๐‚๐จ๐จ๐ฅ๐ž๐ซ ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ง ๐ฆ๐ž...

By mayasbeakseat

107K 1.2K 1.4K

๐‘ฐ๐‘ต ๐‘พ๐‘ฏ๐‘ฐ๐‘ช๐‘ฏ the school player develops interest for a girl. There is only on problem, she hates him. But... More



4.6K 51 86
By mayasbeakseat

★。+゚☆ Chris ☆゚+。★

On Saturday AJ asked me if I wanted to come earlier to chill out a bit. That's why my brothers and I came a little earlier.

"And your parents allow you to throw a party with alcohol while they're not even around?" Matt asked, stunned.

"Yeah, of course we have some rules we have to follow, but not many people come," He said as we sat down on the couch.

"How many are coming?" asked Nick. "About 30 people." I looked around the room with the certainty that something in the room would be broken in the morning.

"Too bad you have a birthday at the end of november, you could have thrown a pool party." I said looking at their pool in the garden. "Yeah, but we weren't so lucky." He said.

"We?" I asked.
"Yes, me and my sister." He said.

"You have birthday in the same month?" asked Nick. Adrian started to laugh. "We are twins."

"WHAT?" Nick and I screamed at the same time. Matt, on the other hand, looked like he was bored. ,

,Why didn't you ever tell bro." Nick asked, looking at him tensely.

"Because she didn't want me to, I'm pretty popular at school because of lacrosse and stuff, and she doesn't like being popular at school. That's all I can say, that's her business." He says. And I wanted to know who was his sister but I didnt ask.

Somehow the subject changed relatively quickly and it wouldn't be long before the rest of the guests arrived, so I quickly went to the bathroom.

So I ran to the bathroom and when I opened the door I couldn't believe my eyes. Brooklyn was standing in front of me cleaning the mirror above the sink. What the fuck was she doing here? And why didn't she notice me?

"Brooklyn?" I asked, and she looked at me. She was startled and then looked at me with wide eyes. Then she took her airpods out of her ears and put them in the case.

"Sorry, I didn't know the guests were already here." She said, took the cloth with which she had cleaned the mirror and threw it into the trash can.

"What are you doing here? Are you a cleaning lady or something?" I asked because she didn't fit in here, in the house of AJ. Or wait... was she his girlfriend? I thought he liked Silvia. And somehow I didn't like that she could be his girlfriend.

She looked at me pissed off. "Are you serious? You really are a guy without a brain." She said, rolled her eyes and wanted to run past me but I stood in her way.

"Aren't you going to tell me what you're doing here?" I asked, looking down at her. "No, to be honest I don't, now let me pass." She ordered but I didn't move a bit. She didn't want to tell me, so I just asked her straight out.

"Are you Adrian's girlfriend?" She looked at me in disgust for a moment but then she started laughing out loud. "Oh god no." She kept laughing, she couldn't stop. I didn't understand and that upset me. But seeing her laugh pleased me, as did the rest of her.

"What's going on here?" asked AJ as he came up behind me. She kept giggling, "You...you...won't believe me." She had to pause for a moment to laugh it off.

Adrian looked at me questioningly and then back at her. "He asked if I was your girlfriend." She said and then had to laugh again. Adrian looked at me and then started laughing too.

"No bro, we just had it over her, that's my sister." He said and pointed at her. My heart slipped into my pants.

Brooklyn was AJ's sister? That changed some things considerably. I had told him that friends' sisters were forbidden. I meant it.

And then I remembered the voice I heard on Tuesday. This beautiful voice belonged to her? Why wasn't I surprised? It just fit.

"Now let me pass, idiot." She said, pushing me aside and walking past me. I looked after her and at that moment I wished I could sink into the ground.

"Why didn't you say she was your sister?" I asked AJ. "Why? You like her, don't you?" he asked and raised his eyebrows. Yes, somehow I do, I don't know why.

"Oh no, absolutely not. Then I could have told you right away not to worry about her because she hates me for no reason." I said and tried to look as believable as possible.

