Transformers Bayverse Story

By Amethysts_Child

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Elizabeth Witwicky, the niece of Ron and Judy Witwicky and the cousin of Sam, finds herself rescuing an Autob... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22

Chapter 21

205 11 0
By Amethysts_Child

Cogman, having taken Vivian's hand and slamming it against the round table, stood back as the entire table seemed to come to life. There were several swords that had been laid out on the table that had started to float several inches over the surface, which brought surprised awe to the group's faces. Hearing that Vivian was the direct descendant of the wizard Merlin, was already pretty astonishing, but to see what she could do as his descendant was even more amazing.

"'Two worlds colliding, only one survives.' Those were your words, only this time, lecture time is over. You were born for this. Here is the most recent picture of their world coming here, and all that's standing in its way is you. So, you'd hurry up and find that staff. Like, now." Burton shakes his finger around.

"The TRF are here and they brought MI6!" Cogman shouts as he runs through the halls.

"Well, it's time to go! Cogman, get the decoy cars ready and get me to London!" Burton orders.

"Bee, we have to get out of here!" Cade called as Bee quickly transformed and open his doors for the group.

"Get going! My weapon can stop the time!" Hot Rod shouts as he fires a bubble around the encroaching agents.

"Quickly, quickly!" Cogman motions.

"Hot Rod, I'm riding with you!" Elizabeth grinned as she ran up to the mech.

"Of course, Cherie!" The mech nodded before transforming and opening his driver door.

Riding through London, Elizabeth felt the strap across her chest tighten as Hot Rod drifted around another corner. Continuing to fly down alleyways and oneway streets, Hot Rod eventually got beside Bumblebee. Driving side by side, Elizabeth was able to see Cade and Vivian shouting about something to each other.

"Cops. Bee, we are going to divert the police!" Hot Rod quickly spoke before veering off on a side street.

Beeping in response, Bumblebee kept his course with a singular vehicle coming up behind them. As Hot Rod and Elizabeth got further down the road, she immediately recognized the vehicle that stayed on Bee's back bumper.

"Barricade is here." Elizabeth mumbled as she turned away and faced forward.

"Do not worry, Cherie, they will shake him!" Hot Rod assured.

"I know, let's just get to the museum." The woman sighed as she leaned back in her chair.

Humming in response, Hot Rod gunned it through another side street towards the Navy museum. It didn't take long for them to lose the police cars and arrive at the museum. Hopping out of the car, Elizabeth glanced back to see Cade and Vivian rushing up to her.

"That one!" Cade shouted as he sped past her.

"Hey! Stop, you didn't pay!" A ticket vendor shouted as the three of them hopped over the turnstiles.

"Don't worry! I've got them covered, honestly, this is the modern generation. Oh, and this museum is closed for eternity." Burton smiled as he placed a check on the window.

Elizabeth was the first to enter the submarine and make her way towards the front. Cade and Vivian stopped about midway through where the steering mechanism was located and waited for both Cogman and Burton to enter behind them.

"Alright, everyone off the sub now! Yes, you too!" The older man bellowed as he chased the tourists out of the old wartime submarine.

"I don't understand. This thing isn't gonna run?" Cade frowned as he watched Elizabeth come back.

"This mission will be in the deep, unexplored waters! How wonderful! Just imagine, that musky smell of men in close quarter. Actually, that's pretty disgusting. But, with this being the greatest mission of them all, the one that I've been longing for all my life. You know, to help change and make history, but now, this is where we part ways." Burton sighs as he places a hand on a seat.

"What?" Elizabeth gawked.

"But you've been waiting for this moment for seventy-one years!" Cogman exclaimed as he approached the older man.

"Yes, but I'm not knighthood material, and, you all have your mission. I also have mine." Burton smiled sadly.

"Wait, no! You are not leaving us in here with that four-foot psychopath!" Cade vented as he pointed to Cogman.

"I prefer the word, sociopath." Cogman proudly stated.

"I don't think either should be preferable." Elizabeth sweatdropped.

"Mr. Cade, I think, after everything you had been through, the pain and suffering, the loss of your wife, and the separation from you daughter. I believe that all of this lead you to this very moment." The old man smiled.

"You talk a lot, old timer." Cade smiled softly.

