🍁Comęş2Yoų🖤[ţāęgųķķ ƒƒ]√

By Solitary_0813

96.9K 4.1K 536

[A Taekook ff] This is a very sensitive and voilence story read on your own risk don't complain me later that... More

1-Remembered Me?!🍁
3-Min Jewan?🍁
4-In Your Arms.🍁
5-Become Addicted.🍁
6-Without You.🍁
7-Crush At First Sight.🍁
8-I Missed You.🍁
9-His Taehyung.🍁
11-Carban Copy.🍁
13-Fresher Party.🍁
14-Jay B & Fennec Fox.🍁
15-I Will Pray.🍁
16-Bambi Eyes.🍁
18-Wait For Me.🍁
21-Get Well Soon.🍁
22-Jimin Hyung!🍁
23-Welcome Back.🍁
26-My Baby.🍁
27-Sweet Moments.🍁
29-My Son In Law.🍁
31-I'm Sorry.🍁
35-One-Sided Date.🍁
36-My butterfly.🍁
37-Take It Slow.🍁
38-First Kiss.🍁
42-Happy Family.🍁
43-He Did Nothing.🍁
45-What Did They Do?🍁
46-Its True.🍁
47-I'm Not A Begger.🍁
49-Life Goes On.🍁

30-I'm Not A Rabbit!🍁

1.4K 70 3
By Solitary_0813

Hey.................. 💚💜

..................... Flashback


Tae Pov...

Im sitting in the church's garden on a bench waiting for hyungs and maybe my soon to be...?

I turn my head around a little bit when I heard throat clearing sound. I smile and stand up from the bench.

"Hey! Hyungs." I said smiling and hug him he hug me back dearly and gave a peck on my forehead.

I wave my hand to joon hyung he chuckled and wave back with his dimple smile.

I nervously looking at jin hyung, he smile and rub my back softly, smiling.

"Tae meet my brother Jeon Jeongukk and gukk he is Taehyung. Whome we talk about you." Joon hyung gave his brother Introduction.

I peek above jin hyung shoulder and saw a handsome decent bunny looking guy stand beside of Joon hyung while looking at me with his bambi wide eyes
without blinking I squinted my eyes in angry and I look away immediately.

"Why he is staring at me continuously? Btw he is looking like my cocky." I giggle at my thought but stop and bow to him with soft smile.

Some Minutes Ago....

Jk Pov...

I drag myself outside of the cab. I don't want to marry and meet that guy. But i've to meet him for my eomma.

We went inside a beautiful garden I were admiring the whole garden with my shining bambi eyes.

I love nature so much and know about nature thats way I choose ecology and I will surely become a botanist.

I back on the earth when I heard joon hyung voice and look infront to saw that guy, who peeking to look at me.

I gulp my saliva and bite my lower lips. My heart beating so fast rapidly. I wonder how can someone look this much beautiful? His doe eyes, his eye long lashes, his cute bread cheeks and his cute nose and wait what am I doing?

Oh god he is looking so angry on me because I were staring at him for so long nice Jeon Jeongukk you ruined your first impression infront of an Angel.

I sigh and look at jin hyung, he already
looking at me with teasing smile I roll my eyes and look away controlling my smile.

He bow with his cute smile I bow too

Author Pov...

Taekook sitting on the bench under a blossom tree which giving romantic vibe. both battling with their thought. How to start a conversation?

Namjin gave them time to talk and know each other untill they come back outside of the church.

Jk sigh clearing his throat and think to start conversation with this cute boy.

"This is awkward right?" Jk asked he nods his head without looking at him.

"Yeah, a little bit." Tae mumbled softly.

"Jin hyung told me you want to know about me virtually, so here I'm. You can ask me anything and know about me everything." Jk said directly he nods his head.

"Jin hyung told me you are a teacher." He said fiddling with his hem jk nods.

"I'm also a college student of ecology."
Jk said he look at him with curious eye

Jk chuckled and told him about his study and about his teachings. He listen all thing amusingly with shining eyes.

"What about you? You are a school student am I right?" Jk ask thinking about jin words.

"I completed my high school study two months ago." Tae said biting his lower lips nervously. Jk smile widely.

"That's great! So tell me in which uni you are going and what you study?" Jk ask curiosity with a soft smile he look at him with his sad doe eyes.

