Girl Groups x M!Reader One-Sh...

By SenjyuNexus345

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Girl Groups x Male Reader One-Shots. That's basically it. More

About This Book
Request Chapter (Closed)
Late Night Confessions and Lullabies - Handong
Spoiled Afternoon - Chaeyeon
Snowstorms - Wendy
Finally Home - Siyeon
+5 Star+ - CL
Campus Crush - Seulgi
Fated Victories - JiU
The One I've Been Waiting For - SuA
Just Like a Christmas Movie - Handong
Christmas Lights, Mistletoes and Movie Marathons - Siyeon
Unusual Beginning - Sunmi I
Mutual Feelings, Dating Scandals and a Possible Happily Ever After - Sunmi II
Kiss The Girl - Vivi
Mood Swings, Pregnancy Tests and a Life Changing Decision - Siyeon
Fanfic Like Night Date - Daisy
Green Parks and Slippery Accidents - Yiren
Love, Camera, Action! - CL
Snowy Day - Irene
The Girl from Gyashi - JinSoul
How to Manage a Romance - Hyeju
Unusual Roommate - Hyunjin
First Love - Jeongyeon
100 ☆
To Serve, Protect and Fall in Love...? - Hyunjin
His Car Isn't Yours - Wendy

Counselor Hirai - Momo

596 7 1
By SenjyuNexus345

So, I had the idea for this story due to myself being a college student (kill me now 🙃) and from a story I read a while ago, and since I was in a Momo mood, back when I wrote this, there you go.

This is also my longest one-shot till this day. 

Like always, I hope you guys enjoy it :)


Hirai Momo was a student's counselor at the university you attended. You've been sent to her office a great number of times, by now, with both of you being very familiar with each other at this point.

With all said, at the moment, Momo was in her office, reviewing some paperwork, until a knock on the door was heard, with her answering:

– Come in!

And with permission given, the person on the other side, steps into the room with a greeting:

– Hey, Momoring.

Momo: Oh, it's you. So, what's the matter with Y/n, this time?

Nayeon: Well, his grades finally started dropping, something I already expected to happen. Aside from that, the usual.

Momo: So, he got into a fight, again?

Nayeon: Yep, during break time.

Momo: Just another Monday for us, I guess. Who did he fight with?

Nayeon: Sung-Jae.

Momo: Well, can't blame him, on this one. That kid's a pain.


– Fight, fight, fight!

Chants from other students pierced your ears, as they compress into a circle, surrounding you and another student, Lee Sung-Jae.

This wasn't supposed to happen or at least, not escalate to this level.

It all started back in the classroom, after you answered a question wrong, with Sung-Jae mocking you, yet unexpectedly for him, your professor, Ms. Nayeon, scolded him for such mocking, with the typical 'we're all here to learn' speech. As thankful as you were for her to side with you, you knew trouble was coming.

And just like you predicted, the moment break time arrives and you step out of the classroom, Sung-Jae calls for you. After a few insults, mostly from him to you and you having the last word, he charges towards you.

You've been part of a few fights during your time at the university, most of which starting off with a silly argument, like this very situation, yet despite you never getting blamed, since the professors always recognized that you were innocent on this regard, you were always sent to the counselor's office, after each conflict.

And as you were concentrated on surviving the fight, you don't notice Ms. Nayeon weaving through the spectators and standing in front of your assault, and once she's able to push you two apart, she asks:

– What is the meaning of this?!

Sung-Jae tries to play innocent, telling her that you started the fight, by insulting him. Thankfully for you, you could tell by Ms. Nayeon's expressions that she didn't believe a single word of what he said. Yet once the conflict was solved, she still demanded you to see the student's counselor, after her class, which causes you to simply sigh in defeat, agreeing with the older woman.

Once break time was over and you head back to the classroom, Ms. Nayeon wasn't there, with you obviously knowing the reason why.

And about ten minutes later, after break time was already over, she finally comes in, telling the students that she went to solve a matter, while discretely looking at you.

~Flashback Off~

Your POV:

Here I go again to visit the counselor. Ms. Momo must be hella sick of me, by now. I mean, I've been seeing her weekly, practically since I got into this university.

And as I push these thoughts away, I see myself standing in front of Ms. Momo's office's door. After taking a deep breath, I knock on the wood and once I get the permission to come in, I open the door, immediately closing it, behind, then walking towards the visitor's chair, sitting on it.

A couple moments later, once Ms. Momo finishes typing on the computer, she turns to me, saying in a playful tone:

– And here you are, once again.

– Like always, things went south for me.

Momo: Yeah, I heard it from Nayeon. So, a fight with Sung-Jae, huh? Care to give me the details?

– I got an answer wrong and he mocked me for it, but professor Nayeon kinda talked back for me. And obviously, he got pissed and took it out on me, once we went on a break.

Momo: So, I'm assuming that cut on the lip has to do with the fight?

– Yeah, he got me with a right hook. Asshole.

Momo: I see.

And as she finishes such sentence, Ms. Momo opens the desk drawer and after an instant of searching, she takes out a humid tissue, proceeding to come towards me. Once she's right in front, Ms. Momo asks:

– May I?

– Go ahead...

Ms. Momo then starts wiping the crusty blood on my bottom lip. After a few seconds, with her finished cleaning my lip off, she throws the tissue away, proceeding to say:

– There you go.

– Thank you...

Momo: You're welcome.

She then sits back at her desk, while calling me, saying:

– So Y/n, due to your too frequent visits, I'm gonna ask you a few questions and I want you to be completely honest on answering them, okay? These'll serve for me to analyze your situation and try to understand what exactly you are going through and what solution I can come up with to help you.

– Okay, I understand.

Momo: Good. So, first of all, why do you think you get into so many fights, here at the university?

– Ugh, I don't know. I mean, people seem to not like me, not like my existence for absolutely no reason. Some more than others, like Sung-Jae.

Momo: I'm sorry to hear that. Despite what you just said, do you have friends, here Y/n?

