The Reunion

Door NovaKnytePaws

54 5 1

As bitter and sweet as the relationship was, she had to move to Florida in her senior year. That day, Clement... Meer

One-Shot: The Reunion

54 5 1
Door NovaKnytePaws


I want to start by thanking "twd_number1_fan" for bringing this one-short story to life. I was wondering how to introduce a one-shot while I have two heavy stories that need to be worked on. But I know some active TWDG/Clouis Fanfic readers, like myself, craving something new and cute.

Note to All: No Ava, Mariana, or Gabe. Focusing on the main crew.

So, I'll let you guys enjoy this short story. Please share your thoughts in the comments and favorite/share if you like it. Sorry for any grammar mistakes. Even though English is my first language, I'm not proud of how awful it's been. But I enjoy typing my creative world and sharing it with yall.

Enjoy. 🎃



One-Shot: The Reunion

After finishing his work at the studio, Louis bid farewell to his colleagues, slung his leather messenger bag over his shoulder, and hurried out to the parking lot. He reached into his back pocket and pressed the button on his key fob to unlock his car. The headlights of a grey BMW 3 Series flickered twice while the car beeped. It was pleasant to hear his car's purring before he got in.

As he slipped into the driver's seat, he tossed his bag on the passenger seat. Before he drove off, his phone vibrated on his thigh. Usually, he would ignore a call, but something told him to pick it up and check who was calling. He hoped that the person calling was not his father. Their relationship had been strained since he moved out two years ago because he couldn't tolerate his father's new wife.

When he connected his phone to the infotainment system, the caller ID displayed "Min." He clicked the answer button, shifted to drive, and left the lot.

"Hey, man," she grumbled. Judging by her voice, she sounded upset, which saddens him. Minerva is one of his closest friends, and they stayed in contact after high school.

"Sup, Min." Louis greeted as he focused on the road.

"I'm fucking shit face right now."

"You need a ride home?" He asked her.

"No need. I'm home." She slurred.

"Then why are you drinking? Are you drinking alone?" Concerned filled his voice. Usually, they would catch up at a chill bar and chat between a few drinks. Drinking alone meant something was up, especially when she reached out to him.

"Mhmm. I couldn't think straight after seeing Brody's new group chat." Minerva complained. Louis groaned. After the fifth group chat that Brody created, Louis stopped responding and reading them. Overall, he left the text notifications off. Therefore, they would need to contact him directly if they want to reach him. Also, he was avoiding certain people.

Besides that, he's been quite busy as a music producer with familiar and new artists. He also works on his music at the studio with his team.

"Another one? Does she ever get tired of doing that?"

"Apparently not. Some people changed their numbers over time, so Bro updated the chat by creating new ones. But have you even checked this one out!?" She asked. Louis rolled his brown eyes and signed.

"I muted it after seeing so many notifications between them. I'm driving right now. So, what did they say?" Louis asked in a monotone voice. He was not engaged in this conversation, but part worried about where it was going.

"Not exactly what they said, but who is coming to this reunion Ruby planned."

'Damn.' Louis thought.

"Why? Don't she and Aasim live in Texas?" Louis held his hand out and shrugged his shoulders. Minerva snorted.

"Yes! But they are visiting this weekend and want to catch up with everyone else."

"Oh. I'll see if my schedule is clea-"

"Violet and Clementine are coming too." She went straight to the point.

The car immediately stopped before a right turn. The harsh stop jerked his body upwards. Thank God the seat belt held his body in place. He could pull over before drivers behind him beep their horns.

The sound of that name repeated repeatedly in his mind like a damaged record. When was the last time he heard her name or even saw her?

"It's crazy, man. I didn't recognize or save a few numbers on my phone. So, I asked Rudy, and she said they were Mitch's, Vi's, and Clem's."

"I-I don't know what to say." The locked-headed man stuttered. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. While thinking, he realized it had been six years since he had seen her. He met her when she transferred to his middle school, and they had been friends since high school. Louis eagerly confessed to her in high school, and she excitedly reciprocated them.

As bitter and sweet as the relationship was, she had to move to Florida in her senior year. That day, Clementine ended the three-year relationship that they had together. It broke his heart at the time because he felt like she was his world. They had lost touch since they were going through many changes with their family, and she changed her number. It was hard to find someone amazing and kind-hearted like her. She read him like a book and pushed him to be his best version. Even when it came to music, she encouraged him to pursue his passion.

At the age of twenty-four, he remained single. Sure. He had his share of fun and mingled, but they were short-term PR relationships. He established his finances and lifestyle after climbing to the top without his father's help.

'What has she been up to?' he wondered, leaning his arms on the wheel and resting his chin on top.

"-lo! Helloooo! Louis! Are you there?!" Louis pulled away from his thoughts and answered.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. I blanked out." Louis grabbed his iPhone and opened up the group chat. He skimmed through the texts to see that everyone agreed to meet at a Korean BBQ restaurant three towns over from where he lives. Then Louis saw two unfamiliar texts that were not stored in his phone. He already had Mitch's new number since the guys have their group chat to stay in touch here and there. However, Violet changed her number after a bad breakup with Minerva in college. Violet was tired of everyone's sympathy because she took it hard.

"It-It's fine. Listen... At first, I didn't want to go and see my ex. But Ruby convinced me... So, here I am..drinking like a loser."

"Damn. Now I don't want to go, but I know Ruby will convince me, too." Rudy is the sweetest of the bunch, but when anyone crosses her, she'll find a way to destroy them. It's funny to imagine how she was stuck in anger management classes with Marlon and Violet after high school. And she turned out to be a sweetheart. Marlon is still Marlon but more honest and calmer. And Violet turned out to be less sarcastic and intimidating for the most part.

"Welp. I just called to warn you."

"Thanks... I guess I'll see you there." Louis heavily signed as he merged into the street to go straight home.

"Mhmm. Hopefully, I won't catch a migraine." She chuckled. Louis shook his head with a small smile.

"Shouldn't have had a drink without me, loser." Louis scolded. The redhead chuckled.

