GeminiFourth - The Sun and Hi...

By ZzFourthGeminizZ

9.3K 647 287

Gemini Norawit, a young famous star in the Thai entertainment industry, captivated fans with his talents as a... More

1 - The Lantern Festival We Met
2 - Reunite with the 'Lantern Boy'
3 - The Sun and His Beloved Star
4 - The True Soulmate of Nong Lion
5 - The Living and Breathing Night
6 - A Promise of Lantern Boy to His Nong Lion
7 - Destiny Smiles upon the 'Lantern Boy'
8 - With Gentle Roar, Nong Lion's Ask
10 - The Miracle of Fate
11 - Lantern Boy Digs for Treasure
12 - Nong Lion's Triumph and the Theft of a Kiss
13 - A Mishap Have Befallen Upon The Filming Set?
14 - The Malevolent Scheme Behind the Accidents

9 - The Melancholic Coda in a Joyful Tune

650 46 13
By ZzFourthGeminizZ

As they finished their meal, Fourth rose from his seat, intending to clean the dishes. However, before he could make his way to the sink, Gemini gently placed his hand on Fourth's and said, "Lantern Boy, may I ask you a favor?"

Fourth, looking into Gemini's eyes with warmth and curiosity, smiled softly and replied, "Of course, anything you want, Nong Lion."

Gemini took a deep breath, his expression earnest, and he spoke from the heart, "Lantern Boy... Would you consider moving in with me?"


Fourth awoke to the gentle caress of morning sunlight seeping through the curtains. As he stirred from slumber, he encountered a delightful surprise. His 'Nong Lion', propped up on one elbow, watching him with a tender smile.

Gemini's morning greeting was a soft, affectionate murmur. "Good morning, Lantern Boy."

The initial shock left Fourth momentarily dazed. His idol, Gemini, lay beside him in his very own bed. The surprise jolted him awake, and he almost tumbled out of bed in his flustered state. However, Gemini's quick reflexes saved the day, as he swiftly caught Fourth, pulling him back onto the bed and into a comforting hug.

Wrapped in Gemini's embrace, Fourth felt a mix of emotions. His heart raced from the surprise and the intimate closeness he shared with his idol. Blushing, he stammered, "I, uh, didn't expect to wake up like this."

Gemini's laughter filled the room, a warm and reassuring sound. He had anticipated Fourth's reaction. After all, he had decided to spend the night but had opted to sleep on the old sofa in the living room, despite Fourth's offers to share the bed. Yet here they were, on the bed together the next morning. The situation was unexpected, and Fourth found himself pleasantly surprised by it.

With a playful chuckle, Gemini replied, "I thought I'd give you some space, but it seems my plan didn't work out as intended. I couldn't resist."

Fourth, still blushing and caught off guard in Gemini's embrace, couldn't help but ask, "Resist what exactly? The bed?"

Gemini grinned, his voice adopting a husky, intimate tone as he leaned closer to Fourth's earlobe, sending shivers down his spine. "Not the bed, Lantern Boy. It's you."

Startled by Fourth's sudden reaction to his teasing words, Gemini found himself pushed aside, narrowly avoiding a tumble to the floor. Fourth swiftly made his escape, darting out of the room with his cheeks aflame, his heart racing with embarrassment.

Gemini, left behind in the room, blinked in surprise at the unexpected turn of events. He had meant to tease Fourth, not anticipating such a dramatic response. But he couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable sight of his 'Lantern Boy' fleeing the room in a fluster, his laughter filling the morning air. It was an amusing start to the day, and Gemini couldn't help but find it endearing.


'P', where were you? I thought you would be back last night.'

'Are you trying to get me killed?? If Mae Yui finds out about this...'

'Seriously, when will you come back?'

Gemini pulled his phone from his pocket to find a barrage of messages from his ever-concerned personal assistant, Hana. He couldn't help but chuckle at her dramatic responses. Hana had always been a worrier, but she was also fiercely competent at handling any crisis that came her way. 

With a playful smirk, he tapped out a quick reply: 'Don't worry, Hana. I'll be back soon.' He promptly turned off the phone, determined to savor every precious moment with his 'Lantern Boy' without any interruptions.

