Strike It Right (Louis Tomlin...

By CarolmSimon

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Did you ever fall for someone you know you shouldn't, Tried hard to fight your feelings but you just couldn't... More

Strike It Right
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
*Finale* Chapter 33
The Sequel : My Lucky Strike
The Soundtrack

Chapter 19

1.9K 41 1
By CarolmSimon

>>>>Louis< <<<
Navishaa wasn’t at the breakfast table and that can mean only two things: she wasn’t at her room last night or she’s feeling bad or still sleeping. I hope it’s not the first option.
…Not because that I’m jealous or something…please, jealous? Haha…
It’s because that she needs to think about today’s match and can’t…can’t…she has to be at her room and that’s it!
Anyway…we brought the paper to our room and I sit in the armchair and open it and find one article as always about our team just this time it’s not only about our team…

Navishaa Marie: a player?

This year’s League is full of drama like never before. It could even be a good story for a book or a movie. So what had happened now?
Yesterday our one journalist was having a dinner in one of the restaurants when he accidentally spotted a nice couple coming into the same restaurant. The woman was our beloved Navishaa but who was the man? You say Louis Tomlinson? Sorry but I have to say no. It’s Portugal’s forward famous player Cristiano Ronaldo. Oh my… the intrigue is getting bigger and bigger every day. Miss Brighton and Mr. Ronaldo ordered a bottle of champagne. What were they celebrating? Neither England nor Portugal won yet. So what’s going on here? We would like to know that either. Maybe they are planning something or maybe they just celebrated that they have found each other. Or another option could be…maybe Mr. Ronaldo is using weak woman’s heart and wants to find out about tactic of today’s match. It’s a possible thing also.

And now… another question comes up. Yes, Navishaa and Cristiano had a lovely dinner…but what about Louis? Where is his place in Navishaa’s life? After all he kissed her and I bet that he should be hurt right now. And if not…then maybe that all kiss was only just a big lie? Another puzzle for us…simple spectators. And then…what about Ronaldo’s girlfriend also? And her son… This relationship as I know is really not a lie. But then what Mr. Ronaldo is thinking? Is he planning to leave his almost family? As I’ve said…we didn’t have so much drama in any competition.
Anyway… these whole mysteries will make today’s match even more interesting. I don’t know if we will see lovely opponents’ relationship or a hard fight between those two but in both cases it will be sensational!

I laughed nervously…no…angrily. She was on a date with Cristiano Ronaldo?!
Oh no…that’s above everything.
“Just look at this.” I say angrily and throw the paper to Zayn.

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I rub my eyes and get out of my bed. I move into slippers and put my bathrobe on. I yawned and don’t even want to remember last night.
You will be going home… I remember his words and then laughed. We will see about that.
At the time when I raise my look Louis storms into my room all red from anger and I look at him confused but then frown angrily. He could at least knock on the door…
“So what are you up to now?!” he shouts angrily and throws the paper at me and I just look at him angry.
“Listen! You have no right to storm into my room, shout on me or accuse me of anything, understand?!” I shot him back and threw the paper back to him… I don’t even look at it.
“Oh I have a right to do that when my team is sold…” he says and with fire burning in his eyes and I frown.
“What are you talking about?” I asked confused.
“About this!” he yells, opens the paper and turns on the other page. He shows to me an article with my photo having dinner with Cristiano yesterday. I quickly take the paper in my hand and laugh nervously. Probably I won’t have a private minute ever again…
“So? I had a dinner…so what?” I ask confused.
“So what?!” he asks and laughs angrily “He’s our opponent, Miss Coach. And a serious one. Maybe what is written in the article is truth…who knows that…”

I just laugh loudly.
“It’s my private life and I have dinner with who I want and whenever I want. Nobody has a right to tell me in that thing.” I explain him slowly like to a dummy that he would understand.
“Then be happy because you were fooled once again.” He says and frowns. He gives me the paper with an article and I sigh and read it. With every word I frown more and feel how my heart shrinks inside me. When I finish reading the article open mouthed I nervously sigh and sit on the sofa. I cover my face with my both palms but then quickly remove them and laugh desperately again.

>>>>Louis< <<<
“He’s just like you.” She says with hatred in her voice and then my all anger disappears and now I only feel pain in my heart. I’m not like him…!
“Navi…” I say softly but she just turns her look down and closes her eyes.
“Out.” She says strictly and shows with her hand to the door.
“Calm down.” I try to make her softer but she just glares at me deadly.
“Out!” she shouts trying to sound tough but I hear that she’s hurt right now…
I just sighed and went out of her room and stopped in the corridor. I think for a second maybe go back and don’t listen to her and put her in hug that she would feel better… but then I remembered Jessica and sigh…
It’s only her own fault that she went on a date with him… Everybody knows that the real player is Ronaldo. I would love to crash his face today during the match…

>>>>Navishaa< <<<

I enter the changing room. It’s time for me to introduce my team to today’s match.
"Today is a tough game.” I start my speech and avoiding their look I look somewhere to the wall “But there’s nothing impossible all you need is just to relax and play football. Pass to each other, create and help to create chances to score goals and everything will be ok. If you play beautiful football but you loose you still are the winners.” I say to them and took a deep breath in
I’m in the corridor where the teams are already lined up with children by their side and for the last time I talk with Charles…probably it’s the only player to who I feel some respect.
“Okay… I will try to do so.” He says and nods.
“Thanks.” I say and want to go out to the stadium to my pitch already when suddenly someone grabs my arm and I turn around confused and nervous. It’s Ronaldo and I just frown and a wave of anger rushes through my body.
“Hey.” He says in flirty tone and with a smirk on his face. Don’t you dare talk to me!
I just faked a smile.
“Bye Ronaldo.” I say, turned around and got outside.-
I rubbed my hands nervously, beg to God that we would win today. If we could go to quarter finals then I will do…I don’t know what… I will do everything. I raised my head to watch the game

