Daddy's Best Friend

By Royhanh

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BLURB After a painful teenage rejection from her crush who happens to be her father's best friend, Sophia is... More

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3.1K 29 2
By Royhanh



Flashback lastnight

I stormed into the house, my frustration at yet another argument with Henry still simmering beneath the surface. My heart raced as I tried to put some distance between us, heading for the stairs and my room, desperate for some alone time. But, as usual, he wasn't about to let things slide.

"Wait, Sophia," he called after me, his voice tinged with irritation.

I paused, my hand on the banister, and turned to face him. "What is it now, Henry?"

He took a deep breath, his jaw clenched as he chose his words carefully. "Look, I know things have been... tense lately, but I just need to say this."

I crossed my arms, steeling myself for whatever he was about to throw at me. "Fine, go ahead."

He took a step closer, his eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. "Now that your dad's gone, I don't want to see Jason in this house anymore."

My anger flared up, and I couldn't help but lash out. "Oh, and who appointed you as the gatekeeper of this house, Henry?"

He frowned, clearly not in the mood for my attitude. "I just don't think he's the right guy for you, Sophia. I don't trust him."

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "Trust him? What's there not to trust? He's a nice guy, and we're having fun together."

Henry's gaze bore into mine, and for a moment, it felt like we were the only two people in the world. "Fun isn't enough, Sophia. You deserve more than just 'fun.'"

I could feel my anger wane, replaced by frustration. "You don't get to decide what I deserve, Henry. That's for me to figure out."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair in a way that made my heart skip a beat. "I just don't want to see you get hurt."

I clenched my fists, my voice trembling with anger. "And who says I'm going to get hurt? I'm a grown woman, and I can make my own decisions."

His frustration mirrored mine, and he took a step closer, his eyes locked onto mine with an intensity that made my breath catch. "Can't you see, Sophia? I care about you, and I don't want to see you make a mistake."

I could feel the tension in the air, the electricity that crackled between us, and a part of me wanted to give in, to let go of my anger and frustration and just be with him. But I couldn't. Not yet.

I took a step back, my voice a barely audible whisper. "We can't keep doing this, Henry. We can't keep arguing like this."

He nodded, his expression pained. "I know, Sophia. I hate it too."

As I turned to continue up the stairs, I felt his hand on my arm, gently pulling me back towards him. Before I could protest, his lips crashed onto mine in a kiss that sent shockwaves through my body.

His kiss was a turbulent storm, a mixture of frustration and desire, anger and longing. It was a clash of emotions that left me breathless and wanting more. Our lips moved against each other with a fierce intensity, as if trying to convey all the unspoken words, all the pent-up feelings we had been holding back.

But then, just as abruptly as it had started, he pulled away, his breath ragged, his eyes filled with regret. "We can't, Sophia. We shouldn't."

I was panting, my heart racing, but I couldn't bring myself to argue. Instead, I reached out and pulled him back into a searing kiss, a kiss that said more than words ever could.

As our lips met again, I couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, our arguments had served a purpose. Maybe they had brought us to this moment, where we could finally admit what we both felt.

And as we kissed, all the apprehension and frustration seemed to melt away, leaving only the undeniable truth that we had been trying to deny for far too long.


As I opened my eyes this morning, I couldn't help but feel a delightful flutter in my chest. The events of last night danced vividly through my mind, and a smile crept onto my lips.

Henry was nowhere to be seen, and that wasn't surprising. He probably slipped out early to avoid any awkward morning-after encounters. But that didn't dampen my spirits in the slightest. If anything, it fueled my determination.

Last night had been nothing short of electrifying. The passion, the intensity, the sheer chemistry we shared-it was undeniable. I knew that deep down, Henry felt it too. Maybe he had regrets, or perhaps he was wrestling with guilt over our tryst. But there was one thing he couldn't deny: we were two consenting adults who wanted to be together.

Sure, the circumstances were far from ideal. I'm the daughter of his best friend, for crying out loud! That alone was enough to send societal norms and expectations into a tizzy. But love, real love, doesn't abide by rules and conventions. It's a force of nature, unpredictable and uncontrollable.

What Henry and I share is more profound than a simple infatuation or fleeting attraction. This is a connection that runs deep, a bond that's been brewing beneath the surface for much too long. Last night was merely the catalyst, the spark that ignited the fire between us.

I've always been one to chase after what I desire, and right now, that's Henry. This isn't about trapping him or coercing him into something he doesn't want. No, this is about making him see that what happened last night was no mistake. It was a revelation, a glimpse into a future where we don't have to hide our feelings.

Henry is a good man, and that's what draws me to him. He's responsible, honorable, and deeply cares for the people in his life. But even good men need a nudge sometimes, a push to let go of their inhibitions and seize happiness.

This isn't about being selfish; it's about embracing our desires and refusing to let societal norms dictate our happiness. It's about showing Henry that what we have is worth fighting for, worth pursuing, even if it defies conventions.

