Paw Patrol: The 10th annivers...

By GalaxyMoonStories

3K 30 695

August 3rd, 2023, the day where it is 9 days until the Paw Patrol's anniversary. Back in Adventure City, Libe... More

Chapter 1: Bringing along the crew (Aug 3rd)
Chapter 3: Families & friends unite (Aug 4th)
Chapter 4: Catnapped & needs rescuing (Aug 5th & Aug 6th)
Chapter 5: The first showdown (Aug 6th)
Chapter 6: Retreated, Repeated and Relations (Aug 7th)
Chapter 7: Arguments, conflicts & drama (Aug 8th & 9th)
Chapter 8: The Mayor Blimp (Aug 10th)
Chapter 9: One last chance & one last try (Aug 11th & 12th)
Chapter 10: The final showdown (August 12th, the anniversary surprise)
Bloopers/deleted scenes + added scene (1.52k special)
Q&A is open
Q&A (late 2k special)

Chapter 2: Road trip! (Aug 3rd)

143 1 14
By GalaxyMoonStories

"Finally, now the PAW Patrol was on the road driving all the way to Adventure City. It took them some time to gather all the pups in one vehicle, but now they're here. It was gonna be a long road trip for them."

Ryder: While we try and make it to our destination, you pups can talk amongst yourselves or do anything you'd like until we get there.

Moby: Well that sounds boring

Coral: Boring to you, but not to me. I can't wait to know about these other pups we haven't seen before.

Moby: Exciting for you but not for me, unless it interests me.

"The original 6 were talking with each other, while the other pups were introducing themselves to each other."

Sweetie: So, we already know that some of us have seen each other from the "All Paws on Deck" mission except for Moby and Claw. Who wants to start us off?

Claw: Female pups first

Sweetie: Well, I might as well start off since I'm talking. All of you have seen me before from the mission except for Moby and Claw, but don't just think of me as a cute and kind ally to your team. I, am a villain.

Tuck: Then why did you help us?

Sweetie: Because I wanted to, and... I felt bad from back at Barkingburg when the Princess was in danger...

Coral: So you're like an anti-hero?

Sweetie: Somewhere like that, yes but don't let that fool you though. From the beginning when I met those pesky pups, I was a thief for royal things like the Crown of Barkingburg, the Royal Throne and other things that I could possibly find. Everytime that I always get caught, I always get thrown back into my little jail cell that I call a doghouse.

Ella: How long did you have to stay in there?

Sweetie: (Scoffs) Until I'm well-behaved, which is for about some time but I get used to it. I have my loyal assistant Busby packed in here.

Al: Why is he or she packed in the suitcase?

Sweetie: It's a he, and it's for safe keeping just in case. (Puts Busby out in a bit of a far distance to the right) Now watch this, Busby follow me.

"While she walked in a straight line, the robotic toy frog followed her."

All except Claw: Oooo

Sweetie: (Goes back to her spot) Neat, isn't it?

Claw: Not to me, it isn't

Sweetie: Whatever, you've already seen it before

Moby: It's cool that you have a loyal assistant like I do

Sweetie: Huh, I've never noticed. Anyways, any questions?

Claw: This isn't a school Sweetie

Sweetie: Don't care

Tuck: Do you have an owner?

Sweetie: Yes, you are looking at Barkingburg's royal pup over here because my owner is the Princess.

All: Cool

Claw: Yes, and I was their jester in disguise.

All except Sweetie: (Chuckles)

Sweetie: Oh, shut it you. Anything else?

Tracker: Do you have any amigos besides Busby?

Sweetie: I'm sorry, what?

Tracker: Amigos, you know, friends.

Sweetie: Oh, well not technically. I do have a royal playmate with the pirate's first mate.

Tracker: So that does count as a friend, right?

Sweetie: I said not technically, but that'll be all the questions. Since you wanted to talk Sir Jokes-A-Lot, you get to go next.

Claw: Fine... I'm Claw and I used to be a knight until I "disobeyed" and I quote the most important law, which was to never disturb a dragon.

Everest: How did you even managed to break that?

Claw: I'm gonna explain it, sheesh. I tried to tame a dragon one time, and..

Everest: It didn't worked out well, huh?

Claw: Yeah, and I never should've done that

Sweetie: But you did anyways

Claw: Anyways... I have a dragon named Sparks who is my ride.

Ella: Cool, you get to ride a dragon

Claw: Yeah, by having the Dragon Tooth around my neck but technically he's addicted to eating marshmallows and won't even listen to my orders. Why were marshmallows even made in the first place?

Everest: Because without marshmallows, we wouldn't have any s'mores.

Claw: True, but do they really need to make it that tasty for Sparks to enjoy eating?

Everest: Hey, don't look at us. Nobody can resist eating marshmallows.

Coral: Especially when it comes to dragons

Claw: Also, like Sweetie I'm also a thief but every now and then my plans always fail miserably thanks to those knight pups.

Coral: You mean my cousin was involved in this too?

