The Monster's Stratagem (Lesb...

By HeatherDarte

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Welcome to the future, where humans no longer exist - or so the monsters want you to believe. Dawn, one of th... More

Playlists (updated)
Fan art!!
Part 1: The Venturer
1: Dusk
2: The Small Family
3: Promising Gamble
4: Capture
5: Commander
6: Fury
7: Weak Point
8: The Orchestrated Escape Plan
9: List of the Missing
10: The Coward
11: Enemies in Need
12: Deceptive Tongues
13: Strained Alliance
14: Hidden in Plain Sight
15: The Moon City
16: Abandonment
17: The Four Rulers
18: The Powerful and The Powerless
19: Scream
20: Manipulator
21: Mad Dash
22: The Fall
23: The Cave of Beginning
24: Words Beneath the Rain
25: Homo praevalidus
26: Renegades
27: Strangers
28: Battle Lines
29: Traitor
30: Team of Two
31: The Imposter
33: Undone
Part 2: The Monster
34: Lost Soul
35: To the Depths
36: The Vengeful
37: The Arsonist
38: Finders Keepers
39: Shattered
40: Distractions
41: Life Debt
42: Stronger Still
43: Hallucinations
44: The Red Watcher
45: Ultimatum
46: The Tailor's Boy
47: The Unafraid
48: The Royal Guard
49: Costume
50: Infiltration
51: Threat From Above
52: Experiment Zero
53: The Guilt of the Dead
54: The Other Territories
55: Pit of Vipers
56: Sly Evaluations
57: Positions of Power
58: Games at Midnight
59: Jealous Girl

32: Three Knives in the Back

551 55 40
By HeatherDarte

One week had passed since Dawn's arrival in Zyire, and every day she grew more and more restless about what she had left behind. While she kept herself busy by reading about her new home, she still had begun to make a list of everything she had discovered about her mutual enemy with Syrena so far.

Syrena, who had her duties of Commander to fulfil, was oftentimes formulating and reviewing over Protector schedules at her desk or away to instruct. Dawn helped out with the majority of the paperwork, a skewed form of payment for Syrena's continuous generosity in allowing the girl to stay in her room. Dawn knew that eventually she would need to choose one for herself but, for now, she enjoyed having what little company she could afford. It also felt peculiar living off of someone else's coin. Back in Kings Grave, Dawn was the main provider for her family and had no qualms about using her money for the good of Rose and Freya. However, now that she was being looked after in the same way, she almost felt useless.

A knock at the door brought her out of her focus, and Leixa strode into the room without permission to enter. Something told her that this was not the first time the Monstra had done this. "A gift from Zyire to you. Well, more specifically, Syrena."

Dawn looked up from her book, watching the Second drop a horrifically large stack onto Syrena's desk. "More paperwork?"


"Be thankful Syrena is away then, she would have thrown that stack at your head." Dawn rolled her eyes, remembering the Commander's huffy attitude that morning when she had been forced by her to sign what documents she could not. "I don't know why she is still so adverse to it now considering I'm the one completing it for her."

Leixa, who had caught onto the first half of Dawn's complaint, looked positively mischievous. "You are coming with me."

"Your tone implies I do not have a choice on the matter."

"No, you don't."

"Very well, where are we going?"

"How would you feel about watching Syrena instruct a lesson?" Leixa said with a grin, knowing the human would not say no. "You would most certainly be able to gather more metaphorical ammunition to use against her."

"I like you more and more every day, Leixa." Dawn snapped the book shut, pulling on her boots with such swiftness that only came from when you were about to do something you shouldn't. "Lead the way."

Dawn had not been to the part of the kingdom where Leixa brought her to. Near the housing for the trainees, a generously sized field lay close to the track. The Second motioned for her to be quiet as they crept closer to the training grounds, secretly leaning against the wall as Dawn took in the sight before her.

Syrena had her back to them, too focused on instructing the Protector trainees in the art of sword fighting. The class looked to be quite young, certainly in their early teens, and had not yet been subject to the hardships of life. Dawn had also never seen Syrena wield a sword before and yet it looked as natural to the Monstra as when she was with her spear.

