Behind me

By 0Andromeda

195 74 2

Alice, an ordinary teenager, faced an attempted murder by a serial killer. A survivor, she embarked on a jour... More

Chapter 1-A normal life
Chapter 2- A new beginning
Chapter 3-Echoes of the Past
Chapter 5-In Search of the Truth
Chapter 6-Whispers of the Night
Chapter 7-Bound by Fear
Chapter 8-A rival appears
Chapter 9-The first victim
Chapter 10-Moments of Revelation
Chapter 11-Hearts in Conflict
Chapter 12-Finally Love
Chapter 13-The end
Chapter 14-Or not
Chapter 15-New Alliances
Chapter 16-Revealed Secrets
Chapter 17-Captive in the Shadows
Chapter 18-Reclaiming Freedom
Chapter 19-Triumph Through Challenges

Chapter 4-Unwanted Reunion

13 6 1
By 0Andromeda

At that moment, I felt a presence behind me, and panic washed over me. I turned slowly, my heart pounding uncontrollably, trying to understand what was happening. I saw the sinister figure of a tall man, dressed in dark clothes and wearing a black mask that concealed his face.

The mask was a terrifying sight as it completely hid his identity and facial expressions. His eyes, hidden behind the mask, were fixed on me, emitting a sense of imminent threat. I stood there, paralyzed by fear, as he approached with slow and calculated steps.

It was at that moment that I realized that the man was the one who had terrorized me two years ago, the serial killer who had escaped justice and had returned to haunt me. Terror and tension filled the room, and I knew I was facing again a deadly predator who was determined to finish what he had started.

His approach was slow and deliberate, filling the room with a sinister aura that made the air heavy. Each step he took seemed to echo in my soul, intensifying the sense of terror that gripped me. It was as if he were savoring every moment of our encounter, relishing in my agony.

In a gesture that sent shivers down my spine, he leaned in my direction and smelled my hair with an air of perverse intimacy. An aura of perverse satisfaction hung around him as he observed my fear and vulnerability.

Desperation took hold of me when he quickly pulled out a pair of scissors from his pocket. It was such a sudden and menacing move that I barely had time to process what was happening. Instinctively, I pushed him with all the strength I could muster and ran towards the front door.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I tried to escape the nightmare unfolding before my eyes. I could feel my heart beating uncontrollably in my chest, a wild thud that accompanied my desperate steps towards safety.

I was so close to reaching the door; I could almost feel the relief of freedom when suddenly he grabbed my hair with cruel and relentless force. The shock of his violent action made me stumble, and I was brutally pulled back into the room.

The sensation of suffocation began to settle in as he wrapped his hands around my neck, squeezing with a terrifying force. Darkness began to close in around me, and my vision blurred as I fought desperately for survival.

However, suddenly, he released his grip on my neck, leaving me coughing and gasping on the floor. My breath returned, but I was extremely weak and vulnerable.

He turned his attention to my hair, stroking it with a chilling and sinister touch. His voice sounded in a chilling whisper as he commented, "I see your hair has grown again, Alice. It's a shame. But don't worry; I'll take care of it."

I knew perfectly well what he wanted, as I had lived through that nightmare before. I was not willing to let it happen again. Desperately, my eyes scanned the room for something I could use to defend myself, to create an opportunity to escape.

The room was sparsely furnished, but my eyes fixated on an object that could serve as my only chance to resist. Quickly, I twisted towards a table lamp that was nearby, grabbed it with all my might, and swung it in his direction in a desperate attempt to keep him at bay.

The lamp struck him with a dull thud, causing him to recoil momentarily. With all my energy, I ran towards the front door, my heart pounding uncontrollably, and a determination to escape at all costs.

Upon reaching the door, my hands trembled as I tried to unlock it urgently. Each second felt like an eternity, with the latent fear that he might catch up with me at any moment. Finally, the door gave way, and I rushed outside, the cold night enveloping me.

My legs ran as if propelled by an instinct for survival, and I moved as fast as I could. The dark and silent streets witnessed my frantic escape as I sought refuge and help.