He laughed and patted me on the shoulder. "Oh Brook doesnt hate you, she isnt even able to hate. She just has a certain opinion about you." He explained and then went back to my brothers.

★。+゚☆ Brooklyn ☆゚+。★

I heard from my room that my brother's friends were arriving. Kathi had to cancel on me because she had a cold, so I decided to spend the evening in my room and not leave. My cell phone vibrated and I saw that she had written to me.


How is the party?



Im in my room

Omg go downstairs😡

Idk them all

you'll never have any fun
like this if you keep it up

I'm having a lot of fun
here with my book😎

You are so complicated😩

Btw Chris accidentally bumped
into me in the bathroom while
I was cleaning it and he seriously
asked me if I was Adrian's


Yes I am
I thought I was going to
die laughing☠️

I sent the message and then there was a knock on my door. I ran to the door hoping it wasn't one of my brother's drunk friends. And when I opened the door, thank God it was my brother.

"Don't you want to come down too?" he asked, he looked at me pleadingly and I sighed.

"No, I don't think so. I don't know anyone." I explained. "But you know me, Matt and Chris." "First of all, I don't think you want to chill with me down there, and secondly, you know I don't like Chris." "But Matt does." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, have some fun." He said and looked at me seriously. I wanted to get down but somehow I was afraid the others would make fun of me.

"Just for a few minutes." He asked me and it meant a lot to me that he wanted me there. "All right, but not for long." I said and closed the door and we walked downstairs together.

When we got downstairs, there were little people everywhere, drinking alcohol from their red or blue glasses. Our uncle had died of alcohol poisoning, so I kept my hands off the stuff. I also didn't understand how Adrian, despite knowing the risks, drank it.

Adrian ran to a small group of people where I recognized Roberto Stinson and Silvia Jakobs, both of whom were popular at the school and I was pretty sure that Silvia was the biggest gossip in the school, so I certainly wouldn't talk to her.

I looked around to see who I could go to. But that was the disadvantage of not having friends. But then I saw Matthew standing in the kitchen. He was the only one here I knew and liked.

I wenr to him and when he saw me he smiled at me and hugged me. "Why are you standing here alone?" I asked him. "Parties aren't really my thing." Yeah, mine neither." He took a sip from his cup and I looked at him critically, Kathi had told me that he and his brothers didn't drink.

"I thought you didn't drink." I said and raised my eyebrows. He held out his cup for me to look into.

"I'm not, it's water." I looked inside and sure enough, it was just water. I was ashamed that I had accused him of that. "Omg sorry." I said and slapped my head with one hand. "It's okay, it's fine."

"You don't know how shocked chris and nick were when they found out you were Adrian's twin sister."  He told random.

"Oh yeah, I saw Chris' face, he just thought I was his girlfriend." "I know Adrian told." He said and shook his head laughing.

There was a short silence between us but then he cleared his throat. "Do you know if you're going to help Chris in math?" he asked, looking at me worriedly.

"You know about it?" I asked him. "Yes, Chris tell me and Nick everything."

"I don't know yet." I said and shrugged my shoulders." I know I don't have the right, but I'm asking you to really think about it, because the grade is important, otherwise he won't get his degree." He said and his look was so honest.

"There are so many who are good at math, I don't understand why the teacher asked me." I explained. "From what Kathi tells me, you are simply the best," he murmured.

I started to grin. "You and Kathi talk a lot, don't you?" I asked. He looked down and I saw that he was holding back a smile. "Yeah, what friends do," he said, then he looked out the window and sighed.

"You like her, don't you?" I asked and he looked at me again. I saw that it was hard for him because he looked away again. He bit his lip and was about to say something when I interrupted him.

"You don't have to tell me, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you in this situation". I said. He looked at me gratefully. "It's all right, I just don't know myself what it is between us" He explained. I smiled at him.

"Take your time, you shouldn't force anything." "I can understand why Kathi likes you so much." He said and smiled at me, I appreciated very much that he told me that.