Of course, there will be obstacles ahead. My father, for one, might not be thrilled about the prospect of his best friend and his daughter being romantically involved. But that's a challenge we'll face when it arises. For now, I have a mission.

I'm determined to remind Henry that we're both adults who made a choice-an informed, passionate, and heartfelt choice. Life is too short.

I couldn't resist the urge to pick up my phone and share the exhilarating news with Kylie. She's been my confidante through thick and thin, and I knew she'd appreciate the juicy details.

"Hey, Kylie!" I texted with a mischievous grin.

Almost instantly, her reply popped up. "Hey, girl! What's the latest gossip?"

I chuckled to myself, imagining her leaning in, eager to hear the scoop. "Oh, you won't believe what happened last night."

"Spill the tea, Sophia!" she replied, the anticipation clear in her message.

With a devilish delight, I started typing, narrating the exciting events of the previous night.

"So, there's this guy, right?" I began, drawing out the suspense.

"Ooh, a guy? Do tell!" Kylie responded, her enthusiasm palpable even through text.

I recounted the electrifying encounter with Henry, carefully choosing my words to capture the essence of the night.

"Okay, brace yourself," I typed with a playful flourish. "Henry and I...well, let's just say things got hot and heavy."

There was a pause in our conversation, but I could practically hear the gears turning in Kylie's head. Finally, her response came through.

"HENRY? Your dad's best friend Henry?"

I grinned at her reaction. "Yup, that's the one."

Kylie's next message was punctuated with a series of shocked and laughing emojis. "Oh my god, Sophia! You're unbelievable! Details, girl, details!"

I complied, divulging the thrilling moments, from our heated arguments to our heated embrace. Kylie's reactions were a mix of shock, awe, and a healthy dose of humor.

"Wow, Sophia, you really know how to keep things interesting!" she texted with a laughing emoji.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her response. "You know me, Kylie, always up for a little adventure."

Our conversation continued, with Kylie demanding more play-by-play details, and me obliging with relish. We joked, laughed, and even ventured into speculative territory.

"Maybe this is your destiny, Sophia," Kylie suggested with a wink emoji. "A forbidden romance with your dad's best friend. It's like a plot from a steamy romance novel."

I couldn't help but laugh at the idea. "If it is, I demand royalties!"

Our conversation eventually meandered into the realm of hypotheticals. Kylie, ever the creative thinker, posed a question.

"So, what's your plan now, Sophia? Are you going to declare your love from the rooftops?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, even though she couldn't see me. "As tempting as that sounds, I think subtlety might be the way to go."

Kylie responded with a simple, "Wise choice."

As we continued to chat, I realized that sharing this exciting secret with my best friend had made it even more real and exhilarating. Kylie's unwavering support and her ability to see the humor in any situation had turned what could have been a stressful revelation into an entertaining exchange.

Our conversation eventually wound down, but not before Kylie offered her signature brand of sage advice.

"Remember, Sophia, love can be messy, but it's worth the journey. Just be prepared for the bumps along the way."

I nodded to myself, grateful for her wisdom. "I will, Kylie. Thanks for being there for me through all the messiness."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as Kylie shared her own news. It was like trading secrets with my partner-in-crime, and I leaned in closer to my phone, ready to hear all the juicy details.

"Hey, guess what, Sophia?" Kylie texted, her words practically bursting with enthusiasm.

My fingers flew over the keyboard in response. "What? Tell me everything!"

Kylie's next message was laden with excitement. "I've been seeing this guy, Jamie."

I couldn't help but let out an enthusiastic squeal, even though we were communicating through text. "No way! Tell me more!"

Kylie proceeded to give me the lowdown on Jamie, from their first meeting to their recent dates. It was clear from her words that she was smitten, and I couldn't be happier for her.

"He sounds amazing, Kylie!" I typed with a virtual smile. "I can't wait to meet him."

Kylie's reply was filled with even more enthusiasm. "You totally should! We'd make the cutest double date."

The idea instantly appealed to me. "You know what? That's a fantastic idea. How about you and Jamie come over for Thanksgiving?"

Kylie's response was almost immediate, and it was clear that she was on board with the plan. "Oh my gosh, yes! I'd love that. And honestly, I can't stand my own family gatherings, so this would be perfect."
I couldn't help but chuckle at her honesty. "Well, then it's settled. We're having a Thanksgiving double date!"

We continued chatting about the upcoming holiday plans, sharing ideas for the meal and reminiscing about some of our past Thanksgiving escapades. It was heartwarming to know that, despite the challenges life threw our way, we always had each other to look forward to.

As our conversation began to wind down, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for having a friend like Kylie in my life. She was always there to share in my joys, listen to my woes, and inject humor into even the most mundane moments.

"Thanks for always being awesome, Kylie," I typed, my words carrying a genuine warmth.

Her reply was equally heartfelt. "Right back at you, Sophia. Can't wait for our Thanksgiving double date!"

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