Estelle and the Mark of Arach...

By Saiyan98

1.1K 31 13

[Artwork made by Tumblr Artist, Erabu-San] Disclaimers: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy... More

Got Bitten by a (Non-Radioactive) Spider!
So Not "Harpy" About My Ruined Trip
Percy Fought a Giant Pigeon at the Park
Runnin' With The Vulture and Her Friend
Sam Gets Her Epic Anime Moment
Surprise! My Brother is Joseph Joestar!
Sam Becomes The Eagle-Bearer
Sam has the power of God AND Anime?
I Gotten Myself in a Sticky Situation
About Sam's Powers (Filler Chapter)
Even My Doctor is Quite... Strange
Well Now I'm a Creep in Camp
I pulled a Tobey Maguire Moment!
Ghost Riders in the Sky
No Sleep in Brooklyn
Look, He Didn't Want to be a Half-Blood
Rooftop Rumble with Monsters!
Meet the Valdez
You Can't Save Everyone
I get a visit from Madame Web (Sort of, but close enough)
What's Up Danger, It's Your Girl.
Even Heroes Need Saving Too. And some parts I wasn't there for...
Justice finally arrives on Tweety Bird.
Bullfighting is a Family Tradition.
Author's Update: Good News!

Typhon, The Godfather of Monsters

25 1 1
By Saiyan98

Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.

Okay... I'm starting to regret what I said earlier.

Typhon... is a lot stronger than a normal human. While Percy and everyone are down due to the magic barrier surrounding us, I've been fighting Typhon by myself; after all, I don't have godly-blood. Still, for a guy who is weakened to a mortal-state, he packs a heavy punch.


His fist hit me and made me fly toward a metal pillar. I grunted in pain as I landed. Though, thanks to the Curse, I was able to endure that punch. But still, his punches are like getting hit by a truck... filled with bricks.


"Intriguing," Typhon said. "You're a mortal child, yet... you can withstand my attacks. Why is that?"

Panting, I wiped off the blood on my mouth and got up.

"Nothing special, just got bitten by a cursed spider."

Typhon chuckles and taunts me and I charge forward with Percy's sword. I tried to slice him by the head but he reacted quickly and dodged it. For a guy his size, he was quite fast. And add that to his durable body, he's almost indestructible.

I shoot a web at him, blinding him for a second so I can go behind him and stab him. But he was quick to know my plan. And unfortunately, my web is STILL not strong enough to last even more than a second before dissolving. Typhon ripped the web out of his face, turned around and grabbed me by the arm before I could throw the killing blow. He threw me over his shoulder and to the ground, hard.

"ESTELLE!" Percy yelled. I see him with the others, struggling to get up due to the magic surrounding us.

'Think, Estelle! You gotta get Percy and everyone up and in fighting shape! If you can get them back on full strength, you have a fighting chance,' I thought, but I was too stubborn to accept that I needed help. The echoes of Percy's words still lingers in my thought and it really took a stab on my soul.

Therefore, I have to do this alone.

I need to prove him wrong.

I have to.

I shot my web towards my knife out in the distance, I yanked it toward me and used it to stab Typhon on the arm. He grunted in pain and let go of me. I then shot another web toward his leg, making him trip. This was all part of my plan; after all, he's just under a pallet load of metal bars.

"Hey Typhon! Heads up!"

I fired my web shooters at the metal bars and yanked them down towards Typhon.


A bunch of the bars hit him and collided with each other, making a bundle of a mess. I took a deep breath, calmed myself for a bit. Just as I was about to turn around and help Percy and the others, my spider-sense tingled and I jumped to avoid a flying bar. It hit towards another pillar that was holding the entire construction site. As I get up, I saw Typhon walking out of the pile, dusting off any dirt on his shoulder.

He was really irritating me.

"Why won't you just stay down?!" I yelled as I charged forward again.

"I was imprisoned for a long time," He said as he continued to dodge all my attacks with Percy's sword. "I won't let this opportunity be wasted..." He attempted to grab me but I reacted quickly and jumped back to avoid his grab. "BY AN INFERIOR BUG LIKE YOU!"

He slams his fist down the ground and creates a shockwave that cracks the ground towards me. Luckily, I managed to jump out of the way, but as I rolled back up, I saw Typhon charging right at me and launched a punch at me.


I flew out of the site and into a tractor nearby.

"ESTELLE!" Everyone was yelling as they saw me fly past them.

Now, even though I had superhuman strength, that doesn't mean I can't feel the pain. And boy... that punch and then crashing towards a tractor was really painful.