"Hahaha. Shut up. I'll let you go. My eyes keep falling."

"Okay. Night."

"Night, man." The call ended.

The freckled man drove through the city, heading home. Craving for something cold and small, he ordered an iced pumpkin spice latte for pickup at a cafe near his neighborhood. He picked up his order from the drive-through and went straight home.

After settling in his luxurious pad, he threw out his empty drink while rereading the chat as he walked through the apartment. He was trying to see which texts were from Clem and Violet. It was hard to tell when their messages were blunt.

The tall man gave up and took a cold shower for the night. He couldn't believe Clementine was in town and he would be seeing her after all these years. He felt giddy to see her. But she could have moved on and got married or even had kids. That thought pained him, yet he must accept her choices in life. It'll be nice to hear her living her best life with her partner and see pictures of mini hers.

"One more day until the event. Let me reply..." He talked himself into responding to the group chat. Louis grabbed his phone and let the group know he'd be there. As soon as he sent it, Marlon called him up.


Louis answered the call and heard Marlon making no sense.

"Dude. Slow down and speak English."

"You're going!?" He asked. Marlon did not ask that initially, but Louis will take this question.


"You know-"

"Min already told me who's coming. So, no surprise." Louis sighed and fell backward on his king-size mattress.

"Oh. Did Minnie tell you anything about Clem and Vi?"

"What about them?"

"They're dating, dude."

He suddenly jolted into a sitting position, his brown eyes wide open.




Saturday night came quicker than it should. The short brunette didn't know what to wear since the temperature had dropped in Georgia. She wanted to wear less and stay casual, but nothing in the suitcase needed to be weather-appropriate.

"This is so annoying, " she groaned. A pale girl peered over from the bathroom to see the tan woman not close to being ready. She rolled her hazel-green eyes.

"Babe, we'll be there in twenty minutes, and you'll have to be ready right now! Do you know how long it takes you to do your hair?"

"I-I know. But the outfits you picked out for me isn't... It's hard to decide what to wear." Clementine complained. Despite her reservations, she didn't want to spoil Violet's excitement as she was really looking forward to attending the reunion.

"Didn't you stuff that purple dress in the case?" She pointed out and went back to the bathroom.

Clementine scrunched her lips to her nose. Almost forgetting can be pretty nerve-wracking. Thankfully, her girlfriend reminded her. She dug in the suitcase and found the ankle-length plum-colored spaghetti strap bodycon dress.

The woman bought this special outfit that excited her to wear but never got the chance to. That's how she felt about her dress. She couldn't help but wonder if this event was finally the perfect opportunity to show it off.

As she carefully steamed the dress, she couldn't help but imagine how stunning it would look on her. With each passing second, the wrinkles slowly disappeared, leaving behind a smooth and alluring fabric. As she slipped it on, a wave of excitement washed over her, and she knew that it was the perfect choice for her special occasion.

'Damnit. I only bought a hoodie. I should be fine since I'll be side a restaurant.' Clementine convinced herself. Standing before the full-length mirror, she shifted her body to catch every angle and see how the fabric hugged her curves.

As Violet stepped out of the bathroom, she couldn't help but feel captivated by Clem's stunning appearance. She walked towards her, taking in every detail and appreciating her beauty in all its glory.

"Check you out. The dress fits nice, babe." The blonde complimented the brunette. Clem shyly smiled as she zipped up her ankle boots.

"Thanks, babe. Is it too much, though? It makes my chest smaller than it is." Clem pouted while running her hands from her chest down to her wide hips. Violet shook her head.

"Seriously... I should be saying that." Violet patted her flat chest to prove a point. She was dressed in a teal crop top and black leather jacket. She paired these with black joggers and sneakers. Very casual. Violet had tied up her blonde hair into a high ponytail.

"Yeah. Yeah. Hurry up and do your hair." Violet rushed her.

"Okay. Okay." Clem walked to the bathroom and quickly styled her hair into a sleek, low ponytail with defined curls.

During the ten-minute ride, Clementine felt nervous as she hadn't seen her old high school friends in a while. Her thoughts subsided as the Uber safely delivered the couple to their destination. They exited the car and stood in front of the restaurant.

Violet pulled out her phone to get a hold of someone.

"Brody will meet us at the front," Violet said. The wind gave Clem chills, and she hugged herself, feeling goosebumps on her arms.

"That's great. Let's go inside.. It's a bit chilly." Violet led the way into the room, and Clem followed. The rush of warm air brought relief to her skin.

"BABES! HEYYY!" As the couple walked down the path, a burst of energy approached them. It was a strawberry blonde girl jumping up and down with excitement. Before they knew it, she wrapped her arms around them, squeezing them tightly with a warm hug.

"Not too tight, Bro. Geez." Violet gasped. Brody released them and got a full glimpse. She was thrilled they made the effort to visit the gang years later. It was lonesome when everyone pursued their own paths as adults.

"Oh gosh! It's great to have you both! Follow me, and I'll take you where the real fun begins!" Brody said as the couple approached their table. As they did, familiar faces jumped out of their seats to hug them.

"Wow! Everyone is so... GROWN!" Clem exclaimed as she shared her look at the gang.

"C'mon now. Don't make us feel old." A man with a large brown skin complexion said. Upon seeing Omar, she noticed his newest hairstyle: four cornrows entwined into two braids over his shoulders, replacing his previous afro from high school. He was a large teenager, but now he's a husky grown man with a trimmed beard.

"And you're still the same height as before." A towering, lean man appeared with an edgier aesthetic. He had a small black hoop piercing on the corner of his lip, brunette hair swept back, and ears decorated with tiny silver piercings and gauges. The punk was none other than her childhood friend, Kennedy Jr., also known as Duck.

"DUCK!!" Clementine hugged him excitedly, and he swept her petite frame, spinning her around.

"How-How did-"

"I wouldn't miss this reunion without my bestie." He said as a know-it-all all. As much as her cheeks hurt from smiling, she couldn't stop. Before she moved to Georgia, she lived in Virginia with her adoptive father and mother. Her family remained close to Duck's despite the distance when they moved to Florida because of Duck's dad, Kenny's fisherman job. The two didn't let that stop them from communicating, and over time, they evolved from email to social media to texting and phone calls.

