Paw Patrol: The 10th annivers...

By GalaxyMoonStories

3.2K 46 695

August 3rd, 2023, the day where it is 9 days until the Paw Patrol's anniversary. Back in Adventure City, Libe... More

Chapter 1: Bringing along the crew (Aug 3rd)
Chapter 2: Road trip! (Aug 3rd)
Chapter 3: Families & friends unite (Aug 4th)
Chapter 4: Catnapped & needs rescuing (Aug 5th & Aug 6th)
Chapter 5: The first showdown (Aug 6th)
Chapter 6: Retreated, Repeated and Relations (Aug 7th)
Chapter 7: Arguments, conflicts & drama (Aug 8th & 9th)
Chapter 8: The Mayor Blimp (Aug 10th)
Chapter 9: One last chance & one last try (Aug 11th & 12th)
Chapter 10: The final showdown (August 12th, the anniversary surprise)
Bloopers/deleted scenes + added scene (1.52k special)
Q&A is open

Q&A (late 2k special)

105 2 38
By GalaxyMoonStories

Before the Q&A starts, I want to thank all of you for 2k reads. I may have been really late into making this story, but I blame my other phone for that. But let's not waste any time we've got questions waiting, answers waiting and some guests that are waiting to see the PAW Patrol for their 10th anniversary. Let's see what questions we have from the users.

From CoralxTuckforever: Question to Everest, what was it like having Tundra in the story?

Everest: It was awesome, having my cousin in the story was a huge surprise to me. I didn't know who to expect arriving at the elevator, but as soon as Tundra showed up at the elevator. I was so happy to see her, and I thank Liberty for inviting her.

Liberty: Aww, it was nothing.

From Sn0wL1zard87: Can you write a Skase chapter?

Me: Well, I have written a lot of Skase moments but a Skase chapter though? Hmm, maybe I can compare that with what my friend ThorofGhent said in the comments about a mother's day story (or was it a father's day story?). Eitherways, It's going to be done next year with only .. I guess one chapter with no trailer or summary. It might be a first for me and for you guys as well, but it'll be worth it.

Finally, from ekjfbuk: Will you continue on the Total Patrol Island story?

Me: Okay... Basically, I'm taking a break right now and to keep you guys up and reading. This is the last thing I'm going to release since I'm on break, I will be back in September or on Dragoctober (as I like to call it) to start the progress of a Halloween story that ThorofGhent told me about doing. It's going to be full of fright, so best beware...

Now that that's over, let's see if the crew can answer the 10 questions that we got for them. Also, we'll see their reaction of the 6 guests that will show up from time to time. Let's get started.

Me: So, let's go back to the start. For the others, how was it visiting Adventure City for the first time?

Everest: It was great.

Tracker: Si, I really love how the place looks.

Sweetie: Especially the Lookout Tower.

Ella and Tuck: Yeah!

Claw: I guess it was alright.

Coral: Going on a road trip with my friends and seeing Adventure City for the first time was incredible, did you like it guys?

McSquidly: (Nods)

Moby: Fine, I guess I enjoyed it a little.

Cat Noir: I loved it there, even though we appeared differently than we were from before.

Liberty: Yeah, once you arrive in Adventure City you may look like a movie version of yourself.

Everest: Wait, is that we were?

Liberty: Exactly.

Ella and Tuck: You guys had a movie?

Ryder: Well, actually two movies.

Sweetie: Wow, and we still wasn't in any of them.

Cat Noir: Guess not, but there's still one question I have in mind. How did Codi even get here? She was literally on the moon from before but then she came back.

Ryder: No clue.

Mayor Humdinger: Well, think all you can but you'll never figure that one out.

Cat Noir: Yeah, whatever Humdingus. Next question please.

Harold: (Chuckles)

Mayor Humdinger: And what are you laughing at?

Harold: Nothing.

Mayor Humdinger: Hmph, typical...

Me: Okay, next question. Who had the best guest appearance from the story?