– Well, I wouldn't really call them friends, more like mates to get some work done. Like, I'm in this group for a semester project, but it's not like we really talk about something else other than the project, to say that we actually have some kind of friendship.

Momo (chuckling): I see you're not much of a people person, huh?

(Chuckling) – Yeah, you could say that.

Momo: What about the course, are you enjoying it? Considering that it's already your second year, I'm guessing you are, right?

– Yeah, I really am. I kinda have an idea already of what part of the field to follow.

Momo: That's great. It's kind of rare for that to happen, but it's nice to see you already have set your plans. Next question, now, do you have a job, Y/n?

– Yup. I work at a convenience store near where I live.

Momo: And how do you feel about it? Do you like the job? Do you wish you could change to something better, maybe?

– Yeah, I do. It pays well, enough for me to survive and the store itself is a calm ambient, but sometimes, customers act like assholes and it's a pretty damn shame I can't act back. But aside from that matter, I don't mind working there, neither want to change jobs. At least for the moment.

Momo: Hmm, okay. This one might be a bit personal, but please answer it, if you feel comfortable about it. Anyway, what about a girlfriend, hm? Are you in a relationship, Y/n?

– Nope. Don't get me wrong, but I think relationships are a waste of time, especially now. I really just wanna get my stuff done, here and leave as soon as possible, and I don't need someone to pester me, just because they crave for my attention.

Momo: A bit harsh on words, but I get your point. Okay, we're done on the questions.

– Nice.

Momo: So, aside from what I told you, minutes ago, the reason for these questions was because Nayeon told me that your grades started to drop, so I wanted to see if there was any specific cause to it. But from our little questionnaire, apparently it's just the life of a college student that's being stressing you out, which I'm slightly relieved to know, as for, at least it's not some other more serious reason.

– Well, there's that and people simply being assholes for no reason. And I still get asked why I don't get out of the house much.

Momo (chuckling): I know this is kinda out of topic,but we've been doing this for a year and gotta say that I love your sense of humor, Y/n. You're one of the very few students who don't strictly see me as a university staff, that I notice that you actually get yourself comfortable,around me.

– I mean, the whole 'judgement free environment' thing really helps. But I also feel like I can truly trust you, Ms. Momo. Being totally honest here and I hope I'm not being rash, but you're the only person I actually consider as a friend, Ms. Momo.

Momo: I'm very glad and also happy to hear such thing, that you actually trust me, on such level. So, now that we discussed everything, I wanna propose something. It's a bit unconventional and even unethical, work wise, but maybe it'll not only get back on track, grades wise, but can also relieve the stress you've been feeling.

– You're the psychologist here, so I'm listening.

Momo: By the way, this'll have to be kept between us.

– Uh, okay...

Momo: Well, like I said, despite being unconventional, I thought about us going out on a date.

– Said what now?!

Momo: Calm down, Y/n. As you might know, it is proven that having a loved one reduces depression, anxiety and most importantly on this case, stress, and with that said, I'd like to give this experiment a try, with us going out on dates as a couple, with me spoiling you.

– Okaaay... This went from zero to hundred, really freaking quick.

Momo: Look Y/n, I know this whole idea is unorthodox, but we can't just let your grades keep dropping, due to emotional problems that are in a way, quite simple to solve. And yes, I do understand you don't want to be in a relationship and you won't actually be in one, if you agree to this. The idea is to simulate one, only and see if that helps. So, what do you say, Y/n?

– Ugh, what the hell? Let's do this. I mean, your intention is to help me, after all, right? Besides, what's the worst that can happen, honestly?

Momo: Great. Quick questions, where do you work, exactly and what time is you lunch break?

– I work at a 7Eleven, near where I live and I get off for lunch at noon.

Momo: Same as me, okay. Between this night and tomorrow morning, I'll text you the details for our lunch date.

– Oh, it's already gonna happen?

Momo: The sooner, the better, Y/n, especially because of your grades.

– I understand. Well, thank you for the help, Ms. Momo.

Momo: From now on, when it's just the two of us, you can call me just Momo or noona, if you prefer.

– Okay. Well then, thanks noona.

Momo: You're welcome, Y/n. Now, you should get going. We spent quite a lot of time talking.

And as I look at the clock, I see that's already past eleven o'clock.

– Holy shit! What do you mean it's already eleven o'clock?!

Momo: Sorry about this. Apparently, I lost track of time and kept you here longer than I should have.

– It's okay, noona. You were just trying to help.

Momo: Well, since this is partially my fault, do you want a ride back home?

– No, thank you, I'll be fine.

Momo: It was rhetorical, cuz there's no way I'm letting you walk these streets alone, at this time of the night. Especially, since I'm the one who held you till this late hour.

– It's not really necessa-

Momo: I insist! Now, c'mon, let's go.

– Okaaay. Thank you, then.

Momo: You're welcome, dear.

And as I give up on arguing, I quickly get my stuff and start to follow Momo, who leads us to the employee's garage. We then get to her car, quickly getting in and as she starts the engine, Momo asks the directions to my place and once I give it to her, she starts leaving the university, heading to my place.

Time goes by and almost an hour later, the car suddenly stops, with me finally coming back to reality after zoning out over the cellphone.

Momo: There you go, buddy.

– Thank you for the ride, noona.

Momo: No problem. See you tomorrow, right?

(Chuckling) – I guess so.

Momo: Great. See you, Y/n.

– Bye.

And once we give our farewells and I leave the car, Momo drives away as I keep watching her and once she's gone from my sight, I head inside the apartment building. Minutes later, once I get to my apartment and get inside, I head straight to my bedroom, lying on the bed. 

After resting for like ten to fifteen minutes, I get up and head to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once done I head back to the room, changing clothes to finally finish the day. As I was lied down, I get a message from Momo with the address for our date, tomorrow. I then quickly answer her and a few minutes later, after I leave the cellphone on the nightstand, I fall asleep.