Amidst the agony and panic, a thought came to my mind: Detective John. I remembered the business card he had given me just moments before the attack. It seemed to be the only hope I had to escape that nightmare.

Desperately, I ran back to the trash bin where I had left the business card. My trembling hands searched through the trash until I found it. With relief, I grabbed the card, looked at the address, and ran to his office.

The hope of finding help and protection was what drove me in that moment. I arrived at the door of Detective John's office and knocked urgently, praying that he was inside and could help me face the danger that was relentlessly pursuing me.

The wait at the door of Detective John's office seemed like an eternity, but finally, the door opened. There he was, with a surprised expression upon seeing me in a state of panic and desperation.

However, his surprise quickly turned to concern as he noticed the bruises on my body, visible evidence of the brutal assault I had just endured.

He quickly led me inside his office and closed the door behind us, ensuring that I was safe. I could feel his genuine concern as he examined the bruises on my body, asking questions to understand what had happened.

With labored breath, I recounted to him the terrible encounter I had with the serial killer, describing every harrowing detail of my fight for survival. Detective John listened attentively, his face becoming stern as I detailed the attack and the threat I had faced.

He knew the situation was grave and that swift action was necessary. With determination, he picked up the phone and made an urgent call, summoning reinforcements from the police to deal with the serial killer now on the loose in the city.

While we waited for the authorities to arrive, Detective John assured me that I was safe and that they would do everything in their power to capture the killer. I thanked him for being there when I needed it most, and he reassured me with his calm and professional presence.

When the police finally arrived, Detective John relayed all the information I had provided, and they launched an intensive search for the serial killer. We knew that time was crucial, as he was now aware that I had sought help.

While the authorities worked tirelessly to find the killer, I felt relieved to be in good hands but also aware that this battle was far from over. The serial killer was still at large, and I knew I needed to face my fears and assist in the investigation to ensure that he was finally captured and that the city could finally find the peace it so desperately longed for.

Now, with the police involved and Detective John by my side, I was determined not to be just another victim at the hands of this dangerous killer.

Detective John observed my exhausted state, and with understanding, he suggested that I must be tired. He led me to a door, and on the other side, revealed an apartment directly connected to his office. I laughed, commenting on how my initial impression that he was obsessed with work had been correct. It was evident that he lived and breathed his role as a detective.

He kindly showed me the comfortable couch where I could rest. The sense of safety his presence provided allowed me to relax for the first time since the terrifying encounter with the serial killer.

Sitting on the couch, all the accumulated fatigue from the day began to manifest, and my body finally gave in to sleep. The exhaustion and tension of the situation enveloped me like a blanket, and I fell asleep almost instantly.

Detective John stood guard, monitoring the progress of the search for the serial killer, ensuring that I was safe and at peace while I rested.

The night passed slowly, and even in the midst of darkness, there was a sense of hope in the air. The battle against the serial killer was far from over, but with Detective John by my side and the determination to bring the killer to justice, I knew we were one step closer to finding the peace and security that the city so deserved.

The gentle sensation of sunlight caressing my face woke me up the next morning. I opened my eyes with a sense of relief, realizing that I was in a safe place. Detective John had been careful to take me to the hospital to ensure that I was okay after the brutal attack I had endured.

While we were at the hospital, Detective John made sure that I received all the necessary medical attention. His genuine concern for my well-being was evident, and I thanked him for everything he was doing to protect me and solve the case of the serial killer.

After I was discharged from the hospital, Detective John addressed a crucial issue. He asked if I had a place to stay because it wasn't safe to return to my home. After all, the killer knew where I lived, and the police were collecting evidence there. Additionally, I didn't want to cause more worries to my parents, who had already suffered enough with my previous disappearance.

Detective John suggested a solution that, at first, seemed surprising. He offered me the opportunity to stay under his protection until my father returned from his business trip. He argued that this way, I would be safe, and we would have a chance to review the serial killer case, share information, and work together to find him.

I accepted Detective John's offer with gratitude, understanding that, for the time being, it was the safest option for me and the best way to collaborate on solving the case.

