The Emperor's Female Official...

By BlackJadedesertrose

778 42 1

Li Jade was a force to be reckoned with. one of the top business women in the world haven't reached the statu... More

Goodbye Jade Li
Part 1
Hello Li Daiyu
A/N Recap
Part 2
Update info & stuff
The Prince's
The Prince's part2


44 2 0
By BlackJadedesertrose

We have two more chapters I believe before we wrap up part 1. Then I think I'll do a little author's note to kind of recap what happened and why part one is part one and what part two possibly May hold. I hope you guys do enjoy this also I apologize for any inconsistencies or more so writing errors I am doing this on my cell phone as I've stated previously if you read my other story because my laptop is broken and I can't get it fixed because even though I only bought it 2 years ago the brand that I bought it from no longer supports this laptop and I guess it had issues hence for they stopped making it. So I don't feel like getting a new laptop until I move mainly because I will be getting a desktop anyway and it will be so much easier. Plus computers are expensive. Or at least a good ones are.

Two days later ~

It was now time for the first test. Daiyu was absolutely ecstatic they had a mock exam the day after the feast. Primarily because Old Madame Zhang I wanted to do a quick overview of which girls were going to need a lot more help to pass the first exams.

Meiying alongside a handful of the maids made up a mock area for the girls to sit and take the test. Later on they took them grading them and then hitting the girls into three groups. Group a for the girls who would clearly be able to pass the test with flying colors. There's no need to worry about them. Group b those who need just a little extra push so that they would fully be able to pass with flying colors and make it on to the next sector and group c the girls that they were going to try their hardest and the next 48 hours to find someone to sponsor them so that they would still be able to stay in the Palace I would be able to try again for the initial testing in 2 months time.

It was a game plan that quite a few of the old madams would use but was never used before in section 13. Jia and Daiyu of course we're in section A they decided to volunteer to help out some of the girls in section b and even section c that were closer to being in section b. It was during this time that she made sure to make an even better impression on the girls around her. She truly wanted to rally as many of them behind her as possible. The higher her number of admires and supporters the easier this would be.

It was during one of the two breaks the girls had given themselves. When something finally happened.

'the calm before the storm huh?'

Old Madame Liu alongside two maids were following behind ZhuZhu and one of the section 1 girls. It was obvious and clear to Daiyu along with the four other girls with her that's something had gone on or happened in the past two days. This was probably the 7th time that they saw ZhuZhu being tailed by one of the maids of her sector or the old madam herself. Maybe they finally picked up on how absolutely unhinge the poor girl was I wanted to keep an eye on her just to make sure nothing truly happened.

On the other hand Jade couldn't help but to sneer behind her veil at the girl following her. Aeri Huang.

Aeri Huang was one of the few special cases in the empire. Her mother was a foreign beauty a very distinctive member of royal family from overseas. She was known for her kindness and her willingness to do what she could to help out her people. It was during one of her many trips to the poor sections that she met her future husband nobleman Huang.

No one quite knows what that Man's first name is or even technically how his family came into nobility. Just the fact that they had been in nobility for years centuries even as far back as the empire has been around so has that family one of the few families that have survived so long. No one knew exactly what their trade was or how they garnish their fortune or their favoritism with the Royal family. Of course there are rumors that they are in the trade of humans and that's how Mr Huang got his wife in the first place. There were whispers on the streets that he was secretly stealing the most beautiful almost handsome men from the foreign country and bringing them back to the empire.

That the many noblemen and women who had foreign help or what did partner or nothing more than captives from their own countries taken and then sold to the highest bidder. Is one of the many reasons why so many of them rarely spoke barely learned the new language of the empire and even if they did you would really see them out without someone from the family with them at all times. It was a sad idea but a reality that Jade knew was probably a reality.

Just seen The elusive Sana Huang a few times. She understood why many fell for the beautiful woman. She had had the opportunity of witnessing her standing up for one of the maids that were being wrongfully punished by a fellow noblewoman. It was clear to see that there was barely anyone inside the palace that work there that didn't see the woman in high regards sadly that didn't account for her daughter.

Aeri Huang was seen as a conniving backstabbing bitch. She was only 25 years old but this was the fourth attempt for her to become a female official. In actuality she was there to find a husband but each time she had not been there long enough to snag someone not to mention she had had her eyes set firmly on Yixing for years.