It was five thirty in the morning of the next day, when the alarm on your cellphone rings, waking you up and after a few instants fumbling the nightstand, you finally find the device, turning off such alarm. You, then sit on the bed, stretching yourself, cracking as many bones as you could. Once you're finished, you leave the room, heading to the kitchen to eat something. After your quick and improvised breakfast, you go back to the bedroom and quickly change clothes. Fifteen minutes later, with everything ready, you finally leave, heading to the convenience store you work at.

Once you get there, you quickly head to the employees room to change, as you leave your belongings in the locker. As you're set, you get to your position as a cashier to start the day.

~Time skip~

The clock hits twelve and with that, lunch break arrives. Once you quickly change yourself and get the few necessities needed, like your wallet, you head to the address Momo sent you the previous night.

Luckily to you, the restaurant was closer than you thought, with yourself arriving at it within fifteen minutes. As you walk towards the entrance, you notice Momo standing outside, waiting for you. As you get closer, you see that she's wearing a black sleeveless shirt, with black sweatpants.

And once she also sees you, she greets you, with a bright smile:

– Hi, there, Y/n. How are you?

– Hey, noona. I'm fine and you?

Momo: Fine as well. So, are you hungry?

– Yeah, I am.

Momo: Great. I hope you don't mind on eating ramen.

– Not at all.

Momo: Okay, let's go, then.

Your POV:

Momo then grabs my hand and drags me into the restaurant. As soon as her hand gripped mine, I felt a shiver down my spine. Okay, this was... Awkward...

A few steps later, we sit beside the windows, proceeding to pick up the menu. A couple moments later, after we settled ourselves, Momo noona asks:

– Any idea on what you're having?

– I think I'll get this traditional one, with an orange soda. What about you, noona?

Momo: I'm going with this pork one, with a Sprite.

Once we both decide on what to eat, Momo noona calls for a waiter that instantly shows up and after we both place our orders, he leaves the table. As we're back in being just the two of us, Momo calls for me, jokingly saying:

– So Y/n, tell me a bit about yourself, aside from what's on the college data bank.

– There's not much to say, to be honest. I'm twenty four years old, I own a small apartment, I work at a convenience store and I'm taking audiovisual production in college, as you already know.

Momo: Do you have any dreams? Goals you want to achieve, maybe.

– Well, I want to be a script writer and write stories for my favorite franchise.

Momo: Wow, that's pretty nice. I remember you said something about knowing on what area of this field you wanted to work in. It's good to know you're already aiming that ahead.

– Well, I already write stories on my free time and I really love this franchise, so I thought 'why not?', but then, I still gotta finish the course itself, first. But enough about me, now. What about you, noona?

Momo: Just like you, there's not much for me to say. I'm from Japan, as my name can tell, I'm twenty seven years old, and I also own an apartment, and work at the university as the student's counselor,as you also already know. I also like to dance in my free time.

– Seriously? Nice. I'd love to see you dancing, someday.

Momo: Maybe you will. It all depends on how these dates go.

(Chuckling) – If you say so, noona. Anyway, you and I are not so different, apparently.

Momo: Apparently not.

Momo's POV:

As we keep talking, about fifteen minutes later, our orders arrive and once the waiter places them down and leaves, we dig into our meals, with Y/n exclaiming with his mouth full:

– Mmm, damn! This is the best ramen I've ever had!

Momo: I knew you'd you like it.

After a while, the conversation slowly starts to get active, once again, flowing nicely, within seconds and a few minutes later, we start chatting, with the topics ranging from happenings at the university to some personal stories, with Y/n telling one of his:

– And we were already in the bus when the milkshake started leaking, cuz Y/BF (Your best friend) squeezed the bottle and cracked the plastic.

Momo (laughing): And you didn't get in trouble or something?

– Somehow, no. But I told him to drink that thing as fast as he could and I think he drank only half of it, before throwing it away.

Momo (chuckling): I guess when best friends get together, they share the same half of a brain cell.

(Chuckling) – You got that right.

Momo: I remember when me and Nayeon went to Universal Studios park, back in Japan and just like with you and your bestie, we shared the same half of a brain cell, in almost everything we did, especially on the interactive rides and attractions. But silliness aside, now, as she spent a few days at my house, she really improved her Japanese I'll admit that. 

– Nayeon, as Ms. Nayeon?

Momo: Yep. Believe it or not, we're best friends since 2015.

(Chuckling) – I feel like I should've expected this. I mean, you two really give the same vibes, in a way. It makes sense that you two are actually besties. I bet she was the one who gave the idea about this whole relationship role play.

Momo: Actually, this idea is totally mine. She didn't interfere in any way.

– But she asked you to 'fix me', because of the grades dropping, right?

Momo: Not really, no. We're both worried about you, sure, but we didn't plan anything together to 'fix you'. In fact, she didn't even ask me to do such thing. All she did was warn me about your grades, as you already know. So I'm helping you, willingly.

– Okay. Well, thanks then, noona.

Momo: You're welcome, sweetheart.

We then proceed to keep enjoying our meals, with some occasional small conversations, here and there. Once we're done, I insist on ordering a dessert for us to share and after a very short while of looking at the menu, we decide on a cake.

After a moment or two of waiting, the pastry arrives, with both of us digging into it, as we start savoring the cake. Another twenty minutes later, we finish the dessert, so we head to the cashier. Once we get there, as Y/n was taking his wallet out, I stop him from doing so, which gets him saying:

– I know I'm a university student, but I still can pay for my own meal.

Momo: Which I have no doubt, but consider this part of the experiment.

(Chuckling) – Fine. You're the boss.

I then, pay for both meals and once done, we leave the restaurant and as we get outside, Y/n says:

– Well, this was fun.

Momo: It certainly was. I'm glad you actually came today, Y/n and I'm not saying this because of the experiment. It was really nice to get to know you, in a more personal way.

– Can say the same about you, noona.

Momo: I'm glad to hear that. So, due to this whole experiment thing, expect us to have more dates, from now on. And don't worry, your schedule will always come first, so it doesn't interfere with your life, most importantly, with your studies.

– Okay. In a way, I'm already looking forward to them.

I then take out the phone and after about a minute of fumbling on it, I call an Uber, telling him about it.