"How's the Big Apple?" she asked. When she moved to Florida, Duck and she rekindled their relationship briefly because he found a job as a tattooist in New York.

"Can't complain. Brooklyn has its moments, as does the Bronx. How's Lee and Carley?" He grinned. She can't help but compare the man before her to the curious, energetic little boy he once was.

"They are fine. They're busy preparing AJ for his sophomore year."

"Gosh. I forgot how young it is."

"Word. He's already taller than me." Clem gestured her hand to give him an idea of her brother's height.

"I'm pretty sure everyone in this room is taller than you, " he said, leaning down with a sly grin.

"Shut up." She shoved the jolly man's face away from her. Everyone around them laughed. The arrangement was very well-organized, to the point where a few individuals were noticeably absent.

As everyone settled down, they exchanged stories and caught up with one another, sharing snippets of their lives. Their server approached to take their orders and returned with a platter of seasoned raw meat and bowls of rice.

"Besides Ruby being a nurse and Aasim, a boring librarian. And the two are happily married and living on the farm; what are you guys up to?" Violet asked as she popped off the beer cap for her and Clementine.

"Hey!" Aasim yelped. Ruby patted his chest to calm him down.

"I'm a chef and server at this bougie uptown restaurant. They plan to promote me to station cook."

"Congratulations!" The entire table erupted with joy and excitement, showering him with cheers and congratulations.

"I'm a dad of two." Mitch made an announcement, which caused Violet to swallow her beer wrong, which caused her to cough.

"Ain't no way." She muttered. She never expected that Mitch, of all people, would be the one to get someone pregnant.

"We said the same thing Vi. But the dude knocked up this girl, Sarah. Her dad was pissed when she told him she wanted to keep the baby." Marlon told her of what he could remember. He sipped his beer as he watched Omar grill the meat.

"You can't wrap it up, Mitchy." Violet teased. The pale man rolled his eyes as he dug into his jacket pocket to show them his kids.

"Fuck off. At least my seeds are cute." He said. The gang was awed at the portrait of two toddlers. Both were boys; one was dressed as a bunny, and the other was a chick.

"They're freaking adorable," Brody said, and the girls nodded.

"Good looks from daddy pays off," Mitch smirked. The girls scrunched their faces.

"The fact one wasn't enough. Must be some good pu-"

"Watch it. That's the mother of my kids." He warned Willy. The skinny guy chuckled and patted Mitch's back.

"Okay, man. I was kidding... Kinda."

"You're lucky you're my best man at the job." Mitch ruffled Willy's hair. Willy laughed it off while pulling away from his best friend.

"You guys working together. Now, that sounds dangerous." Violet scoffed. Most of them chuckled. Omar started cutting the meat, and the rest dug in.

"Fuck you. We work at Honda as mechanics. How about you, princess?"

"I'm a nurse at a nursing home."

"Gross. You're immune to ointment and piss." Willy covered his nose as he picked the sliced meat with his fork.

"At least they smell better than your greasy gasoline-ass fingers." Violet encountered. Willey shifted in his seat, fearful, as Violet narrowed her eyes.

"Still aggressive as ever." Everyone turned when they heard the deep, soothing voice that sounded pleasant to the ears. Fashionably late to the party, a tall, handsome man with freckles arrived accompanied by two beautiful redheads. Everyone in the restaurant stopped what they were doing to stare at the three attractive customers.

"Hey, man." Marlon stood up to greet the man with short locs. They exchanged a handshake and a pat on the back.

"Sup. I see everyone eating without us." Louis glanced at the steaming meat.

"Hey, we didn't know if you guys were coming through," Mitch said. Louis fixed his eyes on him and chuckled.

"We said we were," Sophie said as she removed her shades. Most of his peers looked at them.

"When you three say that, most of the time, y'all don't come." Brody pointed her chopsticks at them.

"Someone once said, 'Being fashionably late is just my way of making an entrance.'" Louis said as he took a seat. The twins sat next to him. The table was round, so everyone could easily pick at the grill for meat.

"Yeah. And another said, 'I find lateness exceptionally rude; it's so disrespectful, implying unambiguously that you consider yourself and your own time to be so much more valuable than the other person's.'" Aasim fired right back at him.

Louis held his hands up in defense. Couldn't find a comeback to save him.

"Okay, mister librarian. You got me."

"But what's y'all excuse for being late this time?" Marlon asked after swallowing.

"I had to pick up Sophie from the airport," Minerva said as she grabbed a plate for her and her twin. After picking up Sophie, the woman didn't want to reveal they were pregaming.

Violet noticed that Minerva kept her eyes down since arriving. She seemed uneasy about seeing her again. The blonde noticed that Minerva had grown out half of her hair and kept the other side buzz cut short as usual. When the woman removed her jacket, her arms were tatted from shoulder to wrist. Besides her arms, something on her chest caught her attention.

"I just got back from fashion week in Paris with Tenn."

"You're a model?" Violet asked. Minerva glanced at her when she heard her, and their eyes met briefly. It stung so bad that Minerva asked Sophie to get up so she could run to the bathroom. While sharing her story in Paris, she got up for Minerva. Violet watched her every move.

"Can you even eat this?" Ruby spoke to Sophie in a concerned voice. Sophie waved her hand with a smile.

"It's just one night. And I probably ate worse when I was in New York."

"I came across your reels posted by other people, and they portrayed you in an awe-inspiring light. Especially the sheer tops." Brody jumped into the conversation.

"I know! I walked topless last year while holding these girls with both hands. It wasn't easy." The twins are notable for their height, red hair, sharp blue eyes, and... ample busts. Mitch had to snap his fingers at Willy's face to wake him up. Omar, sitting next to them, shook his head. There are certain things that always remain the same.

"They're getting bolder each year," Violet said.

"Yeah. However, it's merely a body part in the realm of fashion." Sophie replied as she plopped a piece of pork belly in her mouth.