Before diving back into the investigation, however, I needed to get back to my routine, which included going to school. John agreed that it was important for me to resume my normal life and reconnect with my friends. He drove me to my house to pick up some clothes and personal belongings.

Meanwhile, Detective John was determined to continue the investigation. He thoroughly examined all the evidence, analyzed police reports, and interviewed witnesses in search of clues that would lead us to the serial killer.

The next morning, I returned to school, and the atmosphere was peculiar. Although I still felt vulnerable and scared about recent events, being at school also provided a sense of comfort and normality amidst the chaos. My friends and teachers showed their support, giving me the courage to move forward.

In class, the teacher announced a group project, and I was assigned to work with Lucas, a fellow classmate. He smiled at me and kindly invited me to his house to work on the project. I accepted the invitation with a smile, looking forward to a moment of relaxation.

On the way to Lucas's house, we passed by the park. It was a sunny day, and we decided to seize the moment and grab some ice cream. Lucas was a friendly guy, and his company was lifting my spirits. We talked about various topics, and he had a knack for making me laugh, something I really needed at that moment.

We enjoyed our ice creams as we walked through the park, sharing funny stories and momentarily forgetting the horrors I had faced recently. That brief moment of lightness and friendship was a ray of hope amidst the darkness that still hung over my life. And as we walked back to Lucas's house, I began to believe that maybe, a brighter future was possible.

The project we had to complete was an interview, in which each of us would interview the other about our dreams and plans for the future. I was eager to hear what Lucas had to say and to share my own dreams with him.

After our enjoyable visit to the park, we arrived at Lucas's house. He lived in a cozy house in a quiet neighborhood. Lucas's room had an atmosphere of rebellion. It was evident from the moment I stepped inside. The walls were covered with posters of motorcycles and iconic rock bands. The stark contrast of black and white in these posters created an aura of boldness.

A bookshelf displayed a collection of miniature motorcycles, hinting at his love for speed and adrenaline. His guitar leaned in a corner, ready to be played at any moment, adding a touch of passion for music to the environment.

The room also had a powerful sound system, with speakers that promised to resonate with intense music. It was clear that Lucas was a music lover and embraced the rebellious culture it often represented.

Despite the bold and rebellious décor, Lucas's room felt warm and inviting. It seemed to be his personal sanctuary, where he could express his unique personality.

As we began to work on our project, I shared with Lucas my passion for nature and animals. I spoke enthusiastically about my work at the flower shop, how I loved being surrounded by flowers and plants, and how I aspired to become a veterinarian. Taking care of animals brought me great satisfaction, and I aspired to follow that calling.

Lucas listened attentively and nodded, recognizing how my passion for nature and animals perfectly aligned with my personality. He then shared his own dreams and aspirations, revealing an interesting duality regarding his future.

On one hand, Lucas confessed his love for music and his desire to perform with his band at concerts and, perhaps, become a professional musician. He mentioned how music was an essential part of his life and how alive he felt when he was on stage.

On the other hand, Lucas also harbored a passion for motorcycle mechanics and customization. He enjoyed disassembling and rebuilding motorcycles, giving them a personal and unique touch. The idea of working as a specialized motorcycle mechanic and customizer also deeply appealed to him.

This duality in our dreams created a special connection between us. We both understood the struggle between pursuing an artistic passion and following a more practical career. It was as if our dreams, though different, shared a common essence of authenticity and the pursuit of what made us feel alive.

When we finished our project, Lucas offered to drive me home, which was a relief as I still didn't feel confident about walking alone to the detective's house.

Lucas accompanied me until the point where we crossed paths with Alex, one of the few friends who knew what had happened to me two years ago. I felt that I couldn't share everything with my family, and I didn't want to worry Emily, so Alex seemed like the right person to confide in.

I said goodbye to Lucas with a heavy heart, noticing the sad expression on his face as he walked away. He was a ray of light in the midst of my shadows, and his friendship was becoming important to me.

After bidding farewell to Lucas, I turned to Alex and asked if we could talk. Alex's expression showed understanding and concern, and I knew I could trust him to share my fears and worries.

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