(Chuckling) – Oh, thanks. I'm guessing this is part of the experiment?

Momo (chuckling): Yes it is, pabo.

A few minutes later, the Uber arrives and as Y/n, was about to leave, I call him, making him turn:

– Yeah?

And without answering, I get right in front of him, proceeding to gently kiss his cheek, getting him to blush, as I tell him:

– Take care, Y/n...

– You too, noona...

Momo: Bye.

– Bye...

We then proceed to quickly hug each other and once we pull apart, Y/n finally gets in the car, proceeding to leave the restaurant area.

~Time skip~


It's been two and a half months since you started going on dates with your counselor. The whole experience was still slightly awkward for you, but after these almost three months, you were almost used to it.

Also, the experiment's main goal was being achieved, with you getting back on track on your studies and such improvement was noticed by Ms. Nayeon, who for noticing such detail, decides to go to Momo's office to talk about you and your improvement.

With all said, at the moment, Momo was in her office, typing something on the computer, until a knock on the door was heard, with her answering:

– Come in!

And with permission given, Nayeon steps into the room with a greeting:

– Hey, Momo.

Momo: Hi. Why do I feel like you're here, because of Y/n?

Nayeon: I am and I actually came here to say that he's back on track.

Momo: Oh, is he? That's good to know. I guess the experiment is having its effects, then.

Nayeon: What experiment?

Momo: Shit...

Nayeon: Momo, what have you been doing with Y/n?!

Momo: Nothing! At least nothing serious... We're just... Going out on dates, occasionally...

Nayeon: Wait, what? You're going out with Y/n?!

Momo: It's not what it sounds like!

Nayeon: I'm pretty sure it is!

Momo: Look, I know this whole situation sounds messed up, but I'm doing what I'm doing for Y/n, to get his grades back on track. I'll admit that I do care for him, in a bit extra way. But that doesn't mean I like him, before you assume something! Besides, it's working, isn't it?

Nayeon: Well, it is, but you know that if you get found out, that excuse isn't gonna work, right?

Momo (sighing): Yeah, I do... Shit. Should I call this off?

Nayeon: What's the deal between you two? Like, what did you settle?

Momo: That we'd go out on dates, like a couple, but we won't actually be one.

Nayeon: Do you two pretend to be a couple or is it more like two friends hanging out?

Momo: The second thing.

Nayeon: Okay, I don't see a reason to call it off, then. Not yet, at least.

Momo: We're on the same boat, then...

Nayeon (chuckling): You're enjoying this, aren't you?

Momo: You could say that the 'stress relieving' part is working both ways...

Nayeon (laughing): I see. Well, gotta go now, bye. Keep up the good work, counselor. Just don't fall in love with our student.

Momo (blushing): Bite me, unnie!

Nayeon then leaves Momo's office, while laughing at her friend's blushed face, due to her teasing.

~Time skip~

After a long and tiring rest of week, of work and college, it was finally Saturday, being one p.m. at the moment and all you wanted was to stay home, and do all the nothings possible. Yet the universe had other plans for you...

With that said, as you were watching TV, you cellphone suddenly buzzes. You then get it out from your pocket and once you look at the screen, you see that it's a call from Momo, which you gladly pick it up, saying:

– Hey, noona. What's up?

Momo: Hi, Y/n. Do you have plans for later, about six p.m.?

– Nope, not at all. Why you're asking?

Momo: Well, I got tickets for the Red Velvet concert that I was going with Nayeon, but she canceled on me, due to an emergency and gave her ticket to take someone else. So, wanna go?

– Hold on, you have tickets to Red Velvet?! Holy shit! I tried to buy one, but they got sold out in like ten minutes!

Momo: Well, now you have a chance to go. So, what'd you say?

– The fact that you invite me to such event, expecting a negative answer is quite amusing.

Momo (chuckling): Pabo. I'll pick you up around five thirty, okay?

– Okay. See you, then noona.

Momo: See you later, Y/n.

And once you hang up on each other, despite the early hour, you start to get yourself ready for such event.

Time goes by and when it was past five o'clock,you were already ready, waiting for Momo to pick you up. And just like scheduled, around five thirty she arrives, signaling her arrival by texting you and as you read such message, you leave your apartment, walking towards Momo's car with her greeting you:

– Hey, Y/n. Excited for the show?

– Hey, noona. And of course I am!

Momo: I can see that. Anyway, get in.

– Thanks.

You then get in the vehicle, while noticing her wearing, a white hoodie with a few blue writings and a pair of jeans.

And once you set yourself on the seat, Momo leaves your apartment building, heading to the concert hall. A few minutes later, as you were hitting the road, you call for Momo, jokingly suggesting her:

– How about we listen to some music? May I?

Momo: Sure, go ahead.

And with permission given, you take out your cellphone, along with an USB cable, connecting one side to the car's radio port and the other side to your cellphone. Once done, you hit the shuffle button, with 'Knock on Wood' starting to play in the car's speakers, getting a chuckle from Momo, as she says:

– I should've expected this.

– Yes, you should've, noona. Damn, I still can't believe I'm actually attending a Red Velvet concert!

Momo: You better believe it, Y/n.

– Thanks for this, noona. I mean it.

Momo: You're welcome, sweetheart.

Momo then slides her free arm across the seats, until she reaches for your left hand, which she gently grabs it, slowly rubbing her thumb on the back of your knuckle and as you look up at her, you see her focused on the road ahead, while seeming like she's pretending like nothing happened.

About half an hour later, you arrive at the concert hall, immediately getting in line. Twenty minutes later, you both finally get through the security gates, entering at the spectating area, with the actual stage right before your line of sight. And once you and Momo get set at a relatively close spot, you wait for the concert to start.

Your POV:

About fifteen minutes later after we got inside, the lights of the room turn off, with only the stage ones being left lit. Here we go! A few moments later, the Red Velvet girls start walking towards the center of it and they're looking stunning, as always. And as they set themselves on stage, the first song starts playing, it's 'Power Up'. Yes!