"Again!" She commanded, closely watching the Monstra before her and singling them out when one made a mistake. She sounded fierce and unwavering, using a tone that she seemed to reserve only for those under her instruction. Dawn didn't fancy the thought of Syrena using that tone with her.

Their presence didn't go unnoticed for too long and, soon enough, Syrena turned around with an eyebrow raised.

"It's the human!" A trainee called out, also noting the two extra people who had joined them on the grounds. "The really fast one!"

A Monstra slapped their classmate over the head. "Do you know any other humans? She has a name."

"Silence!" The Commander's tone hushed the class immediately. "I will not allow for distraction within my class. You are to focus on your lesson and not be distracted by slight changes, or you are not fit to hold the title of Protector. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, Commander!"

"Excellent. Proceed with your drills, I will come to each of you."

Dawn leaned over to Leixa, keeping her voice low. "How often does she instruct?"

"Not often, other high ranking Protectors usually run classes." The Second whispered in response, violet eyes shining with amusement. "The Commander teaches a few times a month, and sometimes oversees lessons to ensure procedures are running smoothly."

"They look enraptured." Dawn commented, noting the way the Protectors beheld the Commander with utmost respect and admiration.

"They are." Leixa chuckled, folding her arms. "To most, Syrena is an idol."

"If you want to gossip then go somewhere else, if you are going to stay then remain silent." Syrena snapped, turning to face the two with a scrutinising glare. "You're distracting my students."

Once Syrena had focused on the class once more, Leixa brought her lips to Dawn's ear. "She's in Commander mode, don't let it get to you."

The human girl scoffed. "As if I would."

It wasn't long until the Commander allowed her students a break from their arduous training. While Monstra did not tire easily, the importance of breaks was not missed.

A trainee Dawn recognised from the night on the track came bounding over, face alight with excitement. "Human! Oh, sorry, Dawn!"

"Uh, yes?"

"Can you please teach me how to run?" She asked, gathering the attention of the other trainees. "I want to be as fast as you!"

"Oh, me too!" Another called, quickly joining their classmate as they faced Dawn. Eventually, she was surrounded by the Monstra students.

Eyes wide with caution, Dawn shook her head. "I'm not a qualified instructor for your lot."

"Lot?" The Monstra girl asked, obviously confused by her words. Perhaps she had not been subject to the way of the world just yet. Dawn almost pitied her.

Noting the fact that Syrena was watching her and feeling a strong sense of smugness for stealing her class out from under her, Dawn tapped her chin. "I suppose I could, if I felt so inclined."

"You can?" The Commander asked, eyes narrowing like she suspected Dawn to be telling another lie.

"Did I not tell you that I often helped with instructing the youngest Venturers within Kings Grave? You're not the only mentor here."

Leixa then turned to Dawn, almost surprised at this information. Clearly, Rose had not told her much about her. "You did?"

Dawn nodded. "I would have probably been the next Head Venturer had I not been kicked out, or looking to retire."

"Then please can you train us, too?" The Protector trainee begged, very much looking as though she wanted to learn under her guidance.

"You want me to train you?" The former Venturer was struggling to comprehend that a Monstra was looking to learn from her. "I'm just a human."

"You're the fastest person I've ever seen. Why wouldn't I want you to train me?" The girl said before casting a glance towards Syrena. "She can, can't she, Commander?"

"Dawn will have to get permission from the King, but I don't see why not." Syrena replied, looking at Dawn peculiarly. It looked as though she was trying to envision the snarky human as a mentor for her recruits, and finding the vision rather amusing. "If she agrees to it."

Weren't Protectors taught to hate humans? To kill them? Why were they so eager to be trained by one? Why did they look as though they weren't seeing her for what she was but rather what she could do? "All right, I will look into getting permission from Zyire."

"All right!" She cheered, turning to the Protectors that Dawn did not recognise from that night. "You should have seen Dawn run!"

"Can you give a demonstration?"

"Right now?" She was taken aback by the request, eyes flicking to Syrena. "You're in the middle of a lesson."

"Lesson adjourned." Syrena smirked as she rested her free hand on her hip, siding with the trainees in favour of watching Dawn and wanting her to suffer for stealing her class. The students cheered heartily before reaching for the human girl, who looked intimidated by the onslaught that approached her.

