By BananasForeverXx2

81 4 29

" ʜᴇʏ, ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍʀ. ᴇɢᴏ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ. ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ɪᴛ. ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴍʏ ᴛᴡɪɴ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ.. ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰ... More

【Info for You!】

𝘈𝘓𝘓 𝘔𝘐𝘎𝘏𝘛! 𝘎𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘞𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨. Or..Right?

10 1 7
By BananasForeverXx2

"The snack that smiles back! GOLDFISH!"



The green sludge rose from the manhole as you and Izuku stared on in fear. It grumbled before it took notice of you and your brother.

"What's this? Two meat suits for me to choose from? It must be my lucky day!" Like lightning, the sludge leapt onto Izuku, suffocating him with the slime as it entered his body through his nose and mouth. You stared on, fear locking your limbs into place, preventing you from reaching out to him. Your brother's face twisted into one of discomfort and panic as he clawed at the sludge, desperately seeking freedom from his slimy imprisonment. The sludge kept spewing on about how great of a meat suit Izuku would make, saying the pain would end soon.

Hearing this your mind went crazy, panic flooding every part of your body, trying to move your legs. The air around you felt hotter but you couldn't tell why with the only thing you focused on was Izuku. Izuku.. he's going to die if you don't move. move. MOVE. MOVE DAMMIT!


The manhole cover flew out of the ground, grabbing your attention as you whipped your head around to see All Might.

"No need to fear. Why? Because, I AM HERE!" He boosted from where he was standing before punching the villain causing sludge to explode everywhere and freeing Izuku in the process. You felt yourself calm down significantly and the air got cooler than a few seconds earlier before running towards your brother who was unconscious on the ground.

All Might collected the bits of the villain before turning towards you and Izuku.

"Apologies, Young.." You blinked once. Twice. The fact he was waiting for you didn't register until you'd been staring at each other for 10 more seconds.

"M-midoriya!" Embarrassed that it took you so long to register what he had meant. The man laughed.

"Young Midoriya! I need to collect the sludge before it has a chance to run off. Could you lift your brother out?" You nodded before wrapping your arms under his shoulders and dragged him from under the tunnel as All Might collected the sludge into a soda bottle. Sitting next to Izuku you watched the 7-foot-tall-muscle-mass-machine do his job.

10 minutes passed before All Might walked up to Izuku and, started slapping his face. What the fu—
"Hey there, it's time to wake up! Hello?! Young man, please wake up!" Izuku's scrunched up and he groaned, All Might's hand paused before slapping his face 2x faster than before. You stared, dumbfounded as this went on for another 30 seconds before Izuku woke up as his eyes widened and he yelled. Very loudly.
The man in question laughed as Izuku asked him for his autograph while noticing he already signed his notebook in the process. When did he- You were shaken out of your thoughts—quite literally. "Y/N!!! ALL MIGHT SIGNED MY NOTEBOOK! Thank you All Might! This'll be my family heirloom, thank you so much!" You sweat dropped at your brother's antics, you were used to them sometimes they were overwhelming. All Might grinned. "Well, since you're okay now, I have to deliver this guy to the police station." Placing the bottle in his pocket he turned around preparing to leave. Good, the sooner he leaves, the sooner you and your brother can return to the apartment. And the sooner that happens, the sooner you'll get your hands on that slice of cake from yesterday.

"Wait! I have a question for you!" Ah.. ever the hero fanatic.

"Apologies Young Midoriya but I must get going! Im very busy y'know!" You agreed with him, "C'mon 'Zuku, you know he's got other villains to catch and.. paperwork and stuff.
"No buts young man, now I really must get going." And with that he shot off into the sky with a large burst of wind. You tuned on your heel, starting your walk home with Izuku. He was awfully quiet. "It's okay 'Zuku, you can catch him at his next meet and greet!" Silence. "Izuku..?" Looking behind you there was.. nothing. 'NOTHING?!' You ran back to the tunnel entrance in time to see All Might heading towards a building, a strangely familiar bush of green attached to his leg.


