Mated Dragons

By StylesWife17

448 18 0

The legend of kouka kingdom was that 2000 years ago, four dragon warriors were born to protect the crimson dr... More

Chapter 2: Torn Bonds
Chapter 3: Distant Sky
Chapter 4: Wind Clan
Chapter 5: Howl
Chapter 6: Red Hair
Chapter 7: Destiny
Chapter 8: Shaking Resolve
Chapter 9: Anticipation
Chapter 10: Blindfolded Dragon
Chapter 11: Echoing Fear
Chapter 12: Light
Chapter 13: To A New Land
Chapter 14: War Games
Chapter 15: Pirates Of Awa

Chapter 1: The Princess Yona

60 2 0
By StylesWife17

"Princess Yona, let us depart" said a ravenett "It is cold here" a crimson haired princess spoke softly "It does border the mountains" said the ravenett.

'Back then, I had no idea it was so cold outside the castle. This is the Kingdom of Kouka, and that was once my castle. At the time, the king lived in Hiryuu Castle with no male heir, nor any queen to bear him one. Only his beloved fifteen-year-old daughter was raised there. This is the tenth year since the death of my father, the former king Junam.

"Our Kingdom of Kouka is a small nation surrounded by powerful nations to the north and south, involving us in many wars. However, thankfully, these ten years have passed with no significant battles" " I tuned out the King's voice as I looked out at the croud "Where's the princess?" I said looking to the ravenett next me "It seems she is still getting ready" he said in a moody tone.

"Ah I see, because he's coming today" I watched his scowl deepen "and to this day, we have enjoyed prosperity on this land. My daughter, Yona, will soon be sixteen years old. I pray that, under the divine protection of Hiryuu, the king of old, the peace in this nation will last for all eternity!" "Long live King Il!" the crowd cheered and clapped "come on Hak, Yuri" king Il said, motioning his hand for us to follow.

We walked into the Princess's room as Min-Soo spoke up "You look wonderful, Princess. Forgive me, but you should proceed to the courtyard soon" but princess Yona shook her head "No! This isn't right. Hey, where is that chintz?" Princess Yona said running around her room, not even noticing us.

The King chuckled making the Princess turn to us "Father! What about the ceremony?" he shook his head "As you can see, it's over" the Princess looked guiltily at her father "Oh, no I'm sorry" "Well, no matter. It was merely a formality. There is no need for you to appear before the people" his majesty said trying to comfort the Princess.

"Um, Father Isn't there something odd about my hair?" the Princess said holding a strand of her hair "Of course not! Your beauty surpasses that of any jewel" "Yes, that of my face. I believe I was born with quite a cute face. But why is this hair so red and unruly? Grr! It won't behave at all!" she said yanking on her hair.

"That isn't true at all. Right, Yumi? Hak?" "Yes, King Il" I said with a smile. "Who would ever say that the princess's hair looks strange? If anything is not right, it would be her brain" Hak said with a smirk as he laid on his side "Quiet, knave!" Princess Yona yelled as she threw things at Hak "Father, do something about this impertinent cretin!"

"Now, now Hak has been your friend since childhood. And he is one of the five generals who protect this castle. He is the Wind Tribe's-" "I don't care! If you need guards, pick someone more lovable! Like Yuri!" she said turning to us. "Speaking of lovable Shouldn't you be trying to look lovable yourself? Huh?" Hak said with a smirk but I knew deep down he was hurting "It seems Lord Soo-Won has arrived" I said as I walked to stand beside Hak.

"Y-You should have said so sooner!" she yelled as she ran out of the room "Soo-Won? Is that why she was concerned about her hair?" he said turning to us. We both nodded "But why now?" King Il said confused having never realised this "It must be that thing they call a maiden heart" I closed my eyes and let out a sigh as I slapped Hak over the head "boys these days" I said as I walked out of the room to follow after Yona.

"Why the rush?" I heard Soo-Won say as I rounded the corner to find Yona "I-I heard you had arrived, so I came to meet you" she said with a blush appearing on her face "My, what a good girl" Soo-Won said patting her head "Y-Your stay for a while this time, right?" Yona stuttered, her face becoming even redder "Of course. I came to celebrate your birthday in a week. Wow You're going to be sixteen years old!" he said once again patting her head.

"You really have grown! So, where are King Il, Yuri and Hak? I must say hello!" he said looking around, not noticing me. "Afternoon Lord Soo-Won" he quickly turned to see me, a smile spreading across his face "Yuri!" he walked over and pulled me into a hug "we should spar some time Yuri" I nodded my head "some other time Lord Soo-Won" I smiled before he walked off.

