Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1

By JayyVon699

47.2K 1.1K 91

New Chapter once or twice a week. Ellie had been living in Beacon Hills her entire life, graduating school at... More

Forest Adventures
A Sign of Life
A Wolf's Soul
Vision Beyond
Unexpected Run In
Pack Discoveries
Once More
* United *
Thy Collar Around
Cousin Miguel
The Show Is Just Beginning
The Beginning of The End
Recorded Revelations
Achievement Unlocked
Break Out
The End of the Beginning
The End Is Nigh
* Affection *
Coming To an End
Another Life

Death's Bullet

2.8K 60 1
By JayyVon699

Four hours later found Ellie, Noah, Stiles, Derek, and Scott all sitting/standing around Peter's room.

They had told Naoh everything. About Peter, about werewolves, and to Ellie's shock, about Scott and Stiles being mates.

Derek hadn't left Peter's side the whole time.

While Peter's blood was being examined for evidence, Jessica would be locked up in county jail and wouldn't be leaving. Noah had promised as much. They had enough to send her away for a long time.

"Last night, someone killed a bus driver at the school. Tore him apart in the back of the bus. Was it Peter?" Noah asked as he gazed over towards where the man was laying in bed.

Ellie shook her head. "No. But I don't doubt Jessica would have made him a killer sooner rather than later if we hadn't stopped her."

Noah sighed, and Derek stood up to come closer, standing right behind Ellie. "There's another alpha. I heard his call last night. Must have been after the kill. It wasn't the same as the last one we heard. Each wolf has a distinct howl."

Ellie bit her lip and looked over her shoulder, locking eyes with Derek as he kept his gaze on her.

She swallowed thickly. Oh boy. His gaze was so intense.

Noah cleared his throat, and the two looked at him. He raised one of his brows in question as he looked between Derek and Ellie.

"Uh... Is there something going on here between you two?" He asked as he pointed between them. "Mates? Like Scott and Stiles?" Ellie blushed immediately and brought both hands up to cover her flaming cheeks.

Since Stiles had mentioned mates, she had the same exact thought as her father apparently had.

Derek shifted from foot to foot with a look that screamed purely uncomfortable as he gazed at the floor beneath them.

"We haven't had a chance to talk about that yet." Ellie muffled into her palms.

Noah covered up a cough of shock and looked defeated. "Alright. Well..." he looked between his daughter and Derek a few more times before looking Derek dead in the eyes.

"I've been investigating the Hale fire. We think the body we found is Laura, but we can't identify her."

Derek swallowed and looked down at his feet. "About that."

Noah threw his head back. "You have the other half of her, don't you?" He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Alright." He huffed in resignation. Tonight just keeps getting weirder and weirder. "You need to put her body somewhere in the woods. Somewhere we haven't looked yet and call in an anonymous tip. At least then, we can take you off the list of suspects."

Derek gave a curt nod and turned to leave. He paused in the entryway of the room and turned back to speak.

"Kate Argent. She is the reason the fire started that night. She and her family are hunters. She doesn't care if you are human or werewolf. You associate with a wolf, she'll kill you. I need to tell you everything that she did." And then he was gone.

Noah groaned and swiped a hand down his face in exasperation.

"Damn it. I've got a lot of shit to investigate." He looked down at his daughter, who was gazing longingly towards the doorway.

"Dad?" She asked softly.

Noah hummed.

"I want to bring Peter home." She whispered before turning away and heading to Peter's side.


Ellie was exhausted. She had managed to take Peter home early.

A few days later, as she helped him settle down for a nap, she got a sudden and worrying call from Stiles.

"Derek's dying!" Stiles screamed into her ear, and she swallowed thickly.

"What?!" She gasped out. She suddenly felt sick to her stomach. "What the hell does that mean, Stiles?!"

Stiles started to ramble. "It means that Derek came to school looking for Scott because he needs some magic bullet that the Argent's have to counteract the poison from the bullet he was shot with!!!"

"He was shot!?" She shouted and cast a worried glance up at the ceiling, hoping to god she hadn't woken Peter.