I started coughing out blood as I was on my knees and hands. But I still got up, barely, and picked up the sword. As Typhon walked towards me, I wiped the blood again and chuckled, "For the record, spiders are arachnids."

Typhon grabbed me by the neck, nearly choking me.

As I gasp for air, I try to aim my web shooter at his face, but he learned from past mistakes and grabbed my arm as well.

At the corner of my eyes, I can see Percy and everyone still struggling to get up, but I noticed one person missing. Before I could even process the thought, I looked at Typhon and noticed a fast figure behind and did a kick to his head. Typhon lets go of me as he flies from that kick. I looked up and saw Sam, panting as if it took all of her will to make that kick.

"Sam?" I said as I coughed from getting nearly choked from Typhon.

"Stella... take Percy and get... out of here!" Sam replied as she kneels down. The barrier was still strong, even for her.

"The magic he's using... can give him an advantage against the gods," She said. "But they need Percy to break the barrier to enter Olympus."

"No way, Sam. I can't-"

"This is more important than your sibling squabble, Stella!" Sam yelled. "The fate of Olympus, no, the World, is at stake!"

Typhon groans as he gets up. The monsters surrounding us were about to jump in, but Typhon ordered them to stop. The monsters obeyed and stood down.

"Sam, come on! He's getting up and if we don't come up with a plan now, he's-"

"Stella! Listen to me! Forget what your brother said! Right now, you are the only one immune to this magic barrier. That means you're the only who can stop-"

Before Sam can continue, Typhon shoves me to the side and grabs Sam.

"Arrogant, time to put you in your place!"

He slams Sam down to the ground and pushes one of his feet down on one of her arms.


I heard a loud cracking noise, following a shimmering scream of pain from Sam. Everything around me just went silent as I watched Sam crying in pain. Time was slowing down for me as I watched my best friend fighting my fight. She wasn't even supposed to be fighting, she should be heavily weakened from Typhon's magical bracers.

No... she shouldn't even be here in the first place.

I was the one that brought her out here. When she should've been at Camp... safe and unharmed.

"SAM!" I yelled.

Typhon gets off of her and kicks her back to Percy and the others.

Furious, I jumped and punched Typhon really hard. Afterwards I picked up Percy's sword and quickly dashed behind Typhon and sliced one of his legs. As he kneels down, I jumped behind him and attempted to cut off his head, but he was quick and caught me before I could and threw me off him.

"You're getting on my nerves," Typhon said.

"I have a knack for that," I replied as I fired my web at him. I lunged forward and attempted to punch him. However, he knew I was going for and attempted to grab me once more. But this time, I dodged and kicked him, following with a slice from my sword to his face.

He grunted in pain as he now has a large scar on his face.

"You have no reason to be here, child! All I desire is Percy Jackson."

"Really?! Well get in line, tubby! You're not the only one!" I yelled.

I continue throwing punches and kicks at him, along with slicing and dicing with Percy's sword and my dagger. However, he's experienced in combat while also having quick reflexes and inhuman strength. Because of that, he has been toying me the entire fight. My jacket was tattered; blood dripping from my forehead; legs starting to wobble, I'm about a breath away from collapsing.

"Well then... playtime is over," Typhon said as he walked toward the Trident and picked it up. He wasn't even using the Trident's power the entire time.

I desperately attempted to attack, but I was too weak and collapsed on the ground. As he walked towards me, Percy suddenly intervenes and stands between us.

"Don't you dare touch my sister again!" He yelled. "You hear me?!"

I see Percy, barely standing with his sword (since his sword can magically return to his pocket). He was sweating since he's using all of his strength just to stand, let alone running between this fight.

Typhon smirked.

"Ah, but don't you see, Percy Jackson?" He gestured towards the group and saw the monsters surrounding them, threatening to harm them in front of Percy.

"I got you right where I want you," He smirked.

I cursed silently. I should've known this was his plan. Force Percy into a corner and watch all his friends and family suffer if he doesn't comply.

"Percy!" I yelled. "Get out of here! It's you he wants!"

"Ah but he won't," Typhon replied. "Because that's who he is. Percy Jackson, hero of Olympus, loyal to the end. His... fatal flaw."

Percy was having a shaky breather and his feet were wobbling. I can't see his expression, but I can tell he was panicking and frustrated. These monsters played us like a damn fiddle; even Annabeth and Sam weren't able to predict this.

"Let's make a deal, Percy Jackson. As a token of thanks for rescuing me from my prison all those years back."

Percy said nothing.

