Short Horror Stories

By suzannahhalstead

79 51 0

🎃 Spooky stories in eerie places sound like a thrilling Halloween adventure! I'm ready for some chills and t... More

The abandoned cabin
The Haunting Echoes of Hollowed Halls
The Children By the Window
The Shapeshifter
The Late Ride Home
The Woman I Murdered, Haunts Me
Blood Roots:: The Murder Tree
Do Not Blink
Trick Or Treat?
Wheels On The Bus
Hush Little Baby
Hours And Hours And Hours
His Seven Deadly Sins
Ring a Ring O' Roses
The Wrong Tape
The Song Of The Wendigo That Hears Your Cries
The song Of The Willow Tree (Song)
The Haunted Cabin in the Warlock Forest (Song)
The Grin of Mr. Fluffles
The Inn
Echoes of the Festival
Just Let Me Sleep
Voices In My Head

The Boy Who Cries Blood

3 2 0
By suzannahhalstead

Bellebrook Asylum sat atop a lonely hill, its decaying walls a stark contrast to the whispering trees that surrounded it. It was a place of nightmares, where tales of ghostly apparitions and eerie sounds echoed through the town.

In the 1800s, the asylum was in full operation, housing patients with various mental afflictions. Among them was a young boy named Samuel, known by the other inmates as "The Boy Who Cries Blood." Every evening, as twilight painted the sky, tears of crimson would stream down Samuel's face. No one knew the cause, and many believed it to be a manifestation of his tormented soul.

Legend spoke of a terrifying specter that haunted Samuel nightly—a wraithlike woman in tattered rags, who would appear by his bedside and whisper malevolent incantations into his ear. With each visitation, the boy's cries grew louder, his tears thicker with blood.

One chilling winter night, the head nurse, Agatha, was doing her rounds when she heard a bloodcurdling scream from Samuel's room. As she rushed in, the sight that met her eyes was harrowing. Samuel lay still on his bed, eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling, blood streaming down his face. And beside him, the spectral woman hovered, her hollow eyes locked onto Agatha.

Frozen with fear, Agatha watched as the ghostly figure slowly drifted toward her. The air grew cold, and an oppressive silence filled the room. With a sudden rush of wind, the apparition vanished, leaving Agatha trembling and Samuel forever silent.

The following morning, Samuel's lifeless body was found, his eyes still open in terror. Agatha, too traumatized to speak, was committed to a room in the very asylum she once managed.

Years turned into decades, and the legend of Samuel, "The Boy Who Cries Blood," became a popular ghost story in the town. But the horror didn't end with him. Every so often, patients at the Bellebrook Asylum would report seeing the same wraithlike woman, her presence always accompanied by a feeling of dread.

With each sighting, the same phenomenon would occur—a patient found with blood-filled tears and an expression of sheer terror. The asylum was eventually shut down, but the building remained, standing as a haunting reminder of the dark secrets it once held.

To this day, those who dare to venture into the abandoned halls of Bellebrook claim to hear the soft cries of a boy and the whispered incantations of a ghostly woman, forever etching the legend of "The Boy Who Cries Blood" into the annals of horror.

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