"You're right. My dear, your father left the Alliance to you. She knows the way to the staff. Elizabeth, you are the only one who can bring us all back together. Between us and Transformers, you have the most understanding of both sides, and it will be you to bring the peace back. Good luck to all of you." Burton smiled widely before leaving the submarine.

"Well, this won't be the strangest thing I've ever done." Vivian sighed exasperatedly.

Placing her hands on the steering mechanism, Vivian jumped when all of the lights began flickering and the switches all began to flip to their online positions. Gasping with awe, Elizabeth looked around the cabin before rushing to the front of the submarine. From the front of the sub, Elizabeth could see the horizon as they sailed along the surface. It wasn't long before they began to submerge, however, they also realized that they were chased by another submarine.

"Elizabeth!" Cade shouted as he and Vivian rushed into the frontal compartment.

"What's going on?" She asked as she turned to the two.

"Another sub is coming in, it could be the TRF. Cogman just brought us up here." Vivian answered breathily.

"He brought us up here so that we all would die first!" Cade growled out as he grabbed onto the railing.

Suddenly, a missile shot passed them and the submarine tilted slightly to the left. Grunts of surprise echoed around the compartment as the three humans grabbed onto the railing tightly. Not even a moment later, their sub went vertical which caused the group to dangle from the railings that they were holding onto. Elizabeth, feeling her grip on the small railing begin to slip, immediately wrapped her legs around the adjacent rail to keep herself from falling through the sub. Looking through the giant window at the front of the sub, the group of three immediately began screaming in terror as they watched their submarine approach the side of the sub that was firing at them. Luckily, the impact with the enemy sub was not straight on, and instead the bottom of the Alliance ground against the top of the other submarine. The impact with the other submarine sent the group tumbling around the compartment, but Elizabeth managed to hang on to the railing. Once everything had settled down, Elizabeth peeled herself from the railing and turned to face Cade and Vivian. A light snort escaped her lips as she noticed the state those two had gotten in. Awkwardly pressed together, Cade had his arm resting over top of Vivian's midsection

"Hands off! There is a time and place for everything! This is not the time nor the place!" Cogman shouted as he ripped Cade's arm back and started to walk away.

"Hey Cogman, where are you going?" Elizabeth questioned as she quickly followed the shorter mech.

"Away from here." He snapped before loading himself inside of the missile launcher.

"What the hell! You saw that right! That sicko just shot himself out like a torpedo!" Cade exclaimed as he rushed up to the girls.

"I know! I saw it!" Vivian shouted back.

"Those are your peoples." Cade mumbled as he glanced between Elizabeth and Vivian.

Rolling her eyes at the man, Elizabeth made her way back towards the command room. Vivian and Cade remained where they were for a while before starting to make their way down as well. Coming through another arch, Cade and Vivian ran into Cogman.

"Cogman?" Vivian called.

"I thought a meal, or really our last meal, should be in order." The mech stated as he laid out three plates.

"Great! I'm starving!" Elizabeth beamed as she pushed past Cade.

"And you two! No canoodling!" Cogman scolded before disappearing.

Glancing up at the other two, Elizabeth noticed the slight awkward air that surrounded them. Deciding that she should let them work out whatever the tension was, Elizabeth grabbed her plate and disappeared to the command room with Cogman.

"Hey! Elizabeth, where are you going?" Cade stuttered as he watched the girl leave.

"I'm gonna eat with Cogman! You two have fun!" She grinned.

Hearing the man grumble behind her, Elizabeth continued her way to the command room. Eating the fish that Cogman had caught for them, the woman sat close by the periscope. Cogman entered the room shortly after the woman had finished eating, so that he could take plate away. It was quiet all around her, which for being in a narrow tin can, she found it quite relaxing. After some time of silence, Cade called for her to meet them at the front of the submarine because they could see something in the distance. Rushing to the front, her eyes met with Vivian's before she stepped up beside the lone male in the compartment. Ahead of them, she could see dim orbs of light uniformly scattered.

"Can you tell what that is?" Cade asked quietly.

"It's hard to tell what that is exactly, but I'm guessing that its a ship." Elizabeth shrugged as she tried to focus on the blurb in front of them.

As they got closer, the more prominent the details of the thing before them became. However, what really baffled the group was that an opening slowly became clearer as they grew closer. The submarine entered the massive opening and slowly started to drift upwards towards an air pocket.

"What now?" Cade gawked as they opened the hatch and climbed to the top of the sub.