"After the surgery, what have you been up to Clem?" Duck questioned the small girl next to him. Clem looked down at her rice bowl, tearing her eyes away from someone. She had just started eating before responding to Duck.

After swallowing, she spoke.

"I-I do social work specifically for complex families, addicts, and rehab patients."

Louis remained silent as he listened to her gentle voice. He never heard about her having surgery. Of course, Duck would know more. He'll probably ask him later.

Besides that, her speech remained the same, but her voice sounded more mature, ...which was alluring. The freckled-faced man quickly called a waiter for a drink to shake the thought away.

"Saving lives. I knew you fit into something nurturing." Duck feigned, wiping his crocodile tears. Clem expressed annoyance by rolling her bright, golden eyes at his obnoxious behavior.

"Don't Brody do the same thing?"

"Nope. I assist with child development care, and Marlon is a dog trainer and sitter."

"I can only imagine what you guys are coming up with in the bedroom," Willy said aloud as he daydreamed. The others responded with grunts and looks of disgust.

"Always a pervert," Minerva called out the daydreamer. Willy drifted back to reality and shrugged it off with a smile.


"It seems that everyone has finished eating," Ruby said.

"The fashionably laties barely ate." Aasim pointed while Minerva was standing there checking her phone. She looked up at them.

"I'm not really hungry. I'd rather go out to some bar. Are you weenies in?" Minerva leaned over with her hand on the table.

"Alcohol is calling my name," Mitch said as he got up from his seat.

"Daddy wants to hang with the grownups." Sophie pursed her lips. Mitch flipped her off, causing her to gasp.

"That sounds like a good idea," Louis said.

"Oou! Let's go to that bar we went to last time, Sophie. The one with the dance floor." Brody said.

"Fuck yeah!"

"Before everyone runs off, we must pay the bill," Clementine said as she held the check. No one noticed she called for it while they planned their next destination.

"Awe, man. I only got two dollars in my name." Willy whined.

"Use your card." Omar sneered. Willy dropped his head on the table and whimpered.

"There's only two dollars in my account!"

"Suck to be you." Violet and Minerva said at the same time. They eyed each other but looked away immediately.

"I told him to stop gambling online. But he never listens." Mitch grumbled blankly as he pulled out his card to spot Willy. Willy is like a brother to him, but he hates seeing that the kid still has shit to learn as a twenty-two-year-old.

"Why not let me pay for it, and you guys can just Venmo or Zelle me?" Louis said.

"Aye! Thanks, rich boy!" Willy cheered.

"You're still paying me back." Louis reminded him. Willy went back to being sad. Mitch let him know that he got it. Clem had the checkbook, but Duck took it from him and passed it over to Louis. The girl's brows arched as she watched Louis handling the bill worth about three hundred and sixty dollars.

After Louis bill was paid, everyone went to exit the restaurant to head to the bar.

"Fuck. It's raining." Marlon said. He removed his jacket and hovered it over Brody.

"I guess we'll see you guys there," Brody shouted as she and her boyfriend sprinted through the rain. Omar, Mitch, and Willy followed behind them. Their jackets were over their head.

Surprisingly, the lovely married couple was prepared. Aasim popped the umbrella open and held it over him and Ruby.

"See ya." They waved as they walked to their parked car. Sophie went under their umbrella and somehow got a ride with them.

Left the Exs alone.

With Duck.

"How did you girls get here?" Duck asked.

"Uber!" Violet blurted as her nose started to get stuffy. She hates rain when she's outside because the ground gets mucky, and her allergies clog up her sinuses.

"I'll give you a lift." Duck offered as she ran off to fetch his car.

"Thanks, Duck," Clem called out.

"Let's go, Lou," Minerva said as she removed her jacket.

Before the taller individual left, Louis felt someone tugging his blazer sleeve. He turned slightly to see a timid Clem. Compared to him, she was short for her age. Louis thought it was incredibly adorable. In that second, he shook that thought out of his head before the alcohol got the best of him. His eyes scanned her body up and down until they settled on her flushed lips and light eyes.

"I-I don't have your Venmo or Zelle. If you don't mind-"

"Oh shit! You're right. Wh-Which one do you prefer to use." His words stumbled as he tried to act normal. But acting "normal" wasn't doing him any favor.

The girl suppressed her giggles and held out her phone.

"Zelle is quicker. What's your number?" She said. It's like she's doing this on purpose. Her voice keeps getting softer and quieter. He will beg for forgiveness if he has to for wishing them together again. He doesn't want to ruin anything between Violet and Clementine. Nonetheless, her presence brought back good memories.

If only she were single, he would have shot his shot.

Louis swallowed his thoughts and took her phone as he entered his information for Zelle. She took the phone back and sent him her portion of the money.

Noticing her new number on his phone brought more questions. But no words came out to express how he felt or question her.

"So, Lou-"

"We have to hurry, Minnie. The rain is getting heavier." He turned away with his blazer over his head.

"Yeah..." Minerva said as she followed Louis.

"What a dick." Violet scoffed. Clem ignored her. She had it coming since she was the one who broke up with him and cut all ties when she moved.

Clementine wrapped her arms around herself, feeling the cool breeze and the raindrops splatter against her skin.

'This is the worst time to wear this dress.' She told herself.

"Why is he coming back?" Violet glared at the man running towards them while the rain fell heavily.

"Duck caught a flat, so they just tolled his car! You guys will be riding with us." He gasped as he shoved his blazer over Clem's head and Minerva's over Violet. The girls exchanged confused looks before running to Louis' car through the rain.

They were a bit soaked and out of breath when they made it to the car. The car shifted outward to the wet street. While driving, Duck asked to connect his phone to Bluetooth for some tunes. Louis let the guy have his fun and gave him music controls.

Meanwhile, Violet pointed below at Clem, and the brunette gave her a thumbs up.

"Oh yeah! How have you guys been?! I didn't hear much from you two." Duck said as he played one of his Spotify playlists.

"I'm in a band," Minerva said as she folded her arms behind her head.

"I'm an artist as well and a producer."