After about three songs, Momo calls for me, asking, while shouting due to the noise:

– Are you enjoying the show?!

– I sure am! Thank you so much for this! Seriously!

Momo: Anything for my favorite patient!

Momo then pecks my cheek, proceeding to enjoy the show, right after.

After losing track of time, with about another ten songs being played by now, 'First Time' starts playing. The whole crowd that was pure screams of excitement and sing-alongs, went silent within a half second. Okay...

Suddenly, Momo positions herself in front of me, proceeding to grab my arms and wrap them around her waist. As I look down at her, she simply smiles at me, so I awkwardly smile back at her.

Momo's POV:

About three minutes go by and as the song was coming to an end, I release Y/n's grip and turn to him, while shortening the distance between us. And as the song gets to it final beats, we start to slowly approach our faces, our lips...

– 'Today I realized how much I really love you, for the first time...'

And after a small falter, our lips finally press against each other's, with us proceeding to kiss. A few seconds later, we slowly start pulling away, with blushed cheeks and as we finally look to each other, Y/n shyly mutters:

– Oh... Uh...

Momo: Sorry... I- I got a bit carried away by the song...

– It- It's okay... It's just that- Uh... It just caught me by surprise...

Momo: I figured that out... So- Sorry...

– No, it's okay... I actually liked it...

Momo: Oh... That's-That's good...


After this tender moment the both of you shared, you and Momo just enjoyed the rest of the concert, with the atmosphere between the two of you going back and forth from romantic and awkward.

And after five more songs, the show finally came to an end, with you and Momo leaving the concert hall, with her dropping you off at your place.

~Time skip~

After a rest of a weekend, with the scene of you and Momo kissing, constantly replaying in your mind, Monday finally arrives.

It was six fifty in the afternoon at the moment, with you already in the classroom, talking to Ms. Nayeon about the concert:

– And they opened the concert with 'Power Up' and kept alternating between the title tracks and the bsides- Sorry, professor. You probably don't wanna really hear about the concert.

Nayeon: On the contrary, Y/n. I'd love to hear your experience. I'm glad you got to enjoy it, in my place.

– About that, I'm sorry you didn't get to go to the concert.

Nayeon: It's okay, Y/n. I just had some personal matters to solve, anyway.

– I see. But everything is fine, now right?

Nayeon: Yes, it is. No need to worry. Now, go on, keep telling me about the concert.

– It was simply awesome. But there was this one moment that was quite... Peculiar, let's say...

Nayeon: Why? What happened?

– So, the crowd was freaking hyped, screaming, singing along and all. But for some reason, when 'First Time' started playing, the crowd went silent, singing along in a very low tone.

Nayeon: Don't get me wrong, but why was that a peculiar moment?

– Cuz it was the only ballad type bside that the crowd went almost silent like that.

Nayeon: I still don't get your point, Y/n.

– Okay... Yeah, so- Do you believe in fate, professor? Like, the universe sometimes acting at your benefit and stuff like that?

Nayeon: Depends on the situation, why?

– Yeah, so uh, during the song, Momo noona grabbed my arms and wrapped them around her... And moments later, when the song was about to finish- Do you know Wendy's last line from the song, that English one?

Nayeon: The 'Today I realized how much I really love you, for the first time' part?

– Yup... Yeah, so... We kissed on that line...

Nayeon: Oh... Damn... Just outta curiosity, who kissed who, exactly?

– She kissed me...

Nayeon: I see. Damn, Momo saw the chance and really took it, huh?

After Ms. Nayeon's rhetorical question, you two kept talking for a few more minutes and once such topic came to an end, you head to your usual seat and wait for the class to start.

Time goes by and after an hour and half of class, break time arrives and while you go grab a snack to recharge yourself for the rest of the night, Ms. Nayeon goes after Momo due to the conversation she had with you, earlier.

And with that said, at the moment, Momo was in her office, typing something on the computer, until a knock on the door was heard, with her answering:

– Come in!

And with permission given, Nayeon steps into the room with a greeting:

– Hey, Momo.

Momo: Hey- Wait, why are you here?

Nayeon: Just came to talk. So, how was the concert?

Momo: Good, great, actually.

Nayeon: I imagine so. I mean, Y/n seemed pretty excited, like it was his FIRST TIME going to a concert.

Momo (sighing): He told you, didn't he? About us, kissing?

Nayeon (chuckling): He did. So, during 'First Time', huh? You sly girl.

Momo: I- I don't know what's gotten in me to do that...

Nayeon: Oh, I know. You're in love with Y/n. Can't really blame you, tho. He's a nice kid.

Momo: What do I do now, unnie?

Nayeon: Okay, you're not denying. Anyway. Well, you have two options. On your next session or the time you meet him, you can tell him how you feel, or you can wait for him to tell you something about this whole matter. Regardless of the situation, you should end this whole role play thing, especially if it turns out to be mutual, cuz y'know? You'd be really dating the kid. And if it turns out not to be, at least you won't keep hurting yourself, every time you see him.

Momo: Yeah, you're right...

Nayeon: Well, since I got the answer I wanted, bye!

Momo (chuckling): Bye, unnie.

Nayeon then leaves Momo's office, heading back to the course room. Once break time was over, each one returns to their room to finish attending classes.

Your POV:

After another hour, school hours were finally over, so I quickly pack my things and leave the course room, heading towards the main gate. As I get close to the exit, I see Momo noona standing in front of the gate. She looks... Stunning...

I mean, it's the first time I'm seeing her today, so I didn't really know what how she was looking for the day, let's say. She's wearing a slightly beige transparent dress, with a black tank top underneath.

A few steps later, once I get close to her, I ask:

– Noona? What are you doing, here?

Momo: Hi, Y/n. I know you probably want to go home, but do you mind spending the night at my place, today...?

– Oh... Uh, yeah... Yeah, sure, why not...?

Momo: Shall we, then...?

We then head to the parking lot and moments later, we get to her car, quickly getting in, as she starts the engine. We then, proceed to head to her place, arriving at her place, about half an hour later.