Unbeknownst to Gemini, on the other end of the messages, Hana was fuming. She muttered curses under her breath, her patience with her superstar boss wearing thin. She reached for the nearby chibi doll, a cute representation of Gemini himself, and began using it to vent her frustrations.

Meanwhile, back in the cozy kitchen bathed in warm morning light, Gemini took charge of setting the table while Fourth finished preparing breakfast. Seated across from each other, 'Nong Lion' was irresistibly drawn to the tantalizing dishes that adorned their table, the aroma alone serving as an enchanting invitation.

Each mouthful was a symphony of flavors, causing Gemini's taste buds to dance with wonderful delight. His genuine smile, radiant as the morning sun, illuminated the room. Unable to contain his admiration, he couldn't help but lavish his 'Lantern Boy' with praise, "I have to say it again. Your cooking makes the meals provided by my personal assistant, Hana, look like mere edible sustenance."

Fourth, his expression gentle, offered a defense of Hana, saying, "You shouldn't say that about Hana. I'm sure she tries her best."

Gemini, unperturbed by the comment, simply shrugged as he continued to savor his meal. "Don't worry. She doesn't mind," he remarked casually, his attention still focused on the delectable food before him.

Fourth couldn't help but smile and shake his head at Gemini's nonchalant attitude. Minutes passed, and Gemini couldn't ignore the fact that Fourth's breakfast remained untouched. His gaze naturally gravitated toward the young handsome man, who sat there, his eyes locked on Gemini with a fond and admiring expression.

With a playful and knowing grin, Gemini leaned closer, his voice a soft, teasing whisper infused with a hint of curiosity, "Are you enjoying the view, Lantern Boy? I know that I'm quite the handsome sight to behold."

Fourth blinked, realizing he'd been caught staring. His cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as he stammered, "I, uh, well... It's just... You have something on your cheek."

Gemini smirked, his eyes dancing with amusement. He couldn't resist teasing Fourth, finding it utterly delightful. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he pushed his chair back and leaned forward across the table, causing Fourth to instinctively retreat a bit, his eyes wide with surprise. "What's are you doing, Nong Lion?" Fourth asked.

Gemini smirked playfully and replied, "Well, I can't see it, so would you be so kind as to help me by taking it off?"

Gemini's playful yet intense energy filled the room, and Fourth's heart raced as he found himself in close proximity to Gemini's striking features. With his cheeks flushed and his hand trembling, Fourth nodded nervously. Slowly, he reached across the table, his fingers grazing Gemini's cheek as he brushed away the food that was dangerously close to his mouth.

In that charged moment, Fourth found himself utterly captivated by Gemini's lips, their allure pulling him in like a powerful magnet. Gemini's voice, now softer and dripping with seduction, sent an electrifying shiver down Fourth's spine as he whispered, "Do you want to taste them?"

To Gemini's utter astonishment, his Lantern Boy didn't merely entertain the suggestion. He boldly leaned in, bridging the gap between them. Their lips met in an electrifying kiss, a gentle yet charged connection that sent shivers coursing through both of them. In that brief moment, their mouths fused together, igniting a passionate spark between them.

As the kiss unfolded, Gemini's heart raced in response, and he felt a flush of heat creeping over his face. It was a surprising turn of events, catching him off guard. With a mix of surprise and desire flickering in his eyes, he eventually pulled back to his chair, his gaze locked onto Fourth in sheer disbelief. He couldn't believe what had just transpired and was left wondering where this sudden surge of boldness had come from in Fourth.

Fourth, his own emotions a whirlwind of surprise and satisfaction from his own impulsive action, licked his lips, savoring the lingering sweetness from their kiss. It was a daring move, one that he considered well-deserved payback for his 'Nong Lion's' continuous teasing and flirtation. After all, he couldn't help but wonder what Gemini had expected when he had offered to be kissed by his hardcore fan.

"I have to be honest, you are full of surprises, Lantern Boy," Gemini commented with a grin on his face. The image of bold Fourth ignited something in him.

