Bakudeku/Dekubaku Oneshots AU

By FireCayanong

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Bunch of different stories between Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou More

Baby Izuku
Villain Bakudeku Version 1
Omegaverse Version 1
No Quirks AU Version 1
⚠️Omegaverse Version 2 (18+)⚠️
Villain/Hero Version 1
Omegaverse Version 3
Quirk Accident (Cuddles)
Quirk Accident (Truth)
Reunited in Death
A Mother's Grief
Together in Death
Crime Boss Izuku
Crime Boss Duo
Quirk Accident (Bunnies)
Quirk Accident (De-Aged) Chapter 1
Quirk Accident (De-Aged) Chapter 2
Quirk Accident (De-Aged) Ending
Villain Bakudeku Version 2
BNHA x WandaVision
Welcome Home
Post-Vigilante Izuku
Age Regression
⚠️Omegaverse Version 4 (18+)⚠️
Christmas Special: Together
Christmas Special: A Christmas Miracle
Time Travel: Phoenix
Time Travel: Number One Dad
⚠️Omega Bakugou: Birthday (18+)⚠️
You're What's Amazing
First Times
⚠️Feral Midoriya (18+)⚠️
De-Aged: For it to Rain Again
Till Death Do Us Part
Thank You
Omegaverse: Chained
War Documentary
Idol Duo
Mrs. Midoriya?

Villain Bakudeku Version 3/Omegaverse

220 5 1
By FireCayanong

“How could you have let this happen?!” Inko’s voice was sharp and piercing. Katsuki felt Izuku stiffen at his side. “You promised to keep my son safe.”

“I assure you we took every precaution,” said the principle.

“If that were true we wouldn’t be in this situation.” Her eyes were burning with fury. “You let this monster hurt my son.”

“Kacchan didn’t hurt me,” Izuku tried to protest, but no one was listening.

His mother continued her tirade. “I have stood by and let schools get away with far too much in the past. Do you have any idea how much Katsuki has hurt my son over the years? Tormented him while teachers stood back and did nothing. I thought UA was different, but it seems I was wrong. You’re just as bad as all the others who let alphas do whatever they want to omegas.”

“If you will hear us out,” The rat spoke up. “I hope that we can find a satisfactory solution. We certainly do not condone underaged or forced marking and I promise that Bakugo will be facing repercussions for his actions.”

“But he didn’t do anything wrong!” Izuku broke in. “I asked Kacchan to mark me and we’re both eighteen.”

Aizawa raised his hand to signal for the omega to be quiet. “Midoriya, there is no need to justify his actions. We won’t let you be self sacrificing to that extent.”

Katsuki’s jaw clenched and his hands flexed. It took all of his focus to keep them from sparking. He and Izuku had already tried to explain to the teachers that they had been courting for months, that they had decided together that they were ready, that the bond was not forced. The teachers had refused to listen. They had refused to accept that the only omega in the school would choose to bond with an alpha like Katsuki.

Now they had Izuku’s mother here and everything seemed to be spiraling out of control.

Aizawa stepped toward the irate mother. “Since the bond is still fresh, there is a high chance of successful removal if we do the surgery in the next day or two.”

No. Katsuki felt himself go stiff at the thought. He could not let them do that. He could not lose his mate and on top of that breaking a strong bond was both extremely painful and dangerous.

“I don’t want the bond removed!” Izuku yelled as he moved closer to Katsuki. The alpha immediately wrapped his arms tight around his mate. A small growl rumbled in Katsuki’s throat as he glared at the others in the room. No way would he let them near Izuku.

“This is for your own good,” Inko insisted. “This may be your last chance to be free from that monster. I refuse to stand by and let you stay in an abusive relationship like this.”

“He’s not abusive!” Izuku looked as furious as his mother now. “Kacchan is not like he was back in Middle School. He would never hurt me now. Kacchan is a good alpha.”

“Midoriya,” It was the principle speaking this time. His voice was overly soothing to the point of condescending. “We know that, now that you are bonded, your instincts are telling you to defend Bakugo. However, I assure you that this is what is best for you at this point. I am sure that with time to heal you will find a more suitable alpha-“

Katsuki snapped. A roar ripped itself from his throat. “Like I would let that happen! Deku is my mate! I won’t let you take that from us!” He felt his fangs growing in his mouth as his fingernails grew into long claws. His instincts took over demanding that he protect what was his.