"I don't study now. I do part time jobs I learn and teach violin in a orphanage where I lived in my life once." Tae said looking down jk made an 'O' shape on his lips.

"Why? because of this marriage. You don't need to stop your study you can study after marriage I don't have any problem." Jk said, he said nothing.

"Aren't you so sure about marriage? This meeting is arranged to know each other not for marriage you are going so far." Tae said squinted his eyes jk blink his big bambi eyes.

"Let me clear something Mr bunny. We are not going to marry and If we got marry to each other. I've 3 condition." Tae said showing 3 finger he looking at him still confusedly.

"And what is your 3 condition?" Jk ask
in daze, he look at him smirking.

"1:- You will not touch me without my consent even my a single hair." Tae said showing his hair he controlled to coo at his cuteness.

"2:- You will not stop me to fullfil my dream." tae said pointing index finger towards jk. He nodded saying ok next.

"3:- You will not interfere in my life." tae said still pointing his index finger towards jk with a seriously facial exp.

"For your kind of information I'm also not interested in marriage." Jk said boringly he look at him puppy doe eyes

"But now I only want to marry you. I think eomma is right you are perfect for me." Jk said smirking he looked at him confusedly.

"How can I leave this chance to marry an Angel." Jk said looking at tae top to bottom tae also look at his every body part confusedly.

"Stop looking at yourself. You are looking more cute I will die because of your cuteness." Jk said he snap his head towards jk an angry pout.

"Stop making fun of me and flirting you bunny or else I will tell jin hyung."
Tae said threating with a angry pout, he chuckled and shook his head.

"He will proud of me after listening this. Anyways you want to meet with me more or you are ok with Just one meeting." Jk ask he glare at him and look away.

"What happened baby? Why are you angry? Did I said anything wrong?" Jk asked sadly inside smiling like an idiot. He didn't said anything.

"Btw, why are you calling me bunny. My name is Jeon Jeongukk you can call me jeongukk or gukk." Jk said he huff and look at him.

"You look alike my cocky thats way I call you bunny, but you are so mean to me, my cocky always behave nice to me not a flirt like you." Tae said pouting he squinted his eyes.

"Who is cocky?" Jk asked a little bit coldly while swirling his tongue inside cheeks wall.

"Cocky is my pet he is so cute and good rabbit not like you." Tae said huffing and crossed his hands above his chest.

"You are comparing me to your rabbit." Jk asked in disbelief he nods his head with an angry pout.

"I'm not a rabbit." Jk said annoyingly he giggle, and swear jk heart flipped and filled with so much happiness.

"When I said you are a rabbit? I just told, you look like my cocky." Tae said giggling he admiring his beautiful and unique boxy smile, with his wide bunny smile.

"Even your smile is so unique and beautiful." Jk blunt he stop laughing
and glare at him mumbling flirty.

"Im not flirty baby, im saying truth." Jk said sincerely in his defence he rolled his eyes.

"Im not your baby so stop calling me this again over and over." Tae said in frustration jk chuckled.

"Yes you are a baby and soon you will be mine don't worry bubba." Jk said and peck on his crown he gasp and hold his head with wide eyes mouth ajar jk giggles.

"You break my rule. Why did you kissed me without my consent." Tae yelled at him angrily jk gasp and hold his chest above his head he look at him curiosity.

"I'm really so sorry baby, I thought these rules are for after marriage not before our marriage. I swear I will not do that again." Jk said innocently with a sad pout he nods his head an angry

And this is not kiss it's just a pe... cut off

"You both done talking or want more time?" Both snap their head and saw Jin asked while coming towards them with joon.

"No, I don't want a minute to talk with this flirty bunny." Tae said shooking his head several times namjin look at him confusedly.

"You means cute bunny right baby." Jk asked innocently hiding teasing smile with his cute innocent face. He glare at him. Namjin chuckled.

"What you guys decide?" Jin asked with a nervous smile furrowing.

"I will only marry to him/ I want more time to think about this." Both said together while looking at each other.

One looking other heart eyes and soft smile other were looking angrily with a cute pout.

Namjin nodded with a soft smile. Jin teased jk all the way to home jk just smiling ear to ear secretly.

To be continue....


Thank you so much y'all... 💜💚

Take care.... ❤️

Photo credit to rightful owner...

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