"Whaaa! That's pretty sick. Have you...." Duck trailed on and on with questions. Virginia wasn't his top destination, except for a few occasions when Clem came to celebrate his graduation, and he reciprocated the gesture by joining her on hers. He's familiar with the gang but doesn't talk to them like with Clementine.

As the two of them engaged in conversation, Clementine couldn't help but hang on to every word that flowed out of Louis' mouth. Hearing him talk about his life without her was painful, but she was genuinely happy for him. As she held his blazer closer, she couldn't help but inhale deeply, taking in the intoxicating scent of his rich cologne. The familiar aroma sent shivers down her spine, reminding her of their wonderful memories.

On the other hand, Violet felt better after settling in the car between Clementine and Duck. There was something undeniably comforting about being sandwiched between two warm, cozy bodies. As the conversation failed to capture her interest, she gradually drifted into a peaceful slumber.



The bar was alive with activity as some people danced to the beat of the music while others enjoyed their drinks in the privacy of a cozy booth. The air was filled with the sound of laughter and chatter as friends caught up with each other and made new acquaintances.

Louis had a fun night out and decided to treat himself to two delicious White Russians and a refreshing daiquiri. As he made his way to the bathroom, he couldn't help but feel a little tipsy and excited for the rest of the night.

As he stepped out of the bathroom, he was surprised to encounter Clementine. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with her until he felt her small palms on his waist. Her shoulders trembled, and her head rested against his chest, lost in deep presumptions.

He looked around for someone-anyone. From afar, he saw Duck talking to the bartender. As the conversation heated up, he remained so immersed in it that he failed to notice Clementine wandering around aimlessly in her current state.

Louis's first thought was to ensure the girl was in good hands.

As the music blared in the background, he leaned in closer to her ear, his voice low and intimate, sending shivers down her spine.

"Hey, do you need water or something?" He asked her.

She shook her head with heavy eyes as the man nervously looked around and tried to back away. She persisted even more as he tried to distance himself, refusing to let him slip away.

"Clem-" With a swift move, she grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the vacant bathroom, leaving him startled and speechless. As soon as he stepped inside, she locked the door behind him. She was determined to make this moment all about them, with no distractions or interruptions in sight.

"I've noticed that you seem more comfortable talking to everyone else but me. I can admit that I'm to blame, which I understand." Despite her slurred speech, he still managed to catch every word she said.

"I'm not... Ignoring you. Everything's fine. I'm just hanging out with everyone as I can-" The sudden bang on the metal door made him jump, causing his heart to pound in worry.

"Don't lie. I noticed that you and Minerva have been avoiding us. They may have their reasons, but why are you...avoiding me when I'm trying to talk to you?" As she spoke, her voice trembled, and tears began to well up in her eyes, adding a raw and emotional depth to her words.

"I-I just can't be around you when you' know..." He looked away.

As tears streamed down her face, Clem's golden eyes grew wider with each passing moment, reflecting her intense emotions. She ripped herself from him, her heart shattering as his words pierced it.

"Did you hear about....that...?"

Louis gave a nod of his head as she choked on her small sobs. The silence from him shattered, and it tore her soul. As the tall man looked at the girl he loved, tears streaming down her face, he couldn't believe what he saw. He had never imagined her crying like this, and he felt a pang of guilt, wondering what he said to hurt her this deeply.

She swiftly slapped his hand away as he tried to move towards her.

"You're such a dickhead! I finally fought the courage to explain what had happened to clear things up, and you... Fuck you." She went to reach the door to exit the bathroom. Suddenly, her body spun, and her back slammed against the wall.

Both of her wrists were trapped in his hold. She glared at the man before her, reflecting the same intense expression.

"Explain what exactly?" He sneered.

While looking into his eyes, she saw how hurt he was. Clementine's voice crackled as it was hard to form a word out. She lost balance while being under the influence of the alcohol and the adrenaline. The tall man swiftly wrapped his arm around her petite waist. It felt so foreign to be this close to her, but oddly, in a good way.

"Don't leave me..." she whispered. Louis looked down as he felt more weight against him. He didn't try to shake her awake or yell at her about what she meant by that. He held her up bridal style.

"Unbelievable." He signed. As angry as he was, he couldn't hold the grudge any longer.



"Vi! Where are you going?!" Brody shouted while the loud muffled the sound around them. Violet hand-signed that she was heading to the bar to grab another drink. When they got there, Brody dragged her and Clem to the floor, and the alcohol rush loosened the blonde to whine her hips to the beat of the music.

The bartender called out for free shots, and the brunette did a couple of shots with Mitch and Duck. It felt like nothing would ruin their peace of mind until Clem left her to run to the bathroom.

Minutes later, a few glances away brought the blonde back to reality. Those cold blue eyes, judging from a distance, irritated Violet.

Violet called for a drink at the bar. As she got her drink, she fought hard to ignore the redhead, but the patience she had left shrank like a delicate string holding rope.

The entire time at the bar, Violet kept tabs on how many times the redhead looked her way. After the final straw, she stormed towards her. The glass of her beer bottle kissed the table where the redhead was chilling.

"You've been looking at me across the room too much. Do we have a problem?" Violet asked. Minerva stared at her with a blank face, slipping on her martini.

"I'm spacing out, and you're screaming in my face. What exactly is your problem?" Minerva bluntly said.

"I don't-... Okay. Okay." Violet tried to calm herself mentally. She let the alcohol get the best of her. She signed through her nose. It has been years since they talked about anything after the breakup. Violet can't blame Minerva for acting distant and quiet. After all, Violet was the one to end everything and move out of state for a new start.

"You're wearing it."

"Wearing what?" Minerva looked confused. Violet signed and stuck her hand in her collar. Then she pulled out a silver necklace with a matching pendant.

Minerva's eyes widened as she felt her chest for the same chain on her neck. She looked away, feeling embarrassed.

"I-I couldn't take it off," Minerva stated with a shrug. Violet looked down at the floor to avoid Minerva's dull blue eyes.

"Couldn't or wouldn't?"

"Both, " she said before siping her drink and looking around the bar.