At first he was going to do that by tearing out the throats of everyone else in this room, but a whimper from Deku changed that plan. They needed to get away. They needed to get somewhere safe. “Hold onto me.” He whispered and his omega immediately obeyed, his arms and legs wrapping around the alpha.

Katsuki lunged. Not toward the heroes, but toward the door. This move seemed to catch them off guard and he was able to break through the doors before anyone moved to stop him. They broke through the window and leapt into open air. Explosions burst from the alpha’s hands and launched them forward. He needed to find a safe den for his mate.


The last think Izuku remembered clearly had been the sight of Katsuki’s pupils turning to slits as his fangs grew. He was vaguely aware that his own instincts had taken over in response to his mate going feral.

Now, as he opened his eyes Izuku found himself starring up into those same slitted pupils. Katsuki’s fingers were gently running through Izuku’s hair as the Alpha rumbled low and soothing in his chest. “Omega safe.”

Izuku smiled up at his alpha before looking around. He had no idea where they were. It looked like an abandoned office building. Izuku stood and walked to the window. Katsuki stayed close to his side. Based on the way that Katsuki was stalking around and the way his eyes looked, Izuku was fairly certain Katsuki’s alpha was in complete control.

The first thing he needed to do was get Katsuki’s conscious mind back to the forefront. Izuku had read about situations with feral alphas as part of an assignment at UA. From what he read, the best approach was to calm the alpha and help them know that their mate is safe.

Izuku pulled Kacchan down so that he could rub their scent glands together on their necks. The alpha easily complied. The moment their necks touched, Izuku gasped at the sensation of their new bond marks rubbing together. It sent a shiver down his spine and Izuku found his whole body relaxing. The alpha continued the scenting process, rubbing his scent all over Izuku and leaving the omega relaxed to the point he felt practically boneless. Izuku moaned as he felt his mate’s mouth latch onto his neck.

It would have been easy to let the alpha continue, but Izuku was not sure if intercourse would help in this situation. With a huff of frustration, Izuku pushed his alpha’s mouth off. This earned him a small growl. Izuku soothed his mate’s frustration with soft kisses to the cheek and gentle purring. Soon he was able to get the alpha to lay his head in Izuku’s lap and relax. Izuku ran his fingers through Katsuki’s hair as he watched his red eyes drift shut. He was fairly certain that Katsuki would be back to himself by the time he woke up.

A vibration in Izuku’s pocket pulled his attention from Katsuki. Izuku felt a twinge of dread when he realized it was his phone. The heroes might be able to use that to track them down. They may have already done so. Izuku pulled the phone out and saw ‘Aizawa-sensei’ on the caller ID. He swallowed and hit accept. “Hello?”

“Midoriya, you two need to return to the school.” His teachers voice was cold and firm.

“Why?” Izuku let his irritation show in his voice. “So you can force us to go through a dangerous and life altering operation just because you don’t like who I fell in love with? Just because I’m not the perfect submissive omega that you all want me to be?”

“That’s not it,” Aizawa tried to protest. “You need to return for your safety and so we can resolve this issue. Even if we believed you about agreeing to the bond, as an omega the final decision lies with your mother. Until you reach the age of twenty, she still has the right to refuse suitors. And if Bakugo is forcing you then we cannot let that stand.”

Izuku clenched his fist in his lap. “He is not forcing me to do anything. Kacchan asked me multiple times before and during my heat to make sure this is what I wanted. I had to practically beg him to mark me and even then he let me mark him first. I know that you all think Kacchan is this brute of an alpha, but that’s not who he is to me. Kacchan loves me and I love him. He would never force me to do anything I don’t want to. But I can promise you this,” Izuku put as much strength I into his voice as he could without waking the sleeping alpha. “If you try to come between us and force us to separate, we will fight you every step of the way. Katsuki would burn this world to ashes for me and I would do the same for him.”

There was silence on the other end for a moment followed by a long sigh. “In the end that’s not up to me.” There was a crash somewhere in the building that made Izuku jump and caused Katsuki to stir in his lap. Aizawa continued, “Just come back willingly so no one gets hurt.”

Izuku ended the call and jumped to his feet as Katsuki also scrambled to stand. “What’s going on?” Katsuki asked.

“I think we both went feral and ran off. If I had to guess, the heroes are here to bring us back to UA.”

Katsuki scoffed. “I’m not going back unless they promise to lay off on the whole breaking the bond thing.”

“Agreed.” Izuku let his quirk flow through his body, causing green lightening to dance over his skin.

