Limitless โœฉ Gojo Satoru

By DaintyHero

22.3K 986 306

"๐˜ฝ๐™š๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ฅ, ๐™จ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ฃ๐™™๐™จ ๐™ฅ๐™ง๐™š๐™ฉ๐™ฉ๐™ฎ ๐™ก๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ก๐™ฎ. ๐™’๐™๐™ฎ ๐™ฅ๐™ช๐™ฉ... More

Chapter One โœฉ Ocean Eyes
Chapter Two โœฉ First Impressions
Chapter Three โœฉ Haunted Basement
Chapter Four โœฉ The Trio
Chapter Five โœฉ Unpacking
Chapter Six โœฉ Old Married Couple
Chapter Seven โœฉ Are you Happy?
Chapter Eight โœฉ Bad News
Chapter Nine โœฉ Sweets and Treats
Chapter Ten โœฉ Old School [Part 1]
Chapter Eleven โœฉ Old School [Part 2]
Chapter Twelve โœฉ Snacks
Chapter Thirteen โœฉ Share
Chapter Fourteen โœฉ Hippie B-Day [Part 1]
Chapter Fifteen โœฉ Hippie B-Day [Part 2]
Chapter Sixteen โœฉ Hippie B-Day [Part 3]
Chapter Seventeen โœฉ Cake
Chapter Eighteen โœฉ Karaoke
Chapter Nineteen โœฉ Ring
Chapter Twenty-One โœฉ Relief
Chapter Twenty-Two โœฉ Doctor's Orders
Chapter Twenty-Three โœฉ Bakery
Chapter Twenty-Four โœฉ Blushing on a Balcony
Chapter Twenty-Five โœฉ Ceilings
Chapter Twenty-Six โœฉ Halt
Chapter Twenty-Seven โœฉ Outsider
Chapter Twenty-Eight โœฉ Skating

Chapter Twenty โœฉ More

668 35 12
By DaintyHero

Reaching for the tallest lengths of a shelf, Kanae huffed in frustration. Even on her tippy toes, she was not worthy enough to seize the elegant product at the top.

Stepping back, her back eased into a hard and grander figure.


"Need a hand?" Effortlessly, he reached for the purse on top while stabilizing her at the hip with his other hand.

"I guess..." Hues of pink crept onto her cheeks as her back rested on the fore of her mighty helper.

The luxurious good dangled in front of her as Gojo flicked the price tag, his eyes bulging disturbed at its worth.

"So this is where your pay checks are going? They didn't recruit you to blow it off on some Vucci bag." Gojo eyed the bag still a bit winded from the price. "You sure you want this?"

Kanae nodded aggressively. "I work hard for my money. I've wanted this for so long!"

As her fingertips brushed against the delicacy, he immediately hiked it in the air. She pouted turning to him as he crooked his head amused at her choice to plead for the product.

In most circumstances, she would give him a piece of her mind. In this case, the one thing she could agree with was that he had her beat in height.

"Tsk tsk now." He emitted a light chuckle as she curled her fingertips towards the bag. "With something this expensive, what will you even do with it? This is a dumb financial decision."

She puffed her cheeks out. "What are you? My dad?"

"I mean I can be your da—"

Immediately, she marched away from his tomfoolery as his laugh echoed behind her. She had definitely walked herself into that one. He didn't hesitate to ascend the levels of embarrassment through his boisterous tone.

He followed her to a new section of the store. Sets of bags coating another wall, each followed with a perturbed upscaled price. Unfortunately none had made her eyes twinkle as the one he cradled in his arms.

Teasing the bag once again, she sulked.

"It's still a stupid transaction to do. It's a damn bag that will look terrible by next week." Gojo pictured the product leaving the shop pristine only to sign its death certificate deciding to go home with Kanae.

"You're mean!" She crossed her arms turning away. "At this point, I don't want it! You've fondled with it long enough."

She waved him off mustering the strongest stone-faced expression she could hold. He saw the sudden wave of stoicism eluding from her which he knew was an act. Behind her pretty plum eyes, she was fuming and whining from how she really lost a Vucci bag to Gojo.

Coming up behind her, he balanced the purse on her head allowing it to tumble into her hands. She desperately hugged onto the product turning back to the man who put her through such sudden stress.

He plopped himself on a bench nearby propping his elbow on his knee, resting his head in the palm of his hand. Her mood turned enthusiastic as she began to hype herself into committing a poor financial decision.

"Did you text your brother back?" He questioned.

