Izuku, The Forgotten Genius

By MrCake666

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Among the 80% Percent People filled with Quirk, Izuku Yagi was Born Quirkless. All Might Crushed his Dream of... More

Izuku Bio
Chapter 1: Welcome to America
Chapter 2: Meanwhile at the Family
Chapter 3: The birth of the Phantom
Chapter 5: Offer from the White House
Chapter 6: Family stories
Chapter 7: Mission in Poland
New book: Izuku, Dragon God
Chapter 8: Meeting the Yaoyorozu family
Chapter 9: Over the Years
Story Arcs

Chapter 4: Human trafficking and Andrew

1.6K 26 28
By MrCake666

<Author's note: Since I've been writing more and more in different types lately, I decided to write a list of how I will write below.>

[Quirk name or attack name]

"Someone is saying something"

"All Might says something"

Someone reads something out loud

Back to the story:

A year later, America

Izuku continued his education online and completed the high school level and the university level. Now he has decided that he will focus on obtaining his first PhD in Quirkology. In addition, he managed to achieve two new quirks: the first is [Restoration], which allows you to repair inanimate objects, which he copied from an old lady whom he saved from a fire, and [Barrier], which allows you to create, as the name suggests, an indestructible barrier. Copied from one of the heroes.

In addition, he managed to invest and open new businesses around the world:

- America: Recording studio in New York, Film studio in Los Angeles, Car repair shop in San Francisco, Electronics store in Orlando, Transportation company in Orlando,

Poland: Small game development studio in Szczecin, Beauty studio in Warsaw

Canada: Car development company in Ottawa, 

Russia: A company that creates support equipment for heroes in Ryazan

Spain:  Development company designing houses in Zaragoza,

Brazil: Security company in Fortaleza

Japan: Five-star hotel in Hamamatsu

Thanks to this, Izuku earned several million dollars in just one year, and each employee works for $15 an hour, has paid holidays and much more.

We now see our green-haired hero sitting in an chair and reading a newspaper in which an article is shown where children aged 10-13 have been kidnapped in the last 3 months. All kidnappings occur within the state of Texas.

"Interesting! Maybe I should look into these kidnappings? I have nothing else to do now that I've finished high school and university!" He said in his thoughts.

And so Izuku immediately went to Dallas, Texas to start an investigation. On the spot, he took on his heroic persona, collected clues during the day and patrolled the city at night. During one of his patrols, he encountered a villain who called himself the Fat King and used his quirk called [Body Fattening] which, when touched, causes the victim to gain approximately 300 kg (661.39 lb).

"Alright! He is the worst villain ever! Of all time!" Izuku said to himself.

Without hesitation, Izuku decided to jump from the roof and landed at the beginning of the alley. Hearing our hero land, the villain turned around in surprise at the sight of the famous Phantom.

"Phantom? What are you doing in Dallas?" The villain asked in surprise.

"I'm on vacation! But seriously, I'm here investigating the case of missing children" Our hero replied to the villain, looking into his eyes.

The villain attacked our hero without hesitation, but to no avail as Izuku used [Shadow Manipulation], creating a gust of wind so strong that it sent the villain to the end of the alley.

"[Shadow Manipulation: Shadow blast]" Izuku says the name of the attack, sending the villain into the wall at the end of the alley

After that, our hero made sure that the villain was unconscious and used [Chains] to tie him up. He then went to the girl who was attacked by the villain to help her get up, but it was difficult due to her weight.

"Are you OK?" Our hero asked.

"Nothing but my figure was ruined by this pervert!" The victim responded with tears in her eyes.

"Hey I can help you!" Izuku said to the obese girl.

"How? Look at me! It will take me years to lose weight with this body!" The victim responded with tears in her eyes.

"Hi, I have a quirk called [Appearance Change] that allows me to change my appearance and that of others" Said our hero to the desperate girl.

"...Seriously? Can you help me? You mean you can change my appearance along with my weight?" The girl asked excitedly.

Our hero replied Yes to the girl and placed his left hand on her head. Then he activated [Appearance Change] and the girl began to glow gold and her body began to return to normal. After that, the girl thanked her hero.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" the girl thanked her hero.

"By the way! I have a question, what is your quirk?" Izuku asked curiously.

"My quirk is called Gills! It allows me to create gills around my neck so I can breathe underwater."  The girl replied.

"You won't be mad if I copy your quirk?" Izuku asked.

"What do you mean copy?" the girl asked.

"You see, my quirk allows me to copy other quirks" Izuku explained without lying.