Matt was called by some of his team members and he looked at me questioningly. I nodded and told him that it was okay with me if he left.

I didn't say it but I could understand why Kathi liked him so much. He was such a sweet person and he stayed down to earth no matter how many followers he had, unlike Chris.

I looked after Matt and as I moved my eyes through the room I noticed that I was being observed. Chris's eyes were on me and somehow it sent a shiver down my spine.

I grinned at him ironically and then gave him the middle finger. He clenched his jaw and then turned back to the blonde girl next to him, who was telling him something.

★。+゚☆ Chris ☆゚+。★

"It's so amazing how similar you and your brothers look. Every time I have to look twice to see who is who." Rebecca told me.

She was one of the cheerleaders I had already been on a date with. But she was boring just like the other girls who only talked about me, my brothers or our faim.

Besides, I couldn't really concentrate on what I was doing with her because I saw Brooklyn in the kitchen and I really wanted to go to her. "If you'll excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back." I said to the blondie, although I knew that I didn't really want to come back.

I walked straight to the kitchen where she was still standing and pouring water into a cup. I leaned next to her on the kitchen surface.

"Why are you here alone and not with the others?" I asked her and watched her pour the water. She did not look at me.

"I wasn't alone until a minute ago, and I hardly know anyone over there." She said disinterestedly.

"You know me."
"Then I'd rather stay alone." She said and looked at me with a fake smile. "I'm sure you would like me if you knew me better". I affirmed. 

"Have you run out of cheerleaders or why are you hitting on me?" she asked, to which I shook my head and looked away. "I'm not hitting on you." I said and looked at her.

Oh, I was hitting on her, but she remained cold, no matter what I said. She rolled her eyes. "It's clear Chris, you're not hitting on me." She said irnoically, grabbing her cup and walking past me. I looked after her but she didn't look back. This girl knew how to put on a performance that would stick in your mind.

"Eyo what was that?" asked a voice behind me. I turned around and there stood AJ. I got nervous, his sister was supposed to be off limits to me but something drew me to her.

"I was just talking to her." ,,Oh yeah? I know your 'just talking', Chris please keep your hands off my sister." He said and wanted to leave again. Why did everyone think I was just messing with the girls?

"Why? I mean why should I keep my hands off her if I thought she was great?" I asked. Chris, do "I really have to say this?" he asked, looking at me tiredly.

No, he didn't, I knew what he was thinking. That I was just an asshole who played with girls.
I didn't play with any of them, I always told them what was going on. I was with none of them in bed or anything like that. There was only one I was ever really together with.

What would happen if I actually found someone great? Would no one believe me then? Would everyone tell her that I was just messing with her?

I shook my head. "I'll keep my hands off her, don't worry. Like you said, she hates me anyway." I said, putting down my cup of water and walking past him straight out the door.

I ran to the front door and looked for my jacket among the thousands, put it on and walked out. I had enough of this party.

As I walked down the sidewalk, I heard footsteps behind me. "Where are you going?" I turned around and there stood Rebecca. "Home." I said and turned around again.

"You said you would be right back to talk to me." She said and pretended to be angry, as if she was 5 years old. "Yes I did but I want to go home now, find someone else in there to talk to."

"Chris, you're an asshole." She shouted at me and turned around and went back inside. "I know" I whispered to myself and started walking home.

On the way I got a message from Matt.

Where are you?

On the way home

Why? Are you okay?🤨

Yeah, don't worry

★。+゚☆ Brooklyn ☆゚+。★

I went back to my room and opened my window. And when I looked out the window, I saw Chris. He's leaving the party? Already? Right after our conversation?

Rebecca ran after him and they talked but I didn't listen, I was lost in my thoughts. The only thing I heard was, "Chris, you're an asshole."

Nice to know I wasn't the only one who noticed. She ran back inside and I saw him moving his lips but I didn't understand what he was saying. He didn't look like he usually did, he had lost his confidence and somehow he looked so... so... hurt. No, I was probably imagining it. I mean, it was Christopher Sturniolo.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the party and eventually I fell asleep.

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