Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1

By JayyVon699

47.2K 1.1K 92

New Chapter once or twice a week. Ellie had been living in Beacon Hills her entire life, graduating school at... More

Forest Adventures
A Sign of Life
Death's Bullet
Vision Beyond
Unexpected Run In
Pack Discoveries
Once More
* United *
Thy Collar Around
Cousin Miguel
The Show Is Just Beginning
The Beginning of The End
Recorded Revelations
Achievement Unlocked
Break Out
The End of the Beginning
The End Is Nigh
* Affection *
Coming To an End
Another Life

A Wolf's Soul

2.4K 64 1
By JayyVon699

After making sure Peter was alright; he was still sleeping; Ellie made everyone sit down in the living room.

She had texted her dad, and Noah said he would be there shortly. This conversation was needed and very important.

Ellie was also seething angrily. Kate Argent was in town. She was the woman Derek had said was the one behind the burning and murder of his family. She was the one who had shot him. He had gone out last night looking for the new feral alpha and was in mid chase when she had shot him.

Noah came through the archway of the living room and sat heavily onto the recliner. Derek told them everything. He started with the reason why Kate had managed to manipulate him all those years ago. He had been grieving from the loss of his first love Paige. How she had gotten bit by an Alpha, but her body had rejected the bite, and she had been dying. She begged him to end her suffering, which was why he had blue eyes. A beta's eyes turned blue when they had taken a life.

Taking a life wasn't necessarily a bad thing to werewolves. They would protect their land and pack and would kill to do so. But Derek was forced to kill an innocent, which Ellie knew was the reason why he was so withdrawn; and the reason why he didn't want to get close to anyone. Especially after losing almost everyone he loved to the fire.

He also told them about Kate, about what happened 6 years ago. She had gotten to him by using his grief and acting like she cared when no one else did. She used him to gain info on his family. It's how she knew when they would have all been home when she and a group of hunters set fire to the house.

Ellie knew instantly that Kate had let Derek live on purpose. She wanted him to suffer. She wanted him to believe he was the reason his family were dead.

Ellie knew that if she ever got her hands on that slimy bitch, she would end up killing her with no regret.

Noah heaved a heavy breath as he swiped a hand down his face.

"We need evidence. I've been looking into things, so if she's here, she is here for a reason." Noah spoke gravely.

Stiles frowned before his face lit up. "I can do some research! It's my specialty. I can dig anything up on just about anything!"

Noah eyed his son wearily. "Is it legal?" He paused. "You know what, I don't wanna know." Anything to nail the woman who was out to destroy his new family.

Ellie crossed her arms over her chest. "She's a hunter. It could be possible that she has done this before. Seduce someone from a wolf pack and then kill them all tragically." She trailed off and her eyes widened.

"Dad! Maybe she somehow found out someone is digging into it? She could be here to cover her tracks."

Derek growled. "I wouldn't put it past her."

Noah looked between the two and smiled softly. "Derek. Ellie told me she said you can stay here. Where is your stuff?"

Derek looked shocked before he quickly schooled his features. "At the Hale House."

Noah frowned. "The house that is barely standing and about to be torn down soon?" At Derek's nod, the man stood up and stretched. "You should collect your stuff tomorrow and bring them home then. And anything else that could have survived the fire."

Ellie met Derek's eyes as he turned to look at her, as if sensing her gaze. "I'll come with you. I technically own it and the land now. Until Peter is up and healthy again, that is."

Derek chuckled under his breath. Of course, she owns his family's property.


A few hours later, everyone made their way to their respective rooms for some R&R. Scott decided to stay the night, sharing Stiles' bed as they usually did, though Noah refused to let them sleep in the same room anymore without the door wide open, since they were now dating.

Ellie paused outside her room and turned to face Derek, who was standing before his door, glaring down at the handle as if it had offended him. He's been tense ever since he had to talk about the fire... He had been 15, and Kate was 28.

What Kate did was wrong on so many levels.

"Derek." She spoke softly. He turned and looked at her. She could see the anguish in his eyes.

"I really think you and I need to talk. This thing between us? You know what it is, don't you?" She asked and looked up at him as he stepped into her space, less than a foot between them.

His gaze swept across her form, from head to toe, before locking onto her dark, honey-colored irises. He gave her a small nod.

She turned, feeling the heat radiating from behind as she opened her door and stepped inside. He followed her in and took a look around her room.