As we get to her place and out of the car, we quickly make our way to the front door and once Momo opens it, giving the way, while welcoming me:

– Make yourself comfortable.

– Thank you.

I then step in as told to, with Momo locking the door behind me. She then heads to the kitchen. Seconds later, in the room, she asks me:

– Do you want something to drink? Maybe some soda or a glass of wine?

– I'll accept the soda, thank you.

Momo: Okay.

Momo then gets two glasses from the cupboard, pouring the soda in one of them, proceeding to pour some whisky in the other one. Once she's done, she comes to the living room and as she sees me still standing, tells me to sit on the couch.

– Oh, thanks.

She then leaves the room, heading to her bedroom. About five minutes later, Momo's back in the living room, now wearing a greyish blue top, with black leggings.

She then comes towards the couch, proceeding to sit next to me, proceeding to immediately say:

– You must be wondering why I invited you over, tonight. Being straight forward here, these months we've been spending together, going out on dates, has been a wonderful experience. I started this whole thing just to help you get good grades, again, but you turned out to be a better company than I expected... I liked how we got close within less than ten dates or so... I mean, sure, we had our little history already built, but-

– That's very sweet of you to say... And I think I have an idea of where this is going, so can I speak my thoughts...?

Momo: Always...

– I hope I'm not taking a shot in the dark, here, but maybe, what you're trying to get to say... 'I'm in love with you'... Because that's exactly what I'm feeling and have been wanting to tell you, for a while, now...

Momo (blushing): So it is mutual...

– It is... Besides, I'm sure you know that I talked with Ms. Nayeon and that I told her about us at the concert...

Momo (blushing and chuckling): Yeah, I do... Gosh, I'm in love with my patient student...

– And I'm in love with my college counselor... But, what now...?

Momo: I have an idea... May I...?

– Go ahead...

And with said sentence, Momo gets off from beside me, getting on my lap, resting her legs on each side of my thighs. After settling herself, she places her arms behind my neck, pulling me in for a kiss. A very needy yet passionate kiss, similar to the one we gave at the concert, but also charged with the lust and desire we were both craving for a while, now. Instants later, we pull apart due to lack of oxygen and with our lips still pressing, I smile, saying:

– Easy there, noona...

Momo: Stop pretending like you haven't been wanting this, too...

– I didn't say I wasn't. Just wasn't expecting to be this intense.

Momo: So, you want me to stop?

– Not at all...

Momo: That's what I thought...

As she answers, we proceed to kiss again, leading to an even more intense make out, getting me to feel the softness of Momo's lips, as her sweet taste entered my mouth. My tongue followed her rhythm, letting her lead as it brushed up against mine. 

As we pull apart to catch some breath, we stand up from the couch, with Momo dragging us to the bedroom. As we get there, Momo lies on the bed, with me getting on top of her, right after.

Momo (chuckling): Didn't expect you to be a top.

– Very funny, noona.

And after such tease, we proceed to make out, with her hands travelling through my body, while mine do the same on hers, getting to feel her smooth skin.

Momo's POV:

Never thought that making out with Y/n would feel this good, getting to feel his hands travelling through my body, making me shiver. After a while, as we pull apart to catch a breath, Y/n says:

– You're so fucking hot, noona.

Momo: Thanks. You're one hot piece, too baby boy.

(Chuckling) – Thanks. Do you mind spicing things up a bit more...?

Momo: Don't ask, just do it.

– Roget that.

As he said that, Y/n moved my hair out of my neck, planting his lips on my skin. After a while just pecking, he starts sucking the skin. Worried that it might leave a hickey mark, I warn him:

– Hey, be careful not to leave a mark! I still gotta go to work, tomorrow!

– Sorry, noona!

After apologizing, Y/n starts lowering himself, planting kisses down my body, getting to my stomach.

– Damn, noona. You've got some pretty nice abs.

Momo: You're into abs?

– I'm into your abs, that's for sure. Anyway,since we both know we shouldn't get any lower from here, I wanna switch.

Momo: If you say so, naughty boy...

As I say that, Y/n gets off from me, with both of us getting off the bed and just like when he lied me down, we proceed to make out again. As I get to his neck, unlike Y/n who pecked and sucked on the skin, I decide to go a step above, proceeding to nibbling on his skin. These'll leave way more notable marks, than his hickies, but it's okay. I'll just cover it with my makeup, if it gets too noticeable.

After a while, as I stop the biting, I start tracing down, planting soft and delicate kisses on my Y/n's bare chest, which gets him to groan and slightly moan. Sensitive, isn't he?

Your POV:

Just like I did to her, she keeps tracing her kisses down my abs and as she does that, I feel something rising at my lower region, but it's not the Metal Gear...

And Momo that was positioned slightly above my crotch, quickly notices the bulge forming inside my pants, leading her to say in a sensual tone:

– Someone is getting excited...

– How couldn't I? I'm making out with my dream type of woman.

Momo: Japanese women?

– Older women, actually...

Momo (chuckling): Yeah, that doesn't really surprise me. That's cute. Well, just like you said, earlier, I also think we shouldn't get any lower.

– I hate to agree on this...

Momo then gets off from top, lying next to me.As she gets closer, she pulls me in, getting me to bury my face in the crook of her neck. After a few minutes of silence, I hear Momo noona saying:

– This was fun...

– It really was...

Momo: I know we just went through this intense moment, but before we officially get together as a couple, there's one matter we need to discuss and I imagine you already know what it is.

I then lift myself, asking her:

– Your job and its etiquette, right?

Momo: Yep...

– Well, as much as I wanted to, I wouldn't really mind, if we weren't able to act as a couple, at the university. I mean, it'd be literally the only place, right?

Momo: Well, yeah... But we'd also have to be careful with someone recognizing us, either a classmate of yours or one of my superiors.

– Honestly, I'd say that's the least of our problems. If we get caught together, we can just say that we just bumped into each other and decided to walk together. Besides, if we really get caught by one of your superiors, it's not gonna be like they won't know we have a certain history, from me being constantly sent to your office. All we gotta do is come up with something convincing, if we get caught at a restaurant, or some other place like so.