Izuku was now on the top of some rando building with the NUMBER ONE HeRo of in the downtown area and you were gonna have to retrieve him. Seems like that cake  has to wait even longer.
"Stupid sewer slime, this is your fault." You grumbled as you ran towards the more downtown area to search for the building, t occasionally glancing down at the photo you took of the building, making sure you didn't pass it. You almost did pass it considering the only part of the building that was in your sight for you to take a picture of was the top 5 floors. You reached for the door handle before an explosion sounded, almost knocking you off your feet. Ignoring the fact the sound was so oddly familiar, you opened the door in time to not only see Izuku but to get dragged by the arm when he passed by.

You stumbled a bit before falling in step with your brother, running towards the fire and smoke. The closer you both got to the scene, the more you realized how drastic the situation really was. There was the same green sludge from before, something—no, someone was trapped in it. You and Izuku made your way near the front of the crowd. The first of many things you noticed was the fire. It was hot and there were sparks and the smoke that made your eyes sting and water. The second thing you noticed, the thing causing the commotion was the sludge villain. Double Shit.

"Where is backup?!" A voice rang through the chaos. Punching Hero: Death Arms. His quirk grants him superhuman strength, a close combat type. There were more heroes on the scene as well such as Kamui Woods, and Backdraft.
"No clue but they better hurry! My quirk isn't suited for this!"
"I can't fit through! The roads are too small!" Mt. Lady was seen behind two buildings struggling to get through.

Huh? Not suited? More explosions went off. Izuku smacked you on the back of your head. You opened your mouth to yell at him but he spoke up before you could.
"His eyes." He pointed in the direction of the villain and you noticed your third thing. Bakugo's a hostage. What. The. Hell. The slime can use people's quirks?! Ignoring that, your thoughts turned to what Izuku told you and Katsuki looked downright horrified, he was panicky and he was using his quirk to try and defend himself. "We aim for the eyes. Ready?" Wait, what? Izuku took off leaving you to run after him as he chucked his bag at the villain's face, hitting one of his eyes and rendering him unfocused as his hold on Bakugo loosed. Damn. I focused on the wrong eyes.

You shook your head, activating your quirk and manipulating the flames as they flew into the sludge's eyes. The sludge loosened more and the villain released his hold on Bakugo, Izuku finally able to pull him out. "No need to fear! Why? Because.." A large blur of yellow crashed from the sky and onto the sludge, spreading it everywhere and knocking all three teenagers back. "I AM HERE!" You felt something wet touch your head. Then another. When the drops came down in quick succession you opened your eyes and moved your arms from your face where they protected you.
All Might's punch had caused the weather to change drastically, the crowd cheered in hysteria.
"He did it!" "His punch is so strong.. it changed the weather!" "Wah... HE'S A FORCE OF NATURE!" Your eyes sparkled as they took in the scene before you. The strength of the number one.. I wanna be someone like that..

"Oi, kids!" A loud yell snapped you out of your stupor, your head whipped around to see Death Arms walking towards you three. You quickly stood up, Izuku did as well but Bakugo stayed on the ground. The hero stopped towards you and Izuku. "Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?" Kamui Woods was next to him. "That was practically suicide!" Considering today's events.. Your eyes trailed to Izuku who looked ashamed.

"Hey kiddo, that was really scary huh? Good thing you have such a strong quirk." Backdraft helped him up from his sitting position. "I don't think I would've held out that long if I were you.. Great work kid!" The boy was ushered towards an ambulance with paramedics waiting on standby ready to check him over.

"—and you!" You blinked, it was Kamui Woods who got your attention. "You got a strong quirk, nice job, you kept calm." Your eyes widened a fraction and you opened your mouth but was interrupted by Backdraft. The hose hero sighed.
"Just don't do anything reckless like that again. Anyways, we got a clean up to do, stay out of trouble kids." What..? Izuku smiled, terribly forced and thin. He turned and started walking, your home the final destination in mind.

"H-huh, wait! Izuku wait up!" You grabbed his bag from the ground, turned on your heel and raced after him. "You're forgetting your stuff again!" If a paramedic on scene was searching for them to give them a check up, well.. they were too far to reach.
☆.———𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓅! ~10-15 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝓈 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒾𝓃𝒸𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓃𝓉.———.☆

The walk had been silent, more silence you were used to.
"Izuku!" Your brother turned his head towards you. "I..I'm sorry about earlier, they were really mean to you and I didn't do anything to stop it.." Izuku smiled.
"It's alright, no harm done! See?" His smile expanded into a grin, fake or real, he was good at smiling anytime, you'd give him that. What you're not going to give him is a chance of getting away with such a blatant lie.
"Except it's not alright, and there is harm done! You were the only one lectured about stuff, heck you were literally yelled at! All because they didn't see you use a quirk to aid with the fight. They assumed you were quirkless and just went based off that!" You paused, "I mean—you are quirkless but, ugh! You know what I mean.. you get treated worse because you can't do the 'normal' thing." Using air quotes to show the normal wasn't really normal..

