
By KatGee

30.3K 2.3K 489

Book 3 of the DeLuca Mafia Series Alessia DeLuca has known since she was a child that once she was an adult... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 2

1.7K 145 23
By KatGee


A set of amber eyes filled with a mixture of hurt and betrayal peer up at me and my chest aches in response. This was not how I wanted the night to go. It's our engagement party. I expected her family to tell her who she would be marrying by now but to my surprise they didn't and, before I could, my father approached us and opened his big mouth. I didn't want things to start out on a bad note because I knew by the way she talked in Sicily that she wanted nothing to do with an arranged marriage. I knew things were going to be strained but now I look even worse in her eyes.

"How was I supposed to bring it up to you?" I question. "No matter what I would've said you would be upset with me. What was I supposed to say?"

"I don't know!" She snaps. "I can barely process this mess, much less think of a way you could've told me that didn't piss me off." Her lower lip quivers and I squeeze my hand in a fist at my side so I don't reach up and rub the pain throbbing in my chest. "I just want to go home. I don't want to deal with this." Her eyes glisten and my heart shatters. "I don't want this, Dante."

Her words hurt and I take a deep breath trying to push the pain away. "I'm sorry, piccolina." My voice is gruff, thick with emotion. "If I could change it I–" I stop myself before the lie meets the air.

The only thing I would change is getting the chance to pursue her and becoming engaged naturally like a couple so in love they can't keep themselves from taking that next step. Her father never gave me the chance to get near her and her brothers put even more distance between us, only making this harder.

Her features harden as she hears what I didn't say and forms her own opinion. "You're just like them. You're trying to act like you aren't but you are." Disgust drips from every word and before I can even form a response she pushes herself between me and the doorway.

I stumble back, my mind a million miles away as I watch my finacee run away from me again.

"Merda." I mutter, rubbing a hand down my face and quickly following her.

I knew this wouldn't be easy, I thought I had prepared myself but I guess nothing really could've prepared me for how painful it would be to see her look at me with hate in her eyes. She hates me.

Gabriele is waiting at the entrance of the room where our engagement party is being held. He holds the door open for Alessia as she stomps through, anger bleeding through each step she takes. He gives me a questioning look and I shake my head, not wanting to get into it right now.

"Should we be worried she's already so flighty?" Gabriele asks, leaning close so no one overhears as he follows closely behind through the room filled with people.

"She'll be fine." I mutter the reply.

Maybe if I say it enough I'll believe it.

Gabriele chuckles lightly, "Will you be?"

I don't bother answering that question because honestly I don't want to think about it. Could I handle her hating me for the rest of our lives? God... I don't know.

Viola DeLuca intercepts Alessia before she can make it wherever she's determined to go, probably hunting down the exit at this point. She did say she wanted to leave.

"There you are, cara." Viola says, her eyes studying her daughter's face before meeting mine over Alessia's shoulder. "Oh and I see you've become acquainted with Dante. Good, good. Follow me to your table." She grabs Alessia's wrist so she has no other choice but to follow her and nearly drags her across the room to the table reserved for her and I.

I follow behind silently, pulling out a chair for Alessia when we make it to the table, watching in amusement as she huffs when Viola forces her to sit down. For a small woman she's surprisingly strong.

"Remember your manners, Alessia." She hisses the demand quietly before giving me a tight lipped smile and leaving us.

I take the empty chair beside Alessia, finally releasing the sigh I'd been holding back.

"Are you okay?" I can't help but ask.

Her head snaps to the side, amber eyes burning with unveiled hatred as she stares me down. "Am I okay?" She repeats the question in disbelief. "I'm being forced to marry a stranger, a lying stranger at that." She releases a humorless laugh. "No, I'm absolutely not okay."

I press my lips together, gaze skating across the crowded room before coming back to her face. "You are aware I had no choice in the matter either, correct?"

I didn't, the contract was created and signed without my consent that didn't change the fact that I became obsessed with her. Even as a teen I knew there was no way around the arrangement so I didn't bother rebelling, I accepted it.

Her brow furrows. "You're the made man, of course you have a choice."

"I am and my father is the Don in our family, not me." I shake my head, rubbing at my jaw in irritation. "You think just because I'm a man means I don't get bossed around too? I'm practically a trained dog. My father says, 'fetch' and I run and retrieve the bone or I get a bullet between the eyes."

She glances down just as I catch the look of sympathy in her eyes. "Fine, maybe you're stuck in this too. That doesn't change the fact that you lied to me."