It was honestly no surprise that she was now trying to latch herself on too ZhuZhu probably trying to find out anything that she could to break up FeiFei and Yixing. Something she hoped ZhuZhu was aware of. Then again dealing that she looked two seconds away from cursing her out. Maybe ZhuZhu wasn't as stupid as she had given her credit for. She couldn't help but sigh as she turned to the girl said she was with. Giving them a dismissive nod before making her way over. She may not necessarily feel the need to rescue the poor girl but the last thing she wanted was for anything to change in terms of the storyline for FeiFei. Since Yixing could always be quite a key player in the game of trust that she had begun to set up.

"ZhuZhu jiějie. It's quite lovely to see you today we haven't had time to catch up since the banquet. Oh and who is your friend here I don't think we've met." Daiyu smiled at the two.

Ignoring the wide eyes and hidden smirks of the palace help around them and the few girls that were lounging in the gardens. She was well aware of the fact that her so boldly stating that she had no clue who Aeri was, was a bold move. For how could anyone not know who she was with her looks being so similar to that of her mother's.

Yes it also got her exactly the reaction that she needed. As she sat there a gentle smile on her face her eyes filled with kindness compassion open slightly wider than normal giving off a more innocent to look. Meanwhile Aeri stood there with her jaw clenched the veil that should have been on her face in her hands bunched up. Nostril slightly flaring and eyes squinting as she tilted her head up looking down upon jade.

Clearly not seeing the looks of those around her. As the other girls begin to look at her and whisper.

"Oh meimei! I was actually looking for you today. I wanted to catch up before the exams tomorrow. Also this is..." Before ZhuZhu could even finish talking she was cut off.

"I'm Aeri Huang. Noble daughter and the closest family to be. Who are you? Some country rice farmer?"

Daiyu blinked I should just stared at the girl. Our face looking slightly confused as she tilted her head allowing for a slight flush to Grace her neck and cheek. Her eyes starting around as if she was watching the people around them before giving a pitying look to the woman in front of her.

On the inside Jade was absolutely screaming and delight. It took everything in her not to sneer or laugh in the woman's face as she slowly watched a look of horror take over as it seems she finally noticed where they were and what kind of audience that they had. Jade couldn't help but to open her fan Rising it up to her face blocking everything out except for her eyes and she said they're smiling listening to the gossip going on around them.

'wow how could she what an arrogant little thing she is.'

'for Noble woman she sure has no proper training.'

'how could she be close to the emperor's family and be unaware of the favorite girl.'

'her mother must be so disappointed in her. Even I know better than to cut someone off in the middle of talking. Let alone did you hear the way that she's screeched scandalous.'

'I heard that Mr Huang was a force to be reckoned with. He doesn't like when the family name gets solid and I highly doubt that this is going to get back to him. I wonder what her punishment will be maybe taking actual etiquette classes.'

'the audacity for someone who's been taking these exams for 4 years in a row. No woman or not how can one be so stupid they can't even pass the first exam let alone failing it four times.'

'poor girl I pity her first she feels exam showing her lack of education then the man she's pining after is leaving the palace and getting married to another and now this. The Huang family isn't what it used to be anymore is it?'

Aeri looked around frantically. Trying to glare everyone that she could possibly spot that was whispering. Her cheeks turning and unpleasant color red. Luckily you're unluckily before she could say anything else the entire garden fell into a hush. Daiyu didn't have to turn around to know that Mr Huang was most likely walking over towards them from behind her.

She was well aware of the fact that himself and his wife like to take a stroll in the garden around this time. Matter of fact it was one of the main reasons why so many of the girls from the lower sector enjoyed going to this garden around this time to get a glimpse of the foreign beauty that was Sana.

Jade lowered her fan as she gave Aeri a pitying look.

"Oh I'm sorry. I had not recognized you. I've only ever seen you once or twice in passing normally accompanied by the veil I was unaware of with your unveiled face look like. Also I had assumed that you were part of jiějie's sector dealing that most of the higher sector girls do not come to our humble garden as it is lacking quite a few of the amenities that you were all used to."

Aeri opened her mouth to speak but was cut off. A deep rumbling voice cutting through the intense silence. A slight twang of some sort along with a hint of both warmth and warning.

"I too my dear I'm wondering why my daughter is here. Aeri I thought your mother and I had talked to you should you not be studying right now? We did warn you that this will be the last time that you would be able to take this test as you have already failed enough time and made a fool of our name. I would think you'd be busy studying as this is your last time before I finalize your arranged marriage into the Suh family."

Well no one peaked a word jade could feel the buzz of energy that traveled along the garden. The Suh family was another foreign family this one well known for having dabbled in human trade once upon a time. Well they were still considered a noble family in the Kingdom they were also family that people avoided like the black plague. Many believing that they still dabbled in taking young girls and treating them off back to their home country.