Chase: It sure wasn't Blizzard, that's for sure.

Ryder: Chase.

Chase: Sorry, but it's true.

Ryder: Even though Blizzard had his moments, I'd say that they all had great appearances during the story.

Rubble: To me, it's my family. I was kinda expecting Charger to be here, to be honest but seeing the whole family was something else.

Chase: Definitely has to be Dominick, I was glad to see him here because Dominick is like the good brother to me but Blizzard is the complete opposite of that.

Rocky and Everest: Tundra.

Sweetie: Mirage, no questions asked.

Liberty: I don't know about Mirage, those fireworks frightened me a bit.

Codi Gizmody: A pup afraid of some little firework? That's a new one.

Liberty: Hey, don't blame me because I'm scared!

Codi Gizmody: Yeah yeah, whatever you say.

Marshall: Marcus

Cat Noir: I really wasn't there to see any of it heheh, but even though I didn't see their appearance I did get to see Froll and Dominick at the end which is good for me.

Me: Alright, third question. For the others, how does it feel meeting each other while going on a road trip face to face?

Rex: It felt great meeting the others.

Tuck: Yeah, especially Moby and Claw.

McSquidly: (Squid noises)

Tuck: Oh, whoops. Also McSquidly as well. (Chuckles)

Everest: Getting to know each of the pups, good or bad was the best part about the road trip.

Moby: But the worst part was seeing us in our movie version.

Rubble: Atleast you guys got to eat pup treats on the way there.

Pups: (Chuckles)

Me: This isn't really part of the 10 questions, but who do you think was your favorite to meet?

Everest: That's a tough one, I would probably go with Claw.

Tracker: Rex.

Sweetie: Moby.

Ella: Coral.

Tuck: Al.

Rex: Claw.

Al: Hmm, Sweetie.

Sweetie: Atleast one appreciates me.

Claw: Oh, whatever. I'll pick Coral.

Coral: Hard choice, but I choose Everest.

Moby: Sweetie.

Me: Nobody for Ella and Tuck?

Sweetie: Nope, we're fine with our vote.

Ella: Ouch.

Me: Okay, question four. For Cat Noir, what was your reaction like getting kidnapped in the story? Or in this case, catnapped.

Cat Noir: For moi, now I know how it feels to be catnapped. I really didn't enjoy being catnapped for the first time, and I hope that never happens to moi again.

Mayor Humdinger: (Whispers to Harold) We'll see about that.

Tracker: (Hears something on the side of his ear) Hmm...

Ryder: You okay, Tracker?

Tracker: I'm fine, I thought I heard something.

Ryder: I guess not

Me: Okay, before we get to the other four questions. I've decided why don't you guys meet some other guests that I've sent in.

Marshall: Wooah.
Skye: Cool!

Codi Gizmody: Let me guess, more of their puppy friends, huh?

Me: Actually, half of them are pups and half of them are different.

Ryder: Can't wait to meet them, so who's first?

Me: I'll give you a hint, they are from the story called "InFAMOUS: Paw Patrol".

Chase: Ohh, I know who you're talking about.

Mayor Humdinger: Well I don't, you might as well reveal them because I have no idea who they are.

Me: Okay, sending them out.

???: (Walks in) Hey guys.

Tracker: Aiton!

Chase: And Scythe...

Mayor Humdinger: Okay, so who are they suppose to be?

Me: That's Aiton and Scythe, Aiton is the golden retriever and Scythe is the pitbull. What I've been told, they do have some kind of powers. Aiton has video powers and Scythe has smoke powers, which is based on the original game I guess.

Harold: Who's good and who's bad?

Me: Aiton is the good guy, and Scythe is the bad guy.

Codi Gizmody: Nice, another villain.

Coral: Umm, not nice.

Aiton: We just wanted to come by and say happy 10th anniversary to you guys.

Scythe: Eh, I guess. Don't ask why I'm here, he made me come over here.