"I don't mind, after all, you saved me" The girl replied.

And so Izuku placed his hand on the girl's head and copied her quirk. Then they said goodbye and our hero took the villains to the police station where at first they wanted to arrest him but they decided to forgive him and take the villains.

In the meantime, he managed to stop 4 bank robberies, 2 sexual attacks and 5 attempted murders.

After a few hours of patrol, Izuku came across a few thugs who were loading children into a large truck. Without hesitation, our hero activated [Chameleon] to become invisible and jumped on the roof of the truck and waited until he reached the kidnappers' base.

After 3 hours and 22 minutes, he arrived in Austin, Texas. The truck arrived at one of the warehouses on the outskirts of the city. Without hesitation, Izuku jumped from the roof of the truck onto the roof of the building and quietly approached the window on the roof. He noticed a gang of bullies unloading children and escorting them underground. So he secretly sneaks past the guards and enters through the entrance underground, only to encounter a whole network of tunnels. Fortunately, one of the musclemen escorting two children was walking in right behind him, so he decided to follow them only to encounter an entire prison filled with children.

Izuku was angry at the sight of all those cages filled with children! He was furious! He immediately did the necessary scouting and took a closer look at all the bandits not in the base. He managed to count 5 guards on the surface, 15 thugs underground, about 4 guys and 1 woman who act as leaders and one guy sitting in the office who is probably the boss.

"Not good! 26 kidnappers against me! It's going to be a rough night!" Izuku said pissed off in his thoughts.

"Wait, if I use [Shadow Manipulation] and [Chameleon] I can neutralize one at a time without alerting the others, it might work!" Izuku said in his thoughts.

And so Izuku began to put his plan into action. Secretly, he neutralizes the bandits one by one, hiding in the shadows, knocking out the bandit and then tying him with a chain and putting him in one of the rooms. And so, after about 40 minutes, he managed to incapacitate all the low-level thugs, leaving the leaders and the boss behind.

Izuku decided that he would deal with the leader of the musclemen first. She is a white-haired, muscular woman (That's a Huge Bitch) who is dressed in gym clothes.

Unfortunately for Izuku, she sensed the attack and dodged to the side and punched our hero in the face with her right fist. The impact was so strong that it sent Izuku straight into the wall, making a large dent. 

"Alright! I have to ask you this! What the fuck are they feeding you, woman?" Izuku asked curiously.

"Proper diet, 8 hours a day at the gym and plenty of protein!" The leader of the musclemen replied proudly.

Izuku immediately activated [Regeneration] to heal himself and [Electricity Manipulation] to shock her. Immediately after touching her belly, Izuku activated [Electricity Manipulation] and electrocuted her, and fortunately the woman only lost consciousness. He also copied her [Strength Enhancer] quirk, which allows the user to increase their strength by 5 times. 

"Okay, this quirk will definitely come in handy for me!" Izuku said in his thoughts.

After that, Izuku went to defeat the next leader who, fortunately, was nearby, specifically in the armory. Izuku used [Chameleon] to turn invisible and knocked him out without hesitation. Just like with the woman, he copied his quirk called [Creation of Weapons], which allows you to create any weapon you want.

After defeating the other leader and copying his quirk, Izuku went to find his next target. He found him in a room that looked like a cafeteria, so he decided to test his new quirk and created a flash grenade and threw it inside, when it exploded, he immediately jumped inside and used [Chains] to tie him up. When copying his quirk, our hero was surprised, because his quirk is [Infertility], which is self-explanatory.

"Ok man, your quirk sucks. But it should be useful to me anyway. Probably?" Said Izuku to the bound and gagged leader.

After defeating the third leader, he immediately went in search of the last leader, unfortunately for him he was on the other side of the base. Without a second thought, he left in a hurry just to complete his mission.

Fortunately, he managed to find his target in a short time. The last leader was in a room that resembled a locker room, Izuku noticed that there was something wrong with this guy, he had red spiky hair, two scars near his left eye and instead of a left hand he had a metal prosthetic. (I wonder if you know this reference)

Izuku, unsure about his quirk, decided to use [Strength Enhancer] to increase the power of his hits and [Regeneration] so that he could heal quickly if necessary. After preparing himself, he decided to attack immediately to end it as quickly as possible, but unfortunately the villain anticipated the attack and blocked the attack with his metal prosthetic.

"I knew something was wrong when I tried to call Emily and she didn't answer!"  Said the slightly irritated thug.