>>>>Louis< <<<
“I can’t look.” I hear Navishaa saying and I turn to her and see that she’s turned from the match and covers her face.
In a minute she moves her hands from her face and scared asks looks at Xavier.
“Goal?” she asks shyly but Xavier shakes his head and she sighs in a relief and turns back to the game.
I moved my look there too and feel how smile rises on my face.

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I turn to the substitutes’ bench and see only two options that could go… Louis or Vince.....great. Just great. I frowned and think what to do…
I closed my eyes and sighed nervously. I know that I will be sorry for that…
“Tell Vince to warm up.” I say nervously that he’s going to play but I don’t see any options right now.
I keep looking at the game when Vince passes by me and looks at me with victorious smile on his face.
Think what you want… but you’re going to play not because I’m afraid of you.
“Damn.” I whisper nervously and put my left palm on the mouth.
We really deserved to win. Otherwise it would be unfair not because that I’m the coach of England’s team…but we are better in this game.
Here comes another attack of us.…and the ball is with Zayn again! He shots again and…GOALLL!!!
“YES!!!” I shout happily and jump from my seat. I look at Xavier happy and he keeps looking at me smiling.
“We’re winning.” I say happily and quickly hug him. I need to share my joy with somebody!

>>>>Louis< <<<
I look at Navishaa and how she’s intensively following the match with her eyes. She’s jumping every time when we have a chance to score and covers her eyes when Portugal is in our side. And she raises such a natural and warm smile on my face and I can’t do nothing to shoo it away.
I have to admit that when Navishaa is not trying to act tough she’s really cute and nice person.
I looked sadly at the match and see how Zayn shots but the ball flies right to the goalkeeper once again…

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
The game with every minute is coming to an end and I already am counting the seconds. My hands and legs are shaking… We are leading 1-0 and if it finishes like this we will go further… to the quarter finals…oh my God… I think I will faint. Ha!
"The referee blows his whistle and the game finishes… I stood up from my seat looking at everybody and not believing that we did this… that we won against Portugal…

>>>>Louis< <<<
Everybody stands up from their seats and runs to the field to congratulate the guys in the field. They did a great job today and have to be very proud of themselves. Stadium is buzzing, our fans are full of joy. I just smile and ran in the circle of my team.
“We did this, guys!” shouts Charles and we all shout from happiness.
“But we wouldn’t be here without one person.” Says Gerard and we all look at Navishaa standing in the place where she was all 90 minutes and looking at us still not believing what she has done. Her eyes are exploded and mouth opened and I smile once again.
We all ran to her and hugged her in a circle. Who cares that she doesn’t like us, who cares that we don’t have such a great relationship… we’re one step closer to the final and it’s only because of her.

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I will cry… I really think that I will cry. I didn’t even dare to think about the moment that I will achieve so much… it’s more than I and everybody expected. They are all here around me and now I don’t care that I don’t like them. I’m happy that they are here and that we could share this happy moment together with all the fans celebrating in the stands.
I’m waiting for guys outside the stadium sitting on the bench and looking at the sky. Such a beautiful evening… at least the final part of the day succeeded for me. I hear how the stadium’s door opens and men’s voices appear in this cozy silence. But it’s not my team… that I know for sure.
I recognize Ronaldo’s angry voice and victorious smile appears on my face. I’m so full of pride right and I badly want to show him that but I restrained from this idea. I will be happy and because of that he didn’t play very well.
“Here you are.” Now I hear his angry voice next to me and I jump scared. I look nervously at him and grabbed my heart. He scared me so much.
Suddenly he roughly grabs my arm and stands me up from the bench.
“What do you want?” I ask angrily and try to take off his hand but he’s too strong for me.
“You humiliated me in front of the whole world.” He hisses to my face and I just fight with his look.
“Maybe you will learn a lesson that you need to play not make affairs.” I hiss him back and I see anger coming to his face and his hands starts shaking. He prepares to do something when suddenly he receives a push from his back and he unbalanced releases me.
“Don’t you dare to show yourself next to her.” I hear a man saying but I can’t see his face because it’s already getting dark but from the voice it’s Louis…I think. I rub my hurting place and look at those two.
“If you lost than be a real man and live with this.” shouted Louis to Ronaldo’s face and wants to do something more but a guy from Portugal stands betweens them and separates.
“Let’s go to the bus, Cristiano.” He says and drags that stupid into the bus.
I lead him with my a bit scared look and then sigh from the relief.
“Are you ok?” asks Louis and I quickly looked at him.
“Yes.” I said a bit awkwardly and took my all stuff from the bench.
“Really?” he asks and I nod a bit unsure.
I look at him and he keeps staring at me and I get nervous.
“I said that I’m ok, didn’t I?” I asked nervously and turned away from him.
“I told you that he’s stupid… he doesn’t even know how to treat a woman… he almost hit you.” He says and I swallow everything from my shrunk throat… it really scared me this time.
“Your team is no better.” I say to him nervously and then go to the bus.

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