Claw: Yes, and now it's your turn to tell all about yourself.

Coral: Okay then, I'm Coral and I was a land pup at first but then I turned into a Mer-pup.

All except Moby: Woooah

Tuck: Cool!

Sweetie: A land pup that turned into Mer-pup?

Coral: Yep, I decided to live with them in Puplantis. It's fun living there.

Claw: Puplantis?

Moby: It's a "magical" place where Mer-pups live at, but I'm not used to living there since it's the only place I got to live at.

Al: You're a Mer-pup too?

Moby: Yes, but not the type you think I am

Ella: Oh, you're a villain as well.

Moby: Yep, the Mer-pup kind

Coral: But you'll get back to him in a second, I'm also Skye's long lost cousin.

All except Moby: Cool!

Moby: Now is it my turn?

Coral: (Sighs) Yes, Moby. It's your turn

Moby: Nice, as you already know I'm a Mer-pup as well and I'm also a villain like Claw and Sweetie.

Sweetie: It's about time we had another villain on our side

Rex: But why do you hate Puplantis?

Moby: Because of their little celebrations and their dancing and singing, it always annoys me.

Coral: But it's tradition Moby, we always do that.

Moby: We don't care

McSquidly: (Nods)

Sweetie: Speaking of caring, who's your loyal friend on top of your head?

Moby: Oh, his name is McSquidly.

McSquidly: (Waves)

Everest: He seems friendly

Moby: Yeah, but he can do any evil thing I tell him to do. He never fails me, until he always gets attached to me all the time with his tentacles.

McSquidly: (Shrugs)

Moby: I'm also an inventor (Pulls out shell-phones) as you can see.

Al: Woooah, cool

Rex: What is that? It looks like some type of headphones.

Moby: Actually, it is. It's a shell-phone, something I use to block out their singing into my ears.

Coral: Our singing is not all bad

Moby: To me, it is. Who wants to go next?

Sweetie: How about the pup on wheels can go first?

Moby: Sure, why not.

Rex: Okay then, I'm Rex and I'm a disabled pup.

Claw: Really?

Rex: Yeah, I can't really walk on my hind legs so Dr. Tammy decided to make a little wheelchair for my hind legs to walk normally.

Al: Who's Dr. Tammy?

Rex: She's my owner, and she has a daughter named Taylor.

Ella and Tuck: Awww, that's so cute.

Rex: Yeah it is, and I also live in a place where the dinosaurs roam which is in the Dino Wilds.

Tracker: You have dinosaurs there?!

Rex: Yep

Tracker: Cool, I should go up there sometime and see for myself.

Rex: Trust me, you won't regret it. (Chuckles)

Claw: We have dragons here in Barkingburg and you have dinosaurs there, what's next? Creatures living on an island?

Tracker: Nope, a chihuahua that's living in a jungle and can speak Español which means Spanish.

Claw: Oh, great...

Tracker: My owner can also speak Spanish and English as well, and my ears can also hear the littlest things from afar.

Everest: And trust me, I've seen him do it once and it's super powerful.

Al: Can you hear whispers?

Tracker: Yeah, sometimes. You can go next if you like.

Al: Sure, I'm not all that great compared to you guys but I'm just a truck driver and I can also speak like a trucker.

Tuck: Okay, can you give us an example?

Al: Sure, usually for me I always use number-like terms like 10-33 which means emergency.

Everest: Cool, you may say to yourself that you're not popular but you're popular in our books

Sweetie: Eh, I guess. Who's next?

Everest: I would like to go next, some of you know and some of you don't but I am a snow rescue pup and I was the first pup to be a new member of the PAW Patrol.

Sweetie: Like we didn't see that one coming

Everest: My owner is Jake and I live up in the South Pole in his resort place.

Ella: If I'm correct about this, you can survive the cold right?

Everest: Yep, but I don't mind the heat. Now you're both the last ones to be introduced.

Ella: We'll introduce each other together, I'm Ella.

Tuck: And I'm Tuck

Both in unison: And we are the Mighty Twins!

Ella: I'm the one that grows and my little bro is the one that shrinks.

Claw: Well, I guess we have one cousin and we also have twins in the PAW Patroller.

Moby: Wonderful...

Rubble: Hey guys

Everest: Hey Rubble, what's up?

Rubble: Is anybody hungry?

Everest: (Stomach growls) (Chuckles) Now that you said that, I think I am now.

Ella and Tuck: So are we

Sweetie: I would like to snack on anything that you have for us.

Rubble: Good, I got one suitcase for you guys and it's pup treats.

(Opens up suitcase and reveals the pup treats)

Moby: Cool, I can live with that (Goes to eat with the others)

Sweetie: And I take back what I said, yuck.

Rubble: I know that you would feel that way, so just in case I saved some apples for you to eat and.. For myself too. (Chuckles)

Sweetie: Thanks (Starts eating the apple)

Rubble: Well, I'm gonna go back to the others now.