(Emily is the muscular woman who fought Izuku first)

"Alright! Just tell me why you attacked us, you little shit?" The bandit asked curiously

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to save those kids you keep in cages!" Our hero announced

"My name is Zeke Hatfield, a.k.a. Magnet from Force of the Unknown. I am responsible for getting rid of uninvited guests. And that's exactly what you are, my little friend!" Said the villain proudly.

After the villain finished his monologue, he raised his right hand up. Immediately, all metal objects in the room began to vibrate and then floated in the air.

"So his quirk is magnetism? It looks like he can control all the metal objects in the room! Not good! I must neutralize him as soon as possible!" Izuku said in his head.

And so the fight between Izuku and Magnet began. Izuku immediately dodged the incoming cabinets and activated [Flame] to attack his opponent, unfortunately he anticipated the incoming attack and used the remaining items to block the flames. Izuku immediately decided to activate [Shadow Manipulation] just to blend into the shadows. The villain, not knowing what happened to the hero, decided to turn off his quirk, not knowing that Izuku was hiding in his shadow. After a while, a hand emerged from the shadow and grabbed the villain's leg and electrocuted him only to make him lose consciousness. After knocking down his opponent, Izuku emerged from the shadows.

"Alright! Luckily I was able to knock him down with [Electricity Manipulation] otherwise I would have had problems with him" Izuku said to himself.

And so, after our green-haired hero defeated the leader and copied his quirk called [Magnetize], Izuku went to neutralize the last leader who was passing through one of the corridors. As soon as our hero appeared around the corner, the villain immediately turned his fingers into tentacles that tied Izuku.

"Okay Mr. Hentai Monster, it's my turn!" Izuku said with a smile on his face to the villain.

Without hesitation, he activated [Flame] and ignited the tentacles binding him and used [Strength Enhancer] to increase the impact as he hit him and sent him flying to the end of the hall. After that, he copied his quirk called [Octopus Arms] and went to get rid of the head of the organization. He reached a large, elegant door made of wood, thinking about the element of surprise, he decided to use [Shadow Manipulation] to get inside unnoticed. But he noticed that there was no one there.

"Weird. The boss should be here!" Izuku said to himself worriedly.

As soon as Izuku finished speaking, something hit him in the head, knocking him unconscious. After some time, Izuku opened his eyes to see that he was tied to a chair, he immediately looked around the room only to notice the head of the organization sitting in his chair.

"Well well! The Phantom himself decided to visit us!" Said the head of the organization, getting up from his chair.

"The head of this entire organization, I assume?" Izuku asked the Head of the kidnappers.

"Yes, my name is Emidio Sabatelli and I am the Boss of the Force of the Unknown, nice to meet you." Emidio replied to his prisoner.

 <This is what he looks like>

"I must say I'm a little disappointed, Mr. Italian. I defeated all your employees and only your leaders gave me any challenge! Okay, except for the guy in the armory, Mr. Infertile, and Mr. Hentai Monster! But you know what I mean!" Izuku explained with a smile on his face.

The head of the Organization was furious at his prisoner who was talking! So he decided to take a cart with his favorite torture toys from the next room.

"Let's see what you say now that we're having fun my way!" The Italian said annoyed.

While the Italian was selecting a torture tool, Izuku decided to look around the room. He noticed that behind him there was a large cabinet with documents on his left, on his left there was a metal table with boxes, on the left there was a door leading to the clown's office, and in front of him there was a cork board with photos and documents. Szymbko Izuku came up with a plan to escape and get rid of the leader of the Force of the Unknown.

"Okay, if I can [Octopus Arms] and turn one of my fingers into a tentacle that extends to that idiot's shoe and use [Flame] to set his leg on fire, then I'll use [Magnetize] to lift that pipe off the table and use it to knock him out!" Izuku said in his head.

"Okay, hero! Now you will sing to me everything you know!" Emidio said, holding the pliers in his hand while wearing a hell of a smile.

"Okay, Mr. Important? I just have one question!" Izuku said as he secretly activated his [Octopus Arms] to put his plan into action.

"What do you want to know?" The boss asked curiously.

"What's your quirk?" Izuku asked.

"My quirk is [Earth Force] which allows me to control the lands around me in any way I want. Who do you think built this underground labyrinth?" The Italian replied, not knowing that his leg was starting to burn.

"One sec. Can you feel it? Like something was on fire." Sabatelli asked our hero, then looking at his foot.

"Oh fuck, I'm on fire!" The panicked Italian shouted, trying to put out the fire on his leg.

