Paw Patrol: The 10th annivers...

By GalaxyMoonStories

3K 30 695

August 3rd, 2023, the day where it is 9 days until the Paw Patrol's anniversary. Back in Adventure City, Libe... More

Chapter 1: Bringing along the crew (Aug 3rd)
Chapter 2: Road trip! (Aug 3rd)
Chapter 3: Families & friends unite (Aug 4th)
Chapter 5: The first showdown (Aug 6th)
Chapter 6: Retreated, Repeated and Relations (Aug 7th)
Chapter 7: Arguments, conflicts & drama (Aug 8th & 9th)
Chapter 8: The Mayor Blimp (Aug 10th)
Chapter 9: One last chance & one last try (Aug 11th & 12th)
Chapter 10: The final showdown (August 12th, the anniversary surprise)
Bloopers/deleted scenes + added scene (1.52k special)
Q&A is open
Q&A (late 2k special)

Chapter 4: Catnapped & needs rescuing (Aug 5th & Aug 6th)

128 1 9
By GalaxyMoonStories

"Mayor Humdinger, Cat Rocky, Cat Chase and the black cat entered inside of the lair but it was pure dark. Mayor Humdinger closed the door and turned on the lights revealing a wide area, a door on the other side, lights that brighten up the room, the ground is made of stone and the building too and some tools and items that were on each tables. Nearby the large area where there is nothing, there was a pet crate. Mayor and the cats walked over to the crate."

Mayor Humdinger: This, is where you'll be sleeping in tonight. (Snaps his finger) Oh, Kitties.

Cat Skye: Meow (Opens the crate)

Black cat: (Gets tossed inside of the crate) Oof!

Cat Chase: (Closes the crate)

Mayor Humdinger: Excellent work as always kitties

Black cat: Hey! Let me out of here!

Mayor Humdinger: Sorry little kitty, but you work for me. Enjoy your stay here at casa de Humdinger. (Evil Chuckles) Come on kitties, let's get some rest for tomorrow. (Leaves, and so does the kitties, then flicks off the lights)

Black cat: (Sighs) Darn it... I should've pardon him and just run off to the Lookout Tower quickly. I'm sorry I let you guys down

[Shows the Kitten Catastrophe Crew badge and shows the sun rising up]

"It's Aug 5th and there's only seven days left until the anniversary, and inside of Mayor Humdinger's lair the black cat was in the crate sleeping until Mayor Humdinger and the Kitten Catastrophe Crew came out."

Mayor Humdinger: Wake up little kitty, it's the start of a glorious day here.

Black cat: (Yawns) Oh... Right, I forgot that I was here.

Mayor Humdinger: Oh now, cheer up there. You'll do fine for today, you're just the little assistant that we need.

Black cat: Who said I was working for you and your cats?

Mayor Humdinger: Nobody said that you were working for me and my kitties, no offense.

Cat Chase: Meow... (Rolls eyes)

Mayor Humdinger: But me, my nephew and a special somebody from the moon has teamed up and we're about to take down the PAW Patrol.

???: (Walking in with Harold Humdinger) That's right, and we're gonna get our revenge once and for all on those pups.

Black cat: Who are you suppose to be?

Codi Gizmody: Codi Gizmody is at the Mayor's service, and Elly-Dee too.

Black cat: Where is Elly-Dee?

Codi Gizmody: She's in a secret room where she can see us at by looking at the monitors.

Black cat: You have cameras in here?

Harold Humdinger: Yep, which will make this more challenging for you to escape from this place.

Codi Gizmody: We also have intercom speakers so that Elly-dee can speak to us here. Say hello Elly-Dee!

Elly-Dee: (Speaking on the mic) Hello!

Black cat: Now I see. Well since I'm stuck with you guys, do I get any food?

Mayor Humdinger: Hmm, let me think about it. No, not even a nibble.

Black cat: This sucks... (Idea) Too bad that your little worker is about to be starving to death when I don't get what I want.

Mayor Humdinger: Huh?

Black cat: That's right Humdingus-

Mayor Humdinger: It's Humdinger!