Rubble: Who? Aiton?

Scythe: No, some guy with blue hair and glasses.

Ryder: Some guy with blue hair?

Mayor Humdinger: And glasses? Sounds familiar.

Scythe: I don't know, but I guess happy 10th anniversary pups.

Chase: Thanks anyways

Aiton: See you guys later.

Tracker: Adios, amigo.

Chase: Bye!

(Aiton and Scythe exits)

Cat Noir: They seemed pretty cool.

Skye: Yeah.

Me: Alright everyone, back to the questions. For number 5, how did it feel when you retreated on a mission for the first time?

Chase: Honestly to me, we could've called in Everest and have her freeze up all the robots. I was crushed, first it lead me towards retreat and then to an argument the next day.

Ryder: I could agree on that one Chase, we could've called Everest in. Don't know why I didn't think about that one.

Codi Gizmody: Maybe because there were too many of those robots that I made, and you probably panicked and didn't know what to do.

Ryder: I didn't really panicked, there were just many of them.

Rocky: We would've gave that idea to Ryder if there weren't so many of those robots.

Harold: Too bad, better luck next time.

Chase: (Rolls eyes)

Me: Okay, next question. Do you think there's gonna be any relationships in the crew soon?

Marshall: Uhh, no.
Ryder: Who knows.
Moby: Definitely not.

Both: There will/Thewe will!

All: Huh?

Chase: What are you guys talking about? There's no relationships going on around here.

Zuma: But that's where you're wrong Chase.

Rocky: During the story while you guys were communicating with others, we were up to our thing.

Sweetie: Oh, don't tell me... You were spying on all of us, were you?

Rocky: Nope.

Zuma: But it was a little something like that.

Rocky: I made this type of mirror that can show a color as a clue whenever we point the mirror up to somebody, therefore there will be relationships soon.

Mayor Humdinger: But you're still not grown up yet, (Whispers to Harold) which in this case I got an idea after this.

Cat Noir: I mean, it doesn't matter if we have to be grown up in order to be in love.

Rocky: But we still think it's gonna happen, whether you like it or not.

Mayor Humdinger: Oh brother...

Me: Okay, number seven. Was the fight unexpected to you guys?

Ryder: Not really, I wasn't expecting to come back and see some pups outside reminding me that there was a fight that happened inside of the Lookout.

Chase: The fight was crazy, yet I do not want to talk about it because it has something to deal with my brother... (Sigh)

Cat Noir: Was your brother that evil?

Chase: Yeah, I just don't want to talk about him.

Skye: Me neither

Marshall: Yeah, me three. I also feel like it's my fault for bringing in his brother, I wasn't really expecting him to be evil.

Ryder: It's not your fault, Marshall.

Codi Gizmody: Gimme a break...

Chase: Yeah, and I'm sorry for getting mad at you over all of that. I should be mad at myself.

Marshall: It's okay, you're still my friend and that's all that matters.

Liberty: Yep, and it all worked out for both of you in the end.

Moby: Heck, I even got grounded due to calling Grandpa Gravel "old". That was not fair.

Ryder: Sorry Moby, but you did call him old for a reason.

Moby: Whatever.

Me: Okay then, last question before we get to see two more guests. For Cat Noir, how did you feel wearing the masquerade invention?

Cat Noir: I didn't like it at all

Harold: Me neither, I thought that invention would work.

Codi Gizmody: Apparently not, since it tricked us and made us fall off of the blimp.

Cat Noir: Oh well, (mocks) better luck next time.

Rocky: (Chuckles quietly)

Harold: And what's so funny?

Rocky: Huh? (Clears throat) Nothing, just got something stuck in my throat that's all.

Harold: Uh-huh, sure.

Me: Okay, before we do the last two questions. Let's meet two more guests that are here to greet you all.

Codi Gizmody: And who are these lameos supposed to be now?

Me: They're from a story called "The Dalmatian Squad and the PAW Patrol in Five Nights at Freddy's".