Katsuki rumbled in approval. “Damn, you look hot like that.”

Izuku smiled at his alpha before they moved toward the stairs. “I’ll go first,” Katsuki stated. “You stay out of sight for now in case they brought Eraserhead.”

The two hero students had fought side by side many times and the bond only strengthened their trust in each other. Izuku obeyed Katsuki’s order without question as they made their way down to the ground floor. There they found teachers from UA waiting for them. “I see Midnight, Present Mic, Cementoss, and Nezu,” Katsuki whispered as he peeked through the window on the door at the bottom of the stairs. “Looks like they’re waiting for us.”

Izuku nodded. “They probably plan to try talking first. I’m sure they have more waiting to ambush us if we refuse to come or try to run.”

Katsuki looked over to Izuku. His red eyes locked with Izuku’s green ones. “You with me?”

“Always,” Izuku responded with a smile. “They don’t stand a chance.”


The door creaked loudly as Katsuki stepped out to face the heroes. His eyes scanned over the room taking in every detail just like he had been trained. It was fairly empty. The only furniture was an old desk and chair that probably was for a receptionist. There were also a few cement columns large enough for someone to hide behind. The heroes were ready for a fight, but the way Nezu stood in front suggested that such an action was not their first choice.

“Bakugo.” The rat smiled. “It’s good to see you back in your right mind. And were is Midoriya?”

“Nearby.” Katsuki stopped at a safe distance from the heroes where he was able to keep them all in his sight. He let his hands warm slightly to make sure his quirk had not been erased. “If you think we’ll come back and let you break the bond then you’re dead wrong.”

“I understand your concerns.” The rat extended a hand in what was probably meant to be a soothing motion, but it only served to irritate Katsuki further. “Once you return to UA I would be happy to discuss this further.”

Katsuki shook his head. “Not happening without some guarantees.”

Nezu folded his hands behind his back. “I’m sure you have read the laws and are aware that until an omega reaches the age of twenty they remain under the guardianship of their parents and those parents have the right to deny potential suitors.”

“I’ve read those statutes. They allow for forced separation, but not forced bond removal. That procedure could kill Deku.” It could also kill Katsuki, but the statistics were far worse for omegas. Even if they lived it took a heavy toll on them emotionally and Izuku had been through enough. Katsuki would not let him be put through more for some stupid reason like this.

The rat tilted his head and Katsuki could see that he was considering the situation. “Then would you agree to forced separation if that is what his mother demands?”

“Heck no.” Katsuki shifted his feet to widen his stance. He was ready to fight if they made a move.

“That is unfortunate.”

In a moment all the heroes were launching forward to attack. Katsuki smiled dangerously as explosions burst from his hands. He dodged a yell from Present Mic before blasting Midnight’s smoke away. He launched himself away from a wave of cement then blasted through a second wave.

When all the heroes were focused on him the ceiling shattered over their heads and Izuku dropped onto the scene. He kicked Mic in the back of the head and launched the hero across the room. The distraction was enough for Katsuki to get a solid hit in on Cementoss blasting the man into the ground.

The mates landed side by side ready to take on the remaining opponents. That was when more heroes came out of hiding. They likely had been waiting for Izuku to appear so they could take down both students. Ectoplasm clones spread around the room accompanied by Snipe, Thirteen, and Hound Dog.

Katsuki had thought it nothing more than an academic exercise when Izuku talked about how they could take on the teachers just the two of them, but here they were putting it into practice. Izuku moved first running toward Snipe. His Danger Sense allowed him to use Black Whip fast enough to block the hero’s shots. Katsuki could not afford the time to see if it worked, but he trusted Izuku’s plan.

Katsuki set his eyes on Thirteen. Black Hole was by far the most dangerous quirk they faced. However, Thirteen was not a combat focused hero. Katsuki was able to dodge the hero’s attacks before she even activated her quirk. When he got in close enough, he did not hold back. The blow he landed would not kill Thirteen, but she would not be getting up any time soon.

Three down. Katsuki glanced around. Make that five. Izuku had already knocked out Snipe and Midnight. Ectoplasm’s clones were going to be annoying, but Katsuki was certain that he and Izuku could handle them. The same went for Hound Dog. The biggest threat remaining was the unknown of principle Nezu. The rat may lack physical ability, but he was even more scary smart than Izuku.

So where was he?