"Thank you for that compliment, Nong Lion," Fourth replied with a hint of mischief in his eyes as he finally began to enjoy his breakfast.

After they finished breakfast, Gemini leaned back in his chair, his expression content as he let out a satisfied sigh. He then offered, "Let me help you with the dishes, Lantern Boy."

Fourth smiled appreciatively, nodding in agreement. Together, they cleared the table and began washing the dishes. The warm water and the soapy bubbles added to the sense of domestic bliss that enveloped them.

As they worked side by side, the clinking of dishes and the gentle flow of water filling the silence, Gemini couldn't help but bring up the question that had been on his mind since the previous night. He turned to Fourth, his expression serious but filled with warmth, and asked once more, "Lantern Boy, about what I mentioned last night... Have you thought about it? Would you consider moving in with me?"

Fourth nodded as he continued to scrub a plate, his ears turning a deep shade of red. He had indeed thought about Gemini's proposal, and it had been on his mind since the moment it was uttered.

Gemini, sensing Fourth's hesitation, decided to elaborate on his reasons. He spoke with sincerity, "We're going to be in a series as a couple, and I believe that being closer by staying together will help us create better chemistry on screen. It's important for our roles, and I want us to give our best performances."

He then paused for a moment, carefully choosing his words. "And, well, there's something else. AKA Corp has been showing interest in you, and they might offer you an actor contract soon. And that can be a problem."

"How so?" Fourth was surprised at what Gemini had just said.

Gemini explained softly, "When that happens, they'll want you to move to a place they choose. And you cannot move in with me anymore. Simply because I'm from another entertainment studio, and there's no way they would let you stay with me then."

Fourth nodded in understanding. As he continued washing the dishes, Gemini moved closer, standing behind him instead of by his side. His arms gently enveloped Fourth, and he whispered into his ear, his hands skillfully navigating the space between Fourth's body and arms to continue assisting with the dishes.

"But if you've already moved in with me," Gemini continued, his warm breath caressing Fourth's ear, "they won't have a leg to stand on. They won't be able to come up with a valid reason to make you move, whether it's for safety reasons or to improve your living conditions. Plus, they won't dare to upset me, a famous superstar, by forcing you to move out of my place."

'Nong Lion' rested his chin on his 'Lantern Boy's' shoulder, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and sincerity. "It'll be a win-win situation, my Lantern Boy. What do you say?"

Fourth finished washing the dishes, the warmth of Gemini's presence enveloping him like a comforting embrace. He pondered Gemini's words, their implications sinking in. The idea of moving in with Gemini had its appeal, not only for the sake of their on-screen chemistry but also for the chance to be closer to someone he admired so deeply.

Gemini's breath against his ear sent a shiver down Fourth's spine, and he couldn't help but lean back slightly into Gemini's embrace, seeking that closeness.

After a moment of contemplation, Fourth replied in a soft, sincere tone, "I've thought about it, Nong Lion, and your reasons make sense. Besides, I..." He hesitated for a moment before confessing, "I would love to live with you."

"Really? You said yes?" A surge of excitement coursed through Gemini, and he couldn't contain his joy. He hugged Fourth tightly, fearing that his 'Lantern Boy' might change his mind. Fourth, blushing with his ears turning a deeper shade of red, smiled softly and said, "Yes, you can let me go now."

Gemini chuckled, his grip around Fourth loosening slightly. "When do you want to move to my place? How about today?"

"Easy there, Nong Lion," Fourth found himself regretting the decision already. "Today sounds a bit too quick for me," he admitted. "I'd prefer to have at least a week to pack up everything and take care of some other business first."

Gemini's expression shifted from excitement to mild disappointment, his eyes giving him the appearance of a puppy who had been denied a treat. "A whole week?" he asked, a hint of sadness in his voice. "That's so long to wait."

However, his disappointment was short-lived. A week might seem like an eternity, but it was also just seven days away. Gemini's eyes sparkled with renewed enthusiasm as he realized that, in a week's time, his 'Lantern Boy' would be living in the same place as him. The thought of their impending togetherness filled him with joy, and he couldn't resist planting a playful sniff kiss on Fourth's cheek. "Alright, we'll do it your way, Lantern Boy. Just promise me you won't make me wait too long."