Mayor Humdinger: (Confused) Say what now?

Skye: Is it Grace?

Me: Nope.

Rubble: Is it Liam?

Me: Close, but no.

Rubble: Aww...

Ryder: Then who is it?

Me: Henry and Princess.

Harold: What?

Codi Gizmody: Who?

(Princess enters in while Henry hops his way in)

Princess: G'day mates!

Henry: Hi everyone

Everest: Hey, Princess and Henry. So glad to see you guys.

Mayor Humdinger: Great, another one of their pup friends except... whoever that is.

Me: Princess is the golden retriever, and her adopted son Henry who is a baby kangaroo Joey.

Codi Gizmody: That's not possible, how did she even adopt him?

Henry: It's.. a bit of a long story.

Princess: But besides from that-

Both: Happy 10th anniversary!

Ryder: Thanks, you two. So glad that we could see you guys again, but before you guys go did this involve a guy with blue hair and glasses too?

Both: Yeah!

Liberty: Strange....

Sweetie: Very.

Coral: Anyways, it was so much fun seeing you guys here.

Henry: No problem.

Princess: Here's to another 10 years, so long guys.

Pups and Ryder: Bye!

(Princess and Henry exits)

Me: Okay guys, the final two questions and the final guests to be here. Let's get to it with the second to last question, since it has been your 10th anniversary, give me some thoughts about how you guys stayed working as a team for over 10 years or just give me one word that describes you or your team throughout the years.

Ryder: To me, you just got to fight through everything and anything no matter what stands in your way.

Marshall: Laughter, through good times and bad times my wipeouts can always make people and also my friends laugh too.

Chase: Bravery, face your fears no matter what.

Rubble: Food, and lots of it too.

Pups: (Laughs)

Ryder: Oh, Rubble.

Rocky: Doing our best as always.

Zuma: Keeping things cool and collective.

Skye: Working together as a team.

Everest: Meet new friends along the way, big or small.

Tracker: Aprendiendo nuevos idiomas.

All: Huh?

Tracker: Learning new languages?

All: Ohhh.

Liberty: I guess that makes sense.

Sweetie: Anyways, change is one word for me. Basically, my development has turned myself from a villain to an anti-hero throughout the years.

Ella: Think big

Tuck: Or be mighty and small.

Al: Being yourself.

Liberty: When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Ryder: Good one, Liberty.

Liberty: Thanks.

Rex: Experience new places.

Coral: And finally, reunite with the ones you love like I did.

Chase: What about you, Cat Noir?

Cat Noir: They're all good, but what I think kept the PAW Patrol going strong over 10 years now is... well.. us. All of us, and the viewers of course. We couldn't have done it without them, merci.

Marshall: What does that mean?

Cat Noir: It means "thank you" in English.

Skye: That's really sweet of you to say that, Cat Noir.

Chase: I couldn't agree more.

Cat Noir: Thanks for that, you two. (Hugs Chase)

Chase: Woah, heheh. (Hugs him back)

Pups and Ryder: Awww..

Moby and Claw: Yuck...

(Both breaks out of the hug)

Chase: Wasn't expecting that (Chuckles). Uh oh... A-A-Aah-choo!

All: Bless you!

Chase: (Sniff) Thank you, sorry about that, Cat Noir.

Cat Noir: It's fine, I know that it's the cat allergies. (Chuckles)

Me: Alright guys, this question is easy for the PAW Patrol and Cat Noir as well. Can all of you say your catchphrases in honor of your 10th anniversary?

Ryder: Can do.

Harold: Oh boy...

Marshall: I'm fired up!

Chase: Chase is on the case!

Rubble: Rubble on the double!

Rocky: Green means go!

Zuma: Let's dive in!

Skye: Let's take to the sky!

Everest: Ice or snow, I'm ready to go!

Tracker: Soy Todo oídos, I'm all ears!

Ella: Time to think big!

Tuck: Mighty and small, I'll give it my all!