Something moved in the corner of his vision. Katsuki dodged a moment too late as a falling chunk of ceiling scraped his arm. He looked up just in time to see the rat’s tail disappearing in the hole above him. This was going to be a pain.

“Kacchan, clones. I’ve got this.”

Katsuki did not even question as he obeyed his omega’s advice. The clones were annoying, but weak. One strong hit was enough to dissipate them. The challenge was finding the original and taking him down.

Katsuki had just spotted the one making the clones when Hound Dog charged him. Katsuki dodged the initial charge, but was caught by the backhand that followed. He stumbled back. Quickly regaining his balance Katsuki unleashed a series of AP shots on the hunting dog hero. Hound Dog was tough, but Katsuki loved a challenge.

They traded blows back and forth. Katsuki gave worse than he received and eventually he managed to get in close. With a large amount of sweat built up from the fight he unleashed a powerful blast at point blank range. It launched the hero through a cement pillar and into the wall on the other side of the room where he crumbled to the ground.

Katsuki could feel the adrenaline pumping in his veins. His alpha was scratching at the surface. It scratched away at his control, but Katsuki could hardly care right then. With a vicious snarl he stretched his hands out and unleashed a vicious barrage of explosions. It took out over a dozen clones and knocked what had to be the real ectoplasm to the floor.

He flew to where his opponent landed. Katsuki delivered an explosive blow to the head before pulling the hero into a choke hold. The man tried to struggle, but the blow to his head slowed his reactions enough that he could not get out before loosing consciousness.

The alpha voice in the back of Katsuki’s head screamed for him to kill the threat to his omega. He felt his fangs dropped down ready to rip out throats, but he was still in control enough not to follow through. He lowered the unconscious hero to the ground and took in his surroundings.

Izuku was dropping down from the destroyed level above them with Nezu in hand. The rodent appeared to be knocked out as well. There was no other movement in the room. It looked like the battle was over.


Shota hated staying behind when his students were in danger. He hated leaving others to bring them home. However, considering the trouble he was facing with the rest of his class, he knew he was needed here.

“It’s not right!” Kirishima was the most vocal in his displeasure. “You shouldn’t just force them to break their bond like that.”

Uraraka shifted uncomfortably. "But if Bakugo forced Deku-"

“He wouldn’t do that.” Kirishima looked furious. “He wouldn’t need to. They’ve been dating for months!”

The rest of the class stared at Kirishima in shock. Shota raised an eyebrow. “And how do you know this?”

The redhead rubbed at the back of his neck. “My room is right next to Bakugo’s. I caught them making out in the hall once and they told me. Plus, these walls are kind of thin.”

Shoji, who was also on that floor, nodded. “I couldn’t hear as much since I’m further away. But they are the reason I got noise canceling headphones.”

Shota frowned. They had assumed that Bakugo forced Midoriya into the bond based on the children’s past conflicts and when they questioned Midoriya’s friends none of them knew anything about a romantic relationship. However, if Kirishima and Shoji both verified the relationship then the teachers may have jumped to the wrong conclusion.

“Why would they have kept that hidden from us?” Uraraka questioned with hurt in her eyes. “I’m Deku’s best friend. He would have told me if he was dating Bakugo.”

“They said they wanted to keep it to themselves.” Kirishima answered. “There isn’t exactly a lot of privacy around here. They didn’t want everyone studying their every move. I don’t think Bakugo would have told me either if I hadn’t caught them.”

“Besides,” Kaminari piped in. “Look at how everyone reacted when they did find out. Everyone is acting like Midoriya is a victim and Bakugo is some kind of monster. I think we should trust them and stop hunting them down.”

Shota moved his gaze from the students to the ground in front of him. They were not wrong. He and the other teachers had demonized Bakugo for what happened and had not trusted the boys at all. Two years ago he had been furious when the media implied that Bakugo was villainous, yet here he was doing practically the same thing.

There was one more detail he needed to verify. On the phone, Midoriya had said they discussed and planned the bonding. If what he said about begging was true then Kirishima may have heard something. “Do you know for a fact whether Midoriya agreed to the claim?”

“He did.” Kirishima said with absolute certainty. “They planned it for weeks before his heat. Bakugo even had me help get a few things to set up his room like candles and flower petals. Midoriya told me last week how excited he was about getting bonded. He definitely agreed to it.”

They really had messed up. “I need to talk to Mrs. Midoriya about this. I expect you all to behave and stay here. If you go after them now, you will only increase the amount of trouble they are in.” He made eye contact with each student to make sure they understood before leaving. He needed to fix this before things got any more out of hand.