I let out an exasperated huff. "It's our engagement party, I didn't expect you not to know who I am. I was shocked and couldn't decide how to approach the conversation once I realized you didn't know. My father stepped in before I could."

I didn't expect for them to continue to keep my identity from her even after the news of our engagement was out.

Her shoulders sag and I can visibly see how much she's struggling with this. "I didn't want to know, honestly. Not after I found out. Our engagement party was planned before I even knew I would be having one. I'm sure you've known for a while, haven't you?"

Her eyes meet mine again and I feel as if I've swallowed my own tongue. Should I tell her how long this has been arranged? Her family kept it from her for a reason but it feels like a knife to the gut seeing that look in her eyes pointed at me.

"Dante." Giovanni says, saving me from trying to formulate a response as he, his fiancee Nolani, and their son Rome approach our table.

I rise to my feet and give his offered hand a shake. "Giovanni." My gaze moves to Nolani and Rome, the latter propped on Nolani's hip. "Good to see you."

"Look how dapper you are in your little suit, Romey." Alessia coo's, standing and taking her nephew from Nolani's arms.

"Essia!" He exclaims with a grin, wrapping his little arms around her neck ang giving her a squeeze.

She brushes a kiss across his forehead and beams at him, her smile unlike any I've ever seen her wear before. I want to always see that smile on her face. I don't want her glares, her anger, her hurt. I want her to be happy.

"I've missed you guys so much." Alessia admits, her eyes going from Rome to Nolani. "It's boring not having you just a few houses down."

"Dante has three sisters, I'm sure you'll be entertained soon enough." Giovanni informs her.

She scoffs, "Oh yeah, I can't wait to be around more strangers. How far away do the Di Salvo's live? How far away will I be forced from my family, Giovanni?" Alessia questions sarcastically, eyes blazing with unshielded anger.

Giovanni's jaw clenches. "Alessia." The single word is a warning that I don't really like.

"It is a long drive for frequent visits but you're free to fly and see them any time you like." I cut in before Giovanni says something that pisses me off.

The last thing I need is Riot on my ass.

"And since Viola will be in Sicily one visit will see most of us." Nolani adds happily, trying to lighten the mood.

"What? Mamma's moving back?" Alessia inquires looking dejected.

Nolani's eyes go to Giovanni's, a frantic look on her face. "I'm sorry. I didn't know she hadn't told you."

I hold in an annoyed sigh. All they're doing is making things worse.

"It would be hard to tell her anything when she refuses to even speak to her." Giovanni retorts.

"Okay. This conversation is going nowhere." I hold my hand up. Alessia looks more unhappy than before.

Nolani nods in agreement, her teeth digging into her lower lip. "We should go find our seats."

"We should." Giovanni agrees and holds his hands out to Rome. "Tell Zia Alessia bye for now."

"Bye, Essia." Rome says, leaning into his fathers awaiting arms.

"Bye Romey." Alessia mutters.

They disappear into the crowd a moment later and I step in front of Alessia. "You won't be trapped with me–"

She holds her hand up, stopping me. "I don't believe that. This entire thing is a trap." She demands loudly, gaining looks from our guests.

Viola pushes her way through people, appearing with a scolding look on her face. "Alessia, do not make a scene."

It was the wrong thing to say, it's easy to tell from the spark of anger in Alessia's eyes only growing brighter. How does her family not realize they're making things worse? It's like they don't know her at all.

I take Alessia's hand, my gaze going to Viola. "Why don't we dance?"

Alessia shakes her head no. "I don't want to–"

"Perfect!" Viola claps, ignoring her daughter.

Is this how they always treat her when she's unhappy with a situation? Bulldoze over her.

I quickly guide Alessia to the middle of the dance floor, pulling her wriggling body against me as she tries to fight my hold.

"Let me go." She seethes, a snarl on her mouth and a glare in her eyes.

I pull her closer, relishing in the feel of her body against mine. "It's either dance with me or hear the same things you've heard from your mother multiple times before."

She clenches her jaw, releasing an annoyed huff but she finally stops fighting my hold. Her body relaxes against mine and she allows me to glide us across the dance floor to the music playing.

"I should make a scene." She mutters so only I can hear.

Everyones eyes are on us, watching as we sway. I bring my mouth to her ear. "Make a scene then but nothing will change, piccolina. Neither of us can change a contract that has already been signed. All it will do is enrage your family further and I don't know how much more I can take and stay silent. I swear your family has no idea how to speak to you, it's infuriating."