"You're doing your next batch of paperwork. There's a nice new stack waiting for you in your room." Dawn grumbled once her smug act had backfired and was swept away to the nearby track, taking mild satisfaction in watching Syrena's face fall at her words.

The trainees made her showcase her running abilities, and for a brief moment, Dawn was back in Kings Grave demonstrating for the new Venturer graduates. As she had completed her third lap of the track, the Protectors clapped enthusiastically once she jogged back over to them.

"Are you faster than the Commander?" One asked and then shut his mouth, afraid he was going to be punished for his question.

Dawn laughed, remembering each time she had gone toe to toe against Syrena. "Yes, considerably."

"Not considerably." The Monstra in question protested, folding her arms now that she had put aside her sword.

"Would you like to test that?" Dawn fired back, knowing that she would win and taking pride in knowing that Syrena knew it too.

"A race!" A trainee shouted, and soon enough there were cheers of encouragement.

"Race!" Leixa chimed in with them, provoking the recruits further now that they knew they had the backing of the Second.

As Dawn and Syrena looked at each other, wearing matching expressions of bemused resignation, it was clear that they only had one option.

"Hold!" Leixa called once both girls prepared themselves to go against each other, and Dawn dropped into position. In her mind, she was at the border preparing for another Venture Day. It was second nature for her to slip into the mindset she used for those days, and now with the latest developments she had discovered a few short nights ago, there was no way in hell she was losing to the pompous Commander. Not like there was a chance of that happening to begin with.


Dawn took off, feet kicking back against the track as she began to sprint. Syrena was fast, and she had to commend her on that feat, but there was no denying their gap in speed. The Monstra had trained to fight, Dawn had trained to run. As the former Venturer pulled ahead, the trainees gasped as though they couldn't believe their eyes that their idol was losing to a human. Syrena was not slow, and her lithe body allowed for remarkable speed; Dawn was just faster.

The race was over after two laps, the result being a clear and indisputable victory for Dawn.

"Challenge me to a fight, I dare you." Syrena said as she caught her breath, silver eyes scowling as she stared at Dawn.

"No, I don't enter into competitions I know I'll lose." Dawn panted, feeling incredibly smug over her victory. Her good mood soured abruptly when the young Monstra chose to come to Syrena's defence, not that she needed it.

"The Commander is the best when it comes to weaponry!"

"Not just weaponry, we have seen her physical fights too."

"Now I see where you get your ego." The Monstra around them stilled at Dawn's words, in shock that someone had spoken to their esteemed Commander in such a disrespectful fashion. They better get used to that, Dawn remarked in her mind, I don't think I have the capacity to be polite to her.

Syrena looked almost cocky as she raised her eyebrows, eyes twinkling with arrogance. "Wasn't it you who said we all have our faults?"

"Finally, you admit that you're boastful."

"I don't believe I've ever denied it." Syrena straightened, head tilting as her lips curved upwards in a smirk. "As I recall, I said I was confident in my abilities."

"But to show off in front of those under your command?" Dawn referred to the class she had interrupted, remembering the way Syrena had flaunted her mastery of the sword to her students. "Tsk, tsk, Syrena."

"Want to watch me do it some more?"

Dawn was infuriated to realise that she quite liked Syrena like this, finding her arrogance and haughty attitude rather attractive; and, by the looks of things, Syrena knew it too. "Get back to your lesson, Commander, and do try to keep your head out of your ass."

Leixa, who had been watching everything from the side-lines, had to pinch herself to prevent from laughing.

"She needs a good humbling." Dawn grumbled as she leaned back against the wall once they all had returned to the training grounds, folding her arms as she watched Syrena call for the recruits to fall in line.

"Can't disagree with you there." Leixa suppressed a smile, looking rather thoughtful. "Look here."

"What?" Dawn asked as the Second brought her hand to the corner of her mouth, blocking the movement of her lips from those who she didn't want to see.

"See what I mean?" Leixa mouthed, conscious to keep their conversation a secret and away from listening ears. "She was arrogant, but she was never playful. If anyone spoke to her the way you just did then her fist would have lodged itself in their jaw without a moment's hesitation."

