|| Love And War || Harry Pott...

Galing kay yourdreamhufflepuff

2.7K 70 52

People say that love is the strongest force there is, but how true is that? Love can overcome many things, ye... Higit pa

!! Welcome !!
!! Here we go !! (~Prologue~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~Death by bird~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~More boggarts more problems~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~A truce and the truth~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~Maps and mishaps~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~Caught in the dark~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~Snowfall at Hogwarts~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~Memories for the heart~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~Truth or dare~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~Talk about plot twist~)
!! Yr 3 !! (~The werewolf, the dog and the rat~)
!! Yr 4 !! (~Author's note~)
!! Yr 4 !! (~Bickering through paper~)
!! Yr 4 !! (~When we're apart my heart beats only for you~)

!! Yr 3 !! (~You again~)

218 6 2
Galing kay yourdreamhufflepuff

*Time to see our favorite messy haired boy with anger problems!*

 "I truly have no idea how your head is so heavy considering how little of a brain you have" 


*Third Person POV*

Two years after...



All that could be heard throughout the peaceful manor early in the morning were the honks of the peacocks and the sway of the grass outside in the garden.

Oh, yes, and the screams of Draco as his sister chased him around upstairs. She had been sleeping peacefully -granted she wasn't having any good dreams "There's nothing good on," she'd say- when her brother decided to wake her up with a glass of milk to the face.

As she backed him up into a corner, his last words were, "You know, apparently muggles say milk is good for your bones?" Y/n rolled her eyes and flicked him hard in the ear before walking away to go clean up. "It couldn't of at least been water you idiot?"

She walked into her bathroom, grabbed a towel, and took a shower. Finally done freshening up, Y/n got dressed in a comfortable outfit for the fall weather.

Y/n went down to the dining room once she was dressed, ready to eat her breakfast. Her father looked her up and down when she walked over to the table, "What was all that noise earlier," he asked with a raised brow.

"Nothing, Father," she said dismissively, trying to get out of a conversation with the man. "It didn't sound like nothing. What did you do?" Y/n just stared at him with a blank expression and shrugged, grabbing a piece of toast from the table not wanting to eat much too much in front of him.

Draco comes rushing into the room with his trunk and broom in hand, the trunk weighing more than he does. Narcissa looks up from her tea at the noise, "Careful not to scratch the floors, love," She says before going back to her tea and book.

Y/n gabs a few strawberries and pieces of cheese off of the table and walks back up to her room. "Hi Dovey," the girl smiled at her beautiful snow owl in the corner of her room. She had begged her mother for an owl all of the first year until she finally gave in. "Here's some cheese for you," she drops the cheese into Dovey's beak, "and some strawberries for me," Taking a bite from the strawberry, the girl thought about what she would do this year.

Sure, Hogwarts was a never-ending adventure -especially when you were in the same grade as the Harry Potter- but she wasn't exactly a part of those adventures. Especially since she wasn't exactly friends with him. No, she was the girl that the boy hated for no reason at all! Sure her brother was a major asshole to the boy and his friends, but she didn't do anything. Maybe that was the problem...

She didn't dwell on it too much though. No bringing the mood down when she was going to see her best friends in less than an hour- WAIT AN HOUR?! Her head turned to the clock so fast you'd think she'd have gotten whiplash. She grabbed her trunk, broom, and her owl, running down the stairs so fast she nearly tumbled down them.

"Oh good I was just coming to get you. We really must be off now, go say goodbye to your father," Her mom appeared out of thin air right in front of her, scaring the girl. Y/n drops her things down, walking over to the armchair that he always sits on. He didn't even bother to glance her way when he heard her approaching.

"Goodbye, Father. See you at Christmas," she said through gritted teeth. It's not like he'll even bother talking to me then anyway... she thought to herself.

He nodded in acknowledgment, still not glancing up from his newspaper. Y/n looked over the newspaper. Sure it was upside down but the picture on the front page was still evident. Sirius Black had escaped Azkaban...and he was out there somewhere.

She had met him once. Her father had to go to Azkaban for some "business" and brought Draco and Y/n along to get them to stop asking. They passed by Sirius' cell, causing the small girl to stop in her tracks. She walked over to the man curiously.

"Hello," she said causing the man to give her a confused look. "I'm Y/n Malfoy, what your name?" she asked.

"S-sirius B-b-black," he replied, having trouble speaking after being quiet for so long. He was curious about the girl. Why had she come over to talk to him?

"Y/n get over here!" her father called. You couldn't hear a hint of fatherly concern or even love. The man felt sorry, knowing exactly how that felt.

"That's my father. He's a real meany but mummy says it's because he's hurt, even though I don't see any marks on him. I like your beard, it looks scratchy," she changed topics like it was nothing as if they were having a normal conversation. Though nothing in this situation was "normal" per se. "I should go. Bye-bye!" and with that the strange little girl walked away, leaving the poor man quite confused.

