Drapetomania | Creepypasta

By bubls_

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y/n l/n, a high school student who finds herself in a bad position after trying to make her life a little mor... More

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189 7 6
By bubls_

??, ??, 2017

Dark Link must have noticed my unease, as he reassured me, "Don't worry, Y/N. Ben can't hurt you down there. He's being closely watched, and the boss has made sure that you're safe."

Despite his reassurance, I still felt a sense of dread at the prospect of seeing Ben again. But something inside me pushed me to go through with it. Perhaps it was the need for closure or the hope that I could make sense of everything that had happened.

"Alright," I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "Let's go see him."

Dark Link nodded and led the way towards the basement. As we descended the stairs, my heart pounded in my chest, and my palms grew sweaty. I had no idea what I would find down there, but I was about to confront the source of my nightmares face to face.

The sight that met my eyes in the dimly lit basement was nothing short of horrifying. Ben, the man who had once chained me up, was now in my position, restrained against the wall. He was stripped of his usual attire, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, his body marred with marks, scars, and dried blood.

As I stood beside Dark Link, a complex mix of emotions surged within me. A sense of power, long suppressed, welled up as I watched Ben's wide-eyed desperation. He looked at me with a mixture of surprise, pain, and anger, and his voice trembled as he croaked out, "Y/N?"

I couldn't deny the twisted satisfaction I felt at that moment. This was the same man who had imprisoned me, tormented me, and reduced me to a state of helplessness. Now, our roles were reversed, and he was begging me for mercy.

i was savouring this feeling of control.

Ben's expression changed again, into one of bitterness and desperation. "My beloved Y/N," he pleaded, his voice breaking, "please, you have to free me. I can explain everything, my love."

I glanced at Dark Link, who remained impassive, and then back at Ben. For now, I held the power, and it was my turn to decide his fate.

I stood there, a strange mix of fear and power coursing through me. Dark Link's arm wrapped around my shoulder, a gesture of support that seemed to send Ben into a fit of rage.

His eyes widened, and he began struggling against the restraints, his voice raised in a manic scream. "You think you can keep me here? You won't get away with this! I'll tear you both apart!"

Despite his threats, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he was now the one helpless and restrained. Dark Link's presence beside me offered a strange sense of security, and it gave me the strength to respond to Ben's threats.

My voice trembling but determined, "you should have thought about the consequences before. You brought this upon yourself."

Dark Link's hand on my shoulder tightened slightly, and I could sense the jealousy emanating from Ben as he watched our interaction. His face contorted with anger, and he screamed even louder, "You belong to me, Y/n! Not him! Let me go!"

This outburst only fueled my resolve further, and I turned to Dark Link with gratitude in my eyes, silently acknowledging the protection he offered. We both knew that Ben's reign of terror was over, and I wasn't going to let his jealousy or threats affect me any longer.

Ben's desperation was evident as he resorted to gaslighting me. "Y/n, you can't trust him. He's not what he seems. He's manipulating you, just like he's manipulating everyone else. You know I care about you, I did all of this for you!"

His words tugged at the remnants of my old vulnerability, the part of me that had once been under his control. But now, with Dark Link by my side, I found the strength to see through his lies.

I turned to Dark Link, looking for reassurance, and he gave a subtle nod as if to say, "You're not alone in this."

Ignoring Ben's attempts to manipulate me, I said firmly, "I've seen your true colors, you helped kill maya!"

Dark Link's presence served as a shield against Ben's toxic influence, and I felt a newfound sense of empowerment. This confrontation marked the beginning of my journey to break free from the psychological chains that had bound me to Ben for far too long.

Ben's trembling hand reached out towards me, his fingers coated in crimson as rivulets of blood streamed down his face. His voice quivered with desperation as he begged, his eyes pleading for a sliver of hope. "Please, Y/n," he implored, his words strained and heavy, "I need you. You're the only reason I'm still here. You're the reason I did all of this. I love you."

