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By stilesstilinskiibaee

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[ BOOK 4 ] Completed ✔️ It's been seven months since the Deadpool was over and the pack is almost at their... More



240 15 10
By stilesstilinskiibaee

3256 Words

09, the truth, the bet

( Great War- Taylor Swift, It turned into something bigger Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed )



"OH MY GOD, IS THAT ANOTHER of the chimeras?" Katherine asked them as Stiles reveal the body.

"Do you know him?" Theo asked Scott as his face turned pale.

"His name's Josh. He was a junior." Scott said to them as Katherine looked a the Josh dude who is literally dead.

"Can you cover it up, I feel like I'm going to throw up." Katherine said making Stiles immediately cover the body.

"Which one did it?" Scott asked them.

"The one with the cane?" Katherine asked the two boys standing in front of her.

"Yeah." Theo said looking at her.

"What are we going to do with him? We can't just set the alarm and leave. That's how Tracy disappeared. All right, someone's got to stay here with him." Stiles told Scott as Katherine turned to look at Scott.

"I'll do it." Theo said as all three teens turn to look at him.

"It's not like I had a big Saturday night planned." Theo said shrugging his shoulders to them before Scott received a text message making all them to look at him.

"What is it?" Katherine asked closing her eyes slightly not wanting to hear that's there's another Chimera.

"Another one." Scott said making her let out a soft whine.

"God." Katherine mumbled.

"Another Chimera." Scott said facing all of them.

"Who is it this time?" Katherine asked him. "Wait-do we actually know who is it this time?" Katherine asked again.

"Are they going to die or-," Katherine said before Scott cut her off.

"Okay, enough with the questions. Her name is Hayden one of Liam's friend." Scott said to them.

"Hayden? Her sister works with my dad at the station." Stiles said to them.

"That's great." Katherine said with a small of sarcasm in her voice.

"We have to go?" Scott said to them making Katherine frown.

"W-what? What about the body?" Katherine said pointing to the body.

"I said I was gonna stay." Theo said to her.

"But what if the person that takes the body is stronger than you and you end up dead." Katherine said to him.

"I'll be fine, you don't have to worry." Theo said making the room go all silent making Katherine clear her throat. "I'm not worried, I'm worried for the body." Katherine said to Theo making him laugh.

"Right." Theo said before Katherine let out a groan.

"Whatever, you guys go check out the new Chimera and I need to fix something that I need to before telling you guys what exactly it is." Katherine said mumbling the last part but Theo and Scott heard what she said.

"I know about it." They both said making Katherine look surprise.

"Your aunts pregnant and she's having a girl." They both said making her sighs as a relief.

"Y-yeah." She stuttered making them smile.

"Congratulations." They said to her making her laugh.

"Thanks. I should go." Katherine said before leaving but she stopped in her tracks as she was hesitating whether to tell them about her dying or not. Katherine let out a sighs, as all three boys turned to give her a confused look.

"Actually..." Katherine said as she turned around playing with her fingers.

"I need to tell you guys something." Katherine said facing the ground not having the courage to look at them.

"What is it?" They asked her with concern in their voices.

"Um- do you know why I'm actually loosing weight and how you guys haves seen me a little off lately?" She asked them making them frown.

"Um not really actually." Scott replied to her.

"Well , there's something you should know. Well, umm.... I don't know how to put this." She said as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Katherine, you can trust us." Scott told her making her nod.

"I know." She said letting out a sighs.

"Remember when I was attack with red oak?" She asked them.

"Yeah, I remember. I was there." Stiles told her.

"Yeah, so my aunt told me that when Josie siphoned it out of me. It didn't completely heal me. Which means I still have a little bit inside and-," Katherine said as her breath hitches feeling tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I-I'm dying." Katherine said softly making them look at her with sadness in their but also shocked.

"And if I don't get it out of me. This time I'm not coming back." Katherine said to them as they stood there quiet.

"I told you because Malia told me to tell you before it's too late." Katherine said making Stiles shake his head.

"Hold up. Malia knew about it?" Stiles asked her making her nod her head.

"Yeah, we were talking about it the night we read the book." Katherine said.

"That's why you were having that long conversation?" Stiles said to her.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier. We could've helped you figure something out." Stiles told her.

"You guys have so much on your plate and you do after-," Katherine said before cutting herself off.

"I just didn't want you to worry, not when we are trying to stop the dread doctors." Katherine said changing the topic.

"So, you're still our friend and no matter what we are going through right now, we want to help." Scott said to her.

"You're my sister and I want to help you." Scott said before hugging Katherine tightly as she cried. "I'm sorry if I didn't tell you guys sooner."Katherine said as she pulled away from them.

"It's all right, and now that we know we could all help you." Scott said making her smile at her best friend.

"Thanks." She said with a smile before wiping her eyes.

"Well, I should go." Katherine said to them.

"I have to go meet up with my aunt anyways." She said to them.