"Scott took off to try and sneak into the Argent house, but I have no clue what to do with Derek!" Stiles cried out. "He is not looking good, and he is starting to stink."

Ellie grabbed her keys and rushed toward the door. "Stink?"

She heard Stiles swallow. "Like death."

Ellie bit her lip in worry. "Meet me at the Animal Clinic. Scott told me once where Deaton hides the spare key."


Stiles pulled to a sudden stop and threw open his door to run around to the other side and help Derek out of the Jeep.

Ellie cried out and rushed over to Derek's other side and slung his arm around her shoulder as she held him around his waist.

She pointed the rock out to Stiles, and he bent to retrieve the key and unlock the back entrance.

As they enter through the back door, Stiles fumbles around to open the next door. They seemed to be in some storage closet filled with dog and cat food bags.

Derek pulled away and slumped down on a stack of dog food, clenching onto his arm.

Ellie knelt beside him. He was pale and covered in sweat, breaths coming out in pants. She gently pried his hand away and rolled his sleeve up to get a better look and winced.

The hole was oozing blood, and his veins were blue and black, originating from the bullet hole and traveling up his arm.

"Scott needs to bring me that bullet." Derek ground out as he looked up at Ellie, eyes searching her face as he tried to take deep breaths.

Ellie bit her lip and looked up from his arm and into his vibrant green orbs. They seemed brighter than normal against the pale skin of his face.

"Why?" She asked softly just as Stiles let out a whoop as the door he was struggling with swung open.

Derek's gaze was intense. "Because I'm going to die without it."

Fear filled Ellie to her core, lips pursing as she tried not to cry. "You are not dying. Not before you explain this connection we seem to have." She whispered out between her lips in determination before helping Stiles haul Derek up and into the clinic.

Stiles led them to an exam room, flinging the door open and switching the lights on. "Okay."

Derek pulled away from Ellie and stumbled his way over to the exam table, ripping his long-sleeved black shirt up and over his head, tossing it to the side somewhere.

Ellie got a great view of his back, a tattoo of a Triskelion resting between his shoulders. And when he turned and leaned over the table, turning his arm up to examine it under the light, she got a great view of his front as well. She swallowed thickly. Now was not the time to oggle.

"You know, that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night's sleep could take care of." Stiles' sarcastic personality came to a front as his nerves flared to life.

Derek glared down at his arm; breath heavy as he spoke. "If the infection reaches my heart, it will kill me." He turned and stumbled his way to the counter, opening up cabinets as he began searching for something.

Stiles swallowed down a lump. "Positivity just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?"

Ellie shot a glare in Stiles' direction. "Stiles!" She berated him.

Derek ignored him. "If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time..." He began searching through drawers. "Last resort."

Stiles frowned and threw his hands up. "Which is?"

He turned as Stiles asked, gaze locking with Stiles first before settling on Ellie.

He lifted up a large and scary looking electric saw. "You're going to cut off my arm."

Stiles gagged and closed his eyes, head slumping forward.

Derek placed the saw on the table and shoved it towards Stiles before grabbing a stretchy blue band from the drawer as well before coming to rest against the table once more.

"Why can't Ellie do it?" He whined pathetically. "She's the one with medical experience! She's a goddamn nurse!"

Derek sent one of his famous glares. "Because she won't be able to focus on anything other than me being in pain. She won't physically be able to once the pain hits." He spoke, body sagging slightly into Ellie's touch as she laid gentle hands on his upper arm, above where the black veins were traveling.

"They're getting higher." She said, fear filling her being.

Stiles picked the saw up and pulled the trigger. The saw started up, the zzzzz sounded loud and echoed around the room. He let it thump down onto the table. "Oh, my god!" He moaned and looked away from the offending tool.

Derek bit onto one end of the blue band and attempted to tie it above his bicep but kept fumbling as his fingers clammed up.

Ellie placed her hand over his and took the band from him, his eyes roaming her form as she tied it securely in place about three inches above the veins.

She gave him a small smile and he gave a nod in return.