As much as they agreed to text her brother together—well Gojo agreed for both of them—Kanae was still managing some sort of secrecy.

"Which one?" Her hands raked through the selection of bags. "Be more specific."

Gojo threw his head back rocking his head in her direction. "The crazy one, duh!"

Kanae tensed up at the sudden thought of their text conversation. "After what you texted him, I don't even want my phone anymore."

Gojo slumped back leaning into the wall. "Come on! It wasn't that bad! I was just being honest."

"Well what a stupid time to be honest. He asked what your weaknesses are and you sent 'nada ;P.' I don't even text like that!" The whole situation was wracking at her brain.

From such a conceded message, her brother had to be aware of something. Her previous texts had presented her in a pitiful light. She was perceived as someone who was scared and desperate. Now there was a cocky edge to her. Even though she could agree that it was highly possible that her chaotic classmate had no weaknesses, her brother didn't want to hear that.

"Well, he needs to come to terms with the truth eventually. He's out here being delulu wanting you to somehow make a weakness for me." He blew out his tongue as his hand imitated a sock puppet.

She narrowed her eyes at him slightly amused how unbothered he was by the whole thing.

That's the strongest for ya.

"Did you seriously say delulu?"

He lowered his glasses to the tip of his nose. "Isn't that what the kids say nowadays?"

"Maybe in a decade or so from now."

As she continued shopping Gojo forced an audible huff out his mouth. Kanae turned to him with slight irritation as he flashed her a cheeky smile.

Oh how he loved how easy it was for him to get her attention.

"Didn't we abandon Suguru and Shoko so we can text your brother together? They are going to find our sudden separation suspicious."

Her brow twitched almost forgetting such. It wasn't her fault she was swindled by the beauty of luxury. She walked over to him taking a seat as she pulled out her phone.


You think you're funny?
Everyone has a weakness.

Well if he does, it is impossible to find out.
I've been around him so much in the span of a month. All I see is that he's an overpowered magic nut.

"Wow. You think of me like that?" Gojo pouted glancing at Kanae.

"Am I wrong?"

"Probably not, but you could have said it in a way that respects the strongest." He pulled the phone out her grasp. "I'll show you how."

Magic nut?
The hell does that mean?
Is this all a joke to you?

A joke?
I've been around greatness for over a month! How could you even defeat him?
He's strong externally and internally.
You can't take him down.
He will win every time.

Seems like you are fond over him.
I never seen you as the type to praise someone for their power.

I sure am

"Are you crazy?!" Kanae yanked the phone back thundering taps upon the screen.

Is that what this is?


Seems like you can't make up your mind regarding him.
This seems like some stupid high school shit.
Do you have a crush?
I advise you that would not be the best since I will kill him.

Of course not!
He's the most annoying person on the planet!
I'm just trying to be real with you.

If that's your conclusion, that means you haven't tried hard enough.
Do I need to remind you those at stake?

If you think killing the people I value in life will  suddenly reveal a weakness, it won't.
I know you are hurting but taking down Jujutsu Tech will not bring mom back.
It will only open the wound more.

Ah so I see now you know my plans. I wonder who told you that.
Continue your research for me.
As I expected, Gojo Satoru may have an impending weakness.

"I messed up." Kanae dropped her phone in her lap as she hid her face in her hands. What a stupid mistake to make. "You told me about his plans, he didn't. Crap."

Picking up the phone, Gojo got a good look at the last few texts intrigued by her brother's sudden epiphany.

Unless he manages to bypass my infinite barrier, there is nothing he can do. He relaxed into his seat full of silent relief. That's impossible. You can't cut through infinity.

He closed the phone rubbing Kanae's back.

"He's probably bluffing. You disappointed him with that news of me not having a weakness."

"What if he hurts Riko now?" A nervous shiver crept up her spine.

Her expression had dropped as her eyes filled with sorrow. There was a gentle gloss to her eyes. Seeing her like this made his stomach knot up. She was hurting and he despised watching her gradually breakdown with every interaction with her brother.

How would they take him down? They would have to end him right? Would Kanae care that Gojo suddenly had an intent to kill her brother? All the pain he had caused her was enough reason for him. He missed seeing her plum eyes twinkle with happiness, he missed watching her fiery passionate expression. He wanted to bring that part of her back.

He ruffled her hair. "It's gonna be fine. I won't let him hurt anyone else. I promise."


"Yeah." His chest lightened watching her weak smile.

His presence in it all made her feel more at ease. The strongest people I have ever met are on my side. What is my brother going to do? He's the one in the vulnerable position right?