Fourth's panic mode kicked in as he gently touched the spot where Gemini's lips had brushed against his skin and said, "I promise, Nong Lion. But will you stop doing that?"

"I won't, you're so cute, Lantern Boy. How can I resist?" Gemini replied with a mischievous glint in his eye as he continued to plant playful sniff kisses on Fourth's cheeks. Fourth tried to wriggle away from Gemini's tight embrace, feeling like he might melt on the spot if this continued. He couldn't believe his idol had turned out to be such a clingy, affectionate husky puppy, and it both thrilled and overwhelmed him.

"That's enough, Nong Lion," Fourth declared firmly, finally managing to break free from Gemini's affectionate hold. He quickly straightened his disheveled clothes. Glancing at the clock on the wall, asked, "It's ten in the morning already. Are you going to leave soon?"

Gemini couldn't resist teasing Fourth a little more. He put on an exaggerated pout, his eyes wide and innocent. He said in a mock-hurt tone. "Are you trying to send me away already? I thought you'd be devastated to see me, your idol, depart."

Fourth chuckled at Gemini's playful antics. "You're a great actor, Nong Lion," he remarked. "But I was actually expecting this. I know a superstar like you has a busy schedule and can't disappear for too long. So I figured you were going to leave soon. Besides, I noticed you checking your phone earlier."

Gemini couldn't help but grin at Fourth's perceptiveness. "You've got me there, Lantern Boy," he admitted, his playful facade dropping. "I was just about to mention that I should be leaving soon."

Right at that moment, as if on cue, the doorbell rang, its chime echoing through the cozy kitchen. Gemini, filled with curiosity, followed his 'Lantern Boy' as he made his way to the front door to see who could be visiting. The doorbell rang again, a bit more insistently this time, and Fourth reached for the doorknob.

On the other side of the door stood a middle-aged woman, her enduring beauty evident despite the weathered lines etched upon her face, courtesy of life's trials and a sun-kissed tan that added years to her appearance. Gemini observed her from a distance, taking in her features, while Fourth engaged in a tense conversation with her.

The woman's eyes scrutinized his 'Lantern Boy' as she commented, "You look great, not in a bad situation like I thought."

Fourth, clearly annoyed, attempted to close the door, his trembling hands showing his distress. However, the woman prevented him from doing so, her voice dripping with venom as she demanded, "You ungrateful bastard. Give me some money."

"Why should I? Like I've said before, I don't have any money," Fourth shouted, his anger palpable.

The woman's expression twisted with scorn as she accused him, "Liar. I see you've regained your reputation and are now starring in a new acting series after all." Her demeanor shifted as her true concerns came to the forefront. "Your half-brother, he's gotten himself into even more trouble with those gangs and his casino debts... you have to help him."

"Again, why should it be my responsibility?" Fourth fought back, his voice quivering with a mix of anger and frustration, his eyes welling up with tears that he struggled to hold back. "You chose to start a new life, so why are you still imposing on me like this?

The exchange of words between Fourth and the woman at the door left Gemini in stunned disbelief. It gradually dawned on him that the woman was none other than Fourth's mother. The revelation sent a chill down his spine as he recalled the hurtful words spoken by Mew, the auditionee at the casting event who had deeply wounded Fourth. Mew had claimed that Fourth's mother had discarded her own son like trash when he was just a five-year-old child.

Fourth's mother offered smirk, her face contorted with clear disgust, an expression that no child should ever see on their own mother's face. "At least I gave birth to you. Pay me back for that."

Gemini watched in silence as the tense exchange unfolded before him. The revelation of Fourth's mother and the harsh reality of their conversation weighed heavily on him. He couldn't fathom how a mother could treat her own child with such coldness and disdain. If his mother were still alive, he imagined she would have confronted that disgusting woman for the way she treated her own child, ripping her apart with words and righteous anger.