"What if you bleed to death?" Stiles gestured towards the infected arm. He really did not want to do this.

Derek clenched his teeth against the pain throbbing and pulsating from his arm. "It'll heal... If it works."

Stiles shook his head, apprehension obvious on his face. "Look, guys. I don't know if I can do this." He looked like he was going to be sick.

Derek looked at Stiles in exasperation. "Why not?"

"Well, because of the whole sawing into the flesh, cutting into the bone... Oh yeah! And especially the blood!"

Derek frowned, and Ellie sighed.

Derek shifted and leaned forward. His patience was running thin. "You faint at the sight of blood?" He asked dubiously.

"No! But I might at the sight of a chopped off arm!" Stiles freaked out, staring intently at the man in front of him.

"Stiles." Ellie whispered, and her brother just raised his brow as if daring her to say otherwise.

Derek heaved a shaky sigh. "Alright, fine. How about this? Either you suck it up and cut off my arm, or I'm going to cut off your head." He threatened, sounding completely serious. But Ellie knew he wouldn't actually hurt her brother.

Stiles waved a hand as if to try and be dismissive. "You know what? I am so not buying your threats anymo-" Stiles is cut off as Derek let out a growl, reached out and grabbed Stiles by the front of his shirt, yanking the boy forward and causing Stiles to stumble into the metal table.

Derek huffed and puffed as he got close to Stiles' face, glaring fiercely at the boy as he began rambling nervously and fearfully one more.

"Alright, okay, fine, sold. I'll do it, okay, I'll do it.

Derek's fist tightened, and he heaved for a few seconds before leaning away from Stiles and vomiting onto the floor beside the table. Ellie's hands are instantly on Derek again, guiding him back and away from the mess and her brother.

"Oh my god, what the hell is that?" Stiles whines at the sight of the black liquid escaping Derek's body as he threw up once more.

Ellie grabbed some paper towels from the counter behind them and gently pulled Derek to face her as he dry heaved and tried to take in large breaths to ease his aching lungs. She wiped at his mouth to clean him up.

"That." Derek heaved. "Is my body... Trying to heal itself."

Stiles shook his head in denial. "Yeah, well it's not doing a very good job of it." Now Stiles was beginning to look pale and sick at the mere sight of what he had witnessed.

Derek leaned down on the table, the cool surface of the metal resting against his forehead.

"You've gotta do it now." Derek gasped out as he let his torso rest on the table.

Ellie wrapped an arm around his waist as she knelt beside the table, her head coming to rest right beside his as she held him, knowing he would need the support.

Stiles' face pinched and he looked from the arm to the saw. "Look honestly, I don't think I can."

Derek let out another growl. "Just do it!" He shouted and Ellie forced her eyes shut as Stiles picked the saw up and let it rest at the skin below the blue band.

"Oh god." Stiles moaned. "Okay." He tried to psych himself up. "Alright here we go!" Stiles went to pull the trigger and all three of them froze as Scott's voice drifted through the Clinic.


Ellie and Stiles sagged in relief. "Scott?" Stiles breathed out, dropping the saw onto the table and slumped forward while breathing heavily.

"What the hell are you doing?" Scott shouted as he approached the three of them.

"Oh, you just saved me from a lifetime of nightmares, Scott." Stiles breathed out as he slumped forward and closed his eyes.

"Did you get it?" Derek asked weakly as Ellie helped him stand up straight once more.

Scott started rapidly searching through his front pocket.

"It wasn't easy. Sorry it took so long." Scott said as he handed the bullet over.

Derek gripped the large caliber between shaky fingers and held the bullet up to get a better look.

His eyes blinked rapidly, and his breath kept hitching.

"What are you going to do with it? "Ellie asked, brow furrowing as Derek swayed in place.

"I'm gonna... I'm gon..." Derek's eyes rolled back into his skull and he collapsed sideways onto the cold hard floor.

Ellie screamed as she was yanked down with him, having not let him go when he had stood to examine the bullet.

She watched with wide eyes as the bullet went rolling off the table and onto the ground.