"You know, we should have done this in your room than a public place." Gojo admitted leaning forward.

A mall was an odd place to decide to talk about such an important topic. Kanae had suggested it and he didn't question her. Plus, how desperate would he seem for wanting to be alone with her so badly? It would be way too much for him.

"I just don't want us to do more...weird stuff."

"Weird stuff?"

"Like we are something more." She swallowed harshly knowing Gojo would hate those words. "We are just friends for now. Both single."

A nervous sigh left him in a chuckle. He could not deny the annoyance and whiplash he would feel from her back and forth of emotions.

"So that's what this is."

Why are you like this Kanae? Just give in to this. I don't understand why you are holding back.

"That's the truth is it not?" She turned to Gojo as her fingers dug into her thigh. It was like her body clawed at her to hold back such words. "Are we something more?"

Gojo with slight disappointment, he rolled his eyes. "I don't know. You tell me."

As odd as it sounded, he enjoyed the chase and how difficult Kanae was. It was different for him. As someone who could get what ever or whom ever he liked, she made that hard. An excitement crept into him with each and every reaction he managed to get out of her. Every smile, the flushing of her cheeks, the way her eyes dilated or loomed in his presence; she was someone he wanted in his life. But how long was she going to make him wait?

How long could he chase her?

Maybe there was something wrong with him? Something she didn't like? Was the blue eye white hair combination too much for her? Was he too intimidating to her? He could not understand what was not to like about him. He found himself rather attractive and quite ravishing. Well many girls had praised him way too much. Maybe they lied to him and his ego was inflated from such?

Nahhh, I'm Mr. Perfect! People who don't like me need help. He smiled to himself as Kanae frowned at him.

Without another word, she continued her shopping. Gojo let out a heavy sigh sinking into the reality of things. His patience was wavering. He would let her off the hook that day but the next time, he wouldn't let it be so easy.

He pulled out his phone presumably typing away to Geto about how much of a slow shopper Kanae was. Originally, she was positive on what she wanted, but Gojo's words may have influenced her sudden hesitation. She continued to comb through the options hopping for a similar and cheaper product.

"Umm..excuse me?" A soft voice appeared before Gojo. As he dabbled on his phone, he took a quick glance up as eyes met one's of a stranger.

He raised an eyebrow at the girl he had never seen in his life. "Can I help you?"

His words left his mouth a bit more harsh stinging the girl. She nervously pulled out her phone watching his eyes widened at the gesture.

"I-I just saw you over there and thought you were really attractive. Maybe we could get to know each other more some time."

Gojo watched the girl with a softer expression. He was used to this. Girls coming up to him and being straight-forward with their intentions. He didn't hate that and actually commended the girls, but he just wasn't interested. No matter how pretty they were.

If only Kanae was this persistent with me. He thought glancing over to the girl who suddenly dropped a bag on the floor garnering both attentions.

"You good?" Gojo called over watching her stubbornly pick up the bag.

"I'm just peachy."

Oh she's mad.

Gojo glanced back at the girl who noticed the communication between him and Kanae.

She took a step back nervously. "Is that your girlfriend? I'm sorry for intruding."

"Well actually no. I'm single." He recited Kanae's words as he nodded at her. "We're just friends."

The sound of another bag dropped catching the attention of the two once again.

"Sorry again!"

"Do you need help? You can be such a clutz sometimes." He scratched the side of his head.

"If I needed help, I would ask a sales clerk. Not you." She hissed at him picking up the bag. A clerk immediately came to aid noticing how suddenly incompetent she had become.

Oh she's mad mad.

A devious thought came to his mind and he couldn't help but curl his lips. If Kanae was jealous at that, watch how crazy he was about to make her.

Turning is attention back to the girl, he stood up watching her. "My my my, you are really cute."

Her face turned red as Gojo suddenly moved closer to her. The girl was attractive but he wasn't interested in her. Call it messy, but he did like how irritated he was making Kanae. He could feel her eyes lingering on him as he removed his glasses to watch the girl intentionally and willfully.

The girl herself was losing it not expecting his beautiful eyes behind the shades. "Uh...thanks! You got really pretty eyes."

He ran his hand on the tips of her locks. "I love your hair."

Kanae took a frustrated breath before deciding to relinquish the bag she had so desired. The sounds of Gojo flirting with another girl had just driven her crazy enough that she actually might've cared about her spending habits.

The urge to strut waltzed out of her as she passed the two making her way to the entrance of the shop. Gojo's eyes trailed on her body noticing the sass imbuing off like an incense.

