree to tree when I stopped suddenly on a tree, sensing a chakra around me that I was unfamiliar with. Wait... no. Four, Five, Six, Seven. Seven chakra's that I did not know. I laughed slightly and moved up into a tree, and waited. I waited until I saw my team land on the tree below me.

"Goddammit where could Kruno have gone?!" Shikamaru said, clenching his fist tightly.

"Above us." The dog said, and I growled at him before dropping down onto the branch below me, where my team was.

"Yo." I said, and Naruto threw his arms around me. I shrugged them off quickly before sniffing in the air.

"We've got company. Six of them, actually." I said, not noticing that one of the people from earlier had disappeared. Shikamaru sighed softly and look at all of us.

"We need to create a diversion. One or two of us need to throw them off the track, it's the only way it will work... But it's likely that the people who create it... will die." He said, and everyone gulped slightly. I looked at him, before nodding my head and stepping up.

"I'll do it." I said, and Shikamaru looked at me with wide eyes, while Naruto and Sakura both began to tell me I couldn't do it, that it was suicide.

I turned around to them, and looked at them with very serious eyes before I began to speak. "Being a shinobi means protecting your squad with the most up right chance of dying. Being a shinobi has its up, and it's down. I was told by a very wise man once that people who give up their lives for their squad, will be remembered for years. And that, that is a title I can live with. I love you guys, no matter how much we fight, and I will die to make sure you guys can get Sasuke back."

Shikamaru placed his hand on my shoulder, and nodded his head. "We'll do this together." He said, and I nodded back before him and I took off, ignoring the way our team called after us.

"Okay, they're going to be looking for our foot prints, along with the dogs... So we need to fake this as we go." I said, before I picked up three smaller sticks, and one larger one, looking at Shikamaru. "These should work for the dog." I said, and he nodded before we began to place foot prints on the ground, along with the 'paw.' prints for the dog. After that, we hid. I was trying to stay as close to Shikamaru as I could, but he kept scooting away from me. I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes, until we saw the nin's come into the area we had stopped our prints. While they were distracted, Shikamaru captured them in his Shadow Possession Jutsu.

He began to converse with them, and I think he finally noticed that not all of them were here, because he grabbed in his pocket and grabbed enough kunai's to throw at all of his opponent. Obviously, all of them grabbed at least one kunai out of their pocket. Shikamaru threw the kunais, as did the ninja's, but all of them were deflected by a kunai from the tree I was sitting under.

So that's where you were, you son of a bitch... I looked up at the tree, and growled slightly at him. He looked down at me, and smirked, before pulling a kunai out of his pocket, and throwing it at me. It hit my cheek, and I could feel the blood running down my cheek, the cut deep obviously deeper than I had thought at first. I didn't scream out, but I did start to climb up the tree as quietly as I could, still keeping my eyes on Shikamaru who was looking at the trees above him, sighing heavily. I could see his shadow slowly getting smaller and smaller, which meant his chakra was getting lower and lower. I cursed slightly, thinking about what I could do to help until I saw the last person I ever thought I would.


He smiled at me, and I smiled back before I used my foot to kick the nin in the tree as hard as I could towards Asuma, who brought him down to the ground with him, standing beside of Shikamaru.

"You've done good, Shikamaru. I've got it from here." He said, and I jumped down beside Shikamaru as he fell to the ground, propping himself up on his elbows. I laughed softly, and looked down at him.

"I love you." I said, and he nodded.

"Good for you." He replied, lazily. I froze slightly, and looked down at him curiously.

"What do you mean, good for you?" I asked.

"Exactly what I said. Good for you."

"But... Don't you... love me back?" I asked quietly, and he looked me dead in the eyes.


I froze, and my heart stopped in my chest. I felt tears well up in my eyes, and my chest tightened.

"What..?" I mumbled, not noticing Asuma was almost done fighting off the enemy ninja.

"I don't love you, Kruno." he said, looking up into my tear filled eyes.

"and I never did."

I stood up beside him, and nodded my head before I pulled my leg back, and delivered a swift kick as hard as I could to his ribs. He doubled over in pain, but I didn't care. I undid the headband from around my neck, and watched as it fell to the ground.

"I fucking hate you." I said, before I took off running. I wasn't running to Sasuke, or back to Konoha. No, I was running opposite of everything.

How fucking dare he... How dare he play with my fucking heart like that. I wasn't a toy, yet he tore my heart out of my chest like it was nothing. I finally let all of the tears fall as I ran, a sob choking my breathing slightly.

I finally arrived at where I had been running, my face had dried blood and tear stains down it, my eyes were throbbing slightly. I walked up the door, and knocked three times. A figured opened the door, about to scream at me, but then he realized who I was.

"Kruno..?" He asked, and I looked up at him, smiling weakly.

"Hey, Pein." I whispered. "Is the offer still on the table that I can come back whenever I want?"

He nodded quickly, and wrapped an arm around me slightly, leading me back inside.

From that moment I swore, I'd never set foot back in Konoha, and I would never, ever love again.


thank you guys so much for sticking around!
The second book will be up soon, so don't kill me xD
(Shika tells her that to 'protect.' her from further damage, from being hurt worse, but he doesn't know that all he did was break the bright spirit she had.)
I am aware that things in the book have the characters acting OOC, and that will continue through all of my books. They are my books, and if I wish to change them slightly to fit the book, i will.

I love you my little sun shines <3
don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!<3

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