Steven universe x OC gem read...

By King_Cloud47

24.8K 969 44

Another crystal Gem? Will her friendships be tested, will old friends be love-hate relations!? How will she f... More

episode 1
episode 2
episode 3
episode 4
episode 5
eposide 6 1/2
eposide 6 2/2
episode 7
episode 8
episode 9
episode 10
episode 11
episode 12
episode 13
episode 14
episode 15
episode 16
episode 17
episodes 18
episode 19
episode 20 - 25
episode 26
episode 27 - 31
episode 32
episode 33 - 35
episode 36
episode 37 - 44
episode 45
episode 46 - 50
episode 51 "The Return"
episode 52 "Jail break"
season 2
episodes 1 - 7
episode 8
episode 9
episode 10
episode 11
episode 12 - 14
all the fusions so far
episode 15
episode 16
episode 17
episode 18
episode 19
episode 20
episode 21 - 23
episode 24
episode 25
episode 26
season 3 + all the fusions
episode 1 - 2
episode 3 - 4
episode 5
episode 6 - 14
episode 15 - 19
episode 20 "Bismuth"
episode 21 "Bismuth"
episode 22
episode 23
episode 24 - 25
season 4
episode 1
episode 2 - 7
episode 8 - 9
episode 11
episode 12
episode 13 - The Zoo

episode 10

159 8 0
By King_Cloud47

(This one will be kinda short)


"Can I get you guys anything? We've got water, old... plates. Uh... how about some tea?"

"No. We're just here to drop off these gifts." Pearl says coldly to Greg

"Right. Sure."

"Actually, Greg, could I have some tea?" I tilt my head in question.

"Of course. Be right back!"

He hurried into the kitchen and brought back an ornate cup. I took to the tea cup, and it was so small in my blue hands. The tea tasted good, though.

Garnet hands her box to baby Steven

"Here you go."

Steven cooed in joy.

"You'll probably have to open that up for him." Greg says.

"It's just a box made to look like it's been carefully wrapped." Sheopens the lid of the box. "Ta-da!"

The inside of the box was revealed to be a razor, and Greg quickly swiped it away.

"Whoa! Thanks, Garnet, but I don't think he needs this."

"Oh, he'll need it. In the future." Garnets glasses flash.

'Hm. Future vision.'

"Let's open mine next!" Amethyst rips her gift open.

"Wow! Diapers! This is so practical! Wait! Are these adult diapers? They're way too big for him."

"So tell him to make himself bigger. You can do that! Right, Little Greg?" She ruffles baby Steven's head.

"You can call him,"Steven". That's the name Rose and I liked the most."

"Well, whatever you call him, you'll need this."

She holds out her gift.

"Uh, thanks." He takes the gift. "This some kind of kid's book?... Oh. A dictionary."

"Obviously, it's the best gift for a being that can't yet communicate."

"Pearl, he can't even read yet." I say.

"Exactly. That will teach him."

"He dosen't learn that way."

"Are you sure?"

"Haha, yes! Anyway, here's mine." I open the box, and a cloud plushy squished in my hands. "I liked it, so I thought he would."

"Wow! Thank you, Topaz. I'm sure he will."

Greg sets the cloud in front of Steven, and he grabs it and hugs it.


"He's also really into this." Greg holds out a set of car keys and jiggles it around. "♪ Carabina! Carabina! ♪"

Baby Steven starts giggling in joy.

:Whoa, he loves it!" Amethyst takes the keys and jiggles it. "Hey, little... Steven!"

"Hmm. He's certainly captivated with those things."

"Well, next time, we'll just bring a big box of keys for Steven."

Baby Steven kept giggling, and his gemstone began to glow, gaining everyone's attention.


We all gasp.

While the gems guessed at why the gem glowed. Greg went into the kitchen to get a baby book, and I followed since I knew where it was, and I knew he would need my help.

When we got back, they were all gone. Even the baby. And the door was wide open.

"Uh... Guys? Guys?!" Greg screams.

He runs outside, covered in a blanket, yelling for his babies. Being the van and Steven.

I walk outside to see Greg still running after the van. I catch up to him and ask.

"Do you want me to carry you on my back!?"

"Yes! Please!"

I grab him and throw him over my back. I only go full speed after he gets a good grip around my neck.

Eventually, I see the van and jump onto the back, and latch on to the sides. I peer inside and see Amethyst and Pearl startled, but Garnet was just idle.

I opened the door and let Greg in. I want around and into the drivers side.

"Ugh, thanks." He looks at Pearl, still holding baby Steven. "Hey, wait a minute! Why did you take Steven on a joyride in the middle of a blizzard?" He takes back baby Steven. "What's the big idea?"

"It wasn't really a big idea... Just a bunch of small ideas that never came together." Amethyst says.

"My apologies, Greg. We thought we knew what Steven was, but we didn't." Garnet says.

"Honestly, I'm not sure if I do, either. I never glowed when I was a kid."

"We never were kids." Pearl says.

Baby Steven cooed and tugged on Greg's blanket.

"I don't know how we're gonna figure this out, but I think we'll have a better shot if we do it together."

"I agree." I said.

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