The Italian panicked and started rolling on the floor. When he managed to extinguish the fire on his body, he stood up, but before he could say anything, he was hit hard on the head with a metal pipe. After knocking out his opponent, Izuku used [Shadow Manipulation] to get out of the chair and used [Chains] to bind the head of the organization and check if he was still alive. Then he placed him in the chair he was tied up in and copied his quirk and then decided to search his entire office for useful things.

"Let's see! Documents on orphanages in Dallas, Washington, and even Cleveland! Jesus, they kidnapped children all over the country, why?" Izuku shouted in horror.

And so Izuku searches the office looking for useful information, and after about 45 minutes of constant searching, he found an interesting thing when he started searching for the laptop.

"Let's see! Password? This guy really did something wrong when he gave a four-digit password to his laptop! ...Okay, when this password enters, this guy has lost all respect in my eyes!" Izuku said to you, looking at the laptop.

Izuku decided to enter 1234 but the laptop rejected the password.

"Okay, I thought he was an idiot! Well, time for some hacking!" Izuku said to himself.

And so, after 15 minutes of hacking, he managed to crack the password which was 9440. He quickly looked through all the documents and copied everything to his 512GB pendrive. And get out of the office and go to free all the kids, but before that, call for support in the form of the police and an ambulance.

And so Izuku left the office and went to the imprisoned children, and in the meantime, reinforcements arrived. The police dealt with all members of the organization. Izuku and the rescuers took care of the children who were thanking him until one of the children decided to approach his hero.

"Thank you for saving me sir!" The stranger thanked Izuku.

"It's nothing, my friend! I did what any hero would do!" Izuku replied to the stranger.

"With all due respect! I would like to join you sir!" The stranger said proudly to his hero.

"...Wait a minute! Why do you want to join me? Your family is probably waiting for you at home!" Izuku asked the stranger.

"My family is dead because when my quirk activated at the age of 4, I lost my temper and killed them. My quirk is called [Werewolf] and it enhances my abilities and gives me the ability to transform into a werewolf form, but in this form I have difficulty controlling my rage. When I accidentally killed my parents when I first activated my quirk and was left alone with my little sister but she died when we were kidnapped by those bastards from that organization a year ago" The stranger explained to our hero his past.

"So you don't have anyone?" Izuku asked sadly, remembering that he was in a similar situation.

"That's right sir!" Said the stranger.

"...May you come with me! Gentlemen, this boy is coming with me!" Izuku replied to the stranger and told the policemen present that he was taking him with him.

"Thank you sir! My name is Andrew Robinson and I will not disappoint you!" Andrew thanked him and introduced himself to his hero.

"Okay Andrew! Come on, we have a long way to Orlando!" Izuku said to his new friend.

And so the police arrested all the criminals and the rescuers took care of the kidnapped children. All the transported children were delivered to their families. And Izuku decided that he would help Andrew with his problems, and Andrew himself pledged loyalty to his new master.

Time skip 2 days later

We now see Izuku training alongside his student. His training is the same as before: 100 squats, 100 push-ups, a 10-kilometer (6.21 mi) non-stop run, and lifting weights totaling 150 kg (330.69 lb) per day. And Andrew focuses on meditation and combat agility.

"How's your training going Andrew?" Izuku asked his student.

"Master! Thanks to your training, my control over my quirk has improved!" Andrew replied to his master.

<This is what he looks like>

"Good to hear that! But there's a long road ahead of you!" Izuku said.

"I know, master, I still have about 4 years before I get into hero school!" Young Robinson replied.

"School for heroes? I wonder how things are in Japan, I miss all my uncles and aunts, as well as Grandpa Torino and Grandma Chiyo! I wonder what they were doing when I ran away from home?" Izuku said in his head, looking at the sky.

"You have family in Japan, master?" Andrew asked curiously.

"I come from Japan. My parents neglected me because the doctor misdiagnosed me and for 6 years of my life everyone thought I was Quirkless until a few days before my 10th birthday I ran away from home and my quirk activated. I also had a twin sister, but it turned out that she was my step sister because we both have the same mother but different fathers." Izuku explained the beginning of his story.

"What happened next?" Andrew asked curiously.

"When I ran away from home, three low-level thugs attacked me and I took their quirks. Then I went to the airport and flew here where I started building my empire." Izuku told the rest of his story.

"So what do you have planned for the future, master?" Andrew asked his master.

"Now that I'm a vigilante who, if I'm sorry, has more respect from civilians than half of the heroes in the hero ranking in America. I don't know if I'm going to get a hero license, but I honestly don't give a damn. My dream of becoming a hero came true even if I don't wear the stupid plastic hero badge and I'm honestly happy about it." Izuku said with a smile on his face.