"Why are you wearing yours? Did you miss someone or couldn't take it off?" Minerva asked. Violet felt her cheeks heating up. Before Minerva could get under Violet's skin, the blonde took it upon herself to see where this could go.

"I'm starting to believe that you actually missed someone. But instead, you want to use the 'I can't take it off' excuse." Violet pointed out. Minerva smirked.

"Says the one picking a fight with me and not bothering her girlfriend." Minerva rolled her eyes, playing it cool.

It was not until she noticed Violet's confused expression- thin brows furrowed, head tilted, lips tugged to the side.

"What? What are you talking about?" Violet scoffed.

"Don't play dumb with me. Marlon already told me that you and Clem are hooking up. Congratulations for rubbing that in my face and Louis."

"Wait? Marlon told you!?" Violet nearly shouted when the music bass dropped. Minerva leaned closer to hear her better.

"Yes!" At this point the alcohol got to her head, she didn't realize she was screaming at Violet.

"Why would you listen to him!?" Violet reached for a chair to sit in.

"It wouldn't be better if anyone else told me either way!" Minerva slurred.

Violet reached for Minerva's cup before the tall ginger took another sip.

"That's enough. You're getting too rackety."

"Who fucking cares?!" Minerva laid her head in her folded arms. Violet called a waiter for a water bottle, and they brought it to her in a flash.

"Minnie... Please drink this." Violet held the bottle at Minerva's face.

"I don't want it. Can you just let me be?"

"Please drink it. No one is here to babysit you but I."

"I don't need anyone to babysit me, especially you!" Minerva sneered disgust in her eyes. The aura between them grew heavy. The ginger couldn't breathe the same air as Violet, so she stood up to move away.

Violet felt a sting of guilt like a slap on the face.

Minerva looked back when someone grabbed her arm. As buzzed as she was, she flung her arm away in a drunken rage.

"Hey! Don't touch m-"

"You still don't get it. Don't you understand why I ended things?! Or how I felt when you told me about going on tour out of the state! " Violet shouted angrily.

After all the music vibrated her eardrums, Minerva took a moment to comprehend what she said. She narrowed her eyes and turned slightly towards the skinny blonde.

"I told you it'll be for six months, and you couldn't handle that-"

"You made it sound so easy for us to make a long-distance relationship work. You know it broke me to hear how much fun you were having, and no doubt I was happy for you like an idiot. But the calls kept going to voice mail, the texts were left unseen, and..." Violet's voice trembled as it was hard to open up. Her blonde bangs shadowed her face when she felt herself replaying her past.

"...I couldn't reach out to you after my nana's last cancer treatment took her last breath." Violet quickly gulped her beer to swallow the horrible feeling in her throat.

Gasping like a fish out of water, Minerva covered her mouth in shock. Violet lived with her grandmother after her father lost his mind and responsibilities when her ill mother passed. Her grandmother was everything to her. Violet even came out to her, and the woman didn't see her as any less of a person.

Hearing her loss suffocated Minerva.

"Vi... I-I wish you told me at the time. I... I can't imagine how lonely you must have felt at the time..."

"It was very lonely without you from the start," Violet said as she brushed away the tears of rebellion.

"C'mere." The ginger reached out and pulled the blonde toward her. Violet melted in her hold, sniffling.

"Can we go outside? I- I don't want them to see me like this, " Violet said. Minerva agreed. The music wasn't her liking, and the two needed some fresh air to fan away the blood rushing through their faces.

"I didn't have anyone I could reach out to or relate to in that matter..." Violet continued as she laid her head on Minerva's shoulder. The tall ginger leaned on the brick wall, staring at the falling drops from the sky.

"After the break-up, I moved far away from this town. It held sad memories, and I was tired of feeling hurt or lost. So Clementine contacted me then and asked if I'd be her roommate."

Violet felt Minerva tense when she called out that name.

"So you agreed, and the two of you hit it off. Incredible." Minerva's attitude didn't stop her from pushing Violet away. Violet rolled her eyes.

"Maybe if you stop listening to jarheads like rat hair boy then you and Louis wouldn't be so naive." After hearing that, Minerva glared down at her. Violet looked up and narrowed her eyes.

"What are you saying, blondie?"

"You and Louis are idiots to think we will stoop so low."

"Wait... You're not dating Cle-"

The sound of Minerva's phone caught their attention. She picked it up and read the notification from Louis.




The studio door suddenly burst open. Clumsy steps between two clinging people entered the room. Neither let go, and they proceeded to lock lips heartedly.

The loc-haired man ran in the rain with her in his arms, laughing like idiots. The wetness between the two didn't phase them at all because it didn't matter.

"Do you know how jealous I was when I saw you two sitting together?" he said while placing her on the desk. Louis pecked her flushed cheeks. The girl had drunk too much during the party to build up the courage to speak to him, and it finally backfired on her, as she couldn't stop giggling and balancing herself properly. He had to hold her still by her waist as she gripped the front of his shirt.

"I can imagine." She said in a calm voice with heavy eyes. Both leaned in to share a smothering kiss that lingered for a minute and then broke apart until one couldn't breathe.

"The first thing I thought of when I saw you was how adorable you are. But seeing you dance on the floor with this dress on drove me crazy." Clem purred when she felt his large hands crawling over her behind and the other on her thigh. Her skin shivered when his hands groped her.

"Heheehe! You're joking. You looked at me with so much... Ahh~ Hate..." Her consciousness left the building once his lips attached to her neck. Clementine's lips widened with no voice, and eyes rolled back as Louis suckled the crook of her neck.

"I can't hate someone like you. Nothing would change how I long for you to be next to me. Especially this won't change how I see you." His hand lightly ran down her left prosthetic leg.

At the bar, she begged him to stay with her. She repeatedly begged him to hear her out as she drifted from drowsiness. Louis left with a water bottle for her, and they chilled in his car's back seat. After sipping the water, she told him the unforgettable event that brought her misery. His hand held hers, and the tightness swelled her heart. In the car, she confessed to Louis. It surprised him to hear those three words. He heard her repeat it and how she always wanted to contact him, but her struggle got the best of her until today.