  "See you." Theo told her with a smile making her smile back at him.

"Yeah," she mumbles before walking away from them.

"What was that?" Scott said before Stiles turn to look at Theo like he wanted to kill him.

"He kissed her." Stiles said with gritted teeth.

"Technically, she kissed me." Theo said making Stiles rolls his eyes.

"Oh, okay. Let's not talk about her at this point. And let's talk about how are we going to save her and how to stop the dread doctors." Scott said.

"But let's continue it later since Stiles and I need to go check the new Chimera." Scott said to Theo.

"You're going to be okay here?" Scott asked him.

"Yeah, for sure you two go." Theo said and with that Scott and Stiles left.


"YOU KNOW IT'S HARD TO FIND someone to help me not to die but there's no one who can." Katherine said as she was at her locker talking to Xavier.

"Have you tried like calling other witches or something?" Xavier told Katherine as she let out a sigh.

"No, I haven't and I'm not even trying hard enough to find someone, I'm helping Scott trying to find a way to stop the dread doctors." Katherine said to Xavier.

"You need to start worrying about you now, you have to find away to get rid of that. You have to think about not anything else." Xavier told her, she closed her locker and turn to look at him.

"How? The dread doctors are killing teenage kids, and not to mention trying to hurt us. And they probably will, and we don't even know who they will go after. It could, be Stiles, or-or Kira, god- even you and you guys are my friends and if there's a way to stop this then I will and I know it sounds selfish but I'm not going to stand there watching everyone that I care and love end up dead." Katherine said to him as she wasn't ready to watch that happened.

"So, if stopping the dread doctors first, so be it. I rather die peacefully knowing my last thing was saving my friends and everyone around me." Katherine told him as Xavier looked at her with soft eyes.

Knowing that she cares about her as a friend and wants to stop whatever they are doing to take her of the board.

"You are one of the first person who ever says that to me. I never had someone that cared for me like you do." Xavier said to her with a smile as he wrapped his arm around her neck and walked to class.

"You don't need to worry about that. You have me now. And I'm not letting you die. Not on my watch." Katherine said with a smile on her face as she told Xavier that. Xavier felt a pitch of disgust as he walked down with her. He hated himself for what they're doing but he can't stop it because if he does then he'll died. He didn't want to do this to her but he has no choice.

"And now that we are so close to figuring out how to stop the dread doctors we will end up being heroes in this town." Katherine said to him as they enter class.

"By the way, have you seen Stiles and Spencer?" Xavier said to her making her roll her eyes has he heard her name along with Stiles's.

"Can we not talk about the Barbie doll." Katherine said and with that Spencer Reed enter the class making Katherine gag.

"Talking about the actual devil in sight." Katherine said to Xavier as she stopped in front of both their desk.

"What was that?" Spencer said to her.

"Oh, I was just telling him how of a bitch you are." Katherine told her making her laugh and leaned into Katherine's desk.

"A bitch who stole your man." Spencer said with a cocky smirk on her face.

"Watch it won't last long, he's going to dump you like a fucking snake on a stack." Katherine said to her angrily.

"Well, at least he didn't bet on me." Spencer said with a proud voice making Katherine frown.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Katherine said to her as Spencer looked at Xavier raising her eyebrows.

"Your gay best friend hasn't told you, yet?" She asked her as Xavier's face turned full pale.

"Tell me what?" Katherine said to Xavier.

"Start talking brother." Spencer said making Katherine's jaw drop.

"I'm sorry what." She immediately said making Xavier look away.

"Not only you lied to me about being an only child but finding out that she's your sister. A-and that you know something that I don't know." Katherine said feeling betrayal by someone she thought she could trust him but she was wrong like every person she trusted before who stabbed her in the back.


"No! Don't fucking Katherine me! You lied to me this entire time. So not tell me what she meant or I swear to god I will make you to." Katherine as she felt the urge to stroke him to death.

"I didn't want you finding out this way but..." Xavier said to her as she scoff.

"But what?" She said as she felt her heart beating fast.

"The other day I was with Stiles, Stiles went up to him to tell him to stay away from you because he didn't want to loose you. But things got a little crazy and they began to argue and that's when Stiles bet theo that he could won you back." Xavier said as he watched the red-headed girl face change into full of betrayal and sadness.

"W-what? He did what?" Katherine breath out as she felt her heart break into billions of little peaces.

"Yeah, Stiles made a bet with Theo to see who could get you first-," Said but he didn't finish when Katherine grabbed her stuff and rushed out the classroom making Xavier look at Spencer who was laughing making him roll his eyes at went up to you.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Xavier said through gritted teeth. "Nothing. What do you mean?"

"Cut the crap Spencer. You didn't on purpose. Why?" Xavier said angrily making her sighs.

"Because I want that bitch out of the picture." Spencer said making Xavier scoff.

"For what. So you can have Stiles for your self. Isn't killing her enough for you?" Xavier told his sister making her laugh.

