Behind me

By 0Andromeda

195 74 2

Alice, an ordinary teenager, faced an attempted murder by a serial killer. A survivor, she embarked on a jour... More

Chapter 1-A normal life
Chapter 2- A new beginning
Chapter 3-Echoes of the Past
Chapter 4-Unwanted Reunion
Chapter 5-In Search of the Truth
Chapter 6-Whispers of the Night
Chapter 8-A rival appears
Chapter 9-The first victim
Chapter 10-Moments of Revelation
Chapter 11-Hearts in Conflict
Chapter 12-Finally Love
Chapter 13-The end
Chapter 14-Or not
Chapter 15-New Alliances
Chapter 16-Revealed Secrets
Chapter 17-Captive in the Shadows
Chapter 18-Reclaiming Freedom
Chapter 19-Triumph Through Challenges

Chapter 7-Bound by Fear

11 6 0
By 0Andromeda

After finishing school that day, I decided to invite all the girls for an afternoon of fun. I suggested going to the cinema to watch a lighthearted movie and then visiting an arcade to relax.

While we were on our way to the cinema, I noticed something concerning about Luna. She appeared exhausted, with deep circles under her eyes and a tired expression on her face. Worried, I asked if she had been playing games all night, as she often did.

Luna denied it, explaining that she had been having nightmares. Additionally, she confessed that on her way home, she had been feeling like someone was watching her. Emily suggested it might be because of the horror games Luna had been playing. Furthermore, as her mother was a nurse who worked night shifts, Luna was often alone at home during the night and felt scared.

The worry about the serial killer returned to my mind. I told Luna to be careful and stay alert to her surroundings. She nodded with a grateful look, and we continued our way to the cinema.

At the cinema, we chose a light and funny movie to temporarily forget the horrors we were facing. We sat together in the dark theater, laughing at the humorous scenes on the screen. It was a temporary relief from the tension, but our minds were still concerned about Luna's safety.

After the movie, we headed to the arcade, a place filled with vibrant colors and bright lights. Most people were busy playing arcade games, pool, and air hockey.

Luna, who was usually an avid gamer, didn't seem as excited as usual. Emily, Daisy, and I decided to cheer her up, encouraging her to participate in games and relax a bit.

While Emily and Luna played a game of air hockey, Daisy and I decided to try a dance game. It was a burst of laughter and awkward movements as we tried to follow the steps on the illuminated floor.

Samantha and Raven were engaged in a game of pool, focusing on the game. Even with all the fun around us, we couldn't help but have persistent worries about Luna.

Later that night, Luna reassured us, telling us not to worry too much. She said she just needed a good night's sleep and would be as good as new. We said our goodbyes, wishing her a peaceful rest and the chance to regain her energy. Each of us went to our respective homes, still carrying the persistent worries in our minds.

When I got home, I went to the office where the detective was about to leave with some colleagues. I was glad he needed a break, as I knew how tirelessly he had been working on the serial killer investigation. It was evident that he also needed some time to relax and recharge.

My joy quickly turned to alarm when, later that night, I heard knocks on the door. Upon opening it, I found an envelope left on the doorstep, containing a note and several photographs. The images showed Luna on her way home and inside her own house, as if someone had been following and secretly observing her. My heart raced as I read the words on the note: "I have your friend. Come to her house quickly, or I'll hurt her."

Without wasting time, I grabbed my phone and immediately called the detective, providing him with all the details. He asked me to wait while he gathered information, but the fear of something happening to Luna if I delayed drove me to take action on my own.

I ran to Luna's house, my mind flooded with worries and fears. The front door was inexplicably ajar, and I entered cautiously. I rushed to her room, which was in complete disarray, as if a fierce struggle had taken place. Furniture was overturned, objects scattered, and signs of a struggle were visible everywhere.

Among her stuffed animals, I came across a sinister-looking doll that bore a striking resemblance to Luna, sending a shiver down my spine. It was evident that something terrible had happened there.

Terrified and with my heart pounding, I tried to leave the room. However, before I could reach the door, the serial killer was standing there, blocking my path. I tried to lock myself in the room, but he forcefully opened the door and grabbed my arm, causing my head to hit the wall. With my vision blurred and pulsating pain, he approached my ear and whispered, "Did you think you could escape again? Don't be so conceited." Eventually, I passed out.

With agonizing pain, I gradually regained consciousness in a strange and gloomy environment. It was an old and decrepit house, clearly uninhabited for a long time. My vision was still blurry, but as I looked around, I realized I wasn't alone in that eerie place.

On the other side of the room, I witnessed a distressing sight: Luna was tied up, tears streaming down her pale face, her gaze expressing a mixture of relief and desperation. She looked at me with teary eyes and, between sobs, told me she was deeply relieved to see me wake up and apparently unharmed. When the serial killer had brought me to that location, she believed that I had been killed...

The atmosphere in that room was suffocating, as if the very environment was imbued with the fear we felt. Luna and I were trapped in that unknown place, not knowing what awaited us and in the hands of someone clearly dangerous.

Slowly, I began to crawl toward Luna, aware that our movements were limited by the restraints that held our limbs captive. Every inch of progress was a daunting achievement, but the need to reach her and offer comfort drove my determination.

Finally, after relentless effort, I managed to reach Luna. She was trembling with fear, tears still streaming down her pale cheeks. Luna put her head on my shoulder, seeking some solace in this terrible situation.

After this moment of mutual comfort, Luna explained that she had been abducted in her own home by this terrifying man. He had forcefully broken in and chased her to her room, where he had made her inhale a cloth that made her pass out. Then, she had been brought to this abandoned house.