"He treats me like a child, a child! And I perfumed my clothes with the finest incense all morning and applied only the highest quality lotions and makeup All gone to waste" Yona pouted as soon as Soo-Won was out of ear-shot "Stupid Soo-Won" she grumbled as we walked around the palace. It reminded me of a time when we were younger.

"Yona, what's wrong?" I watched the interaction between Princess Yona and Lord Soo-Won "Go away!" she yelled at him "I heard you haven't been eating lately. King Il has been worried" I could see Princess Yona starting to tear up "Quiet!" she yelled turning away from Lord Soo-Won.

"It's all right" my eyes widened as I watched Lord Soo-Won put his coat over the Princess "This way, no one else will see. You can cry if you want to" he said hugging her "I haven't been able to sleep without Mother beside me" Princess Yona sobbed.

" Yes I heard the queen passed away recently. I know! I'll be your mother, Yona! First of all, you need to eat. I'll give you this pear my master gave me!" he said holding out the fruit. Suddenly a large growl resonated around the area. Lord Soo-Won chuckled as he scratched his neck.

"I'll hold your hand until you fall asleep, like the queen did. If you shed tears, I'll wipe them so no one will see. So please, smile tomorrow!" I watched the Princess's cheeks turn pink as she nodded

Flashback Over

I followed Yona when Hak was nowhere to be found. We came to a stop at Lord Soo-Won's room "G-Good morning, Soo-Won! I have some of our best sweets! Would you like to..." her voice trailed off as we both realised he wasn't in there "What's the matter, Yona?" Min-Soo said as Yona bumped into him "If you're looking for Lord Soo-Won, he is with General Hak" a scowl adorned her face as she raced off to the training grounds.

I shook my head with a smile at Min-Soo before running after Yona "No fair, Hak! How could you set me aside and have fun with Soo-Won?" she said as we arrived at the booth where King Il stood "Now, now They haven't seen one another in some time, either"

We watched them converse when suddenly Yona punched the air "I'm going to do archery with Soo-Won, too!" my eyes widened "No! You mustn't handle weapons! I didn't even want to let those two use them" I tuned out of the conversation until I heard my name being yelled "Yuri! Yona! Come down. I'll let you ride with me" he said, the last part to Yona "Okay!" Yona said excitedly as she ran down the steps.

"Soo-Won!" the King yelled panicked "Relax your majesty" I said patting his shoulder before following after Yona "We'll both hold on to you" Soo-Won said as he was helping Yona onto his horse "Yea but you should hurry because I'm about to die under the weight of the princess" Hak teased making me giggle.

"I will beat you down!" Yona yelled holding her fist in the air "Don't worry. You like horses, don't you?" "I do" "Entrust your body to me" Lord Soo-Won said as Yona sat in front of him. Hak got on his horse and held out his hand to me "Lady Yuri" I took his hand and without much effort he lifted me to sit sideways on his horse.

"this against the rules?" Yona suddenly said "Huh?" we all turned to her "I mean, you seem to be accustomed to dealing with women. I bet you bring lots of women into your mansion" Lord Soo-Won made a face making my eyes widen at this new information "I'm right?!" Yona said in a panicked tone "Please You're mistaken" Lord Soo-Won saidrubbing his neck "There have been a few discussions of engagement, but-" "Engagement?!"Yona yelled looking heartbroken.

"Oh, but nothing is decided yet Let's not talk about this, okay? There's no need for you to know" as we came to as stop, Hak and I got off and were about to come help Yona when she suddenly spoke up "I-I've had offers of engagement, too!" I wanted to laugh so bad a Yona's attempt to make Lord Soo-Won jealous.

"What? With whom?" she was quiet for a minute before yelling out the first name that came to her mind "Hak" my eyes widened and I looked to Hak to see his surprised look "Um I meant-" Lord Soo-Won cuts Yona's rambling off "I think that sounds nice. Congratulations!" I saw Yona's face turn to one of misery.

When we got back to Princess Yona's room Hak laid down as Yona paced around the room, whining about Lord Soo-Won "You're a nuisance" I chuckled watching the two "Your marriage may not be a lie after all" we all turned to the King surprised at his words as he walked in "Huh?"