Black cat: Whatever, but that's right. Just imagine, your poor, little and helpless henchman of a cat is starving to death and you let me work all day long without no food and water or milk especially. Your little plan won't work without the food and water that I need, I could get thirsty, heck, even hungry.

Codi Gizmody: Our plan is not little, it's gonna be huge.

Harold: Way huge, in fact.

Black cat: But anyways, you won't let a poor and helpless kitty starve down. Will you?

Mayor Humdinger: You can say anything you like, but that's not gonna help you into anything that we have planned. Huh?

Black cat: (With the pleasing eyes) Pleeeease?

Mayor Humdinger: Oh come on, the pleasing eyes? Stop that nonsense.

"But the black cat still had the pleasing eyes on Mayor Humdinger, the Kittens did not like this."

Mayor Humdinger: I said stop that immediately!

Harold: Just give it up, Uncle Mayor. He's going to be like this if we don't give something to him.

Codi: Besides, who can handle that?

Mayor Humdinger: Ohh phooey! Okay okay, fine I'll give you food and water. Just stop making that face, it disgusts me.

Black cat: (Stops making the pleasing eyes) Hah! I knew that would get you.

Mayor Humdinger: Whatever, just sit tight little one while we stick to our plan. It's up to the both of us, well... Three of us, to stop the Paw Patrol once and for all.

"The villains and the Kitten Catastrophe Crew started to leave, Cat Rubble blew a raspberry at him and snickered as he was leaving with the villains."

Black cat: Ugh... So much for serenity. (Idea) I know! I'll send them a message, so that they know where I am. Hmm, I'll send it to Chase the next day.

[Shows Chase's puptag and cuts to the inside of the Lookout Tower]

"The next day arrives, and it was now six days left until the anniversary showed up. The pups, Ryder & the others woke up from their sleep."

Chase: (Sighs) Another day, another dollar

Rocky: Yeah, even though we don't get paid.

All: (Chuckles)

Storm: Hey, good morning Chase

Chase: Good morning Storm

Storm: How did my bro slept? And I don't mean with somebody else. (Winks)

Chase: (Talks while the others were laughing in the background) Oh ha ha, very funny Storm (Blushes a little). I slept good, thank you very much.

Aqua: How did my sis slept?

Skye: Good as always, no nightmares at all.

Duke: And how did my little Lab bro slept?

Zuma: Same as what they said, including the nightmares.

All: (Chuckles)

Ryder: Good morning pups

All: Morning Ryder

Ryder: Hope you guys are ready for breakfast

Rubble: We sure are, Ryder. Including something else

Ryder: And what would that be Rubble?

Rubble: My stomach

All: (Laughs)

"The pups were about to go ahead and eat breakfast until Rubble heard somebody clearing their throat."

Sweetie: (Clears throat)

Rubble: Oh, right. One second Ryder (Leaves to go and get an apple from his suitcase)

"After he got the apple, he gave it to Sweetie and went to eat breakfast."

Sweetie: Thank you

Rubble: No problem Sweetie (Leaves the scene)

[Shows the Kitten Catastrophe Crew tag and cuts to the black cat that's still in the crate]

Black cat: Okay, time to send in that message to them.

"He had to concentrate into making some kind of telepathic message to the pups, a neon lime green LED light was going around his face and ears to form an outline which he completed in time. It was now shaped into a line and went through the roof and all the way to the Lookout Tower."

Black cat: Yes, Chase should receive it by now.

"The next scene cuts to where the neon lime green outline is going to, the pups and the others were finished eating breakfast and the outline went inside of the Lookout Tower. Meanwhile, Chase was talking to Blizzard into trying to have him forgive for what he has done."

Blizzard: Look "bro", for the last time I am not forgiving you for what I have done from before.

Chase: I mean it Blizzard, what you did back there was very disgraceful and I don't appreciate it. Now apologize at once

Blizzard: Sorry, but that'll be a no from me.

Chase: Well, you're gonna have to apologize one way or another to me.

"Then the outline went through the top of the Lookout Tower to Chase."