The very few noble people who even wanted to be associated with them outside of basic small talk and pleasantries. So for one of the biggest families to be basically giving their daughter away to a glorified slave trader that was news. Then again Aeri was the oldest of four. With her three younger sisters having quite a better reputation that herself. Two of which would only just be coming of age in the up coming year. And her sister who is only a year younger than her having already married a foreign prince.

Jiamei Huang was the apple of The emperor's eye along with the people of the empire. The rumors that the late emperor was actually planning on having her marry his fourth son who would be second in command to the throne. Many were well aware of the two of them having grown up together and being seen a sweethearts with how close and compatible they were so it was quite a shock when the emperor had passed and his brother seemed to completely disregard any arrangements that were made prior for any of the 14 princes when it came to their love life. With so many marriage candidates now being cast aside or marriage contracts being completely null and voided.

The people were in talks. Of course there were those who were spreading malicious rumors claiming that the Huang family were quickly falling to ruin which is why the engagement was called off. Others claiming that the emperor's brother was nothing more than a fool and knew not what he was doing in the first place especially after he crowned the crown Prince.

either way the rumors were a low blow to the family and their name. In order to do something before the rumors became more outrageous he had the gem of his eye and the empire married off to a foreigner. It did two things solidified that clearly there was nothing wrong with the family or their daughter but also that they no longer were going to support the new emperor.

A very clear sign dealing that everyone knew regardless of who the emperor was at the moment and what he chose to do that marrying the gem of the empire's eyes. The perfect girl to be the next emperor's off to a foreign Prince rather than having her compete for the end of the crown Prince was a sign. Not only was it a sign it was a warning to the emperor that the Huang family wasn't going to play his little games.

Many had felt bad for the prince knowing that that was his love his entire life. Few even showing him blatant pity for the loss of such an amazing girl. Not to mention he quickly became more of a hermit than anything else people rarely ever saw his face outside of mandatory banquets and events that required for all 14 princes to attend.

Daiyu blinked once more as she took in Aeri. Watching us the poor girls after her face drained of all colors her eyes darting around looking everywhere but at her father taking in the way that people were looking at each other. She knew that this announcement was a blow to a reputation more so than anything she could have ever done. It made her look disposable as if she was nothing more than a burden to her own family to the point that they would be willing to give her away to the outcast of the nobles.

ZhuZhu stood there blank face. Jade had to prevent herself from smiling as she knew for a fact that her poor friend was absolutely dying on the inside. If there was one thing that she always found interesting whether it was reading the book in her past life or from the memories that she has gained it was the fact that ZhuZhu had the skills to survive in the inner palace. She had the habit of when things were shocking too much or whatever it may be but she knew she couldn't react to it her face would just go blank. Normally this would be a tall tale sign for most people but for her it just made her look calm cool collected it even made her look even more innocent and beautiful so it was always such a surprise a shock when she was outwardly react to things throughout the entire novel.

The girl was delusional had Grand dreams of stupid things but she had potential. Before she could think anymore about ZhuZhu. Mr Huang spoke again. This time turning his body towards jade. He paused for a few seconds as he took him her appearance. Raising his eyebrows slightly at the elegant garment that she was wearing one that was more on par with a noble woman would be wearing on her down time then a mere Farmer's daughter.

"I apologize on behalf of my daughter Miss..."

Daiyu before lightly bowing. A graceful smile on her face as she looked up meeting his eyes. As golden brown meant dark brown it was almost as if the sheer sitement that was buzzing under everyone's skin intensified.

"Daiyu sir. And there's no need to apologize it was clearly just a silly little misunderstanding between the two of us."

He gave a Curt nod before turning back to his daughter. He said nothing but gave her a look that had her quickly leaving ZhuZhu's side. Standing next to her father and also giving a slight bow towards Daiyu. Soon after the father and daughter do a walked away heading back to the shaded area where Sana stood there waiting. A look that was a mix between awe and disappointment on her face. As her eyes kept filtering back towards Daiyu.

The garden was filled with buzzing energy as everyone's silently sat there and watched The family Walk away. Not a sound could be heard until the family was no longer in sight. The ones quiet garden was filled with women maids and gardeners whispering to one another about what had just happened.

Jade gave a smile to ZhuZhu as she walked over to her linking their arms together. Leading them over to a quiet spot to sit as the two girls sat there and conversed for the next 20 minutes.

It seems I accidentally published this as a chapter when it was supposed to be an author's note earlier so it's just like a really short thing but this is technically what chapter 8 is supposed to be.

Jades outfit

Sana ,Aeri and Mr Huang

Also a bonus of what Jiamei looks like.

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