"Why does she let me get away with it?"

"For the same reason she allows me to tease her, she has a soft spot. Or she's a masochist, I still haven't decided."

Oh, Dawn should not have learned that information. Syrena met her gaze, saw the horrific glint in the human girl's eye and twisted smile, and immediately knew that she was in trouble.

"What did Leixa say to you?" The Commander demanded once they both had returned to her room where Dawn immediately went back to her charming list of their never ending potential enemies.

"Something wildly interesting." Came her reply, knowing that refusing to look at Syrena would drive her mad. She almost laughed when it proved true.

"Dawn, tell me." Her voice held an edge, as though she was whining.

"No, I don't think I will." Dawn did look up then, biting her lip to prevent from smiling at the Monstra's tone. "It is nothing of your concern."

"The way you looked at me was incredibly concerning."

"I don't recall."

"Don't lie."

"I have looked at you many times, Syrena. Each time should concern you."

"You are positively evil."

"We all have our faults." She echoed Syrena's words, writing down the word spy after Alani's name. "Don't act as though you don't know mine."

"I am well aware of yours."

She grinned, setting down her pen once she had finished updating the list. "It was quite the unruly class."

"They're the newest recruits, they'll learn with time. The older classes will guide them." Dawn could feel the Commander approach from behind and look over her shoulder, quickly reading what she had written thus far. "You have been doing all of this by yourself?"

"Yes?" Dawn responded, though it sounded more like a question. Who else would be doing it with her?

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you have other duties."

"This is one of them." Syrena argued, levelling Dawn with a flat stare before reaching out to snatch the list from the desk. "Alani was a spy?"

"Yes, and she was the one who originally created the drug, though she does not work with the organisation anymore, allegedly." Dawn explained, filling Syrena in on what she had not been able to since they were reunited. "I presume the drug is the same as the one you were injected with to paralyse you."

"Yes, I presume so, too." Syrena said angrily, crouching down beside where Dawn sat rather than pulling over a chair from the balcony. "What do we do with this information?"

"I don't think it's enough to do anything with." Dawn sighed, propping her chin up with her palm as she stared at what she had written. How useless this information was, how pitiful. Garrett was probably roaring with laughter at their failure. "Zyire already knows this, so he cannot help either."

"This is ridiculous, I feel as though we're running in circles." Syrena ran a frustrated hand through her hair, fingers snagging on a knot. "Is there nothing we can do now?"

"Nonsense, you can do your paperwork."

"You were serious?"

"Absolutely, you must complete this stack while I think more about our potential demise." Dawn grinned, standing to guide Syrena to take a seat at her desk. "Have fun."

"I hate you."

"I know."

The next morning, Syrena was kind enough to bring Dawn on her early morning patrol. She assumed this was her way of getting back at her for ensuring that she completed every last sheet, but it wasn't much by way of revenge as the human girl rather enjoyed the view of the rising sun. It was not something she got to watch often, and definitely did not take for granted. While she preferred sunsets, the glorious rising was also magnificent to behold.

A panicked voice interrupted her solitude as a Protector came running down the street. "Commander, there's a problem at the front gate!"

"What is it?"

"Three humans have been spotted crossing the clearing, they're heading this way."

"Three?" Dawn asked, not daring to hope until she saw them with her own eyes. Could it be? Had they really come despite everything? She could not be so selfish as to wish for something like that, but still, her heart could not deny its wishes.

"Their descriptions?" Syrena demanded, watching the way Dawn's eyes filled with hesitant relief.

"Two young girls and a woman."

"That's Rose, Freya and Alani." Dawn whispered, heart beginning to race at the thought that she might be seconds away from seeing the ones she hadn't dared to dream of seeing again. "It has to be."

"Did one of the young girls have red hair?" Syrena looked towards the gate at the opposite end of the street, as though she could see through it.

"Yes, the other had blonde."

It's them! "They have to be let in, Syrena!"

"The Protectors at the gate might turn them away."