Fourth's words lingered in the air, his pain and frustration palpable. The entire situation was heart-wrenching, and Gemini couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness toward his 'Lantern Boy.' He knew he couldn't stand by and let Fourth be hurt any further.

After a moment of silence, Gemini stepped forward, his voice firm but calm. "That's enough," he said, addressing Fourth's mother.

Fourth's mother shot Gemini a venomous glare, clearly not appreciating his interference. "And who are you exactly?" she demanded.

"He's my friend," Fourth declared firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. He moved closer to the door, attempting to gently push his mother away. "Now, please, go away. I'll talk to you later."

"Stop touching me!" Fourth's mother resisted, her voice filled with anger and frustration. She used force to push her son back. Fourth, unwilling to hurt her, didn't resist much, causing him to lose his balance. He would have fallen to the ground if Gemini hadn't swiftly caught him, preventing a painful fall.

As Fourth's mother's actions escalated, she hurled hurtful words at her own son. "You ungrateful son! Is that how you repay me?" she spat venomously. In a fit of rage, she flung the drink she had brought with her, drenching Fourth in its contents. "I shouldn't have given birth to you."

Gemini held onto Fourth protectively, his expression furious upon hearing those words from Fourth's mother. He shot a fierce glare at her and firmly declared, "That's enough! You should leave now. You've caused him enough distress."

"Again, who are you?" The woman challenged, her voice dripping with defiance. "And why should I obey your words?"

Gemini locked eyes with her, his gaze piercing and filled with a chilling resolve that sent shivers down her spine. "He might not hurt you, but I sure will if you stay."

Fourth's mother, a tumultuous blend of fear and anger in her eyes, scoffed and turned to leave. "He deserves it," she spat with a tone that dripped with resentment. Her face contorted with bitterness as she muttered under her breath, "I'll be back." With those ominous words, she strode away, leaving Fourth, drenched in the sugary drink, silent in Gemini's protective embrace.

Gemini held Fourth close, trying to provide solace as he whispered softly, "It's okay, Fourth. She's gone now. You're safe."

But Fourth seemed distant, his voice hollow as he repeated the same question over and over, each word echoing the depths of his anguish. "Why does she keep coming back? She got what she wanted, to abandon me and my father. Why can't she just leave her own son alone? Why? Why?"

Each agonized "why" felt like a searing brand on Fourth's heart, a relentless torment that refused to let go. It was as if he hoped that by asking these questions, he could somehow unravel the twisted mystery of his mother's actions. His voice grew louder with each repetition, his pain becoming a tangible force in the room.

Gemini watched, his heart aching with the weight of Fourth's suffering. It was excruciating to see someone he cared about so deeply in such agony. He knew that Fourth's scars ran deep, wounds inflicted by the very person who should have protected him. As Fourth's despair pushed him to inflict physical pain upon himself, Gemini held him close, his arms a shield against the storm of emotions.

"Easy there, Lantern Boy," Gemini whispered, his voice filled with empathy and sorrow. He did his best to soothe Fourth, to prevent him from causing further harm to himself. In that moment of profound agony, Gemini silently vowed to be the sanctuary Fourth needed, to offer solace and security to his shattered soul.

The room, once filled with the warmth of shared laughter and joy, had transformed into a somber sanctuary of sorrow. The once-playful sunlight, which had danced through the curtains, now appeared muted and subdued, casting long shadows that seemed to mirror the pain etched deeply across Fourth's face.

"I'm so sorry, but one week seems too long now," Gemini continued, his voice trembling like a fragile note in a poignant melody. He gently pressed his cheek against Fourth's, sharing the warmth of their closeness. "You should move in with me right now. I can't bear to see you like this for any moment longer."

His words dripped with heartfelt concern and love, a balm for Fourth's wounded soul. In that tender moment, surrounded by their shared pain, Gemini hoped that by having Fourth closer, they could begin to mend the deep wounds inflicted by the past.

---- Finally.. a new chapter at last!!!🥳🥳 I'm sorry na, I've been too busy with work and studies, so I couldn't update sooner. 🥰🥰  Enjoy this new chapter as who knows when I'll update the next one. 😈😈 ----

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