His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of a tumultuous history that had brought us to this chilling moment. For a brief moment, I felt a pang of sympathy, a flicker of the emotions that had once tied us together. The memories of our shared past, the whispers of affection, all threatened to cloud my judgment.

But as I gazed into his desperate eyes, the reality of our situation came crashing back. I couldn't ignore the scars, both physical and emotional, that his actions had inflicted upon me. The love he professed was a twisted version, one that thrived on pain and control.

My voice, though trembling, held a newfound determination as I responded to his plea. "Ben," I began, my voice stronger now, "love should never be a reason for suffering. It's time for both of us to find a way out of this darkness, but we won't find it together."

Dark Link's presence beside me, a silent pillar of support, fortified my resolve to break free from the chains of manipulation and reclaim my own life.

Ben's trembling hand reached out towards me, his fingers coated in crimson as rivulets of blood streamed down his face. His voice quivered with desperation as he begged, his eyes pleading for a sliver of hope. "Please, Y/n," he implored, his words strained and heavy, "I need you. You're the only reason I'm still here. You're the reason I did all of this. I love you."

His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of a tumultuous history that had brought us to this chilling moment. For a brief moment, I felt a pang of sympathy, a flicker of the emotions that had once tied us together. The memories of our shared past, the whispers of affection, all threatened to cloud my judgment.

But as I gazed into his desperate eyes, the reality of our situation came crashing back. I couldn't ignore the scars, both physical and emotional, that his actions had inflicted upon me. The love he professed was a twisted version, one that thrived on pain and control.

My voice, though trembling, held a newfound determination as I responded to his plea. "Ben," I began, my voice stronger now, "It's time for both of us to find a way out of this darkness, but we won't find it together."

Dark Link's presence beside me, a silent pillar of support, fortified my resolve to break free from the chains of manipulation and reclaim my own life.

"you take that back y/n. we BELONG together. we are meant to be" ben screamed as he continued to reach out towards me.

Ben's face contorted with a mixture of emotions, his eyes welling up with tears that mingled with the blood on his cheeks. His desperate plea seemed to hang in the air, unanswered, as the realization of my decision set in.

Dark Link, still standing beside me, tightened his grip around my shoulder in silent support. I could feel the tension in the basement, the clash of emotions that filled the space, but I knew that staying would only perpetuate the cycle of pain and control.

"guess you've just extended your time down here elf boy" dark link spoke

With that, I turned away from him, my vision slipping out of his sight . Dark Link led me back up the basement stairs, away from the darkness that had bound us for so long. As we ascended, Ben's cries and protests faded into the distance, becoming nothing more than haunting echoes of a past I was determined to leave behind.

The weight of my decision pressed upon me, but I knew that it was a step toward healing, toward reclaiming the life that had been taken from me.

As Dark Link and I ascended the basement stairs, Ben's screams of threats and desperation followed us, growing fainter with each step. The cacophony of his anger and anguish seemed to echo through the corridors of the mansion, a haunting reminder of the torment that had once defined my existence.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I hesitated for a moment, my heart heavy with conflicting emotions. I had taken a stand, refusing to be ensnared by Ben's control any longer, but it was impossible to ignore the gravity of my decision. His threats continued, fueled by his jealousy and rage, but I knew that I couldn't turn back now.

Dark Link guided me away from the basement door, leading me down a different hallway, away from the tumultuous echoes of Ben's voice. The mansion was silent, save for the distant sounds of my former captor, still trapped below.

"I know that was difficult," Dark Link finally spoke, his voice a soothing presence beside me. "But you made the right choice. You've taken a step toward freedom."

I nodded, my eyes brimming with tears that I refused to shed. This journey had been marked by fear and uncertainty, but for the first time, I felt a glimmer of hope that there might be a life beyond the darkness that had defined me.

Jeff made a casual comment "he's gunning for guys" which piqued my curiosity, and as I sat between Dark Link and Jeff, I couldn't help but inquire further.