Louis couldn't imagine the hardship she had gone through to lose a limp and adapt to a new lifestyle. Part of him understood why she kept him in the dark as the fear of the surgery ate her up. He just wished Clem didn't hold it in about being diagnosed with lower limb ischemia. He wanted her to know he'd be there for her no matter what she faced. It hurts, but he's overjoyed to know she made it alive after the surgery.

"If only I knew... I would have flown down there and taken care of you." He whispered. Stroking the strand of curl behind her ear, Clem furrowed her brows.

His gaze showed her how valid his words were, and his expressed feelings touched her core.

Clementine fell in love with him all over again.

"Of course you would. But you had a set future, and now look where you are. You're basically famous. You're so talented and goal-driven; it was unthinkable to ruin that part of your life."

The man scoffed.

"So. I could have worked on my career later after knowing you would be okay." He made it sound so easy. She shook her head, disagreeing.

"That's just it. I don't want to be anyone's burden. That's why I moved away from my parents after my third year of being amputated. The... The pitiful look in their eyes was something I didn't want to see... from you, too. I want you to know that I'm more than a handicap." She babbled in a low voice. Feeling shy, she suddenly brushed off his hand from her knee.

The pianist smiled with his dark brown eyes, placing his hand back on the left leg.

"Am I looking at you with pity?" He asked.

She glanced up and smiled back while shaking her head. Her small hands held his cheeks, leaning him close to her. He shut his eyes before pressing his plush lips over hers.

"You see ... me." She giggled softly between the kisses.

"As always."

The two shared a sweet kiss at his private studio.




"Carless, too?" Violet smirked as she waved her phone, showing Minerva a text from Clementine.

Roomie: With Lou tonht. Sea u in mornig 😅

Minerva read the text and glanced at Violet's amused facade. The redhead rolled her eyes with a disbelief scoff.

"Do you still think Clem and I are hooking up?" Violet's lake-green eyes squinted as her brows raised. The redness on Minerva's cheeks was visible on her pale skin. She felt embarrassed to admit her assumption and to believe that rat hair man carelessly.

Minerva spun on her heel and rubbed the back of her head. What a night it was.

She looked over her shoulder to see Violet tapping her thumbs on the phone screen. Most likely responding to Clem.

"Seems like the two made up. Clem is not responding, and she has the keys to our place." Violet grunted. She looked up and saw that the rain wasn't stopping anytime soon.

"Well... we can... sober up at my place. If you want to, " Minerva said with a shrug.

"I don't want to bother you any more than this. I could ask Brody if I can crash at hers." Violet looked back down at her phone.

Before she could call Brody, a palm smacked against the wall, and her eyes trailed up the arm to the person's flushed face.

"Don't you remember you're responsible for babysitting me?" she said, flashing a heated look. The hairs on Violet's arms and nape prickled as a chill rushed through her. The blonde swallowed before nodding slowly.

"Help me to my place, and I can return the favor by letting you crash." Violet couldn't take her eyes off the beautiful red fox. Those green eyes scanned all over in a matter of seconds. Admiring the way those plump, rosy pink lips look tasty. Her sharp and cold, her minty eyes stared the short girl down like a pry. And the way the jawline is defined.

It sounded too good to be true. Hearing Minerva's voice deepen, Violet slowly let her guard down. Yet the cool night and smell of rain sobered her mental state. Violet felt wrong if she engaged in whatever Minerva was thinking of. She was practically drunker than Violet if she was coming on her in a sexy manner...

After collecting her true thoughts, Violet inhaled before speaking.

"Sure. I'll help you get to your home. But don't you have something to say to me first?" Violet cocked her head to the side. The way her lips pursed as she dropped her arm to hold Violet's cold hands. The artist almost forgot how cold her ex-lover could get.

"Listen, I shouldn't have been bitchy towards you... and Clem. And I'm sorry. I'll beat up Marlon afterward." The ginger said. Violet chuckled while squeezing Minerva's hands. It felt like a dream to clear up the missing pieces that she left behind. It was ugly how she closed herself off from everyone for years.

"Besides, I'm glad you two made it to this silly reunion. I would never have known what was going on." She smiled sadly. Violet reached for her ex's face and rested their foreheads on each other.

"I accept your apology. Let's take your drunk ass home."

"I think I'm sobering up."

"Sure. Should we say by to the others?"

The two looked back at the door and then at each other.




Once the Uber driver dropped them off at Minerva's apartment, the girls wouldn't stop babbling about the years they missed. The redhead already learned about Violet's life at dinner, but the blonde caught her up with her job, living as Clem's roommate, and small things that she shared.

"And then we saw a frog in the toilet."

"Did the frog lick your ass or something to notice it?" Violet shoved her, making the tall woman to lose some balance. Minerva pulled out the keys and unlocked her door.

"No. I lifted the lid, and he was just... sitting there. Of course, we released him outside." They went in, and Violet absorbed the indie star's home decor.

"Cool, but ew. Why not move back up here?" Minerva asked as she removed her jacket.

"I don't know. We talked about it... But we're not ready yet." Violet sat down on the cough.

"Nothing holding you back but memories," Minerva stated with a monotone voice. She opened the fridge to find something tasty to end the night—a bottle of Sangria.

"I don't want to return if you're gone on your tours, photoshoots, or interviews." It struck her heart and slapped her face at the same time. Minerva tucked her lips as she poured herself a glass. She raised an empty glass as an offer, and Violet nodded. The buzz faded when they were in the car, and she honestly needed another for tonight. So much for sobering up before bed.

"Am I that scary to be with?" The blonde shielded the smile on her face. Minerva handed Violet the glass and plopped next to her. Out of habit, they clinked their glasses and slipped.

"Maybe. Is this your way of asking me out?" Her brow furrowed, the ginger cleared her throat before inching closer to the thin girl.

"Yes, but I'm afraid you might say no. Please know I don't want to pressure you if you feel uncomfortable." Minerva told her. Violet finished her glass and leaned against the redhead.

"I don't plan to move back here soon. Yet... let's give it a try. Let's try to work out the long-distance thing again. If-If you don't mind?" The blonde said.

