Holiday With My Neighbour

De _Pure_LOVE

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Savannah goes on holiday with her boyfriend, Theo, and her friends. She thinks she loves Theo more than anyth... Mais

1. Birthday Surprises*
2. Drifting
3. The Van
4. Hotel Troubles
5. Unexpected Situations
6. The Start of a Secret
7. Bad Argument *
8. Without Her
10. Forgiveness *
11. Bittersweet Moments
12. Regrets *
13. Who Is She?
14. Deserved
15. Surprise
16. Tension
17. Unexpected Turn *
18. Unbelievable Lies
19. Obvious
20. Never-Ending Questions
21. Hurtful Revelations
22. Mending Friendships

9. Without Him

219 22 14
De _Pure_LOVE

Savannah's POV

Wow I can't believe Theo walked out on our argument. He never understands where I am coming from and he always makes himself the centre of attention by walking out and acting like a victim. I hate him.

I hear a knock on my door so I open it and see Rosanna. "Hey, are you okay girl?"

I start to cry. Why is it so easy to hold in tears until someone asks if you're okay. "Yeah." I manage to say.

She walks into the room and and closes the door behind me and gives me a hug. "Aww it's okay." The hug lasts until I let go. "Lets sit somewhere comfortable."

I walk towards the bed and she quickly gets a tissue from the bathroom and joins me sitting on the bed. "Rosanna you didn't have to, I have no makeup on so the tears can be my skincare."

We both laugh. "Honestly you're just like me. But they're here just incase you need it."

"Thanks so much, honestly I feel like I'm losing it."

"What happened? It hurts me seeing you upset."

I sigh. "Where do I begin? Firstly, I just hate Matt. Did Adam tell you about the girls Matt introduced him and Theo to?"

"Yeah he told me."

"Don't you think Matt is a bad friend? Like he knows that they have girlfriends so why is he introducing them to girls."

"I get what you mean, Matt annoys me when he does that too. But it's Matt, I don't think he even understands. I know he wouldn't deliberately do anything to break up our relationships. He likes us all being together... It's hard because he's the only single one and yeah he meets girls but I don't think he means bad by introducing them to the guys. I think he just wants to show that he's made new friends and doesn't want them to feel left out."

"When you put it like that, it makes so much sense." I cover my mouth with my hands. "I embarrassed myself so much."

Rosanna laughs. "Only a tiny bit." 

"Did you see what I did? Please tell me you didn't."

"Babe I heard it all. I wanted to save you from the regret but I didn't want to get involved."

"No girl, why didn't you? I'm cringing at what I did." I wish I listened to Theo when he told me not to confront Matt.

She laughs. "It's done now, you can't change it."

"I should apologise to him, ugh I don't know how I can look at him after what I did."

"He will get over it, it's Matt... But what I don't understand is why you were arguing with Theo over what Matt did?"

I take a while to think about it. "Uh- Because he's friends with him." I feel so ashamed saying it out loud because I sound crazy. 

Rosanna has a confused look on her face. "Don't you think you should apologise to Theo more than anyone? From what Adam told me, Theo handled that situation with the girl well, honestly. I'd be happy with that if I was you. And he's doing nothing wrong by being friends with Matt, they've been friends for ages."

I look away from her and sigh. "You don't get it Rosanna, it's more than that."

"What more babe?"

"Theo has been hiding things from me, like don't get me wrong I always knew he had to hurt people whenever he was working on his jobs but... he um-" I'm struggling to say it out loud. "He kills people, deliberately, as a job." I look back at Rosanna and she doesn't seem shocked.

"Don't you think he's hiding it for a reason?" She asks.

"You know about it, don't you? What do you know?" I can't believe she didn't tell me.

"I -uh- I can't tell you that."

I narrow my eyes. "What? Why?"

"Look, Adam told me everything. Theo loves you so much and he doesn't mean bad when he's hiding it from you, he's just protecting you."

"That's all lies. He told me he will tell me when I'm his wife."

"There you go then, you'll know eventually."

I'm starting to get annoyed at Rosanna. "You don't get it, how can I marry a guy who is hiding things from me? Also you've known me longer than Adam, if it wasn't for me you wouldn't even be with Adam. He's my brother and you're my best friend and you're keeping things from me."

"I'm sorry Sav, he made me promise."

I scoff. "Wow. So you know more about my boyfriend than I do. I can't even call you a friend right now." I stand up out of the bed and head towards the door.

Rosanna follows me. "Wait please, I don't want to be on bad terms with you."

"Bitch you should've thought about that before you started keeping secrets about my man."

Rosanna is startled and stops following me as I begin to walk out of the hotel room. 

I'm so done with everyone.

After walking for a while and reaching a lot of dead ends, I manage to make my way to the beach of the hotel. 

It's so dark now and there's only a few little lights brightening the area. But it's nice, the weather isn't too warm and as far as I can see, nobody is around. The perfect place for me to cry in peace and stay until the sun comes up.

As soon as I sit down on the sunbed, tears begin to stream down my face. This holiday was a gift, I was meant to have the most fun I've ever had in my life and instead I find out that everyone is a snake. My boyfriend, my best friend and my brother. The only person I can really trust is Matt and that's saying something.

I lay down and start to cry more, I'm so glad nobody is around because I know my wailing sounds crazy right now. I want to scream but I don't want to attract attention.

