Reincarnation with Rimuru fro...


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In a new fantasy world, Rimuru Tempest, after reincarnation, finds an unexpected companion in the form of a c... More

Prologue: Reincarnation
Enter: Veldora
Enter: Hiiro
Enter: Hiiro II
Goblin Village
Goblin Village II
DireWolves II
The Sacrifice
Enter: Hikari
The Lonely Slime
Goblin Lord
A King/ Ruler
The Kind Slime
Orders & Faith
The Key & Variables
The Deathman
The Start
The Limit
The Mind & The Heart
The Armed Nation of Dwargon
Trial & Hero-King
Dwarves & Exiled
Intermission I
The Plan
Naming Again
City's Structure
Her Feelings
The Shadow
Intermission II
Her Journey
The Introverts

The Downfall

252 13 0

Within the sprawling and diverse ecosystem known as the Great Forest of Jura, there were many species such as goblins, direwolves, lizardmen, ogres, orcs, harpies, and others who preferred the safety of numbers in their settlements.

Among one of these settlements, a tale of tension was unfolding.

That place was a habitat, where Ogres, one of the strongest beings in the forest, lived.

And in that place, inside a building that looked quite important, an Ogre, was frowning while reading a piece of paper.

Seated upon his throne, the current Ogre leader, King of his tribe, delved into a report presented by a diligent spy.

This document unveiled unsettling developments within their long-standing rival tribe, the Orcs. The Orcs, typically known for their brutish nature, had begun displaying an alarming degree of intelligence as they banded together, posing a dire threat to the Ogres' existence.

Little did the Ogres know that their downfall had already been set in motion long before the arrival of this report.

The Orcs, usually dimwitted, had forged an alliance or rather, were being controlled by a Majin, a servant of one of the Demon Lord. This unholy alliance had transformed the Orcs from their usual state of dim-wittedness into a calculated and dangerous force, primed to take down the Ogres.

There was only one person among the Demon Lords who would resort to such Devious and Underhanded trick and that was none other than Demon Lord Clayman, Also known as the Marionette Master. Just like his name suggested, he pulled various strings of various people to ensue chaos wherever his eyes laid but he himself never got involved in any of them.

In the bleak days that followed, the Ogres would find themselves besieged, their settlements razed, their kin mercilessly slaughtered, and their very existence hanging by a thread.

The aftermath left only two groups standing: One composed of the Ogre King's youngest son, including his daughter, and the other, a band of mercenaries led by the Ogre King's eldest son, a renegade who had operated independently beyond the confines of their settlements, offering a glimmer of hope.

The Former group tried to find the culprit behind the merciless attack to enact vengeance, by escaping the slaughter from the thousands of Orcs who had invaded with a overwhelming numbers.

However, Amidst the chaos, The latter group's whereabouts were completely lost and nobody heard a thing from them. There chances of survival were undeniably low.

Yet, amid the turmoil, two more survivors remained hidden, their origins and circumstances extraordinary.

These survivors were teenage girls, scarcely sixteen years old, concealed deep within a cave, draped in tattered robes that hid their malnourished bodies and concealed their true identities.

These sisters, came from a very tiny village that was much farther than Ogre King's village and this village was one of the first to be ravaged by the Orcs.

Ostracized even within their own community, they were shunned for the simple fact of being twins. Their mother had perished during childbirth, and their father, driven by love for his daughters, had tried his utmost to shield them.

Deemed an omen of ill fortune, they had struggled to survive, constantly evading the fearful glances and hateful intentions of those around them. Their father had protected them as long as he could, but eventually, he had left to reunite with his beloved wife.

It felt like an inescapable curse, one that only drew contempt, disgust, and malevolence. Their love was continually wrenched away, leaving them bereft, one loss after another.

If this wasn't a curse, then what was?

Ironically, this very curse would become their salvation.

As outcasts and pariahs, the sisters who had dwelled beyond the forest's confines were the sole survivors from the entire region.

They trembled in the shadows, watching the village consumed by flames. Whether their trembling stemmed from fear and sorrow at witnessing the inferno or from a twisted sense of relief to see the forsaken place burn, shrouded in the dead of night, remained a mystery.

Regardless of their emotions, safety eluded them. The marching Orc army approached their hiding place, necessitating their flight.

Their diminutive frames and undernourished bodies, starved for proper sustenance, carried them as far as they could manage. With no one to rely on but each other, they had always been together, supporting one another, propelling themselves forward.

After days of tireless trekking, the pangs of hunger finally overcame them.

Desperation drove them to seek refuge in a cave, where they confronted the grim specter of death.

Yet, fate had other plans in store.

While they awaited their seemingly inevitable demise within the cave's confines, they encountered an enigmatic being—a languid, shape-shifting blob that meandered through the forest's depths.

This peculiar entity extended a lifeline, rescuing them from the brink of death that had loomed over them.

Soon, this being would become the closest thing to family they had ever known.

Guided by their new benefactor, they embarked on an extraordinary journey, exploring and embracing emotions that had once been synonymous solely with fear and revulsion.

But their brief taste of happiness and contentment was ruthlessly torn from them yet again.

A calamity of unimaginable proportions befell them—one they couldn't even fully comprehend.

This catastrophe brought with it the loss of the one being who had shown them love and affection untainted by fear, hatred, or disgust, and who had given his life to protect those he cared for.

In the wake of this chaotic upheaval, a requiem echoed through the forest—a haunting lament for lives shattered by the whims of destiny.

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