She rocked her hand on her hip before turning to stare at him. Her brows twitched at his figure still frustrated, yet her eyes rode him from top to bottom with such possessiveness.

"You coming?" She called for him as the air stilled between the two. She already knew the answer to those words.

Her comment earlier was stupid as she had realized. Friends don't make you feel this way. This tension is different.

The corner of Gojo's lip curled up. His eyes focusing on Kanae's, too invested to even realize he had made his way towards her. He watched her eyes excited by her pettiness.

"If you wanted me this bad, you should've just said so friend." He emphasized as her lips stumbled for a response. "Never seen you as the type to be so jealous. We are friends after all."

"I-I'm not jealous! Over you? Yeah right!" She scoffed as she walked out the door.

Gojo waved to the girl with a gleeful smile leaving her dumbfounded as he walked out the door. The girl still processing what just happened. Her interaction had been helpful in progressing their relationship.

The two walked through the bustling halls of the mall to reunite with their friends. Gojo trailed closely behind Kanae who attempted to speed away from the man. Unfortunately for her, his long legs only required half the effort that was needed to keep up with her. As he took his long strides, he waited for her to talk. As she was stubborn as always, she refused to.

Taking a deep breath, she turned to face him. He came to halt, rocking on the tips of his toes to prevent himself from falling into her.

"Listen." She held herself plotting the words in her head. "I was wrong."

Gojo nodded his head stroking his imaginary beard. "Were you now? About what?"

"You know what."

"Do I? Maybe I need to be reminded."

She glared at him. "Don't play with me Gojo."

"I'm not playing."

"You are enjoying this. You like seeing how crazy you can make me."

"Why would I make you crazy? You are just my friend after all." He emphasized once again.

As the moments passed, Kanae could hear a ticking bomb in her head. It aggravated her how close she was to losing it, and all because of her stupid mouth.

"Stop with that friend thing! I made a mistake alright!" She raised her voice before quickly lowering it. "...we are more than that."

Gojo squinted his eyes at her before cupping his ear in her direction. "Huh? Can you say that again?"

"...we are more than that." Her voice raised gently over her previous tone.

He began to grip his earlobe violently jiggling it wonder if he was the one with hearing problems. Kanae didn't have a problem being all loud earlier, but now she was suddenly mute.

It was embarrassing for her. She wasn't used to this. There were things happening, but to say some is emerging like that? It was basically declaring the state of their relationship.

As he jingled his ear, she reached for his hand. Gojo froze watching her sudden movement. She cupped his hand in hers pulling it towards her chest. He could hear his heart beat in his throat practically feeling her rhythmic thumping of her's on his hand. She laced her fingers into his hand holding it between them.

"We are something more. I don't know what it is exactly, but it's more." She admitted with her reddening cheeks.

It was a simple and basic gesture, but for Gojo it was perfect. For her to do or say something to progress them. It showed him that his feelings for everything that had happened until then weren't in vain. They were valid and it only excited him more.

"I—" He stopped himself. Maybe that was a bit too forward for Gojo Satoru and a bit too much for that day. He resumed with a quirky and on-brand remark. "How more are we hmm? There are so much things I can think of us doing since we are more."

She tried to release her hand from his but he only held on tighter. "Can you ever let us enjoy a moment?"

He moved in closer, getting a good look into her eyes. "This is just the start to more moments Kanae."

Before she could comment, he planted his lips onto her hand.

Her eyes watched him, a steadfast nervousness holding on to the fluttering feeling he placed in her. Ever so lightly, his lips pasted onto the back of her hand as if she was dainty. He was gentle, not wanting to apply too much pressure, but just enough to send electrical sensations though his touch. A subtle glance into her eyes was enough to make her feel dazed.

It felt like everything was happening so fast, yet not at all. They had just known each other for over a month, still with so much of each other to learn about. Though, she could not avoid her feelings now. Around him, she felt lighter, and the flutters in her stomach were always apparent when sharing moments with him.

This feels...right.

"We should get going." Gojo mumbled against her hand before pulling it down in between them.

"Y-Yeah. You're right."

The two continued to walk through the mall hand in hand. Kanae leading with a sassy march as Gojo slowed their pace down with his lax movement.

One thing was for sure that no one made her feel the way Gojo Satoru had. Whatever was blooming, she couldn't wait to see what was to come next.

𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐.

Hiya! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I'm realizing how much I wrote yet no real smooch. It's coming up! I promise!


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