It was much different than what he pictured a girl's room to look like. She had a large queen-sized bed with a black comforter and pillows. She had a desk with a computer and several notebooks. There was also a black bookshelf to the right.

As his gaze drifted across her walls, he noticed she didn't have anything hanging from them. Not a single poster or picture frame.

Instead, it looked like she had painted on the walls herself. The walls are pale green with random doodle paintings all over. He could see some really detailed dragons, fairies, elves, and many other fantasy creatures.

What drew his attention the most though, was the insanely detailed howling black wolf right above the headboard of her bed. Large, life sized and life-like.

Taking a deep breath, he could smell her scent which permeated the air, but also the underlining smell of fresh paint. The wolf was new.

Ellie caught him looking and smiled softly as she gazed at the wolf. "I dreamt about him after we met for the first time. I had to paint him out."

Derek's eyes shot over to hers. This definitely wasn't a coincidence.

"I believe, if you ever managed to fully shift, that this is what you would look like, Derek." She slowly made her way to the wolf and pressed a hand beside the snout.

"Strong, beautiful, mysterious. A fierce protector." She whispered out.

She turned to face Derek, who was looking at her with tormented eyes. He didn't want to believe her. She took careful steps as she approached.

"I know you don't believe any of that. I know you could never forgive yourself for Paige or for letting Kate into your life. But you have to understand, Derek. No one blames you. If any of them were still alive, they would say the same. Peter would and will say the same when he can. I know it." She spoke with conviction as she came to a stop, mere inches from Derek's front, her eyes leveled just under his pecks. She had to look up to meet his stare.

"I also know I will take time for you to accept that." Finally, she placed a delicate hand on his chest, right over his heart, her breath hitching at the warmth she felt. She could also faintly feel him, like a presence in her soul, a faint connection. It was right there alongside four others. But the one for him, felt different.

She knew this was the bond she was feeling. Derek had told them earlier that there were Pack bonds forming between them all. Ellie believed that one day soon, very soon, they would be glowing and thriving.

"What are we, Derek? Why does our bond feel different? More..." she trailed off, trying to find the right word. "Just... More."

Ellie watched as he gazed at her intensely, his eyes boring into her very soul. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, and her eyes followed the movement.

He cleared his throat. "I'm not good with words."

His words rattled around in her head, and she moved her hand from his chest to his hand and gave a fond giggle, her head tilted, and she grinned up at him. "You don't say?"

He watched her, eyes soft as she giggled. He raised one hand and cupped her jaw, his hand completely dwarfing her jaw and cheek. She was so tiny. He was terrified of hurting her.

He swallowed thickly before answering. "You, Ellie. Are my soul. My life. My very reason for existence. My mate." He watched as her eyes misted over, and she smelled heavily of relief and longing. "You're it. I'll never need another ever again. Only you." He felt awkward just saying it. But for her, he would get through any awkward hurtle to make her happy.

"That's why this feels so intense? Mates? Something only for us and between us?" She asked softly, lips parting in awe.

He nodded and leaned down, pressing his forehead to hers. Her eyes slid shut, but he couldn't tear his eyes away. "No one else will ever satisfy me ever again. This is for life. But I won't force it on you. It's your choice if you accept me."

They sat in silence, basking in each other's warmth. He closed his eyes in contentment. Being this close to her calmed his wolf down greatly. His wolf was growling in satisfaction at being with their mate. He knew that his eyes were no doubt glowing behind his lids right now, his wolf close to the surface.

Ellie's lips brushed against his as she opened them. "I want this. More than I have wanted anything else." She whispered before surging up and pressing her lips against his. Her hands rose up, one sliding up behind his head as the other cupped his jaw. Her fingers brushing at the stubble growing in. She couldn't wait until it grew more.

She tugged lightly on the hair at the base of his skull as his hand gripped her hips to pull her as close as they physically could.

He pulled back, and gazed at her intently, a small smile on his lips as she giggled softly.

His head snapped up and cocked towards the door. "Peter's awake."

Ellie let out a delighted gasp and ripped away from him as she jogged into the adjacent room. She quickly climbed up into Peter's bed and threw her arms around him. The man's eyes were open and gazing around the room.

Peter's arms twitched and he managed to raise his left arm up a few inches to grip lightly at the fabric of Ellie's leggings. It was the most he could do to hug her back.

Peter's eyes peered over her shoulder and locked onto Derek's frozen form, a small smile on his lips, and Derek sagged in relief.

Yeah. This pack would do anything for one another... For their alpha.

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