"It'll be a challenge that I'm willing to take." Minerva smiled cheesily. Violet smiled and flung herself at her, pressing her lips against the surprised ginger.

While the soft kiss turned into a feverish makeout, Minerva collected the glasses, placing them on the table. Then she wrapped her arms around Violet's tiny waist, pulling her on top of her lap.

Minutes later, layers of clothes scattered across the living room to the bedroom as they changed scenery. On the bed, the two lips ravished together as if they were starving for the other. Hands tugging and traveling up and down the other's warm skin. The two lost in the moment of bliss no words wasn't needed to express how much these two missed each other.

"Ah!" Minerva gasped as Violet explored the roof of her sensitive mouth. Smirking  at her reaction, Violet began to fondle the large bosom. Kneading the plushiness until her thumb and index finger pinched the hardened pink nubs.

While playing with one, her mouth latched on the other. She didn't waste any time bullying the nipple with her tongue with slick motions and suckling it between her lips.

"Vi..." Minerva squeaked with her neck stretched and chest out. The way her body responded humored the blonde. Naturally remembered what her partner loved through all their trials together.

The rawness of her flesh tasted like sweat but it was sweet. While the blonde's nose pressed to the breast, she could smell the lingering fragrance of a fruit.

Something like Dragon fruit. Even though they got caught in the rain, the perfume still remained. Violet wanted to be coated with this scent like a security blanket.

Violet trailed her lips across the heaving chest to the bruised neck. Biting and sucking it some more. The teasing drove the tall ginger crazy. The blonde noticed the way the ginger's hips grinded against her in frustration. She couldn't get enough of this attention. It has been years since the two have been touched this way.

Neither imagined their night to turn into a fantasy. Violet took her time slithering her tongue down from the chest to the abdomen. The way she aggressively spread and press Minerva's legs up stirred the pot below. Watching the green eyes flashes at her and studied her face to capture her fall apart when she swiped her pink jewel.

Melted away as the girl on top replaced the tip with the flat surface of her moist tongue. Gliding it upwards and teasingly flickering the pulsing bud. The sensation felt like magic and the artist's gapping mouth released her inner vocals.

Gasping pleads cracked between her moans as she palmed the silky blonde tresses and pushed more down towards the aching core. Violet took this as a sign to move on to the next part. She shoved two fingers into Minerva's lips. The girl eagerly suckled the digits until it was soaked by her saliva.

When the hand moved away, she felt something crawling in her. The pressure of it reaching further into her felt foreign but familiar. Her head was swallowed by the pillow as her chest rose to the ceiling. She held her breath when the finger pulled back. Before she could rest her hips back on the mattress, the finger shot right back in. Causing her to flinch in surprise.

"Are you okay?"

"Mhmm." The artist nodded her head.

"This is a warning. I won't hold back. Please stop me if I go too rough." Violet advised her with care in her eyes. If it was possible, Minerva's heart did a flip and cartwheel. Her icy eyes beamed as she looked forward to what was coming to her.

"Go ahead, baby." The ginger smiled. With that said, the blonde leaned down and added the second digit.

"Oh fu-" Minerva's eyes fluttered closed as her body quivered in delight.



"Morning." A soft voice spoke. The brown-skinned man turned around from the stove to see a drowsy brunette swaying her way toward him.

A smile widened on his face to see her reveal the prostatic leg as she was dressed in his blue long-sleeve pullover that reached her mid-thighs.

Her arms wrapped around his naked waist as she rested her cheek on his side to peek at the stove.

"Morning... nice bedhead." The pianist pointed at her. Clem snuggled her cheek with a groan.

"You caused it."

"I don't remember. Is it possible for you to help me remember?" He chuckled while flipping the bacon. The girl giggled as let the memories of last night play in her mind. She shut her eyes to block the brightness of the room.

"Smooth as always, freckled butt." She said below. Louis snickered.

"How long are you two staying?"

"Just for the weekend."

"Stay longer."

"I have work." She told him. He frowned as he switched the stove off. He moved the bacon on the plates that had scrabble eggs and toast.

"I'll catch a flight then."

Clementine scrunched her nose, looking at him crazy.

"Are you nuts?"

"Yes. For you." He winked. The man pulled out a stool. Picked her up with ease to sit her down. She blushed at the gesture and breakfast in front of her. She didn't expect to receive such treatment.

The last time she saw him, he was just a piano kid who loved making cringy jokes and teasing her whenever he had a chance to. Now this boy has become a man who lives a successful lifestyle as a producer and artist. He has to be busy with this lively job, so it would have been wrong to get in the way.


"Move here with me." His words have been nothing but demands rather than questions.

Her dark brows scrunched but softened when a fork of eggs was placed in front of her face.  She looked at him and then took a bite at the eggs. Her eyes widened while chewing and swallowing the delicious eggs.

"Changed your mind yet?" Cocky as always. She rolled her eyes with a smile.

"No, weirdo. Receiving head and food won't change my mind." She noted. Louis sucked his teeth and started eating from his plate.

"But I'll keep that in mind."

His heart raced as his brown eyes sparkled when he glanced at her. She reached for his head and pulled him closer pressing their foreheads.

"Do-Don't get too excited now. Let's take things slow and if the day comes... I'll make sure to let you know." She smiled after kissing his lips. Louis responded with a kiss before pulling back.

"Fine. As you wish, my darling. Now finish your breakfast. Minn texted me about Vi asking for the keys."

Clem face palmed her face.

"Oh shit! I forgot!"

"No worries. Minn let her crash at her place."

"She's going to kill me."

"I'm not sure about that bit looks like she's had a great time."

Louis flashed her a photo that was sent from Minerva. Clem grabbed the phone as she smiled at the picture of Minerva and Violet snuggling under the covers. Violet threw up the peace sign with a grin as Minerva smirked with her cheek against Violet's. The ginger was the one holding the camera above them.

"Seems like we aren't the only ones who made up." He commented. Clem gave his phone back to finish her plate.

"What a reunion," Clem said and Louis couldn't agree more.

The End

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