Al: Catch y'all on the open road!

Liberty: I am ready to ride!

Rex: Let's dino do this!

Coral: On land and sea, you can count on me!

Cat Noir: Time for some good destruction!

Ryder: (Chuckles) Alright, the PAW Patrol is on a roll!

Rubble: Phew, that was a lot of catchphrases.

Cat Noir: Yeah, I felt like taking a nap after all of that.

Pups & Cat Noir: (Chuckles)

Mayor Humdinger: Okay, let's just get on with this. There's only two guests left, who are they?

Me: Wouldn't you like to know?

All: Yes!

Me: Okay then, let's find out. Look over to your left and you'll find out.

(Everybody looks to their left)

Harold: Well?

Codi Gizmody: We're looking left and we don't see nobody there.

Voice: Ohh, you'll see Codi....

Sweetie: Who was that?

Rubble: Whoever it is, I'm really scared right now.

Marshall: Me too...

Chase: Don't be scared, you guys. Let's just prepare ourselves.

Ryder: Right, what Chase said.

(Somebody teleports inside of the room)

All: (Gasp)

Mayor Humdinger: He looks familiar.

???: (Puts his head up straight) Long time no see, hasn't it?

Harold: Moonlight?

Pups and Ryder: The Decision Musician?!

Cat Noir: Qui?

Skye: (Whispers) That's the Decision Musician, also known as Moonlight. He is bad news, he trapped us in a musical curse for awhile.

Cat Noir: (Whispers) Ohh... That sounds bad.

Decision Musician: Helloo everybody, glad you all miss me. Including you, Mayor Humdinger... (Evil smile)

Mayor Humdinger: (Gulp)

Codi Gizmody: Okay, first of all who are you?

Chase: Secondly, where's your horns, halo and wings?

Decision Musician: I'll answer the other question, my horns, halo, tail and wings are gone because why not. I can hide them and show them whenever I want to.

Codi Gizmody: Okay, now my question?

Decision Musician: Alright, fine. If you must know, I am the Decision Musician also known as Moonlight Galaxy for my real name. My story is long, so I'll make it short. Mayor Humdinger made a potion for me, gave me powers to hold a musical curse on the PAW Patrol, hosted a few singing competitions, decided to betray Mayor Humdinger and made myself the ultimate villain, summoned evil spirits to Chase and Skye to be upset at each other and to make their friendship more intense, and finally had a big battle and ended up being captured in a big net while I was a big blue dragon after a rap battle.

Codi and Cat Noir: Say what?!?!

Decision Musician: Yep, and I also made a deal with Mayor Goodway on the abandoned theater that I remade myself. Also, I even had a few drones that had laser guns.

Cat Noir: That's crazy...

Codi Gizmody: Wait, you can turn into a big blue dragon?

Decision Musician: Correct, I can also turn into 4 other things as well.

Chase: Also, we got trophies of our own. Skye won the singing competition, and I won for the group battle.

Cat Noir: Cooool..

Decision Musician: But that's not why I'm here, I'm here because I want to wish you guys a happy 10th anniversary like what the others did.

Ryder: Thanks.

Decision Musician: What I'm also here for is to show you guys a surprise guest that likes to see you.

Chase: And who might that be?

Decision Musician: My partner in crime, of course.

Mayor Humdinger: What? You have a henchmen too?

Decision Musician: Yes, and he will be perfect for the job. I give you all, The Singing Machine.

"If you don't know who "The Singing Machine" is then it's one of my gifts I actually got for Christmas, which is a karaoke machine in real life. It involves a mic, it can show different colors when it's powered on, it has a robotic voice and while using the mic you can change your normal voice into a deep voice, a chipmunk voice and others. In cartoon form since he can't walk, I've decided to have him bounce instead."

I'll show you some pictures and a video:

With mic:

Without mic and lights:

In cartoon form, the display that says "NO" (don't ask why) are removed. Instead, it'll have red electronic eyes just to show emotions and feelings.