"Well, you're the last knight." Vivian grumbled.

"And you're the Earl's special guy. You're the one that has to wield the staff, so you figure it out." Cade retorted back with an eye roll.

"Let's just go." Elizabeth frowned as she slide off the side of the sub and swam towards the metallic embankment.

"I'm not going in there." Cogman immediately recoiled from the edge of the submarine as everyone else jumped in.

Bumblebee stood beside the smaller mech and glanced around at the three humans that were already working their way onto the embankment. If he could grin, Bumblebee would have been grinning from ear to ear. Lifting his arm just behind Cogman, the yellow and black mech launched the smaller Cybertronian into the water.

"Now you're both on my shit list." Cogman sneered as he made his way back onto the submarine.

Giggling softly at the mech's misfortune, Elizabeth turned her back to the group and started looking around the ancient alien ship. The others started to follow behind her as they looked for a way through the blockage of alien walls and vines that littered the space. Walking down a narrow hallway, a section of the wall finally opened up enough that the three humans could walk through. Taking the first step through, Elizabeth turned around to look up at Bumblebee who was awkwardly standing there watching.

"Bee, you'll have to go around and find another way through." Cade sighed as he stepped past Elizabeth.

"What? You serious?" Bee grumbled.

"Elizabeth, you stay with Bee. Make sure he doesn't get stuck or anything." Cade suddenly called before leading Vivian down the path.

Grunting in frustration, Elizabeth quickly followed behind the yellow and black mech. If it wasn't for the fact that Bumblebee was still trying to avoid her, it may have been an enjoyable exploration of the ship. However, most of her time was occupied by her attempting to keep up with the mech.

"Bee?" She called as she pulled herself up onto a random ledge.

"Bee. Bumblebee!" Elizabeth finally shouted after calling for the mech several times.

"What?" The mech snapped as he turned to face the woman.

Stopping in her tracks, Elizabeth stared up at the mech in surprise at his outburst. Watching as his optics spun and assessed her cynically, she thought about what she was going to say.

"Nevermind." She sighed as she walked past him.

Climbing a little further up the wall, the two found themselves overtop a platform that had a singular tomb in the center. Glancing down, Elizabeth immediately caught sight of Cade and Vivian as they argued pretty loudly about the state that the so-called staff was in. Sighing in frustration, Elizabeth started to move to climb down when Bumblebee suddenly lurched forward and held her in place. Just below them one of the guardians of the staff started to move, and members of the TRF spilled onto the platform. Nodding in thanks to the mech, Elizabeth watched as the group of soldiers started to fire at the larger being.

"Who has come for the staff?" The guardian bellowed as he swung his own weapon.

"Vivian, hurry! Get out of the way!" Cade panicked as he pulled the woman behind him.

"Shoot it! Aim for the eyes!" A TRF soldier shouted as they began concentrating their fire at the mech's face.

"Hold it! Corner her!" Another soldier shouted as he pointed his gun at Vivian.

"Drop the weapon! Drop it now!" Lennox ordered as he moved his way to the front of the group.

"No, you drop it! Or I will." Vivian threatened as she held the staff over the edge of the platform.

"Lennox, you have to stop this! You don't know what you're doing!" Cade tried to reason.

"All I want, is for you to stand down and give me the weapon." Lennox grunted.

"Then shoot me! Go ahead!" Vivian taunted.

"No! No, don't shoot her!" Cade glared.

Taking a glance at Bumblebee, Elizabeth started to make her way down one of the thick vines towards the platform. Hovering just over where Lennox was standing, Elizabeth took a deep breath before dropping down and maneuvering herself around the unsuspecting man so that he was facing his soldiers and protecting her from any gunfire.

"Hey!" His shout was cut short as the soldiers around him immediately aimed at him.

"You should tell your men to stand down, Lennox." Elizabeth spoke with a bored town, her hand poised as if it were holding a gun to his head.

"You aren't armed." Lennox snorted.

"Aren't I?" She grinned when Tiny transformed into a military issue pistol and rested within her clenched hand.

"Stand down. She's not a threat." The man was quick to order.

The moment her arms became lax around him, Lennox spun on his heels and wrapped his arms around her. To say that she was surprised by this action would have been an understatement, however, the soldier's reaction to her brought surprise to all of the people on the platform.

"I thought you were dead." Lennox nearly cried as he pulled himself away.