Momo: I actually haven't thought about it, like that...

– I understand that your job's at stake here, but... If you're really up for it, I'd like to give it a try, give us a try... Cuz, I really like you, noona...

Momo: I like you, too Y/n...

Momo's POV:

And as I reciprocate Y/n's feelings, I gently pull him, proceeding to kiss the top of his head, which makes him wrap one his arms around my waist, getting him to hug me. With one of his arms wrapped around me, I word out:

– And honestly, I really won't stand being apart from you... Especially knowing that what I feel is mutual...

– Wait, so this means-?

Momo: So Y/n, do you wanna be my boyfriend?

– I certainly do... What about you, noona? Do you wanna be my girlfriend?

Momo: I do...

And once we make our relationship official, I pull him for another kiss, this time being more calm and gentle, while placing my hand on his cheek.

As we pull our lips apart, we stay lied down for about half an hour, until Y/n's stomach suddenly grumbles.

As I look up at him, I see him blushing, while trying to pretend like nothing happened. While holding back a laugh, I jokingly ask him:

– So, you're hungry, baby?

– Don't at me! I haven't eaten since lunch...

Y/n then pouts with my teasing and without resisting his cuteness, I steal a kiss from him, quickly pecking his lips, with him getting even more blushed. Such a cute baby boy.

After one last tease, I get up from bed, making my way to the kitchen. After a quick look in the fridge and cabinet, I decide make jokbal and chahan.

And about half an hour later, I finish preparing the dishes, so I call for Y/n, who showed up almost instantly. I guess he's really hungry.

As I was setting the table, he starts getting the cups and the soda, pouring the beverage right after. Once everything was ready, he finally sits at the table, while I fix our plates, starting with his, setting it down, as I'm done.

– Thank you.

Momo: You're welcome. I should've asked you this before, but you eat jokbal, right?

– Yeah, I do.

Momo (chuckling): Oh, good.

I then proceed to fix mine and once done, I also finally sit at the table. And as I was slightly distracted with some random thoughts, I hear Y/n saying:

– Speaking of it, this jokbal is looking really good. And what is this rice mix?

Momo: It's chahan, a Japanese dish. Since I had the seasoning and some leftovers to decorate it, let's say, I decide to make it.

– Hmmm. I think I never tried it, before.

Momo: Then I'm glad to be your first and I really hope you like it.

– Well, here we go.

Y/n then proceeds to take small portion of the chahan in the spoon and lead it to his mouth. A few seconds later, he exclaims, while apparently savoring the rice:

– Hmmmmmm! Damn, this is good!

Momo: I'm so glad you liked it, sweetheart.

(Chuckling) – I know we're a couple, now but it still feels kinda weird, you calling me those pet names.

Momo: You better get used to it, soon then, baby boy...

Your POV:

Momo then pinches my cheek, making me blush. Shit. This woman really knows how to mess me up... 

And after recomposing myself, I grab a piece of jokbal with the chopsticks, leading it to my mouth. And just like the chahan, it's delicious. 

 We then proceed to keep eating, with some occasional small conversations, here and there.

About an hour later, after we finish eating, we go back to the living room and once we're set, Momo turns the TV on, opening YouTube, putting a few songs of some playlist to play, as we spend the rest of the night on the couch, talking, with both of us telling some more stories of each other.

Momo's POV:

When it was about midnight, we finally leave the couch, with both of us going to my room. Once there, we quickly change our clothes and after finished, we both lay on the bed and as we were facing each other, Y/n calls for me, saying:

– We had all these moments tonight, with us confessing to each other, making out, having our first dinner as a couple, but there's still one thing missing,

Momo: Which is?

– Thank you, noona... Thank you for everything you've done for me, since the very first time I was sent to your office...Honestly, if it wasn't for you, I think I'd have dropped the course, by now.So, thank you for everything, for looking after, taking care and never giving up on me... In the end, you taking care of me, during this whole time, was all I needed, apparently...

Momo: Oh... Well, that was slightly unexpected,but- You're welcome, sweetheart...

I then bring him as close as I can to myself,proceeding to kiss the top of his head, which makes him bury himself in my chest, while wrapping his arms around me. After quickly settling himself, I hear Y/n wording out:

– I know it might be a bit soon to be saying this, but... I- I love you, Momoring...

Momo: I love you, too Y/n...

And once we reciprocate each other's feeling, plus another moment of a comfortable silence, I hear Y/n whispering:

– Good night, noona...

Momo: Good night, baby...

Once we exchange our final words for the night, I start to play with his hair and moments later, as I look down, I'm delighted with the sight of Y/n, which had fallen asleep. I'm so used to see him as a cool looking student that getting to see this other side of his, really melts my heart, cuz he's actually, so freaking cute, seriously.

And after a few minutes of this comfortable silence, I also fall asleep, ending this night of intense feelings being finally shared, making love and most importantly, seeing the positive results of the care taking I did for someone I've been truly loving for a while now...


The next day arrives and it was six forty in the morning, when Momo starts to awake herself from her sleep.

Momo's POV:

Ugh, curse you biological clock, that doesn't let me wake up later than my usual time. As I awake more of myself, bit by bit,I look through the window, being blinded by the outside's light and once I look down to avoid the blinding lights, I see Y/n with his face buried in my chest,while he's in a spooning position. Without resisting the urge, I coo at his cuteness, while starting to caress his hair.

Time goes by and when the clock hits six thirty,Y/n's alarm starts ringing, slowly waking him up. Bit by bit, as he awakes himself, he realizes such position he's in, Y/n slightly lifts himself, while saying:

– Good morning, noona...

Momo: Good morning, sweetie...

(In a joking tone) – I guess I got myself a little too comfortable.

Momo: It's okay. I thought it was pretty cute.

– I just woke up, but you still managed to make me fall for you, even more.

Momo (giggling): Pabo. Anyway, now that we're both awake, let's have breakfast, shall we?