"Has one glaring detail slipped your infallible mind, perhaps? You are the Commander, command them." Dawn flicked Syrena's forehead, trying to knock sense into her. "You may not control the citizens but I know for a fact that this is within your power." She paused, observing the fact that the Commander was hesitating. "Are you to turn away my sisters?"

Syrena paused, caught between wanting to protect the kingdom and wanting to give back to the girl who had saved her life. Eventually, she sighed as she relented. "Instruct those on duty to open the gate. Close it immediately once they're inside."

"Yes, Commander." The Protector bowed before rushing away to pass on the orders, leaving Dawn and Syrena to jog down the main street and towards the entrance of the kingdom.

A thousand questions raced through Dawn's mind, though she could not deny her sheer joy at the fact that they were here and safe. Alive.

"Besides, since Alani is with them then perhaps we can get more answers." She said as they ran, trying to convince the girl beside her that they were doing a good thing. If only she could convince herself. She was not so blindsided by her joy to know that something was desperately wrong for the three to cross the clearing without warning.

"For all of our sake, I hope so."

Dawn had not had a good opportunity to closely observe the barrier that separated the citizens of Zyire from the outside world. The monstrous gate made of both wood and metal looked positively indestructible. Bearing similar engravings to the doors within the castle, it was both beautiful and foreboding. It also looked extraordinarily heavy; certainly something no amount of humans could ever hope to lift.

Reaching a halt, the two girls waited as the gate began to rise, revealing the path to the world beyond the main street. As it lifted, the three on the opposite side were slowly revealed as the gate creeped higher and higher.

"Rose! Freya!" Dawn cried, rushing towards her family, enveloping them in a gripping hug. She could cry from the relief that crashed through her. Not knowing when or if she would see them again had taken a drastic toll on her; but now they were here. However, once she pulled away to look at their faces, she noted that they did not share her relief. In fact, they looked haggard and miserable. Both Rose and Freya, despite being reunited with their sister, wore matching grim expressions. Her suspicion was right, something was most certainly wrong.

"What's the matter?" Dawn asked, taking a step back. What had happened to them? "Actually, what are you doing here?"

"Ask Alani." Rose grunted, pointing to where the witch was standing a few feet away. Carrying a large bag, Alani stared at the streets of Zyire apathetically. She did not look like a queen who loved her kingdom, but more like a ghost who was wandering through the home they had lived in whilst alive.

The King, having caught wind of his wife's return, rushed immediately to the scene. His large wings brushed the ground as he landed, staring at the woman before him in utter adoration.

"Alani." He breathed, taking a step towards her, looking as though he would rather run. "Welcome back."

She looked the King up and down, meeting his tawny eyes once she had finished her inspection. "We need to talk."

"Direct and stony as ever, I see." He sighed, hand that had begun to reach out falling back to his side. "Very well, after you."

Alani started marching down the main street, closely followed by not only Zyire, but Dawn's sisters. That had barely said two words to her, what on earth was going on? By the looks of things, Dawn was certainly not meant to follow them.

"Rose? Freya?" Dawn called after her family, paralysed in her state of confusion. She turned to Syrena, who looked equally as perplexed. "What happened?"

"I don't know." Her brows furrowed, meeting Dawn's gaze and waiting for her instruction. "Should we follow them?"

The sound of footsteps running towards them broke Dawn out of her trance as Leixa came into view, obviously having heard that humans had arrived at their doorstep. "What's going on?"

"Alani and Dawn's sisters are here." Syrena explained, still looking at Dawn.

"Rose is here?"

"Yes, but something was wrong with them." The Commander clarified. "What do you want to do, Dawn?"

"Where would Alani have gone?" The Venturer asked, eyes hardening as she steeled her heart. Something unpleasant was about to happen, and she needed to be prepared.

"Presumably the throne room."

"Then we shall go there."

Dawn walked through the corridors of the castle, Syrena and Leixa flanking her as they approached the throne room. She could hear angry voices growing louder, voices she was all too familiar with. Stopping just outside of the doors, Dawn peeked through the crack to see her family and Alani standing in the centre of the room arguing. Zyire was nowhere to be seen.

"Alani, you need to tell her." Rose said sharply, sounding remarkably exasperated. "It's been long enough."