"It's a matter of definition. According to some, I am." She smiled awkwardly as she glanced up at Bumblebee who had just made his appearance.

It was then that the guardian came back online and attempted to attack the group of people on the platform. Grabbing Lennox's arm and forcing him to roll with her, they had barely managed to evade a fatal hit by the guardian's sword.

"I have come for that staff!" A familiar deep voice echoed.

"Optimus? What is this?" Cade gawked from in front of Vivian.

"Give it to me." The Prime ordered as he slammed his sword down over the guardian then turning his attention to Vivian.

"Whoa! Optimus, it's me, Cade. You know, we fought together." The man reasoned as he tried to keep himself between the looming mech and Vivian.

"I fight for my own kind." Optimus retorted as he reached forward.

"Optimus, that's enough!" Elizabeth shouted as she rushed forward.

"You? How dare you integrate yourselves with us!" Prime roared.

"Watch out!" Lennox's voice barely registered in the woman's ears.

Only having a moment to respond, Elizabeth ducked down and just managed to evade a fatal blow by Optimus. Holding her hand out to the side, she waited for Tiny to appear, but even the small mini bot was terrified of the Prime that stood before them. Pleading for Tiny to transform into a type of shield, the mini bot finally complied just as Optimus swung his sword down at the two. Using the shield to direct the blow downwards, Elizabeth and Tiny were able to move away from the furious mech.

"Give me the staff, human. Or else, I will kill you." The Prime uttered fiercely while turning his gaze back to Vivian.

"Cade?" The woman weakly questioned.

"Give it to him."

Releasing the staff quickly, Optimus scooped it up before turning to leave the platform. Of course, that was not before sending several TRF soldiers flying because they had the gall to fire at him.

"Bee! Something isn't adding up, that right there wasn't Optimus! You've got to find him." Cade shouted as he rushed up to the frozen mech.

"Cade!" Vivian shouted as she rushed up to the man.

"Go back to the submarine and get out of here." He turned to the woman.

"And you?" Her frown deepened as she watched the man.

"He's always watched my back, now, it's my turn to watch his. Elizabeth?" Cade then turned to the woman who was still standing where they last saw her.

"I'm coming too." She nodded before rushing after Bumblebee.

Lennox ran up to Cade and they both followed Elizabeth as she climbed one of the massive vines that hung from the ceiling. As they were climbing, they could feel the ship move and gravity began to pull them down. It would feel like forever before they finally reached the top and pulled themselves on top of the large alien ship. Breaking the surface of the ship, Elizabeth froze in awe at the sight all around her. The ship had broken the water's surface and was still rising, but the woman couldn't help but stare at the blue horizon.

"Hey, hey! Watch out! It's a big wave coming!" Lennox shouted as he grabbed the woman and pulled her back towards them.

"Look over there!" She pointed to see Bumblebee and Optimus fighting.

"I am Nemesis Prime! You are nothing to me!" Prime shouted as he batted the young yellow and black mech away harshly.

Rushing over to the mech's aide, Cade started screaming at Optimus to stop and listen to them. Attempting to stay out from underneath the mechs' feet, Elizabeth and Lennox pulled the man back. Watching as the two Cybertronians battled it out on the slippery deck, they all winced at the harsh impacts that Optimus was blowing. Bumblebee was losing miserably, and seeing the two fighting was beginning to break Elizabeth's heart. After another throw, curtesy of Optimus, Bumblebee sprawled out on his back and was struggling to sit up. However, the Prime wouldn't allow the smaller mech any time to recover and jumped on top to hold him down. Clenching her fists tightly, Elizabeth dropped Cade's arm and rushed forward and up one of the sloped side of the ship.

"Elizabeth wait!" Lennox shouted as he tried to grab the woman, but ultimately missed.

"Tiny, I need a blunt weapon. Something that will incapacitate, not kill." Elizabeth spoke loudly enough for the bot to hear.

"You sure?" Tiny questioned as he transformed into a smaller version of a mace.


Reaching the top of the incline, Elizabeth leaped and spun around to swing the mace into the side of the Prime's face. A grunt of pain and surprise escaped the larger mech before his optics landed on Elizabeth, who was now standing on Bumblebee's chest. Bumblebee also released a surprise beep as he stared at the woman who defended him.

"I don't care who you are! Megatron, Nemesis Prime, or Optimus Prime! I won't let you take anymore of my family away!" Her shout was gut-wrenching as she tightened her grip around Tiny's mace form.