“I don’t care.” Midoriya Inko’s gaze was firm and cold. “I don’t care what my son said or if they both agreed to this. I will not allow my son to stay bonded to that monster. He hurt Izuku in the past and I will never trust him again.”

Shota narrowed his eyes as he starred the woman down. “If the bond was consensual then breaking it would cause your son a great deal of pain, both physical and mental. It could cause serious long term problems.”

“Are you saying I don’t know what’s best for my son?” The woman’s face set into an angry scowl. “I am his mother and will do whatever is needed to keep him safe.”

“Safe?” His voice was incredulous as he questioned her. “And what part of forcing him to go through a dangerous, traumatizing, and potentially life threatening procedure is safe?”

“He cannot stay with Katsuki!”

“Then require them to separate. You have the right to demand no intimate contact until Izuku turns twenty. However, most doctors would not be willing to break a bond that has been verified as consensual. The bond will be too strong to safely break.”

Mrs. Midoriya opened her mouth to respond, but was interrupted by the door opening. Principle Nezu entered and paused when he saw the two humans. “It seems we underestimated our students. We were unable to bring them back at this time.”

Mrs. Midoriya was on her feet in a flash. “This is unacceptable. First you fail to protect my son as an omega and now you fail to protect him as a student. I have had enough of this school and it’s ridiculous failures.”

Shota felt a chill as he realized where the woman was going with this. He had always suspected that Izuku’s mother did not approve of his chosen profession. In the few interactions they had, she always seemed over protective to the point of stifling and controlling. He understood that as a single parent with a child who had been a quirkless omega most of his life she felt the need to protect. However, he would not stand back and allow her to take away her son’s dream without a fight.

He cut in before she could make any ultimatums. “I have an idea. If you will give me permission to negotiate with the boys on behalf of the school I think I could bring them back. They trusted me in the past and I hope that trust has not been completely lost through this.”

Nezu nodded before turning to the upset mother. “Would you be willing to give us one more chance? For the sake of your son’s future?”

She hesitated, looking between the principle and teacher. Finally, she gave a small defeated nod.


Shota’s attempts to call Midoriya and Bakugo all ended in failure. Their phones went straight to voicemail. He tried to track their phones, but they had either been destroyed or turned off. He had started calling in contacts to try and track down the boys when Nezu called.

“Have you been able to make contact?” The principal asked.

“Not yet,” he answered as he sat back and glared at the city map displayed on his computer screen. “Their phones were a dead end. I’m looking for other ways to track them down.”

The principal sighed. “I’m afraid we don’t have the time.”

“What do you mean?” Shota growled into the phone. They needed to find those boys and resolve this mess.

“Video of our fight with the students has made its way to the media. They are demanding answers. In one hour I will be having a press conference where I plan to announce that Midoriya Izuku and Bakugo Katsuki have broken the law and rejected the path of heroes. They are now wanted for assault and villainous use of their quirks.”

“You can’t do that!” Shota shot up out of his chair. “Making an announcement like that will destroy any trust those boys and their classmates have in us.”

“As I see it, this is the best way to preserve the reputation of our school and protect our remaining students.” Nezu’s voice was calm even as he stated something so absurd.

“Give me more time,” Shota begged. He had to stop this train wreck before it got any worse.“You have one hour.”


Izuku glared at the jumbo TV on the side of a building from the shadow of his hoody. He had just stepped out to get groceries when he saw the press conference being broadcast. ‘Villainous action’? They had defended themselves. UA had pushed them to this. With a frustrated sigh, Izuku headed back to the apartment where he and Kacchan were staying.

Was this how they were paid back for saving all of Japan? Without them, the whole country would have fallen to All for One and Shigaraki. He and Kacchan were possibly the two most powerful heroes in the country. They were expected to go pro straight out of high school and make it into the top ten list within their first year.

Now their dream was destroyed because people did not like his taste in alphas.

Izuku’s fists tightened to the point he could feel his fingernails digging into his palms. He was a hero, yet they were calling him a villain. Kacchan had faced this sort of thing before. Honestly Izuku had not appreciated how hard that must have been until right now.

He stomped his way into the previously abandoned apartment where he and Kacchan were staying.

“Wow, nerd. Normally stomping around and glaring is my thing,” Kacchan said with a smirk. “What happened while you were out to get you so upset?”