When it feels like I have nothing else to cry, I close my eyes feeling a little stinging sensation. I wish this low feeling would stop.

Next thing you know I open my eyes. Oh no. Who falls asleep on a dark beach on holiday? What is wrong with me? I feel drained, exhausted and dehydrated. I hate my life.

I slowly make me way back to my room, if I can find it. My whole body feels heavy, walking feels like a struggle. 

A while later I hear a voice behind me. "Excuse me."

I turn around and see a worker of the hotel, I feel too drained to reply.

"Are you a guest of this hotel? May I please see your room key?" He asks.

I just stare at him, I really don't want to talk to anyone. I just want to lay in bed.

He holds his hand out with a smile on his face. "I really need to see your room key to confirm you are a guest."

"She's with me, who are you?" I see Dennis approaching us, his face laced with anger.

The worker ignores him and turns back to me. "Your key please."

Dennis stands in between me and the worker, facing him. "You have no business with her now." 

"I- I need to see your key sir, to confirm you are a guest." The workers tone is weak now.

"No you don't. Get the fuck out of here." Dennis takes another step towards him in a threatening manner.

"Hi excuse me, may I help you?" We turn to the side and see another worker in a different uniform, indicating she is a manager of some sort.

"Tell me why he's asking for her room key?" Dennis replies.

The manager looks at the guy worker with a confused expression then quickly masks it with a smile. "I can only apologise for his behaviour, how can we resolve this matter? Would you like a free upgrade on your room?"

"No. I want you to perform a disciplinary action on him."

"I will forward your feedback onto the team and give you an update in due time."

Dennis shakes his head and begins to raise his voice. "Nah its 2am and he's asking a girl, who was alone at the time, for her room key. The fuck is wrong with this place? I want him dealt with now."

The manager looks even more startled as she realises the situation. "Uh- I- I will- I am so very sorry." She turns to me regretfully, making me feel a wave of sadness for her.

Dennis sighs. "Get me someone higher up."

I realise someone higher up is probably the people I met on my first day here and if they see me with Dennis they will tell Theo. I place my hand on Dennis' arm. "Please can we just leave it, she has apologised already."

He turns to me with his eyebrows narrowed. "What? No."

"Please Dennis, I don't like the attention." I plead with him.

His expression turns softer and I notice a smirk, he turns to the guy worker with the angry look he had a second ago. "Apologise to her."

The worker looks at me with a sad expression on his face. "I'm sorry."

"Say it again." Dennis says with a smirk.

The worker begins to blink quickly and can't hold the eye contact. "I- I'm very sorry."

Dennis approaches the manager and hands her a card. "Everything you need is on there. Deal with him and give me an update as soon as you can."

"Of course. I'm very sorry again sir." She says with sadness in her tone.

Dennis turns to me rolling his eyes, he takes my hand and we begin to walk away. "What happened there was messed up. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I am thank you." I love the feeling I am having right now. I love that Dennis defended me and dealt with the situation, his dominance was so hot. And I love how he has a firm grip on my hand, I never want him to let go.

"Everything aside, where is you room?"

"I don't want to go there."


"I'm arguing with a few of my friends so I'm taking a bit of space."

"What happened?"

"Just they got caught up in a lie."

"Ah that's annoying, I hope things get better between you all." He briefly squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"Thank you."

We end up in the lobby and Dennis tells me to take a seat whilst he speaks to concierge. I hope nobody sees me here right now.

When Dennis is back he leads the way to a room, he places his card in the lock and enters the room. "I bought you this room for the night so you actually have somewhere comfortable to sleep."

"What? No, please it's not needed."

"Where were you planning to sleep? I can't refund it or anything now anyways."

"At least let me pay you back."

He shakes his head with a smile as he sits on the bed. "Don't bother, after everything you've been through today it's the least I could do."

I stand in front of him. "Thank you so much, honestly that's really nice of you." I could kiss him right now.

He looks at me up and down, taking his time to take me in. "It's all good." 

I move closer to him in between his legs, my body inches away from his face. He naturally places his hands on my waist. Why won't he just kiss me? 

I lower my head, maintaining eye contact. Every now and then he glances from my lips to my eyes. It's the perfect opportunity to kiss and he won't make the first move. 

I can feel his boner growing against my thigh. It's now or never. I move in to kiss him, he trails one of his hand up my spine holding my neck as he closes his eyes. Our lips touch then he quickly moves to the side, creating distance. 

I pull back.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I just don't think you're in the right headspace right now for this. I don't want to take advantage of you and I don't want you to regret it."

"I guess you're right." I say disappointingly.

"It's late now, you should get into bed and look at sleeping." He makes his way to the fridge and takes out a bottle of water and places it on the bedside table. "Make sure you keep drinking this, and stay hydrated."

I make my way to the bed and begin to get in. "Okay thank you." I try not to sound as disappointed, this man paid for my room and is taking care of me. I shouldn't be complaining.

"Don't worry about it... I'll get going then."

I reach out and hold his hand. "Please stay."

He holds eye contact for a moment then releases my hand. "You've had my number for a while and you haven't used it once. But when you're in a room with me, you can't get enough... I'm going to my own room. If you need me you got my number." With that he walks out of the room.

Ugh why do I mess everything up.

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