"It would only be natural for you to be betrothed by now" the King said as Hak got up "No No! I want Soo-Won-" "You can't have Soo-Won!" the King suddenly yelled surprising me even more. King Il is someone I had never seen yell ever "Princess" I said turning to an seeing her angry face "I don't want to hear you speak of my love life! I'm a-"

"Yona, I have always given you anything you desired. Beautiful hair ornaments, earrings, a royal villa and a flower garden I would give you anything that is not a weapon. But no matter how you wish it, I cannot give you Soo-Won. You are the princess of the Kingdom of Kouka. The man who marries you will become the next king" "He is of royal blood" she pleaded "True But it is my duty as king to choose my heir" the King said not giving up.

"Why? Soo-Won is a fine man" she said not understanding but the King didn't say anything "You're a cowardly king who is too afraid to touch a weapon" She said coldly "Princess" I said looking at her in shock.

"I am indeed a cowardly king. Your mother was captured and killed by insurgents. Such dangers go hand in hand with being part of a king's family. That is why I have found no desire to take a new wife. Yona, you want Soo-Won to be happy, do you not?" Yona looked at her father confused.

"I don't understand? I don't understand, Father. Does that mean it's all right for the man I marry to meet with misfortune? Am I not allowed to be happy?" she said before running out "Princess!" I yelled but sighed as her footsteps soon disappeared.

Five days later

A banquet to celebrate the Princess's sixteenth birthday was held in Hiryuu Castle. "Princess, we wish you a happy birthday" Min-Soo and I said with a slight bow "Thank you!" she said before running off "Sixteen years old, my how Yona has grown!" I said with a smile at Hak who had come to stand beside me "Yes" he agreed watching her.

"Yona!" King Il said coming to stand beside the three of us. Yona came running over with a pout on her face "Father My hair still won't lay flat! I wanted to wear it up today!" the King sighed "It's hopeless All she thinks about is her hair" I chuckled at his words "Soo-Won!" I looked up to see Yona running over to Lord Soo-Won "Yona!" King Il yelled making Yona turn slightly but after glancing at us she turned back and made her way over to him.

Hak and I went looking for Yona when the King said he wanted to see her. When we found her she was talking with Lord Soo-Won "What? But I love your hair, Yona. It's a beautiful red, like the sky at dawn" Hak suddenly jumped on the railing to interrupt their conversation 'he is so jealous' I chuckled to myself as I walked up to the three "Yuri!? Hak?!" I smiled at her "His Majesty is looking for you your highness."

"Is he? Tell him I'm resting in my room" she said with a scowl as she walked off "Well, I figured this is what was going on" "Huh? I'm sure you could persuade the king, Lord Soo-Won" I said with a smile as I leaned next to Hak "You misunderstand, Hak. And would you stop speaking so formally? Just call me Soo-Won, like you used to"
Lord Soo-Won whined "I am well aware of my place. I only call Yuri by her name because I've worked with her for so long she's also a general like me"

Hak said as he slung his arm over my shoulder "More importantly, do you not sense something? I can't place it clearly, but something feels off, like something has made its way into the castle" I nodded "I've felt it too" "Now that you mention it, Yona said something similar" both Hak and I froze and our heads snapped up to look at the Lord.

"What?" "It may be wise to keep an eye on those entering and leaving today" "Understood. I'll increase security in the courtyard" Hak said getting off the railing and turning to me "You stay with the princess" I nodded and ran off to find Yona.

I found Yona in her room talking to herself "I've decided. I'm going to talk to father" she saiddetermined to talk to the King "if that's what you wish Princess" we walked outand made our way through the castle. While walking to the King's quarters I felt something off. I looked around to see no guards. 

As we reached the Kings quarters I realised that guards weren't posted outside. Yona went to push the already opendoor but I grabbed her shoulder making her turn to me confused.

I pulled her behind me and unsheathed one of my twin swords "something isn't right..." I pushedthe door open and we carefully stepped in "King Il?" "Father? F-Father! Oh You were still awake" Yona said from over my shoulder and went to move forward but when I saw what looked to be a sword be removed from his chest I held my arm up to stop her.

"S-Soo-Won?" Yona said as she rushed around me and Quickly kneeled at King Il's head "call a doctor!" Yona cried as a pool of blood surrounded King Il "King Il will not wake again" I glared at Lord Soo-Won.

"I killed him. Prepare yourself Princess. All this is for the Kingdom of Kouka" "Soo-Won! What is the meaning of this!" I yelled pulling Yona to me as I got into a fighting stance "Lord Soo-Won?" a man from the shadows said as he walked up to Soo-Won.

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