"Y/n let's go, you don't want to be late do you?" Her mother's voice brought her back from her thoughts. She walked away from her father, grabbed her things, and left with her mother and brother.


*Y/n's POV*

We got to the station just in time, which was surprising since Draco had to go back to grab something from his room three times.

"Okay you two, be safe. No fighting and no drugs alright?" our mom said her usual conditions to us. "Yes, mum we know. Can we go now?" Draco said being the whiny baby he usually is. She nodded, giving a smile to the both of us. Draco ran off immediately to go meet his little minions. I don't know how those buffoons put up with my brother.

"Bye mum, I love you," I say giving her one last hug. I walked around trying to find any familiar faces when something hit my foot, making me trip.

An embarrassingly high-pitched squeak left my lips as I fell, but never seemed to hit the ground. I could feel someone's arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up awkwardly to see who saved me from my untimely death.

Oh great. It was none other than Harry Potter holding onto my waist with the smallest ghost of a smirk on his lips. Just wait until my brother hears abo- oh merlin I sound just like him...

I quickly got out of his grasp and adjusted my shirt, looking around to make sure no one saw that. Wouldn't want the news spreading to Draco now, would we? Putting on a blank expression I say, "Oh. It's you...well thank you, Potter. I suppose it's nice to see you again"

"Yeah, well I had no idea you were...you. 'Would've just let you fall if I had known. But you're welcome I guess," he stated before simply walking off. The nerve of that boy was enough to make my blood boil.

I watched as he met up with his friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. A muggle-born and a boy from a family of "blood traitors" as my parents say. I really don't understand how anyone who would rather marry a family member rather than a cute muggle-born or half-blood could hold such strong beliefs for "world purity" but here we are.

I walked past the trio, stopping to quickly give Hermione a hug before continuing on my way. "I don't know how you can be friends with such an arrogant and self-absorbed person 'mione." I could hear Harry say to her just before I was out of earshot.

You see, Hermione and I became good friends last year after she was petrified from the basilisk. We had been partnered for a project just before she got petrified, so I was left to do all of the work. I had finished up all of the work and continued to bring her any homework, knowing she would still want to complete all of it even if she didn't have to. I visited her every day to check up on her and once she woke up, she saw me sitting there. I was asleep, wearing the jumper I had originally brought for her in case she woke up and got cold. She says that seeing me gave her a sense of peace. We became study partners after that so that I could help her catch up on her schoolwork and slowly worked our way to friends.

I walked onto the train looking around for the familiar black bob of Pansy or maybe the green scarf Blaise swore not to take off until he found his 'one true love' for some reason. Finally, I caught a glimpse of the yellowish-blonde hair that was sat atop my brother's oddly shaped head.

I made my way over to the compartment and just as I was about to open the door, I heard a strange noise. It sounded like...crying? I turned towards the compartment behind me and saw a young first-year-looking girl curled in a ball, her body shaking slightly. I can't just leave her like that.

I opened the door to her compartment, speaking softly, "Hey, what's wrong?" she looked up with glassy eyes and a quivering lip as I walked closer, "Don't cry...it's okay. I promise it isn't as scary as you might think."

She clung to my shirt and buried her face in my chest as I rubbed her back. I sat there with her for a while, comforting her and trying to make her laugh.

"Hey, when does a dad joke become a dad joke?" I asked, making another joke. She shrugged her shoulders, "When it becomes apparent...get it?" she laughed. She actually laughed at my crime against humor! "Thank you," she said so softly I wasn't even sure if she had really said anything or not. She had a slight yorkshire accent when speaking -it was quite adorable. "You're welcome. Do you want to come sit with my brother and me?" I didn't want to leave her alone but I knew everyone was probably confused about where I disappeared to. She nodded and grabbed my hand as we walked over to the compartment Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and Daphne occupied.

I opened the door and made a dramatic gesture to my first year. "May I present..." I paused. "What's your name?" I whispered to the girl, making an apologetic face for not learning her name earlier.

"Eliza," she says quietly.

"May I present, Eliza! My child," I said proudly. Draco looked at me as if I had slapped him across the face. He made a sound that resembled the gobble-gobble of a turkey, making everyone turn to him.

"You never told me you were pregnant!" he said, apparently feeling betrayed by his twin. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. I was sworn to secrecy by the father," I say, playing along. "The father?" Pansy was now joining in the fun, "Who might this mystery person be?" I looked around hesitantly before letting out another dramatic sigh, "It is...Daphne!" I called, letting out a dramatic -and fake- sob. Poor Daphne, who was just working on her crochet elephant, looks up at her name to find everyone looking at her in shock, with me on the floor "crying" my heart out.