"I vow on the River Styx that my children and I will bring no harm to your friends, if... you come with us."

"Don't!" I yelled at Percy. "He won't keep his promise!"

"Ah but you're wrong, child," Typhon replied. "You see, once you make a promise on the River Styx, you must keep that promise. Or else, you will suffer a fate far worse than death."

"You're lying!" I yelled.

"No, Estelle... he's right," Percy replied as he lowered his sword. "You swear, you won't bring any harm to them?"

Typhon has his hands up and replies, "I swear on the River Styx that my children and I will not harm your friends; but, only if you agree to come with us."

Percy looks back at me; all I saw in his eyes was fear, anger and desperation. Percy has always been cool and confident as far as I can remember. He never showed me any fear on his face. He makes jokes (mostly terrible ones) and always makes me see the bright side in life.

Seeing Percy like this... hurts.


"...I'm sorry..." He said. He lowers his sword and agrees to Typhon's terms. "Fine, Typhon. I'll surrender. Just leave my family out of this." Typhon orders the Minotaur to grab Percy.

"Percy!" Annabeth yelled as she slowly walked up. It seems that the barrier's effect is slowly starting to fade. It may have a certain time limit before it runs out. I should've timed it, but I was getting my ass whooped by a weakened monster god.

"Don't! Go to the Auto Shop back in Brooklyn! Take Sam and Estelle to safety! I'll be fine! Go!"

Annabeth tries to go after them, but the Minotaur and Vulture already departed into the shadows. Typhon and Scorpion remain.

"We're done here, Scorpion. You may begin."

I didn't like what I'm hearing. Scorpion smirked and chuckled and yelled out, "Alright, Muchachos! Time to wrap it up!"

Suddenly, multiple armed men were coming out of the shadows, wielding guns.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"Heh, perks of running the drug business, chica," Scorpion said as he walked off with Typhon.

"You promised! You swore!" I yelled at Typhon.

Typhon looks back at me and glares, "I did... I swore that my children and I will not harm you. These are not my children; they're your people."

Okay... that was pretty dark... and messed up. Also, we're about to die.

Typhon and Scorpions walk away and disappear into the shadows as the men begin surrounding us.

Annabeth and everyone huddled close together.

"Any ideas, Annabeth?" I said as I held on to Sam since she's heavily wounded with a broken arm. Annabeth was silent.

"Annabeth? Sis?!" I called out, but she wasn't answering. She had this desperate expression on her face. As if she's trying to find a solution to get out of this situation. Then she spoke, "Estelle! Call Tempest! Have him break down that pillar over there!" She pointed toward one of the pillars the minotaur ram through earlier.

I nodded and called out Tempest.

Before the men could fire their weapons, Tempest flew past all of them, tripping them or pushing them to the ground so that they couldn't fire their guns.

Tempest neighs and appears in front of me.

"Tempest! Break that pillar there! Now!"

Tempest nodded and dashed towards the pillar, slicing it immediately. The entire site was starting to shake, making a loud rumbling noise. As the gunmen started getting up, they heard the sound and started to run away so that they wouldn't get caught from the pile of the building.

We would too, but Sam was wounded and the pegasi already left before the fight began. Annabeth ordered them too so that they wouldn't get caught in between.

"Hazel!" Annabeth shouted. "Use it! Now!"

"On it!" Hazel replied.

Suddenly, a large cloak of shadow engulfed us as the entire building collapsed on top of us. After that, everything went dark.

Author's Note:

Ugh, sorry for the cliffhanger, but it seems like the perfect place to do it. Don't worry, the next chapter will come soon. Anyways... A lot has happened in-between this month. First off, you heard of how my producer was found dead in his trailer recently? Tragic, but the story will continue; also, has anyone else seen that large bright light in the distance? Some said they heard it; felt it; taste it; even smell it. Probably my imagination but oh well.(TFS Buu Bits reference). Anyways, my editor finally got to read this chapter and he told me he had a crazy dream recently. Apparently he was in the movies watching one that was very similar to my story. When he realized that it was actually the story as a movie, he woke up. Why is this a crazy story? Because he read this chapter last night and realized it was the EXACT same scene he was watching in his dream, days before he read this chapter. Apparently he dreamt that this story was so good it became canon. Crazy story but shocking. Anyways, thanks again for reading and I hope to see you in the next upda-

TFS Nappa: *bursting in* I'M BAAAAACK

Author: WHAT? HOW?!

TFS Nappa: Dragon Balls...

Author: ...*deep breath* God... Damn it... Nappa...

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