"Liza?" Bumblebee whirred quietly.

Turning to look at the mech's wide eyes, she gave a small smile before rushing forward and swinging the mace at Optimus' knees. The Prime was becoming furious as she danced around his sword and dented his shin plates. Finally having enough of the woman, the large mech stomped the metallic ground which caused her to lose her balance. It was that moment that Bumblebee finally got to his feet and launched himself forward. Seeing him rush towards her in a panic, she couldn't help but smile knowing that he still cared for her, but there wasn't much she could do to defend herself in this situation. Bringing the mace up to defend, she angled it so that Tiny wouldn't take too much damage. However, by doing that, she took a hard hit from the side of the blade and was sent flying across the ship's surface.

"Elizabeth!" The voices of Lennox and Cade mixed with the wind and waves.

Feeling her body colliding with metal, she groaned before opening her eyes to see Bumblebee's optics directly in front of hers. The spinning blues seemed to widen when her eyes opened and what could have been a sigh of relief escaped the bot. However, their moment didn't last long as Bumblebee brought the woman into his chest and rolled out of the way of another fatal blow from the Prime. Turning to face his friend, Bumblebee brought up his arm to block a punch. Optimus pressed with all of his weight and forced the young mech onto his knees, but Bee refused to release the woman or give up to his old friend.

"Why are you fighting against me? Why defend the half-breed?" Optimus questioned angrily.

"I am Bumblebee, your oldest friend. Optimus, I would lay down my life for you and for your beliefs." Bumblebee managed to use his own voice.

Resting in the palm of his servo, Elizabeth gasped when she heard Bumblebee's natural voice.

"Bumblebee, your actual voice. I haven't heard it since the day that Cybertron fell. What have I done?" Optimus spoke softly as he glanced around.

"I knew you couldn't do it. Prime, you blew your chance for redemption. Now you can watch as your precious Earth dies." Megatron suddenly appeared from behind.

Knocking Bumblebee to the side, Elizabeth tumbled out of the mech's grasp. Looking up, she gasped at the sight of Megatron ripping the staff out of his chest compartment and taking off into the sky. Hands grabbed the woman from behind and hoisted her back onto her feet as the group of guardians surrounded the downed Prime.

"You betrayed your own kind!" A guardian bellowed as he swung the blunt side of he weapon into Optimus' face.

"Optimus! Get up!" Cade shouted as he rushed towards the mech.

"You chose the wrong side! Quintessa is the great deceiver. Your judgement is death." The guardian deemed loudly.

"I won't let you!" Cade screamed as a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

Watching in awe, Elizabeth couldn't help but gasp at the sight of Cade deflecting the killing blow that the guardians tried to inflict. However, the best sight would have been when all of the guardians stopped their advancements and raised their swords to the sky.

"Seglass ni Tonday!" They all chanted.

"Cade, I am sorry. I have sealed Earth's fate. The only place in the universe where the people allowed me to call it home. Elizabeth, I never should have raised my sword against you." The Prime looked down at his servos.

"Optimus, I could never hold a grudge against you. I'm just glad that you're back. I've missed my family." She smiled.

"Only you can make this right, Prime. We can't do this without you." Cade interjected.

"I vow to never betray my family again. To save Earth, we have to go to Cybertron and defeat Quintessa. I will go first to gain the help of some more allies and I will meet you there." Optimus nodded before providing the coordinates to Lennox.

Glancing to the side, Elizabeth and Cade noticed a few helicopters from TRF approaching. Taking a few steps back, she bumped into Lennox who immediately wrapped an arm around her. Looking up at the man, she noticed the lax expression that he had which relaxed her just slightly. TRF agents were quick to disembark the aircrafts and surround the group that were standing on the surface of the ship. Lennox was quick to take charge and explain what was happening to the group of soldiers and escorted Elizabeth, Cade, and Vivian onto the aircraft. At first, Elizabeth was concerned about how their friend rendezvoused with them, but then she realized that the TRF most likely stayed with the woman. This battle was weighing on everyone's minds as they prepared, but the first place they were headed was back to land so that they could prepare.


I do not own Transformers as it is owned by Hasbro and writer/producer Michael Bay.

I really only own Elizabeth Witwicky, who is Sam's cousin, and the employees of Ben's Mechanics.

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