"This is why I don't hang out with you people," she says, going back to her elephant.

"You're no fun Daph," Blaise says, throwing a balled-up wrapper at her. Eliza was now sitting next to Daphne asking questions about her crocheting skills as I got up from the floor. Just as fast as I got up, I was on the floor again as the train shook as if there were an earthquake.

I fall, hitting my head on the seat, causing everything to go dark...


I woke up feeling a slight throb in my head. Looking around to take in my surroundings, I realize I'm still on the train, though it's dark this time. Blaise notices me waking up and pulls on my arm to help me up onto his seat. The window was frosted over and it felt like the temperature had dropped significantly.

I saw a few heads peak out of their compartment doors, curiously, before quickly dipping back in when they saw something. I wasn't sure what they had seen until a large hooded figure appeared in front of our door, opening it.

Great so this is how I die. It couldn't have been something cooler? Really Merlin?

I felt a wave of nausea crash over me as I shivered from the cold, the figure leaning into the compartment. I looked over to Draco and he looked as if he would piss his pants out of terror. It suddenly clicked in my head. Sirius Black, cold and dark, scary? These were dementors! They must be searching for Sirius Black right?

The dementor finally gave up and backed out of the compartment, moving to the next one. After about two more minutes, the lights came back on. We all looked around, silently checking to see if the others were okay. When I got to Draco, I realized he really did pee in his trousers. Definitely going to use that against him later on when he's not still frozen from fear.

"Well, at least we can't say this won't be an eventful year," I said, trying to lighten the mood. Eliza nodded softly, holding onto Daphne's hand so tightly that both of their hands were turning white. Blaise pushed the hair out of Pansy's face, his face heating up immensely. If I weren't so worried about everything I might have questioned him about it.

"How about a silent ride until we get home?" Daphne suggested quietly, moving to push a few loose strands of her blonde hair out of her eyes. Everyone nodded and turned to do their own activities. Blaise and I making up a 'super secret' handshake, Daphne and Eliza going back to the crochet elephant, Pansy filing her nails, and Draco reading a book about chess so he can finally beat Blaise.

After we figured out a handshake, I went on to do Blaise's makeup with the candy they had gotten from the trolley a few hours prior. So far he had licorice lipstick, chocolate frog blush, and Bertie Bott's every flavored bean eye shadow.

"You look gorgeous," Pansy said, trying her best to hold in her laughter. "Very ladylike. Here Y/n, give him a hat," Pansy reached into her bag, grabbing a sun hat her mother must've packed her. She handed the hat to me and I put it atop Blaise's head, making him look like his mother.

This was the last straw, both you and Pansy collapsing into each other, laughing so hard your sides began to hurt.

"Why are you two imbeciles laughing? That is not how young ladies should act. Goodness me," Blaise said in a high-pitched tone, resembling his mother's voice. Resulting in everyone laughing, even Daphne.

We all continued to make jokes and goof off, finally without the supervision of our parents and now with the people we consider our real family.

The quiet train ride agreement long forgotten...


We separated once it was time to go on the carriages, the boys being joined by Crabbe and Goyle. While Daphne, Pansy, and I stopping to bid farewell to our little first year.

"Are you ready to see what house you get Eliza?" Daphne asks the young girl standing next to her. "Yeah, I hope I get hufflepuff like my mom and dad they'll be so happy if I do," the young girl says excitedly, her accent poking through a lot more.

"You-you have other parents? YOU"RE CHEATING ON ME!?" I say, peaking the interest of most passer byer's. Especially one person in particular.

"Maybe if you weren't so obnoxious, she wouldn't have," Ugh. Why couldn't he just leave me alone?

"What do you want now, Potter?" I asked, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

He just shrugged and walked past me, and just as I thought he was gone, he used the back of his foot to kick my calf and then scurried off with his friends, Hermione sending me an apologetic smile before rushing off to go scold the potter boy on his behavior. Pansy, Daphne, and Eliza just watched the scene in confusion, before a knowing glance was shared between Pansy and Daphne.

The three of us wish Eliza luck before going to get a carriage before they're all gone. As we sat in our seats, me sitting next to Pansy because she wanted to take a quick nap and Daphne's shoulder isn't "comfortable enough" as the princess said.

"He likes you," Daphne says after a few minutes. I look at her confused, as Pansy nodded in agreement on my shoulder.

"Who likes who?" I ask, still not getting what they're saying. Does someone like Pansy and I didn't pick up on the signs?

"Harry likes you, you dingbat," I froze. Slowly turning to Pansy, I ask, "What did you just say? No, he doesn't! He hates me...and-and-and he's- POTTER!" Pansy lifts her head, "Well there goes my nap time," she states simply as if my world crashing down on me was just a normal, everyday event.

