The Heartless Women

By mcamp5229

79 15 8

Adrian, Etta, Peyton, and Lola all have had some hard times in their lives and have a difficult time dealing... More

Adrian Uncovered
Whatever Lola Wants
Peyton Untainted

Etta Unveiled

18 4 0
By mcamp5229

My life was what everyone else envied all The time. The Car, the house, the family, and especially the husband. He was on his road to fame and fortune and he and I had built our own small empire with my people skills his business sense we got him all the way to having one of the most known famous record labels in all of the United states, we named it Stardom Entertainment. But the day that the record label collected it's first million dollars I quickly learned that there really was nothing to envy about my life. My husband and I had two girls And a record label but behind closed doors was a hell that I wondered often how I had survived it. My husband hit me any time I left the house without his knowledge, when the kids hurt themselves, when I would say no to sex, the abuse was constant and I couldn't take it anymore. One day changed my life forever. It was the night of the million dollar checkpoint party And we'd arrived at home. I'll admit I was pissed at the party and when we got home because my husband didn't think I'd find out he was sleeping with his assistant and our babysitter and that night he was going to tell me why
"Etta go run me some bath water"
"What did you just say?"
"I just said NO Richard"
"Kids go to your room"
I knew he was going to do something to me but nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen
"Well now that the kids are in their rooms you wanna tell me when you started screwing your assistant and our babysitter"
"That's none of your business"
"Are you kidding me Richard?"
"Don't use that tone with me"
"Then tell me why you would screw some 21 year old when you have everything you need at home"
"Didn't I tell you that was none of your business!!!"
He took the broom from the kitchen closet and swung it at my head And luckily I ducked but then he puched me in my nose making me fall to the floor with a bloody face as he hit me repeatedly with the wooden broomstick, it wasn't the first time he had hit me with it but the particular night it broke into three pecies before he stopped
"Now take your ass upstairs and go to bed I'll be back in the morning and since you know, I'm going to our babysitter Kelly's house"
I went up to our bedroom as he walked out the door and went into the bathroom and seen the bruises and cuts all over my face and then the worst possible thing happened my 4 year old daughter walked into the bathroom
"Mommy did daddy do that to you?"
I was completely speechless, my youngest daughter knew what was going on.That night I put the girls to bed and cried myself to sleep.
But the next morning the worst event in my life occurred. I woke up and went into the kitchen and I saw a young boy
"Hi little man where'd you come from?"
"My mom brought me over"
"And who's your mother?"
"Hi Etta"
I turned around and seen my babysitter Kelly standing there with a smirk on her face
"Kelly what are you doing here?"
"We need to talk Etta"
And now It was Richard standing there with a serious look on his face
"What is it Richard?"
"Its time for you to go"
"Go where?"
"I don't give a damn"
"I'm not going anywhere I worked too hard to be here"
"We'll see about that"
He grabbed me by my neck and choked me out right there and when I awoken I was laying on the porch without a thing but my robe, but I wasn't leaving without my kids so I got the loose house key and snuck in and grabbed my kids and grabbed my car keys and drove away in the only thing Richard had nothing to do with, my blue camaro, I drove to my mother's house and me and my mom had a conversation
"He deserves to see his children Etta"
"No momma he beat me like I was a man on the street, that will not be my girls"
"Fine I'll stay out of it"
"Thank you were going to go to bed"
Me and my girls slept there that night but in the morning I heard. Richard's voice downstairs so we crawled out of the window and drove off but I called my mom while we were on the road
"Momma is Richard downstairs"
"Yes I told you he deserves to see the girls so I called him over"
"Too bad because I'm not there"
I hung up the phone and at that moment I realized that i was truly ON MY OWN!

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