"Do not begin to tell me what I should and shouldn't do, girl."

Freya rolled her eyes, fixing the witch with a glare. "Can you please tell her? I'm so tired of pretending."

"Shut it, Freya." Rose growled with a tone that the former Venturer had never heard her use before, let alone towards her sister. "Dawn deserves to know."

"I know she does." Alani sighed, running a hand through her hair as she began to pace in what the former Venturer could only guess was an act of frustration.

"You cannot protect her forever." The redhead continued, closely watching Alani's movements. "They're going to find out what she is sooner or later and try to use her, you cannot stop them. My money is on sooner, they already suspect her."

"Do you think I don't know that?" Alani turned on her heel, jabbing a finger into the Watcher's chest. "You don't think I know that everything I have done is crumbling down? You don't think I know that what I have given my life into protecting is fraying at the seams? I'm well aware!"

"I didn't mean-"

"I don't care what you meant, girl." She was almost shouting at this stage, unaware that she was being watched from the outside. "Do not lecture me on things regarding this."

"And why not? You have dragged myself and Freya into it for the past couple of years."

"All my life, actually." Freya corrected, taking a step back to avoid Alani's wrath.

"I think we deserve a say." Rose said bravely, unwilling to back down. "Do you not regret the fact that you have used us to do your dirty work?"

"I provided you with a safe haven and three meals a day, and you did not do my dirty work."

"You did the bare minimum." The Watcher folded her arms as she made the snide remark, face twisted in a sneer. "Dawn worked her ass off to provide for us, almost died to provide for us, not you."

"Do not include me in your us, I do not care one bit." Freya argued, obviously not wanting to be a part of the argument but unable to help herself when faced with something she disagreed with.

"Ungrateful bitch." The redhead spat, looking ready to hit the girl. "Don't act so superior."

Having heard enough and seeing the King round the corner, Dawn burst through the doors, interrupting the heated argument. This was not the family she had raised, this was not the family she knew. Having witnessed a sight that tore her in two, she no longer recognised the people before her, and they looked at her as though they did not know her either.

"Dawn." Rose breathed, knowing that she had heard everything.

"What's going on?" She asked, tone hard as she stared at the witch. What had she done to her sisters?


"What's going on, Alani?"

"It is bad manners to eavesdrop, lass."

"It's also bad manners to keep something a secret from someone."

Zyire then swept into the room, looking as though he too had heard everything. "Alani, what is the matter?"

"Just tell her, Alani."

"Silence, Rose." The witch snapped and Rose, who was usually carefree, clenched her jaw as she shot her a seething look. Where was the Rose she knew? What had happened to her in the time they had been parted? Where was her best friend? "Dawn, do you remember our conversation the day you rushed to save Syrena?"


"So then you remember when I told you that Garrett was not looking to get rid of you because of what you had done." Dawn nodded at her words, still looking at her sisters and fighting back her deep founded worry. "He wanted to get rid of you because of what he suspects you are."

"He doesn't know that she is, we've made sure of it." Rose chimed in, tone clipped.

"Perhaps not, but he suspects strongly, and almost killing Syrena was a test." Alani shook her head, disagreeing with the girl. "To see where her loyalties lie."

"What do you mean that he wanted to get rid of me because of what I am? Surely he could have chosen any other Venturer if he has a gripe with the profession."

"You are much more than a Venturer." Finally, the witch looked Dawn squarely in the eye, and the girl did not like the frostiness in her icy blue stare. "The likes of which this world has never seen."

"Enough with your riddles."

"Very well, Dawn." Alani took a breath, almost as though she needed to steady herself. "You are my daughter."

"Your daughter?" Dawn scoffed, almost laughing at the preposterous notion. "Alani, I did not think you had such comedic talent within you."

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

Zyire, who had been following the conversation better than Dawn had, turned to his wife, face white and pale as though he had seen a ghost. "Alani, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that Dawn is your, our, daughter."

"That's not possible." He whispered with a shake of his head, his hawklike gaze trailing over Dawn who had frozen where she stood. "She's human."

"No, she's not." Alani stated, becoming more confident by the second. "I can prove it."