"Look, he likes you. And you might like him too. It's as simple as that. Now what do you think we'll be having for dinner tonight?" Daphne said, holding her crocheting kit in her hands. "I don't know...probably the same thing we've had for the last two years in a row," Pansy answered the question as if nothing had ever happened. As if they didn't just cause me to rethink my entire life.

"He l-likes me?" I ask, still not over it.

"I dunno, maybe" Pansy mumbled, trying to squeeze as much out of a nap as she could since we were almost to the school. I sat there quietly for the rest of the ride thinking it over. He doesn't like me, that would be crazy! They were just messing with me. That's what I finally settled on so that my mind could finally be at peace.


Daphne fell out of the carriage when it stopped due to a bump it hit. I laughed softly, before shoving Pansy's heavy head off of my shoulder to help my wife- I mean friend up. Pansy grumbled from being woken up.

"Heyy, I was having a good dream. I was married to Dra- you know what never mind..." I looked at her, confused about why she didn't finish her sentence. She jumped out of the carriage and grabbed ahold of my free hand, the other being occupied by Daphne's. "I truly have no idea how your head is so heavy considering how little of a brain you have," I say to Pansy as we continue walking.

She gasped in offense while Daphne and I sniggered at the joke. "You guys are big meanies. I don't know why I hang out with you," She said putting on a pout. I turned to her with a smirk, "Because we're hot," I stated with a flip of my hair and she nodded in agreement. "Can't argue with that."

We made our way through the entrance hall, squished with all of the other students, heading straight for the dining hall. Once we made it in, I scanned the slytherin table and caught sight of Draco's hair. Thank goodness he bleaches his hair, it would be impossible to find him otherwise. I pulled my friends along with me towards the table, plopping down onto the seat.

"I'm here motherquackers!" I yell while doing jazz hands. Blaise hit me over the head, "Language," he smirked at my pout. "I didn't even say it..." I murmur.

A loud squeal makes me turn to Pansy. She had red paint all over her trousers. There must have been a spell on it because the paint dried almost immediately. She glared at the gryffindor where the Weasley twins were having a laughing fit, along with many other students even some from different houses. She hissed at them before sitting back down, there was no way she would be able to change before the sorting ceremony started.

All the chatter died down when we heard the doors open to reveal the new baby children of the year. I immediately spotted Eliza and shot her a wink and thumbs up as she walked past me.

The sorting went as slow as ever while I waited for McGonagall to call on Eliza, when finally, "Crankshaw, Eliza" was called. I clapped softly so as not to disturb the silence. The sorting hat didn't utter a single word while on her head, causing all of us to share glances.

"Better be...HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat suddenly yelled out, causing the hufflepuff table to cheer loudly. Daphne, Pansy, and I all smiled happily as the girl went to the house she wanted. Even if it was the house of 'losers' as some people say.

I watched as Eliza walked over to the hufflepuff table, being greeted with a bunch of hugs and a few people ruffling her hair. I smiled as she sat down next to two other first year. 'She's going to be fine' I thought to myself.

"Hah, I knew she didn't have it in her to be a slytherin," Draco scoffed, making me kick his leg from under the table. I give him a stern look, making him back away and bother someone else until Dumbledore stands up to give his annual speech that lasts way too long.

(A/n seeing as I'm too lazy to write it and you already know what he says, I'm going to skip it)

"Potter! Psst, Potter!" Draco began to whisper-yell at the gryffindor table, which, unfortunately, had Potter, Weasley, and Hermione sat...directly across from me and my friends.

Potter and Weasley turned around, looking over Draco's shenanigans already. Draco smirked smugly before continuing, "Is it true you fainted," a boy that was sitting next to Draco dramatically pretended to faint only fueling my brother's teasing, "I mean you actually fainted?"

Weasely rolled his eyes at my brother, "Shove off Malfoy," pulling Harry's shoulder so they could face forward again.

"At least he's not the one that peed himself on the train..." I said quietly looking down at my food. Unfortunately for me, not only did Draco hear it, but so did Potter and his friends. Potter and his friends, along with Blaise and a few other surrounding people sniggered at my remark. Draco turned red from the embarrassment. What do they have, super hearing or something?

After the laughter died down, everyone went back to their own conversations with their respective friend groups.

I shoved a forkful of potatoes in your mouth while Blaise told you a story about his mother's latest husband. I was with my favorite people, in my favorite place, with my favorite (debatable) food.

Life couldn't get better...well it at least couldn't get worse.


Author's note <3

Come on Y/n what are you doing? You're going to jinx it 🤦

Question of the day!

What did you think of the first real chapter?

Hope you guys enjoyed the first official chapter. I wrote this all in one day so it probably isn't the best. I'll probably proofread it tomorrow and edit it a little bit, or I won't. I get tired...

The next chapter will be either Friday or Saturday if not earlier. Byeee~

~Vee <3

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