Sweetie: Fancy chatting with you. (Continues eating the apple)

Rubble: No problem Sweetie (Goes back with the others)

Sweetie's POV: (It was nice of him to bring me an apple, but he always keeps on thinking that I'm his friend. I don't make friends with pesky pups... Well, except for Arrby but I still don't know why he's just so kind-hearted.)

"After some time, the sky turned into nighttime and the pups were asleep including McSquidly and Ryder except for Robo-Dog. Once they were close, Robo-Dog barked twice to wake up Ryder. Once he did, he reminded the pups to wake up."

Ryder: Wake up pups!

"And then, the pups woke up by the sound of Ryder's voice."

Chase: (Yawns) Are we there Ryder?

Ryder: Actually, we're halfway there.

Zuma: (Yawns) We are?

Ryder: Yep, but brace for impact guys. This might be a dramatic change.

Skye: What does he mean by that?

Coral: (Shrugs)

"Adventure City was right around the corner, but first the PAW Patroller went through something that brightened up purple in slow-mo but the pups could talk and move normally."

(Shows the Paw Patroller going through something purple then shows Chase's fur turning from animated to realistic like from the movie)

Chase: Woah, what's happening?!

Zuma: Dude, I have no idea!

Skye: We're changing!

Claw: I-Is this some kind of joke?

Sweetie: Perhaps not!

"After the change, the speed was normal and the PAW Patroller continued driving to Adventure City but it was still nighttime there. All of the characters looked like their movie versions of themselves."

Moby: Woooah

Al: We look different

Ella: Yeah

Ryder: (Goes to where the pups are) Like the new looks pups?

Pups: Ahh!!

Ryder: Calm down pups, it's only me.

Sweetie: Not gonna lie, you look more like a teenager than a kid.

Ryder: (Chuckles) I'll take that as a compliment

Robo-Dog: Bark bark!

Ryder: We're here pups

All except the villains: (Happy howls)

[Shows the PAW patrol badge and cuts to the scene where the PAW Patrol and the others were getting their stuff inside of the Lookout Tower]

Ryder: Alright, I think that's all of it. Let's go inside

"Everybody went inside including Robo-Dog, once they showed up when the elevator opens Liberty was there asleep. She was probably waiting on them to arrive at Adventure City to show them the surprise, but I guess it was too late."

Ryder: Liberty?

Liberty: (Wakes up) Huh?

Skye: Hey Liberty

Liberty: Ryder, pups, you guys made it!

Sweetie: Who is she?

Chase: She's Liberty, she lives here in Adventure City to protect the place.

Sweetie: Oh

Liberty: Alright pups and Ryder, get some shut eye because this pup has a surprise for all of you guys in the morning.

Tracker: What surprise?

Liberty: You know, just invited some friends to come here along the way to see you guys.

Everest: What kind of friends?

Liberty: You'll see in the morning

Moby: Wait, where are we gonna sleep at?

Ryder: Usually the original pups sleep over there, where their logos are in 6 of those hexagons.

Sweetie: Don't tell me we're sharing beds

Ryder: What? No, you can sleep on the floor if that's okay with you guys.

Sweetie: Sure I guess, I don't mind.

Ryder: Alright, then I'm gonna head over to go to bed. Good night pups (Leaves)

Pups: Good night Ryder!

Robo-Dog: Bark bark!

Pups: (Chuckles)

Liberty: I'm so glad that you guys made it, including the others. Let me guess, traffic? A mission you guys had to do?

Rocky: Nope, we had to pick up the others from different places. That's why it took us long.

Liberty: Well, I knew that it would take you guys some time to get here but not this much time. (Chuckles) But anyways, what do the others think about the Lookout Tower here in Adventure City?

Ella: I think it's cool, I like how the logo is the same thing like the Mighty Tower back in Adventure Bay.

Tuck: Oh yeah, I just realized that too.

Sweetie: And the outside view where we can see the outside of Adventure City? I'm liking it so far.

Moby: Not to mention, the pup treats.

All: (Laughs)

Liberty: I guess we're supposed to be heading off to sleep before Ryder notices how there's a whole lot of talking and not enough sleeping.

Skye: Yeah (Chuckles), good night Liberty (Leaves with the original pups)

Liberty: Good night!

Everest: And I guess we should be heading off to sleep too.

Liberty: Yep, so be prepared for tomorrow.

Coral: We sure will

"While the other pups were beginning to go to sleep, the black cat teleported somewhere in the city but it was long way to the Lookout Tower."

Black cat: Oh boy, I hope I'm not too far away from the Lookout Tower. I think I'm gonna take a rest somewhere until the sun rises up, can't wait to see those pups again.

"He went to an alley where nobody or no stray animals were there, the way he went to lay to go and sleep in the alley was in a ball of black fur so nobody could notice him. He puts his paws in and his back paws in, then his head and tail. After that, he slept and waited until it was daytime."

*The OCs that are used belongs to some of the writers from Wattpad and some OC makers from the Fanon wiki. Also, Paw Patrol belongs to Nickelodeon, Spin Master & Viacom.*

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