Izuku smiled. "That's.. really sweet..." You smiled in return. The moment was peaceful, perfect in almost every sense.
"OI! DEKU!" Oh! All moments of joy and serenity seemed to slip through your fingers today. Bakugo Katsuki, Aldera's 'perfect model student '. And a master at being grade 'A' dick. He was right behind you two, his usual posture kept with a hunched back.

Izuku turned around to fully face Bakugo his peaceful expression exchanged for a slight grimace.
"Hey Kaccha—" Je was cut off by Bakugo's voice.
"Listen Deku.. I would never ask a weakling like you to help me." Yep. Grade 'A' dick. "Don't ever think you can look down on me. Got that? I was fine by myself. You're just a qurikle-"

"O-kay! I think we've heard enough, 'Suki. Your speech was wonderful but we gotta get going y'know?" The attention of the two boys were now directed towards you with Bakugo wearing a scowl and Izuku's expression unreadable.
"Nahhhhhh, REALLY?"

Bakugo's scowl deepened as you stared at him with a small smile. He clicked his tongue, turned and stalked away. "So, Izuku, ready to head home?" You looked at your brother with a smile which he returned, a genuine one this time. Both of you were ready to go but today just had so many inconveniences it was crazy!

"Hello young Midoriya! Or should I say Midoriyas?"
The universe seems to be upset with him today because right after he's done that sentence he coughs up blood at that moment.
"I know right?"
All Might cleared his throat, he felt awkward with two middle schoolers staring at him doe-eyed after his entrance. Usually people are more loud and excited when he appears. Or they react like Izuku did. He was expecting that one honestly.
"Anyways, I have a proposal for the young man." You tilted your head at this. A proposal?

"Young Midoriya," he turned towards Izuku. "I have seen that you have wonderful potential of being a hero! So, would you please allow me to train you to the best of my abilities?" Izuku drew in a sharp breath as his eyes glimmered with unshed tears, this is it. This was the dream he'd been reaching for all his life, this is his opportunity to prove everyone wrong.
"Yes! I-I'd be honoured!" The tears flowed freely down his face, the emotions overwhelming his body as he fell to the ground.

"Then prepare well my boy! We shall meet at the Dagobah Beach Municipal Park tomorrow after your classes are complete!" Sobs racked Izuku's body and you kneeled down to help with the overflowing emotions he couldn't handle. After a while the tears ceased and Izuku sat up on his knees and sniffed. He gasped and shot his head upwards at All Might so fast you're surprised he didn't get whiplash.

"All Might!" The volume made you and the man jump. "Can Y/N train with us too? We both wanna be heroes so.." his voice trailed off, hiding his face in embarrassment while you pat him in the shoulder. All Might smiled nervously

"Uh.. well.." Izuku cut him off. "Y-you don't have to of course! Ijustmeantthat,y'knowhowIwantedtobeahero? WellY/Nwantstobeonetooso—"
"Calm down my boy! I'm fine with your sister coming along." How am I going to keep OFA a secret now? Oh well, I just got to keep it discreet. All Might sighed internally. Izuku blinked twice and turned around to face you.

"I don't see why not." You brother smiled and hugged you tight. All Might hid you both farewell as he disappeared into the sky. Now that that's all over... You smiled while you and Izuku walked home. Home.. I can finally eat my fridge cake.

˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ≀ˍ̮ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚

Words: 2417
A/N: You know that moment when you write 2000 words in an hour and you're feeling accomplished and Wattpad says "Screw you" and deletes half of it? So then you're upset for a week and loose motivation and suddenly like two weeks later you get a random spark of motivation and write 1100 more words to make up for the fact you lost?


Just me? Alr.

Sorry this took so long! ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘♥︎

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