And as a response, Y/n just nods in agreement, so I start to pull him to the kitchen.

Your POV:

That was one way to start the morning. The way I was buried in noona's chest, it was pretty... Comfortable... 

Once I put these thoughts aside, I realize Momo is at the counter, beside the sink, where she's making breakfast. While she's at it, I sit at the table, fumbling around it, while waiting for her. I'd help her, but I literally don't know where anything is.

About twenty minutes later, the meal was ready, so while Momo sets the table, I start getting the cups and the coffee she made, pouring it in the mugs she placed. With everything ready, I sit at the table again, while she fixes my plate. After setting down my plate, she proceeds to fixing hers.

– Thank you.

Momo: You're welcome, sweetheart.

As we're both settled, we start to eat the morning meal, finishing it about half an hour and once we're done, I collect the plates, proceeding to wash the dishes, despite Momo noona's insistence on saying she'd do it, but since she made breakfast, I told her I'd do it, which she agreed to.

Once I finish, we both get dressed to start our day and after about half an hour, with us being ready, we go to the garage,quickly getting in Momo's car, with her taking me to the convenience store.

Time goes by and about another half an hour later, Momo finally stops the car, with me coming back to reality after zoning out over the cellphone.

Momo: There you go.

– Thank you for the ride, noona.

Momo: No problem, sweetheart. Come to my office,when you get to the university, okay?

– You sure about that?

Momo: If someone asks, we're in session.

– If you say so. Well, gotta go, now. Bye, noona.

As I was leaving the car, Momo calls for me, making me turn, while asking:

– Hm? What is it, noona?

Without answering, Momo gently pulls me by the back of my neck, putting our lips together. Once we pull apart, I ask her, while feeling my cheeks heat up:

– Was this really necessary? You could've just asked, y'know?

Momo: I know, but it's more fun, this way. To see you get all blushed.

(Chuckling) – Pabo. Seriously, I gotta go now.

Momo: Okay. See you at night, baby.

– See you, noona.

This woman and her romantic teases, seriously... 

And once we give our farewells, Momo drives away as I keep watching her and once she's gone from my sight, I head inside the convenience store, going straight to the employees room to change. Once I'm finished, I get to my position, finally starting the day.

~Time skip~


It was five thirty in the afternoon, at the moment, with your shift at the convenience store coming to an end, so you head to the employees' room, quickly changing clothes and packing your things. You then leave the store, heading to nearest bus station.

Ten minutes later after you get to it, the bus arrives, with you quickly get in, heading to the nearest subway station. Once you get to the subway, you take the one that stop by the station your college'sat.

Almost an hour later, you arrive at the university, immediately heading to Momo's office, as you two agreed, in the morning.

Your POV:

After a five minute walk, I see myself standing in front of Momo's office's door. After looking both sides, making sure the hallway is clear, I knock on the wood and once I get the permission to come in, I open the door, immediately closing it, behind, and then walking towards the visitor's chair, sitting on it.

A couple moments later, once Momo finishes typing on the computer, she turns to me, saying in a sarcastic tone:

– What did you do, this time?

– Very funny, noona. Gotta say, it's good to come here, without being sent.

Momo: There's a first time for everything, baby.

And as she finishes such sentence, Momo gets up from her seat and comes towards me. Once she's right in front, she sits on my lap and after settling herself on top of me, she cups my cheek, proceeding to kiss me. Moments later, we pull apart, due to lack of oxygen and with our lips still touching, she smiles, while saying:

– I missed you, baby...

– I missed you too, noona...

And after this short exchange of feelings, we proceed to kiss again, leading to a slight make out, with our hands traveling through each other's bodies, as much as the limited space allows us to.

Momo's POV:

As we were lost in this heated moment, suddenly, we hear a knock on the door, making us snap out of our little lusty world. And with such thoughts still in mind, I get off from Y/n's lap, while straightening my clothes and hair. Once I'm sit at the desk, I answer:

– Come in!

And with permission given, the person on the other side, steps into the room with a greeting:

– Hey, Mo- Y/n?!

Momo: Shit, it's just you.

Nayeon: Yeah, it's just me.

And as Nayeon finishes the sentence, sheoverlooks us both, quickly analyzing and understanding the situation we weretrying to hide.

Nayeon: Oh, now I get it! Look, I understand you two just became a couple and all, but I'd advise you two to keep in your pants, at least here in the university.

Momo: Bite me, unnie! What are you even doing here, now?!

Nayeon: I came to ask if you talked to Y/n on the weekend about this whole matter and apparently, you did more than just talking. Anyway, since this is the case, you two wanna go on a double date, this weekend with me and Jeongyeon?

Momo: Fine by me. Y/n?

– Also fine.

Nayeon: Great. I'll check with Jeongyeon the details and send you the place and all.

Momo: Okay.

– Ms. Nayeon, I have a question. Is Jeongyeon that lady that brought you some papers, that one time?

Nayeon: Yup.

– Wait, so you're-?!

Nayeon: Yes, Y/n, I'm a lesbian.

Momo: And Jeongyeon is the tomboy of the relationship.

– Oh, okay. I'd actually be surprised if it was Ms. Nayeon, to be honest. No offense.

Nayeon: Are you two done?

Momo: You're the one who started.

Nayeon: Whatever. Anyway, congratulations to the couple. 

Momo: Thanks.

– Thank you.

Nayeon: Well, gotta go, now. Bye, Momoring and see you later, in class, Y/n.

Momo: Bye.

– See you, Ms. Nayeon.

And once Nayeon leaves, Y/n puts the visitor's chair next to mine and rests his head on my shoulder. I then start to play with his hair for the remaining fifteenish minutes that we had left. Once the clock strikes seven, he leaves to class, but not without me telling him to meet me at the end of the day.

Well, despite our relationship having had the most unusual build up to where we got, starting with a silly idea of simulating a relationship, I'm more than happy with the results, with how much Y/n has changed throughout this whole experience... Thanks to this silly idea, we're now a couple and I'm really looking forward for what the future holds for us...

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