She goes silent and I take a deep inhale of her, feeling a smile stretch across my lips. My heart pounds heavily, it feels as if it's trying to escape the cage of my ribs to be with hers. It feels unreal to have her so close, to have our arrangement out in the open between us. I'm determined to prove to her that I will be a better husband to her than anyone else could ever even attempt.

"I have something for you in pants." The words are said in a soft murmur, my lips brushing the shell of her ear.

She stiffens against me. "You're disgusting."

I can't help but release a light laugh. "There is a small box in my pocket, piccolina. I'm not talking about my dick. Reach into my left pocket and get it."

The hand that was on my shoulder retreats and a moment later slips inside the pocket of my slacks. She easily finds the box and removes it.

"Open it." I whisper, still guiding her body to the rhythm of the music.

My gaze is focused solely on her as she opens the box and her amber eyes widen. Nestled in the velvet cushion rests the engagement ring I had made for her. The thin band is covered in small diamonds and a large oval shaped purple sapphire gleams in the center.

My heart races as her eyes meet mine. Finally doing this feels like all the waiting I've done is coming to fruition and that's a thrilling feeling.

I pluck the ring from its cushion and take her left hand. "Alessia. I know things aren't starting like you'd prefer and I know you don't know me well yet but I think we're a pairing done well. I'll do whatever it takes to make you the happiest wife." I slip the ring on her trembling finger and feel like a small amount of weight has been removed from my shoulders.

"Perfect fit." She mutters, eyeing the glistening jewel in shock.

My fingers slide against her palm as I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss her finger just below her new ring. A thrum of satisfaction at the sight of it on her finger moves through my body. She's mine.

I pull her tighter into my arms, feeling like I can't get her close enough.

"I'm going to find a way out of this." She whispers and the words pierce right through my heart but I know she won't find one.

My father wants the DeLuca blood in his grandchildren's veins and I have no doubt whatever contract he signed is ironclad.

After our dance I take her hand and walk around introducing her to my family and friends while meeting those of hers I've never met before. I try to keep as much distance as possible from her and her mother and brothers, they only seem to make the situation worse and without them around she relaxes more.

My mom has tears in her eyes when I introduce them, it's probably the happiest I've seen her in a while.

"I thought Giovanni said you have three sisters, why haven't I met them yet?" Alessia asks as we take a break at the bar.

She ordered another glass of wine and tossed it back like she always seems to do while I sip my bourbon she toys with the stem of her empty glass.

"They don't support arranged marriage so they refused to come. They most likely won't be at our wedding either so you probably won't meet them until after we're married." I explain.

All three of them were also forced into an arranged marriage and even though theirs have turned out great they still protest it being done to others.

A smile curls her lips up making me smile in return. "I like them already."

I let out a light laugh. "You'll get along well for sure."

Her smile grows and she must realize how relaxed she's become around me because her spine immediately stiffens and she crosses her arms, her face stoic. "I don't want this Dante."

Her words melt my own smile and I mutter, "I know."

"How are you so okay with it?" She questions with an irritated grumble. "It pisses me off."

"What should I do, Alessia?" I sit my glass on the bar and lean toward her. "Anything I did to fight it would only make my life harder. My father isn't like yours. Sure he loves me in his own way but he could make me do much worse things than marry you. The worst your family will do is scold you."

She studied my face, worry peeking from the depths of her eyes. "Does he hit you?"

I release a huff. "I'm twice his size, Alessia."

He was once my size but has grown frailer and frailer the older he's gotten.

"But he hits your mother."

I straighten, plucking my tumbler up and taking a long drink, letting the heat of the bourbon distract me from the anger her words bring.

"He has and any attempt I've ever made to get my mother to leave him she has refused." I shake my head, praying she changes the subject.

Her small hand finds mine on the bar and gives it a squeeze. My body relaxes at her reassuring touch, our eyes meet and I want nothing more than to pull her into me and kiss her.

"Smile!" Viola exclaims, interrupting our moment.

Alessia snatches her hand back as if my skin burned her and we turn around on our stools to see Viola standing with a photographer. Alessia slips off her seat and at first I think she's going to flee but then she surprises me as she slips her hand behind my back, pushing herself flush against my side and flashes a beautiful smile to the camera. Just before the flash goes off she drops the smile and has her middle finger in the air and I can't help but laugh.

Mio Dio, I love this woman.


Hey babe's,
Dante and Alessia make me feel giddy for some reason lol

What are your thoughts so far?

I don't have a set schedule for this book, I'm just posting when I can/feel the need.

I hope you guys are having a great week!

Love youu🖤🖤

— Katy

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