Left angle:

Back angle:

Right angle:

Bottom angle:

Top angle:

Powered off:


(Try highlighting the link and press open where the Google Drive logo is at, if it doesn't work for any of you then I'll see something about it.)

If it doesn't work then I'll explain what the video was about, it doesn't really have audio in it but it shows what the Singing Machine looks like in action while talking and practicing its notes while powered on. While talking, the lights can resemble being the speaker or the mouth and the mic holders being his arms.

Hope you guys like the pictures, it's the best I got.

The Singing Machine: (Bounces out from behind Moon's left leg) (Robotic) Singing Machine, at your service.

All: Woooah!

Codi Gizmody: Okay, got to admit. He doesn't look half bad at all.

Decision Musician: Yeah, he may be short. But he's still my henchmen.

The Singing Machine: (Frustrated expression) (Robotic) Pardon, but I am not short. I was just built to look like this.

Decision Musician: Sure, whatever works for you I guess.

Mayor Humdinger: Is that all now? Can we go home?

Decision Musician: (Sigh) Alright alright, fine. You can leave now. (Snaps his finger)

(Everybody gets teleported away, back to where they were)

(Outro music plays in the background)

Decision Musician: And that... is another reason why I decided to betray that Humdinger, too rushy and too ambitious.

The Singing Machine: (Normal expression) (Robotic) Agreed, he never knows when to give up. Does he?

Decision Musician: Nope, I don't think so. But we're more unstoppable than him, that's for sure.

The Singing Machine: (Robotic) Affirmative, Moonlight.

Decision Musician: (Laughs) This... will be fun.

Pa-Pa-Pa-Paw-Paw-Paw Patrol...

Well, looks like that's all the questions we have. Thank you all for reading this story, I hope you all liked it. Again, I'm sorry that I was late to post this story and I hope it was worth the wait. See you guys next time.

*The OC characters from other stories are credited by these people: Ericjrwatsongmail and GracianM.*

*The OCs that are used belong to some of the writers from Wattpad and some OC makers from the Fanon wiki. Also, Paw Patrol belongs to Nickelodeon, Spin Master & Viacom.*

Bonus scene:

"It was nighttime, and everybody was back to where they were including the PAW Patrol's vehicle, the PAW Patroller. Back at Adventure Bay, the main pups were now leaving the Lookout Tower and inside of their pup houses to get some shut-eye for the night."

Ryder: Good night, pups!

Pups: Good night, Ryder/Wydew!

Ryder: (Chuckles, goes back inside of the Lookout)

"The screen slides over to Ryder to the top floor at the observatory in his pajamas, getting ready to sleep in his bed (never really watched the series that much so I don't know if he actually sleeps in a bed)."

Ryder: (Sigh) What a day this has been. (Lays in bed and goes to sleep)

"But after five seconds passed when Ryder got into the bed, Ryder woke up due to the ringing sound of somebody calling him in the middle of the night."

Ryder: (Gets up) Huh? Who could be calling this late at night?

"He gets out of his bed, and answers the call from the big screen."

Ryder: Ryder here.

???: Hello there, Ryder. Sorry to bother you.

Ryder: It's nothing, Princess. What seems to be the issue?

Princess: Well, for some reason I'm hearing something underground. I don't know where that's coming from, but I think it could be inside of the castle. It's not that much of an emergency, but I'm just telling you.

Ryder: Alright, well, we'll see what we can do about it tomorrow morning. Sound good?

Princess: Yes, it most certainly does. Thanks Ryder.

Ryder: No problem, also what kind of noises did you hear anyway?

Princess: I don't know, there were some banging noises going on, a roaring noise and someone talking from below. I heard it when I was in the halls.

Ryder: Hmm, I don't know what that could be. But the roaring noise could mean that there's a dragon, and the talking .. Hmm, I'm not quite sure what that is all about but don't worry Princess. No noise is too big, no pup is too small. See you tomorrow morning.