"Oh Xavier baby, I want her suffer the way she made us suffer. Don't tell me you actually care for the killer Tri-Brid. Let me remind she is one of the most powerful creature in Beacon Hills and she killed our dad and she needs to pay for she has done." Spencer said as Xavier sighs.

"I'm out. If you want to kill her find someone else to do it with you I'm not going to do it. Not anymore." Xavier said before running off looking for Katherine.

"God, son of a bitch." Spencer said and truly as she was at the side of the door.

"I can help you." She heard as she turned to her right seeing Theo standing there leaning against the locker.

"I'll help you kill, the Tri-Brid." Theo said to Spencer making her smirk.

Katherine ran straight to the girls restroom as she felt her self weaken. How could Stiles the boy she loved since she was a kid do that to her. She never thought he would do such thing to her but he did and she felt broken like a part of her was gone.

She wasn't well, she was dying, the boy she trusted wasn't who she thought he was, the boy she thought he loved her had made a bet just to see who would win her and I broke her more than anything, she felt betrayed she thought she found the perfect guy but it all went down.

The door open and it reveal Xavier breathing heavily making her scoff.

"Get out of here. I don't need you to be here." Katherine said as she cried herself.

"That's not the only thing, Stiles told him that he would bet everything he has to win you." Xavier said to her as she slowly turned around.

"He did what." Katherine said as she felt like she was slowly drifting away hearing to what he had said to her.

"I know, and I'm sorry you had to hear it this way but he did." He told her. She felt tears streaming down her face hearing that what he did to her. What she never thought he would do just to get her back. She would never do that to him.

"Why?" Katherine said as she fell to the ground feeling her knees weak, and feeling her strength slip away.

"Why? Would he do that? I-I thought he loved me the way I did." Katherine said as she placed her hands on her face and cried her guts out.

"Katherine I'm sorry I really am. I didn't mean to any of this happen." Xavier said making her stop crying and immediately her face began to turn into anger, she looked at Xavier before getting up from the ground.

"But you did, and now you're dead to me. You never told me the truth. And you're probably hiding something else but I'll figure it out sooner and I will end you." Katherine said before she took off to find Stiles, she knew where he was gonna be and that's exactly where she ran off to.

She felt like she had nothing left she felt anger towards him. As she made it to the library she looked around to find him, she eventually spotted him with Scott.

"There you are-," Scott said to Katherine but she ignore and she immediately went to Stiles as she stood there for a few seconds before slapping the hell out of him. Scott was shocked about what he saw.

"Holly shit." Scott said to her as she had anger in her as she looked straight into his eyes.

"What the fuck was that for?" Stiles said as he let out a groan in pain making her feel the pain.

"I hate you, so much." Katherine said as tears streamed down her eyes.

"W-what?" Stiles said not knowing what she means.

"What are you talking about?" Stiles said to her making her scoff.

"Let me freshen up your brain a little. You made a bet." Katherine said making Stiles look pale. Scott was utterly stunned about what she said, he didn't believe his best friend would do that to her.

"You fucking made a bet on me with Theo. You made a fucking bet!" Katherine said angrily,

"Katherine just listen." But he earned another slap in the face.

"For once in your life stop lying to me, please. I've tried so hard to fucking not believe it but now I do and I hate you for what you did. You broke me, I'm broken." Katherine said to him before shoving her index finger on him.

"Because of you."

"Katherine, please let me explain. I didn't mean to- I love you and you know that."

"But do I? Do I really know you love me or it's what you just want to think." Katherine said to him.

"I don't want this to be over." Stiles said making her sigh.

"The moment you bet on me was the moment we were over. I-how could you do that to me knowing that I'm still madly and crazy in love with you. Yet, after what you just did I still love you but I can't be near you nor be at the same room with you. You've lost me forever." Katherine said to him as he saw her break down into peaces for some stupid shit he did.

He never meant to hurt her the way he did but it was too late to go back to the past. He watched her walk away from him, he hated himself for what he did and he regrets it every second of it.

"Come on, man. You're better than this." Scott said to his best friend.

"You lost the one chance with her and you ruined her. Not only that you had to do it when she's not doing well,"

"don't you think I know that, I'm a fucking dick. It was a dick move to do that to her and I know it was wrong of me but I didn't mean to and if I had the chance I would go back and change everything and I can't so now I have to take that with me now." Stiles said angrily as he felt the rage to punch something.

"This is all my fault and I need to fix it." Stiles said before walking away from his best friend. "Oh-okay. I'll be here planning everything." Scott said letting out a sigh.

After the chaos went down Katherine disappeared and never left her house ever since Stiles and she didn't and wasn't ready to see him. No matter how much she tries to hate him she could never do it.


So, Katherine and Stiles downfall came and now I feel so guilty for this atp. How far do you guys like it?
Xoxo, your favorite Author 😘

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