"Master, even if I become a hero, I will never be worthy of being in the hero ranking if you are not also in the ranking, and at a higher place than me!" Andrew proudly explained his reasons.

"Only time will tell what awaits us in the future" Izuku told his student.

And so the Master and the disciple ended their conversation and went to train in the forest behind the house, not knowing that someone was watching them from a distance.

End of Chapter 4

Next Chapter: Offer from the White House

After him: Family stories

List of quirks that Izuku has:

All For All - All For All allows the user to take, give, copy, evolve, combine, erase and disable quirks. (All-type)(Izuku's Original Quirk)

Chameleon - Chameleon grants its user the abilities of a chameleon. The user is able to stick and climb on walls, stretch out their long tongue. The user can also camouflage their entire body, which can be used to evade opponents and conduct surprise attacks. (Transformation-type)(Taken from Hiroto Akeno (Thug No. 1))

Long Arms - Long Arms allows the user to extend their arms. (Transformation-type)(Taken from Uda Mokichi (Thug No. 2))

Appearance Change - The user can freely change his clothes and appearance, e.g. skin color, age, height and more, in a few seconds (Transformation-type)(Copied and evolved from Nicholas Houghto)

Lawyer - The Quirk allows the user to understand all types of documents, as long as they are in physical, not electronic form. (Emitter-type)(Copied from bank employee Emilie Parrish)

Electricity Manipulation - Allows the user to generate and control all types of electricity.(Emitter-type)(Copied and evolved from the electrician who checked Izuku's house)

Shadow Manipulation - Allows the user to manipulate shadows in any way, e.g. create objects made of shadow or enter and hide in shadows. (Emitter-type)(Copied and evolved from one of his employees)

Forced Quirk Activation - allows the user to forcefully activate someone's Quirk against their will. Whether the target is conscious or not, the Quirk will work without fail, thus giving the user a method to use their allies' Quirks without having to worry about their state. They are also able to use it on themselves, even if their body is paralyzed in some way.(Emitter-type)(Copied from a child who wanted to commit suicide)

Universal language - This Quirk allows the user to understand and speak any language (Emitter-type)(Copied from the principal when he receives proof of completion of primary school)

Flight - Flight allows the user to levitate and fly at high speeds. (Emitter-type)(Copied from American Hero #27 Black Flight)

Regeneration - It allows the user to rapidly accelerate the body's regeneration at the same time the user sacrifices energy and becomes sleepy. (Transformation-type)(Copied from American Hero #115 The High King)

Flame - Allows the user to generate flames from their hands. (Emitter-type)(Copied from American Hero #92 Firefist)

Chains - It allows the user to create chains up to 100 meters long with their hands. (Emitter-type)(Copied from American Hero #55 The Guardian)

Restoration - The user can repair any non-living object by touching it. (Emitter-type)(Copied from an elderly woman he saved from a fire)

Barrier - Barrier allows the user to create a telekinetic barrier around them, in various shapes. (Emitter-type)(Copied from one of the heroes)

Gills - It allows the user to create a pair of gills around their neck so they can breathe in water. (Transformation-type)(Copied from a girl he saved from a villain in Dallas, Texas)

Strength Enhancer - Increases the user's strength by 5 times, e.g. if the user can lift a maximum of 50 kg (110.23 lb), then after using this quirk he or she can lift a maximum of 250 kg (551.16 lb). (Emitter-type)(Copied from a woman in the child kidnappers' hideout)

Creation of Weapons - It allows you to create all types of weapons that the user wants, and also chooses the appearance. Firearms have infinite ammunition. The only problem is that the created weapon disappears as soon as the user stops touching it. (Emitter-type)(Copied from a One of the leaders in the child kidnappers' hideout)

Infertility - As the name itself says, the user becomes infertile. (Mutant-type)(Copied from a One of the leaders in the child kidnappers' hideout)

Magnetize - It allows the user to control metal objects within a range of 20 meters from the user. (Emitter-type)(Copied from a One of the leaders in the child kidnappers' hideout)

Octopus Arms - It allows you to create octopus arms on the user's body and change individual body parts, e.g. fingers or the entire arm. (Transformation-type)(Copied from a One of the leaders in the child kidnappers' hideout)

Earth Force - Allows the user to manipulate the ground around within 5 meters (16.40 ft) of the user. (Emitter-type)(Copied from the Leader of the Force of the Unknown)

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