Chase: Even if it has to take the whole entire week. (Outline enters inside of his head)

Blizzard: What was that?

Chase: What was what?

Blizzard: That, green thing that entered inside of you.

Chase: Are you playing tricks with me again?

"As the black cat started to talk, the outline started to flash up and off slowly while he was talking. The outline was in the shape of his face and ears."

Black cat: Hey, Chase. Can you hear me?

Chase: Woah, you were right Blizzard.

Blizzard: No, duh.

Black cat: Can you hear me?

Chase: Umm... Yes? But can anyone else hear you?

Blizzard: Huh? Who are you talking to?

Chase: Dude, I don't know!

Black cat: The others can't hear me, Chase. This message is only sent out to you to everyone.

Chase: O-kay?

Blizzard's POV: Oh.. Now this will be fun to do...

Blizzard: Hey everyone, get a load of this! Chase is talking to an imaginary friend over here. (Chuckles)

Chase: Can you please be quiet Blizzard?

Blizzard: No use, we're all.. Ears.

Tracker: Almost stole my line, but I'll give him that.

Ryder: (Sees the outline flashing up slowly) I... Don't think that it's an imaginary friend, I've seen that happened before but I can't put my finger on who he is.

Chase: (Listening to what the outline said) Uh-huh .. Uh-huh ... Okay, we'll be on our way.

"Then the outline went into the air, and vanished away."

Everest: What, was that?

Chase: No clue, but I guess it was some kind of message to us.

Ryder: What did it say?

Chase: A black cat is being held in a crate by Mayor Humdinger, Harold and Codi Gizmody in their secret lair.

Ryder: A black cat? Could be Shade.

Chase: No, it sounded male. It couldn't be Shade.

Ryder: Hmm, then we're gonna have to find where that black cat is.

"He puts up the hologram of Adventure City and tries to find where his secret lair is at."

Ella and Tuck: Woooah, cool

Rex: I've never seen that before

Ryder: Let's see, the black cat started his position here where he got kidnapped at. Afterwards, he got taken away by Humdinger and ended up somewhere. We're gonna have to track him and see where his secret lair is located.

Marshall: But how? He doesn't have a tag or anything. We can't track him

Ryder: Not unless he gave Chase the directions

Chase: Actually, he did.

Original pups except Chase: Really?

Chase: Yeah, I could tell you where he's at

Ryder: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go and suit up pups.

"Some of the pups howled excitedly, then the original pups went to gear up including Liberty."

Everest: I can't wait to see what their suits look like

Chelsea: I bet Chase's suit will look good

Blizzard: Nah, it'll probably look plain bad on him.

Siren: I think Skye's suit will look great as always.

Dominick: Let's just wait and see guys

[The scene slides over to the original pups & Liberty entering out of the changing room and back into the observatory room]

All: Woooah!!

Ryder: Like the new suits pup?

All except the villains: Yeah!

Blizzard: Eh, I guess it's good

Sweetie: Who knew that their suits can change from regular to just plain metal suits

Claw: I say it looks good on them

Sweetie: That's because yours is metal too

Claw: Like I said from before, I like it

Sweetie: Whatever, just go and save that black cat or whoever he is, before I have to hear how much he likes the suits you're wearing all day.

Ryder: (Chuckles) Okay then Sweetie, we'll be back. Come on pups, to the PAW Patroller.

"Ryder leaves the scene while the original pups left the scene as well, the other pups howled happily at them and wished them luck. After going down the elevator, the pups & Ryder went inside of the PAW Patroller and hope to find the black cat that was hidden in Humdinger's secret lair."

Ryder: Okay Chase, you tell me where the hidden lair is at. Robo-Dog, you drive the way.

Robo-Dog: Bark bark!

Ryder: Okay Chase, tell me the directions.

"Outside of the scene, the PAW Patroller drove away and went around the corner then they were off to find where the black cat was at. Will they find him in time or will the directions take a wrong turn?"

*The OCs that are used belongs to some of the writers from Wattpad and some OC makers from the Fanon wiki. Also, Paw Patrol belongs to Nickelodeon, Spin Master & Viacom.*

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