(Switches the scene to the inside of the Barkingburg castle)

Princess: Okay, good night. (Ends the call) Phew, that's taken care of.

Sweetie: What was that all about?

Princess: Oh, nothing at all. Just informed Ryder about the noises going on underground from the halls.

Sweetie: Oh, uhh... What kind of noises?

Princess: You didn't hear it? There was a roaring noise, banging noises and someone talking from below.

Sweetie: Oh...

Princess: Yeah, but don't worry. The PAW Patrol will be here in the morning to deal with it.

Sweetie: Umm, okay. Sure thing, not a problem at all. (Goes somewhere else, Busby follows her) I can't believe that she heard that! That dragon pup has got to stop making that ruckus down there immediately, or else my plan will go up in flames. (Sits) Literally.

Busby: (Squeaks)

Sweetie: I know Busby, and we're so close to taking over Barkingburg and for me to become queen. I just need him to agree with me and then I'll be his rider, and after that my plan will be almost completed. But one last thing before I go to sleep, I need to remind them to keep it down from below there or else the PAW Patrol might know where they're at.

(Changes the scene where the knight pups are)

(Ringing sounds)

Knight pup #2: Who is that calling us?

Knight pup #1: Relax, that could be Sweetie. (Answers call) Yes?

Sweetie: Okay, what is going on down there?

Knight pup #4: Yep, that's Sweetie alright.

Sweetie: That's Queen Sweetie to you back there! Now what is going on below?

Knight pup #1: Sorry about that, your majesty. He was banging on the walls, trying to escape the castle.

King Dragpup: And I'm gonna keep on banging on the walls until I'm out of this prison!!

(Bang!! Bang!!)

Knight pup #1: Hey! Stop that back there!

Sweetie: Oh, relax. He's never gonna escape out of the castle, those walls are relentless to him. But be careful not to raise your voice so loudly, the Princess already heard you guys talking down there.

Knight pup #3: Wait, really?

Sweetie: Yes, so keep yourselves down and keep that big ugly brute of a dragon pup from banging on the walls trying to escape.

King Dragpup: I am not a big ugly brute!! (Roars)

Sweetie: Ugh, and keep him down as well. Is that clear?

Knight pup #1: Yes, ma'am. We understand, right boys?

Knight pups #2-#6: Yes, sir!

Sweetie: Better, and be prepared for the PAW Patrol. They'll be here tomorrow morning, so best beware.

Knight pup #1: Yes, Sweetie. Er, I mean Queen Sweetie.

Sweetie: Much better, have a good night. You'll need it for tomorrow. (Hangs up)

Knight pup #1: Alright, let's prepare ourselves for tomorrow morning everyone and let's not let Queen Sweetie down. Those pups won't stand a chance against us...

(Changes back to where Sweetie is)

Sweetie: (Exhales) Thank goodness that's over.

Princess: Uhh, Sweetie. Did you hear it from below?

Sweetie: (Lies) Uhh, no. What?

Princess: I heard the banging noises again, including some talking from below and a big loud roar. I'm telling you, there must be something inside of this castle.

Sweetie: Well.. maybe it's just your imagination.

Princess: No, perhaps not. It can't be in my head if anyone else in this castle heard it too.

Sweetie: Maybe you must be tired, that's all.

Princess: Hmmm... Maybe you're right, maybe it could mean that I'm tired. I'll just have to sleep my way through these noises and find out tomorrow, well (rubs her head) good night Sweetie. (Stops then leaves the scene)

Sweetie: Phew... Close shave once again, I hope those knight pups know what they're doing.

Busby: (Squeaks)

Sweetie: Yeah, you're probably right. They most certainly got this, come along Busby. Let's get some sleep, and hope that the dragon pup agrees with my deal. (Leaves and walks her way to her puphouse)

Busby: (Follows her)

Sweetie: Those pups won't know who they're messing with this time... (Evil laugh, snorts)

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