“UA has labeled us villains. They claim we ‘rejected the path of heroes’. I can’t believe this!”

“They what?” Katsuki was on his feet looking just as upset as Izuku. “They’re calling us villains? Us? We risked our lives to stop the most powerful villains of all time! Are people really buying this crap?”

“Don’t know.” Izuku slumped down on the old couch. “I didn’t stick around to see how people were reacting. I was too frustrated and wanted to see you.”

Katsuki sat down beside Izuku and put his arm around the omega’s shoulders. “If they reject us as heroes then it’s their loss. There’s no way they’ll be able to take us down, so who cares what they label us.”

“But I want to be a hero and save people.” Izuku pouted.

“You are a hero. The second best hero out there, right after me.” Izuku rolled his eyes at that. “Even if they take the title away from us, it doesn’t change what we are.”

“And if they send other heroes after us?”

“We show them no mercy.”

Izuku stared in shock. “But they’re heroes. I agree that we should fight to defend ourselves, but no mercy?”

“They chose to label us villains. Is it really a surprise if we start acting like ones?” Katsuki smiled viciously.

“I’m not sure about this. You were just saying that we’re still heroes and now you’re talking about acting like villains,” Izuku felt like his head was going to explode. Nothing made any sense any more. He was lost at sea and the only thing anchoring him was Kacchan.

“Deku, just listen. We can still be heroes to the people. We can save people and kick villain butt. But if the heroes think we’re villains, then we will be to them. We show them no mercy because if we don't, they will do everything they can to separate us. Understand?” Katsuki cupped Izuku’s face in his hands. “We’re strongest together. No one can beat us when we work as a team.”

Izuku bit his lip and nodded. “Okay.” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “They forced us to this point. The pros made this choice, not us.”

They shared a kiss before pulling apart once more. “Your mine, Deku. And I’m yours. Anyone who says otherwise can die.”


The students of 3-A watched the fight on the TV in solemn silence. All of the top ten heroes along with a handful of others and backed up by dozens of cops against their former classmates. The pros were loosing.

“Serves them right,” said Kirishima as another massive explosion shook the camera. In the smoke they could make out the unmoving form of Edge Shot. “They never should have gone after Bakugo and Midoriya.”

“I still can’t believe the principal labeled them villains,” Uraraka whispered.

Shota silently agreed from the shadows where he watched the class. Normally the principal was the smartest person around, but he had gravely miscalculated. Both Bakugo and Midoriya were far stronger then they had known. He really should have expected that after they took down Shigaraki by them selves. For the past year the alpha and omega had been practicing working together as a hero team. Their bond took their already exceptional team work to a new level. It was as if they knew instinctively where the other was at all times and what they were about to do.

Even with the best team they could put together, the heroes did not stand a chance. The fight ended with the former students standing over the bloodied broken bodies of heroes. “The heroes have fallen,” stated the shocked voice of the reporter. “Can no one stop these monsters?”

The camera focused on Bakugo who was looking straight at it. “Let this be a warning,” the alpha called out. “Anyone who tries to stop us will suffer the same fate. We wanted to be heroes. We never even broke the law until UA tried to force us apart.” He pointed directly at the camera. “You forced us into the role of villains. Now you have to pay the price.”

With explosions and flashes of green lightening the duo flew away. The TV clicked off.

Iida stood before the other students. “I cannot condone the actions of our classmates. But I also cannot condone the actions of this school.” He clenched his fists tightly. “I’m not saying I have the answers, but we cannot just sit here and do nothing.”

“It seems to me,” Todoroki spoke up. “That we have two choices. Either we stay here and continue our education to become heroes, or we make a stand against the system by leaving.”

“I think it’s a choice everyone should make for themselves,” Kirishima stated. “I suggest we all head to our rooms and think it over. Those who want to leave can meet down here in three hours.” The others agreed and they all made their way upstairs.

Shota had his own decision to make. He could remain at UA and turn a blind eye. Pretend he did not know some of his students would be leaving in the dead of night possibly with plans to aid new villains. He could try to stop them. Their trust in him was thin at this point, but he might be able to talk them into making change from the inside. Or he could join them. Shota made his way to his own room. He had some thinking to do.

That night the entirety of class 3-A disappeared from UA’s campus along with their home room teacher. A few weeks later, those same familiar faces were spotted alongside Midoriya and Bakugo. They were a team of vigilantes. Labeled villains by the heroes they had once admired, the team proved to be unstoppable.


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