"This isn't funny." The former Venturer said finally, finding her voice and noticing that it sounded wrong in her ears; it was thick and heavy, and she struggled to get the words out. "Whatever sick joke you are playing is not funny."

"This is not a joke, Dawn!" The witch roared, having grown tired of her sincerity being taken as a lie. "Do you think I went to such great lengths to provide for you simply because I felt inclined to do so? Out of the goodness of my heart? No, everything I did, everything I endured, was to ensure your survival. To ensure the survival of my blood, Zyire's blood."

"No, I don't believe it." Dawn's foot slid backward against the floor of the throne room, looking at each of the faces that surrounded her; Freya and Rose looked at her expectantly, Zyire was still pale and there was a slight shake to his frame, Leixa's mouth had opened in her surprise, and Syrena – Dawn could not look at Syrena for too long. She did not want to see the expression in her eyes. "I have not suffered this world as a human for you to tell me that I am not."

The Commander turned to Alani, taking the side of the one she now considered a friend. "Dawn is human, she is not one of us."

"She does not look like a Monstra because I took extreme measures to ensure that she didn't, to free her of suspicion. Not that it matters now."

"Alani." Zyire spoke, stepping towards his wife. It was unnerving how quiet he was compared to his usual loud and jovial voice. "What did you do?"

"If I could create a drug to weaken Monstra, do you not think I could create one to protect my own daughter?"

Dawn almost fell to the floor as pieces of the puzzle fell into place. "The injections you gave me, they weren't to keep sickness at bay, were they?"

"No, they were not." Alani focused her attention on her once more, sensing the fact that she was starting to get through to her. "I have managed to keep your Monstra side sedated for twenty one years, and I have done a remarkably good job in doing so. Luckily for me, Monstra rulers could pass for humans if it weren't for their eyes and signature features. In Zyire's case, it is his wings and horns, though I thankfully did not have to worry about the latter as Dawn did not inherit it."

"What's in that bag, Alani?" Zyire demanded, voice soft yet chilling as he pointed towards the large carrier that the witch had brought with her. Knowing Alani the best, Zyire knew the correct things to be suspicious about. "Open the bag."

Alani complied with his request, unzipping the large bag she carried and tipping out the contents. A pair of feathered wings fell to the ground; not as large as Zyire's, small as though they belonged to a young child. The feathers on the fallen pair were the exact same shade as the ones on the King. The same rich brown, the same golden shift. If Dawn didn't know better, she would certainly identify them as belonging to Zyire's offspring.

The Monstra in the room stared at the amputated wings in horror, the humans beheld them as though they were a curse. Dawn, who had begun to detach herself from the situation, did not believe that they had once belonged to her. She could not. Never once had she felt as though she was missing a limb, and she could not be convinced of it now.

"What have you done?" Zyire held a hand up to his mouth, looking at Alani as though he was truly seeing her for the first time. To Monstra, this was an act of great insult Dawn had come to learn from her books, and the reactions of those around her proved it.

"I protected my own."

"I think I would remember being mutilated." Dawn whispered harshly, unable to tear her eyes away from the feathered monstrosities that lay on the floor. They matched her hair colour just a bit too close for comfort. "I would remember being anything other than human."

"What is your earliest memory, girl?" Alani asked, sounding as though she already knew the answer.

Dawn looked at her hands and noticed that they were shaking. She was shaking. "Holding Freya."

"And why do you think that is?" The witch stepped towards her, and Dawn stepped back. "Because I have made it so."

"You're lying, you have to be lying!" Dawn wanted to scream, her voice sounded as though it was climbing higher and higher. "What of Freya?"

"She is not my daughter."

"But she is my sister."

"No, she's not."

"What? Yes, she is."

"No, her parents died when she was born." Alani looked towards the girl in question who obviously did not want to be a part of this conversation. "I saw an opportunity to place you as her family, to fool Garrett and the organisation into thinking you were human and I took it. She is no more your sister than Rose is."

"Finally." Freya, who had her head held down, straightened up and Dawn did not like nor recognise the vicious and cold smile that donned her adorable heart shaped face. "I was growing rather tired of pretending to be the perfect little sister."

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