"No!" She and Scott called out at the same time as it rolled down into a vent.

Scott dove to the ground and tried to fish it out.

Ellie turned her attention back to Derek. She knelt at his side, hands cupping his face as she turned it back and forth.

"Derek? Derek! Wake up!" She slapped him lightly. His head lolled to each side in her movements.

"Come on, Derek. You can't die on me now!" She whimpered and was beginning to feel faint.

"Scott!" She called out, shooting a glance over her shoulder at the teen.

Scott was on his stomach, fingers reaching into the vent as he tried to get the bullet.

"I can't reach it." Scott huffed.

Stiles groaned out and began panicking. "Oh god! I think he's dying! I think he's dead!"

Ellie shook her head rapidly. "He's not dead!"

Ellie sniffled and a tear leaked down her cheek. "He's not waking up!"

She turned her attention back to Derek and a crazy thought fluttered across the forefront of her consciousness. She leaned forward and slotted her mouth over his, hands cupping his stubbled jaw, trying to coax him awake.

His lips shifted against hers and she cried out in relief against him. She pulled back and was met with his vivid stare. His hand raised shakingly, and his thumb caught and swiped at a tear as it fell from her lashes.

"Got it!" Scott called and sprang up to his feet, the bullet held proudly up in the air between his clawed fingers.

She helped Derek to his feet.

"Next time, you better be awake and healthy for that." She grumbled.

Derek heaved a breathless chuckle and took the bullet from Scott. He bit into the top of the bullet and ripped it off. He dumped the powder from inside onto the table and reached into the back pocket of his jeans.

He flicked his lighter and stumbled back as the powder caught fire and flashed up and began smoking blue. He waved the smoke away.

He scraped the burned powder into his palm and hesitated. He took one look at Ellie's terrified face and took a deep breath before pressing the powder into the bullet wound. He let out a shout as he reached a finger into the hole to make sure it got into his bloodstream. He collapsed back to the ground, back arching off the ground as the wound glowed blue.

Ellie was once more at his side, hands on his arm as he writhed in pain.

Ellie watched in awe as his wound sealed up, leaving no evidence that it was ever there other than some blood smears on his skin.

His flesh pinked back up and he heaved on the ground for a moment before sitting up. She helped him to his feet and Derek took the band off his arm, tossing it to the side.

"That was awesome!" Stiles fist pumped the air.

"Are you alright now? No more dying?" Ellie asked softly. Derek, who had glared at Stiles, looked down at the woman at his side.

She was gazing up at him in pure relief. He frowned. She looked exhausted.

"No longer dying..." He paused before nodding towards Scott as thanks.

Scott beamed at the older man like an excited puppy.

Ellie's eyes widened as she noticed the time via her watch.

"Oh, no! I have to get back to Peter!" She turned to look at her Pack. They had all straightened up and looked concerned.

Ellie nodded to herself as she began to think aloud. "Alright. Everyone will head to the Stilinski house. We need to talk, and Derek needs to explain what being a pack truly means." Derek perked up at that. That explained so much. The reason why he could feel each person in this room... They were becoming his pack. The bonds were slowly solidifying. He could even feel two other bonds off in the distance.

"Derek, you're welcome to stay with us. The spare room Peter is occupying has two queen beds. Plenty of room for you as well. At least until the Stilinski-Hale Pack House is complete." She murmured the last part to herself as she released Derek's arm and began walking towards the back exit.

She needed to get to Peter. She turned at the last second to find Derek following right behind her.

Derek's brow was raised as she stared directly at his naked torso. Oh... She had forgotten about that.

"We need to talk." She spoke as she looked up, and they locked eyes. He gave a nod, and they continued toward her car.

Scott blinked in confusion and pointed towards the retreating pair. Stiles just shrugged and slid his hand into Scott's. "Pretty sure she's his mate, Scott. Like you and I."

Scott's eyes widened as he looked down at Stiles, mouth opening and closing in shock.

Derek smirked to himself as he listened in. They had much to talk about indeed.

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