Dark Link responded with a dismissive gesture and an insulting gesture towards Jeff, who was busy devouring a bowl of fries. It was clear they had a complicated relationship, marked by both camaraderie and rivalry. "well it's not going to happen. the more he acts like this the longer he'll be down there. he's lucky he can survive without food"

The revelation that Ben could "survive without food" left me utterly perplexed. I leaned forward, my interest growing. "survive without food?" Jeff seemed surprised by my lack of knowledge about Ben's situation, and he couldn't resist the chance to spill some more secrets.

"Oh boy, the bitch doesn't know about Ben?" Jeff chuckled, teasingly referring to me. His comment only deepened my curiosity, and I silently encouraged him to share more with a questioning look.

Jeff and Dark Link exchanged a knowing glance before Jeff decided to take the lead. He leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and remarked, "Well, if you won't tell her, I'm more than happy to do it." Dark Link, nonchalant as ever, simply shrugged, adding, "Go right ahead. You'll likely just terrify her even more."

"Well, Y/n, you know about us, right?" Jeff gestured to himself, and I nodded, trying to follow along. "You know how I need to eat to survive, just like you do," he continued. I kept nodding, trying to piece it together.

"But he, downstairs," Jeff pointed downwards, referring to Ben. "He's not like us." Then he pointed at Dark Link and sighed. I shifted my attention to Dark Link as he let out a deep breath.

"So... what are you guys?" I asked, reaching out to touch Dark Link's arm to confirm he was real. He responded with a lighthearted joke, "For heaven's sake, Y/n, I'm not a ghost," making me withdraw my hand, slightly embarrassed.

"Well... they're not human, that's for sure," Jeff chuckled, reaching behind me to ruffle Dark Link's hat. Dark Link swatted Jeff's hand away and added, "But that doesn't mean we're monsters," Dark Link emphasized, his tone carrying a mix of seriousness and reassurance. I couldn't help but feel a sense of complexity in the air, like there was so much more to their story.

Jeff leaned back on the couch, his relaxed demeanor contrasting with the gravity of the conversation. "We're... different. We have unique needs and circumstances that set us apart from regular humans. It's why we can't live among them in the traditional sense."

Dark Link nodded in agreement. "Our existence is tied to something... darker, I suppose you could say. It's not something we chose, Y/n, but it's what we've become."

I tried to process this information. It was a lot to take in. "So, what about Ben? Why is he... down there?" I couldn't help but glance towards the basement door, my curiosity piqued.

Jeff and Dark Link exchanged a knowing look. "Ben is a special case," Jeff explained. "He's bound to a different entity, something far more malevolent than Slenderman or us."

I felt a chill run down my spine. "What... what is it?"

Dark Link hesitated, then spoke softly. "It's better if you don't know too much about it, Y/n. Just understand that he's dangerous. while he's in this state anyway."

I couldn't help but shiver at the ominous tone in Dark Link's voice. The knowledge that there was something far more malevolent than anything I'd encountered so far in this strange world was deeply unsettling.

"Okay," I whispered, reluctantly dropping the subject. "I guess there's a lot I still don't understand about all of this."

Dark Link nodded in agreement, his earlier sternness softened by a genuine concern for my well-being. "And remember, if you ever need anything or have questions, don't hesitate to ask. We're here for you."

I offered a small, grateful smile in return. The world I once knew had crumbled, and I found myself in a place filled with enigmatic beings and unsettling mysteries. But for now, it seemed I had a strange sort of refuge in the company of these supernatural entities who had, for reasons unknown, taken me under their protection.

Over time, I had grown somewhat more comfortable around Jeff, although trust remained a fragile thread between us. There were moments when I almost forgot about the horrors he had inflicted upon Maya. But when those memories resurfaced, fear surged through me, prompting me to instinctively distance myself from him. Despite the relative safety of my current surroundings, I knew I couldn't let my guard down completely.

As we sat together, lost in our thoughts, the front door of the mansion suddenly slammed open with a resounding crash, startling the three of us.

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