After assessing our grim situation, we realized we were trapped in a room of an abandoned house. Only dim lighting revealed dusty furniture and a small broken window. The restraints holding us hostage were surprisingly sturdy, and any attempt to free ourselves seemed to result only in more pain and discomfort.

With the awareness that we didn't have much time until the dangerous killer returned, I started to examine the environment for anything that could help us escape. That's when I noticed the shards of glass scattered on the floor, originating from the broken window. Determined to find a way out, I crawled there, ignoring the agony the shards caused to my hands. I grabbed one of the shards and began cutting the rope that bound my wrists.

While I worked frantically to free us, Luna remained by the door, alert to any sign that the killer might be approaching. Blood was dripping from my hands, and the pain was unbearable, but the desperation to escape from that sinister trap was more powerful than any physical suffering.

With every heartbeat, anxiety grew, but finally, the ropes gave way. After freeing myself, I rushed toward Luna and released her. She embraced me with gratitude, but we soon realized that the situation was still critical. We attempted to open the door, but it was locked, and the window was too small for us to pass through. The feeling of despair began to settle in as time was running out, and the danger still loomed over us.

That's when Luna had an idea, inspired by the countless strategy games she had played. She explained that we needed to create a distraction for our kidnapper, making him move away long enough for one of us to attack him and enable our escape. We agreed immediately and began devising a detailed plan for our getaway.

After finalizing our escape plan, we decided that Luna would be the bait, while I would wait hidden to ambush the kidnapper. Luna reluctantly agreed, as she was nervous about taking on even more risk. However, we didn't have many options.

Luna started making noise, banging on the walls and screaming as if she were in a panic. I hid in a dark corner, ready to act at the right moment. It didn't take long for the kidnapper, attracted by the commotion, to enter the room.

As soon as he appeared, I silently moved up from behind and, with all the strength I could muster, struck him in the head with a piece of wood. The kidnapper staggered and fell, stunned by the blow.

Luna rushed to my side, took my hand, and urged us to flee while he was still disoriented. However, I hesitated for a moment and looked at her with determination. I explained that if we ran at that moment, he might come back and hunt us again. We needed to find out who this kidnapper was so that he wouldn't pose a threat to us anymore.

Luna nodded in agreement, acknowledging my assessment of the situation. Carefully, I approached the kidnapper, trying to remove his mask and expose his identity. However, before I could get close enough, he grabbed my hand tightly, pulling me closer to him. His eyes seemed to flash with anger as he pressed my face, as if he were about to kill me right there.

In that critical moment, Luna acted with bravery. She picked up the piece of wood we had used earlier and struck the kidnapper's back with force. He let out a cry of pain and released me, writhing in agony. Luna wasted no time and immediately pulled me by the hand, shouting for us to run. We began running as fast as we could, always holding hands, leaving behind that imminent danger as adrenaline propelled us to safety.

We continued running for a while, without looking back, finally stopping to catch our breath after exiting the woods. We were panting and sweaty, but the feeling of freedom was incredible.

The sun was beginning to rise, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink. Exhausted and sweaty, we stopped on an empty street to catch our breath. Each breath was a reminder that we had narrowly escaped a terrible situation.

Then, we saw a house and decided to knock on the door for help. An elderly lady kindly answered, and her expression turned immediately to concern upon seeing our disheveled state and torn clothes. She didn't hesitate and immediately called the nearest hospital.

When I realized it, I was lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by bright lights and medical equipment. Luna was in the bed next to me, still asleep, exhausted from the escape. Beside me, the detective stared at the floor, with an expression of profound sadness.

He apologized for not being able to prevent all of this from happening. He said that Luna had recounted all the terrible events, and the police were now investigating both her house and the abandoned house, but, unfortunately, there was no sign of the killer.

The detective explained that they were doing everything possible to locate the serial killer, and the safety of Luna and me was their top priority. However, his expression betrayed the frustration of not having been able to stop all of this from happening. While the detective and I talked in hushed tones so as not to wake Luna,  she slept deeply, perhaps for the first time in days, without nightmares or fear.

The detective went outside to speak with his colleagues, likely to discuss recent developments in the case and coordinate police efforts. While he was outside, Emily, Samantha, Raven, Daisy, Alex, Lucas, and Mason came to visit us at the hospital.

Emily, with a remorseful look, apologized for not realizing sooner what was happening. I reassured her, saying that it was my fault for not saying anything, but I didn't want to worry her. The past few days had been a relief and a break from all the turmoil.

The girls, including Luna, looked at me with compassion and asked me to tell them everything from the beginning. So, I began the story from two years ago when the first strange events began to occur. As I narrated the distressing details and terrifying moments we had experienced, they drew closer to me and hugged me.

They promised that they would always be there for me, regardless of the threats we faced. Our bond grew stronger, and the feeling of unity and support among us was unshakable. As long as there was danger, we were determined to stay together and protect each other, facing any challenges that came our way. It was comforting to know that we were not alone and that together we were stronger to confront whatever lay ahead.

After sharing my story with the girls, they said we should rest and left the room. Luna took the opportunity to visit her mother, who was worried about her, as when she had been in the room before, Luna was sound asleep.

Mason, on the other hand, stayed behind. He seemed quite disturbed by how tough he had been with me at the club, especially considering that I was going through so much. I chuckled and told him that my lessons with him had been the best parts of my day during that turbulent period. He blushed, and we shared a moment of levity amidst the tense situation we found ourselves in.

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